The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 221: 220

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TW: Violence

"Are you threatening me?" Mark asked him, his eyes wide as he took a step back. 

"Let me ask you something else. You come here, in my house, stand proudly in front of me and indirectly call me disgusting, not only me but my lover too. You also called my mother a crazy bitch something that I only have the privilege of doing, so tell me, smartass, what did you expect?" Kai asked him, pointing a finger at him.

"I am just telling what's on my mind. No one feels comfortable with your relationship. It's disgusting!" Mark exclaimed. 

"Am I fucking you?" Kai asked, raising his tone and surprising the Beta with his words. "Why are you so concerned if it's disgusting or not? Do you wanna know what's on my mind? I would love to, really I would be ecstatic if I could just fucking rip your heart off right now." Kai threatened him, his eyes turning a bright red while his fangs appeared. 

"Do you want to give it a try?" Mark asked him, his long claws getting out, both of them preparing for a fight. Kai laughed, showing him that he wasn't scared at all. He didn't have a reason to be. An Alpha, yes that could be a fight but still he would probably win but a Beta? Well a Beta was weaker than a child in his eyes. He smiled at him, manically. 

"I do. I really do because you have been annoying me from the first moment you opened your mouth." The prince said. 

"Mark!" His Alpha called him, warning him to not do anything stupid and the man looked back, distructed by the sound of his voice.

"It's not a good idea to look back." Kai said and swung his fist, landing it right on his nose the moment he turned around. Mark stumbled back, blood coming out from his nostrils and he groaned, filled with anger before he launched towards him. 

"You fucker!" he swore at him as he rushed forwards but Kai dodged, making him fall forward from the force. He grabbed him by the back of his collar, raising him as if he was a toddler and threw him on the couch.

"Don't even try." Kai said as he wanted to end this. Fighting with someone who was lesser than you was never really fun, he just wanted to scare him, maybe he should cut off his tongue, make sure it never grows again so he wouldn't be able to bother him with his stupid words, that could be a good idea. "Lun, let's go… this place is…" he started saying when he felt someone grab a handful of his golden hair from the back. His eyes widened. 

"It's not a good idea to look back." Mark repeated his words in a snug way. 

"It's not a good idea to provoke me!" Kai answered him and grabbed his hand from behind his head, bringing the whole body of the werewolf forward and making him smack onto the harsh ground. The werewolf coughed, feeling his insides shutter with the collision. "You don't know when to stop, do you?" he asked him, kicking him on the face. "And look, no one is stepping in for you, everyone knows how stupid what you did was. Poor you, becoming a clown." he told him as he kicked him again, this time on his chest. 

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"Kai, let's just go." Lun said, approaching his friend and placing his palm on his shoulder. "You're ruining Philip's image that way." he whispered and Kai sighed, stopping his attack. 

"Your little drug lord friend came to stop you, you psycho!" Mark shouted. 

"How did you call me?" 

"A filthy drug lord." Mark repeated and Lun scoffed.

"Oh buddy, he is not the psycho, I am." he announced, looking at him with a twisted smile as he starting stepping on his head with force. The man was painted in his own blood, coughing and groaning, trying to get up, but Lun did not let him. "In this place we think twice about insulting someone, okay?" 

"That's enough. Stop it." Philip said. Grabbing Lun with his arm and pulling him back so he couldn't reach the wounded werewolf. "He learned his lesson, there is no reason for this to continue. Kai just go, I will come find you later." The Alpha said and his lover looked at him with a questioning look. Was he mad at him? He couldn't tell from his serious expression. Philip leaned closer, whispering in his ear. "Just go for now okay? I am not mad but I don't want people to step in and make things worse." he explained as if he had read Kai's mind. 

"Okay. Okay. Let's go ,Lun." He said and gave the werewolf on the floor a last look before his eyes landed on his Alpha. "Keep your people in check. I wouldn't know what would happen if they angered my mother. Treaty or not you are still guests, act like ones." He scolded him and the man bowed, silent. 

The two vampires exited the room, passing by Alloy who was standing close to the door. The woman bowed, looking at Kai with excited eyes and he frowned, confused by her expression. Every little thing that she did gave him the shivers. He realized and shook his head, walking away. 

Things had ended up pretty fine, except the little bloody mess Kai and Lun had left on the floor. Philip was not mad, that was the important thing he cared about the most so everything else was irrelevant. He would love to have him beg though, ask for forgiveness. It would be a huge event, breaking his pride. 

A big event indeed and maybe Kai would have created a plan to see it come through but he wouldn't have the time to. Tomorrow someone will die. 


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