The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 56: 55

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Kai took a step back. Suddenly the world didn't seem as idyllic as before. The light of the moon was cold and harsh and the chill of the wind somehow seemed to affect him. Philip's jacket fell off his shoulders and touched the tiles. The werewolf simply stared at him as he realized once more he had made him cry. This time it didn't seem to be out of happiness. This time he could see pain and anguish as he stared at him with wide eyes.

"Kai, listen to me. I want to help you. They are after you right? Tell me what I can do so we can get rid of them. Reina and Mika too, they will help." He told him. 

Every word he said sounded worse and worse in Kai's ears. He stepped into his room, an invisible line separating the two as Kai shook his head negatively. 

"There...there is no end. can't help me they…" he started saying when a sudden cough stopped him. Small dots of blood landed on the floor while a mark slowly appeared on his forearm, on his right hand. A black pentagram with runic symbols on the sides. Philip could not understand their meaning but he was sure it wasn't anything good.

"Kai? Are you alright?" He asked him, worried by the fact that the bleeding didn't seem to stop. Maybe he hadn't recovered yet? He wondered. He tried to touch his shoulder, do something to help him but Kai raised his arm, smacking his and forbidding him from touching him.

"I don't want to hear that word come out of your mouth. You don't know anything." Kai told him, his tone cold and serious. His lips had been painted red by the blood, his cheeks were tear stained but he had shit off any kind of emotion. "How did you find out?"

"You told me, while you were hallucinating." Kai rolled his eyes, annoyed with himself. Even if he didn't want to he somehow ended up showing his worst side to him, revealing his secrets. 

"Pretend you've never heard about it Philip. Just pretend it never happened."

"How can I pretend when I know you could be in danger?" Philip asked him.

"Because we are nothing to each other!" Kai shouted, losing his temper. "Fuck! You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. Simply walk out now that you can." Kai told him. 

There were so many things going on at the moment. If he started thinking about them, the Bloody People and the fact that they were out there somewhere searching for him he would eventually go insane. 

"I can't do that." Philip told him and walked inside. He stepped into Kai's room, reaching him, a serious look on his face while the vampire stepped back, trying to avoid him. Philip looked down at his chest. "This is a claw mark" he stated. "Where did you get it?" He asked.

"It's none of your business." Kai said but his voice almost sounded like a whisper. He couldn't speak loud, he couldn't always be cold, he simply couldn't keep his front in front of him. It was as if he could so easily see through his mask.

"Kai, let me help you."

"Hemp me with what? With the fact that your Alpha is after me? With the fact that your pack is out there killing vampires? With the fact that at some point I am so sure of it I will be asked to fight your people because you wolves have gone out of line or with the fact that my family and the Night…" it happened again. Every time he tried to mention them he went into a coughing fit, blood escaping his lips as he felt his lungs burn. Philip didn't know what to think, he wasn't very knowledgeable about vampire rules, he didn't know about the blood oath, he was clueless but for some reason he tried to convince the prince he could help. 


"Don't. Just don't, please I am begging you. Go back home Philip, forget everything. You and I will have nothing to do with each other soon." 

"What do you mean?" Philip asked.

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"I am with Soran." He told him.

"And you kissed me?" The wolf asked him, his eyes wide. 

"That was a mistake. That's why I am telling you that you need to leave." Kai said. Of course he had lied. He had rejected Soran two days ago. He couldn't simply stop his feelings for Philip no matter what he did. He wanted him though this time, in this life for him to be safe. He had to find a way and keep him away from him, from the people that were after him, so the past wouldn't repeat itself. 

"Kai…" Philip called his name. 

Kai's eyes widened as the sound reached his ears. He sounded so sad, as if he was drowning in sorrow. "Why are you so cruel to me?" He asked him and the vampire felt his heart tear in two. 

"Because that's who I am." He answered him and the werewolf scoffed, a bitter smile on his lips.

"I am leaving. I can't believe I wasted my time like this. You were right, there is no reason to put myself in danger for someone who will mean nothing to me in three weeks"

"Now you're talking." Kai said and watched the wolf walk out his room and jump off the balcony. He fell down and ran away the same way he had gone in. 

Philip didn't know why he felt like that. Maybe because no one had ever rejected him. He wasn't used to it. He wanted Kai and he was disappointed he couldn't have him. 

Why was he crying though? He wondered as he got into his car and started his engine. Should he be crying about something so small, something so meaningless? 

He didn't want to think anymore and he hit the road, stepping on the gas, blasting his music through the open windows until he reached the hotel. He just wanted to sleep, lay in his bed and simply drown in between the pillows until he had the will to get up again.

Unfortunately he wasn't able to do that. He entered his room, hoping for some solitude but someone was already waiting for him. 

"What is it Reina?" He asked before he noticed that Mika was there too.

"He asked for you." Mika announced. He didn't have to say anything else. It was clear what they were talking about. Mikain had asked him in his room.

Philip couldn't believe it. This day, everything was simply going to hell. From the start till the end it was getting worse and worse. It was so ironic, he thought and started laughing. His two friends looked at him, filled with wonder.

"You won't go, right? We can think of an excuse. We have until tomorrow night." Reina said.

"Oh, no. I will go" Philip told them, making them gasp.

"Are you insane?" The girl shouted.. "You can't do this." 

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