The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 59: 58

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Everyone seemed to be on edge. Not that he wasn't but after all this time he had learned to hide it a lot better than the rest of them as it seemed. After Philip had left Kai had decided to walk down, meet the rest of his friends but they all looked as if they were preoccupied with something and had no time to talk to him. 

It was late, morning was almost approaching but he couldn't sleep. He opened the front door, greeted a guard that kept watch there and walked out, stepping into the garden that Lun's mansion had at the side of the house. It was a very beautiful and peaceful place. With small peddles on the ground, covering the dirt and stone pathways in neutral colors he walked for quite a while, feeling the chill that came from the grass and enjoying the vibrant smell of the roses and lilies. After he got a bit tired he spotted a marble bench at the far back of the garden, close to the wall that cut off the mansion with everything else and he sat down, his head facing the moon.

He had been horrible to Philip today. He was aware of it but the truth was it was all for his own good. In this lifetime Kai had decided he wouldn't allow him to get hurt. He would not become his doom and if that meant Philip had to hate him he would be fine with it. The scar on his chest aches every time they meet. Not physically, it had healed a long time ago but mentally. It's a horrible reminder of the bloody battle that took place between them. A fight their kinds went through since the beginning of their curse, a fight Philip and Kai believed they would never have to face. 

They loved each other. That was the reason why they felt safe being with the other but Kai had broken that safety, shattered it into many pieces and he had betrayed Philip's trust. This time the man he loved the most wouldn't have to experience such pain, he was going to make sure of it. 

The moon had always been a cruel reminder of what had happened. As he was escaping Bloodbound he had raised his head, bloody and injured he had looked up, faced this distant grey and his heart had instantly grown cold. The moon had been the only observer of his betrayal. The only one who knew. 

Kai heard rustling. His head snapped to the side as he watched how a body jumped from the top of the wall and messily landed into a bush with its legs upwards. His blue eyes widened and he squeezed them trying to figure out who the invader was.

"We come in peace." Someone said and Kai watched a girl jump down with much skill, landing on her feet perfectly. 

It was Mika the one who had landed in the bush, coming out with leaves on his hair. Kai stared at him, trying not to laugh with the sight.

"What are you doing here, first Philip now you. Don't you get that this is dangerous?" He asked them, trying to hide how curious he actually was.

"That's what I've been saying." Mika mumbled but his friend elbowed him in the ribs, making him gasp.

"We came because we need your help." Reina told Kai as she cleaned her glasses with the soft hem of her shirt before she wore them back.

"No." Kai told them coldly. "You should better leave before I call the guards. You don't want to die tonight, do you?" He asked them with a wicked grin and Mika snorted, not liking his attitude.

"Finally showing your true nature." He told him and Kai shrugged his shoulders before he placed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. 

"I don't really care whether you live or die." Kai said.

"But you care about Philip" Reina said.

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"That's debatable." The vampire said and Mika snorted again. "Is there something on your nose? Do you need a tissue or are you slowly turning into a pig?" Kai asked him and Mika's eyes widened.

"This spoiled ass! I told you he wouldn't help us. Philip is in trouble and we came here instead of thinking of a way to help him"

"What's wrong with Philip?" Kai asked, immediately worried about the werewolf. Reina smiled, recognizing the emotions in his expression.

"Philip" the girl began explaining. "Has been summoned by our Alpha. He will have to go to his room tomorrow night. Mikain is horrible and perverted. He tortured the people he summons, it's horrible. Philip said he will go, probably because something happened between us but we have to stop it. It will be traumatizing for him"

"Wait, as in summoned. His Alpha wants to have sex with him?" Kai asked.

"It will practically be rape." Mika added and Kai's eyes widened. Had Philip agreed to this because he kicked him out? Was this his fault? The vampire couldn't help but wonder his involvement in all of this, the hurt he could cause Philip.

He had promised to stay away from him, he didn't have to go and stop him, because obviously that's what they wanted him to do but he couldn't imagine Philip going through this. Lun and Soran would be against it. It would be terribly dangerous and he could die all just so he would stop Philip from doing something completely idiotic. Kai could stay here, he should stay here but…

"Take me to him." 

"You didn't need much convincing." Reina said.

"What can I say? I am a man of the thrill." Kai said, recognizing how stupid he was. "I have to be back soon, I can't have them noticing that I am gone." He warned them and the two werewolves nodded.

"Thank you." Reina told him as she climbed the wall.


Hello! Please remember to vote and let me know in the comments what do you think will happen at the hotel? Kai is a bit stupid for going back there isn't he? What would you do?

Hope you liked this chapter and thank you for reading!

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