The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 94: 93

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His conversation with Lun and his brother did not last long. He heard things he already knew, how they should find a way to stop Moonshine, how Mikain was a threat and needed to be dealt with. He agreed with all that, killing the alpha was the solution to their very difficult but at the same time easy equation. The problem was that Kai had another math problem to solve and that was Philip. He had no idea how the werewolf would take the announcement. They wanted to assassinate his Alpha and even though Kai was sure Philip hated him, the hierarchy was weird in wolf packs. The Alpha's had weird powers that were usually considered taboo to use but if Mikain actually decided to do that, it was pretty possible that Philip would stand against them. An Alpha's official order was absolute, that meant no one could disobey, it was magic. 

The last thing he wanted was Philip to turn against him. He already felt uncomfortable, the pit of his stomach hurting while he thought of him, somewhere out there doing god knows what and returning to that furious leader. He wished nothing bad would happen, he hoped that he would be safe and while his friend and brother talked his mind traveled, worried about him.

"I will do whatever you want." Kai said towards the end of their conversation. "I will kill anyone you ask me to but Philip. I will not allow anyone to touch him." he announced strictly. Lun raised his eyebrows, showing his friend that he didn't really care. Kai wasn't worried about him, he was worried about the man standing next to him. His brother. He had a grin on his face, telling Kai that he would do whatever he wanted. "Xan…"

"Yes, little brother." 

"Don't you dare let the family know I am here and don't you even think of hurting Philip." he said and his older brother laughed. 

"Why would I do any of that?" he asked him, a cheeky smile on his face as he spoke. "I mean, telling our family you're here means that I will have to take you back. They are looking for you, you know. Mother wants to protect you. So why would I make your life easy? Also…I won't have to hurt Philip, they will, even if he and you make it out alive they will come for you and then…it will all be over. He will never know what happened, he will die, bitter and wondering why did his mate kill him, why did he have to die a second time because of him?" he said. 

"Xan! Stop it. Why? Why do you have to treat me this way? What did I ever do to you? You weren't like this." he screamed at his brother, his face filled with hurt. 

"Stop thinking about that stupid lover of yours and actually use your brain to think." Xan said, deciding to end their conversation there. He bumped on Kai's shoulder as he walked inside the motel, not even looking back once. The younger prince sighed, closing his eyes as he tried to calm down. Lun patted his shoulder, giving him a comforting look. 

"He will come around. I am sure. He will speak." he said and Kai scoffed. 

"I doubt it." The prince answered with a bitter smile. 

He had decided, after this heated one-sided talk with his brother, that it would be best to talk to Soran. He knew his friend was angry, he had been at fault for that so he walked up the stairs, playing with the key of his room before he knocked on his door. Soran appeared, not very pleased and even tried to close the door in his face but the prince placed his foot between the doorframe and the door, hissing as it hit his leg.

"Are you stupid?" Soran asked him, pulling him inside. 

"No." Kai said. "I want to talk to you."

"And that's a good enough reason to break your leg?" he asked him and the prince smiled. He was charming, the way he stood, the warmth in his blue eyes, the way he tilted his head to the side, looking at him.

"You can break my hand if you want to, my leg. I don't care, I just want to talk to you."

"Always dramatic." Soran commented and Kai shrugged his shoulders. "So what is it that you want to tell me?" he asked him. Kai sat down on the chair, crossing his legs as his eyes met with his. 

"About what happened before…I know I was wrong." Kai said. "I wasn't really thinking of BloodBound, of the things that we had to go through. In my mind I saw it as something that needed to be done. John one day he will kill someone, I just thought it would be better to get it over with and learn to live with it." he said and Soran frowned. 

"You don't know if he will end up killing someone. He is kind, I don't think he has it in him." Soran said and Kai smiled, his eyes showing a hint of sadness. 

"He may not have it in him but the beast? Once you get in this world you change. I hope John can stay the same, I really do but I don't think it will happen. We don't value life, deep inside none of us does because many of us wish to be dead." he said. A sigh escaped Soran's lips, this conversation was a very difficult topic. Murder, killing in their societies was something casual, something that you could actually get praised on. Kai knew how people changed, he had lived for long, in BloodBound and away and even though he had met kind people he always watched, he always noticed how once you step on that line, once you lose your humanity then it's over. Your soul decays. The thought of living forever has always been a curse, even for the ones who claim it as a gift. It was and will always be an excuse. 

"I want to protect him." Soran said and Kai blinked. He didn't expect that kind of answer. Soran was the same as him and Lun rarely showed any interest in other people. 

"He is innocent and he is trying  so hard to hold on to his humanity. I want to help him. I want to make sure he will never have to kill, that he will remain himself. "He confessed to me you know." The white haired man revealed with a chuckle and Kai's eyes widened, turning perfectly round. "I pretended I didn't realize it though." 

"That's unexpected." Kai commented. "Will you accept his feelings?" 

"It's his birthday tomorrow anyways. He will have to find his mate and I don't think I see him like that. He is so young, I don't know, I feel like we are very different." 

"Well, you never know." The prince told him. "Maybe you're his mate." he joked and Soran laughed. 

"That is almost impossible. It's really rare." he said and Kai nodded. 

"I know, it will also be hard for him."

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"Why? Isn't it a fated bond?" 

"Yes but with vampires it changes. It's weird actually. If a werewolf is mated with another werewolf or any other kind, which is also rare, the connection is genuine, you can immediately feel the pull from both sides but with vampires, who are their natural enemies it's harder. First of all the vampire doesn't realize the bond, you actually have to make them fall in love with you but in addition to that the vampire begins to feel a hatred towards the werewolf. It's almost as if it's their instincts going against it."

"So you're telling me you hated Philip at first?" he asked and kai laughed, shaking his head. 

"At first not that much, it was probably some kind of little competition we had, we met during the signing of the treaties in BloodBound. I was nineteen and he was soon to turn twenty. After his birthday though, every time I looked at him I wanted to punch him. It was hard for him." Kai explained. 

"Then let's hope I am not his mate." 

"Yeah, your punches do hurt like a bitch." Kai joked when the door of Soran's room was opened, revealing Lun. He walked in with a prideful expression, sitting on the bed right next to his white haired friend. Soran looked at the door, confused as to how he opened it but he didn't comment on it. 

"Hello everyone. I have an announcement to make." Lun said with a bright smile.

"And you couldn't knock?" Soran asked. 

"Well, you wouldn't be fucking. And I did hear everything you said so I didn't really care." Lun said and both of his friends rolled their eyes. Staring at him as they waited. "Ask me what my announcement is." 

"No." Soran said. 

"What is your announcement Lun?" Kai asked him, deciding to play along. Lun clapped, his face beaming with excitement.

"I am so glad you asked, because you see my dear Kai. Your brother, the crown prince, also known as Xan, kissed me." he said. 

"He did what?" Kai exclaimed, stunned by what he had just heard. Soran remained quiet, his lips parting like a fish. Surprised. 

"Yes, yes. He did kiss him. You see, I saved his life. I am such a hero and for that he kissed me."

"I don't believe it." Soran said. 

"What? Why?"

"This story has plot holes. First of all, how would you save a pureblood prince…"

"He had a wooden stick close to his heart and I took it out!" 

"And second of all, there is no way that Xan kissed you. I don't believe it." 

"Shut up, it happened. It didn't last long but it definitely happened." Lun said, a pout on his face. "Be happy for me." he told his friends and Kai laughed. 

"We are. Let's hope next time it won't be because you saved his life but because he wanted to." he said, throwing a tiny bit of teasing in his words and Lun scoffed.

"Progress is progress no matter what you say."

"I do agree on that but you see, we have a few more important things to do." Kai told them and the two men in front of him stared at him with a questioning expression. "To find Philip." he said with a sweet smile.

"That sounds like a you problem." Lun told him, mimicking his innocent smile.

"I'll kill you.." Kai groaned, threatening him with his eyes. 

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