The Tears of a Prince

Chapter 98: 97

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Kai had stated many times that he did not like the night time anymore. He wanted to avoid his own kind or any other supernaturals, he wanted to pretend like he didn't exist, or more that his nature did not. He pretended to be human, acted like them, lived like them. He had done that for so long almost forgetting that once he had been in love with the night. 

Almost. That was the key word because after they escaped death, the rush of the adventure, the strong hunger and the sweet taste of danger mixed all together. It was a sensation he had missed, hadn't experienced in such a long time that it hit him like a gust of cold wind during a scorching summer. 

The night was a temptress. The moon in the sky was the only one that would remember and the loud music would be the one that would cover all the lies. The darkness of the underground buildings hid the lustful looks and the naughty grins. Lun was having fun, Soran was having fun and Kai, well he was ecstatic. 

As his friends dragged him to one of the clubs he seemed to want to resist at first. 

It was always a battle. The wounded and broken Kai fighting with his vampire self. A spoiled prince who loved to have a good time. It had been like this ever since he had escaped BLoodBound, ever since he had denied himself the freedom of expression. He sat at the back of the club, the same as every time he had gotten out with Lun and observed the crowd, exchanging a few words with his friends here and there while they waited for their drinks. 

He didn't know anyone. Even though he was one of them he had never met them. He had never bothered with them and they did not concern him. As bad as it sounded, most people were irrelevant to Kai. That was why he would always make superficial relationships, he would always smile and greet people and then the next second he would forget their names. Lun had been his personal name reminder back home. At every ball, every gathering and meeting he would just nod and smile, his face that of an angel's before he rushed to the closest glass of wine. 

Right now though things were a bit different for the prince. He had to pay attention. He had to see through the crowds and the sweating dancing bodies. He could sense a few humans in there too. Those were the ones he was searching, the ones that had warm blood running through their veins, someone he could lead outside and finally eat. 

Lun was the first one to find prey. He was used to the hunt after all. He stood up and walked towards a very beautiful girl with long blonde hair and a pink dress. With no shame he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. The girl giggled as he led her outside. 

"Well that was fast?" Soran commented as he followed them with his eyes until they disappeared. The liquor tasted bitter in his lips, his eyes scanning the room the same way Lun had but he didn't seem to be pleased by the crowd. If Lun was the kind of guy that believed that anyone would do Soran was the exact opposite. The white haired man had taste. 

"Won't you go too?" Kai asked and he frowned. 

"I am not really pleased by what I am seeing. Half of them are semi conscious while the rest have taken drugs. Drinking their blood would just ruin my appetite." 

"It will ruin your appetite anyways. They are not your chosen human." Kai reminded him and he shrugged his shoulders, gulping down the remains of his drink before he got up. 

"This one will do." he said and pointed at a male waiter. He was wearing a bunny mask so his face was not really visible. Soran had found him looking at him a few times and his smile was kind of cute so he chose him. He raised his hand, tilting his head to the side with a cheeky smile and the waiter's eyes glistened with desire. "Humans…" Soran mumbled, seeing how easily he gave in and Kai laughed. 

His last friend found his dinner for the night and disappeared at the back of the club while he was seated on the leather couch still. 

"I should find something soon too." he reminded himself. After that they had to search for Philip. No matter how fun he believed this whole little game was and how much he enjoyed being with his friends, drinking he couldn't calm down as long as he knew that Philip was fine. 

While he thought of his boyfriend his eyes landed on a man. He was young, around nineteen or twenty, wearing a pair of big round golden glasses that stood before his big hazelnut eyes. He didn't seem to like being there, standing on the side of the room, almost stuck to the wall and hastily he drank his drink. He really looked out of place with his flannel shirt and old shoes. Most of the people here were half naked after all. 

As if he sensed it the young man turned his head, his eyes meeting with Kai's. The vampire smiled at him, watching how he took a step back startled, his cheeks flushing a faint pink. He was cute at least. He thought as he stood up. The prince passed through the crowd, making sure no one touched him because all of them were sweaty and disgusting and found him. 

"Hello." he told him, whispering in his ear. 

"H-Hi." the young man stuttered and Kai smirked. 

"You seem a bit uncomfortable, are you alright?" he asked him. 

"I don't really like places like this. The music's too loud and the people are…weird." he said, looking at his shoes. 

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"Oh, I can leave if you want. I wouldn't want to be one of those weird people." he told him, his eyes scanning his face. 

Kai didn't seem like the type who would do the first move at anything. His elegance, the softness in his appearance made everyone believe that he would simply sit back and wait, like a damsel in distress. The funny truth was that the vampire prince enjoyed hunting the same as every other vampire. He was mischievous and cunning, enjoying luring his prey. 

"No. no." the man said, raising his hands. "I…I didn't mean it like that. I am sorry." he apologized and Kai laughed, taking a step closer. He believed the unknown man would try to step away but he stood still, allowing him to get close. He placed his arm on the wall, resting there while he towered over him. 

"So, what's your name?" Kai asked him. 


"That's a cute name." he complimented and he blushed, averting his gaze. 

"T-thank you, you?"

"Kai. My name is Kai." The prince said sweetly. Mike was looking downwards, too shy to face him. Kai tilted his head, meeting his eyes and smiling innocently, making his heart flutter. "Want to get out of there?" he asked. "I think I can make you like places like these. If you come with me that is." he said. Mike's eyes widened, his lips parting as he took in a short breath. He waited for a few seconds before he nodded, Kai taking his hand in his and leading him outside the club. 

"Your hands are cold, are you alright?" Mike asked him as they walked outside.

"I am a little cold to be honest. Will you warm me up?" he asked him. 

Kai would seem like the villain in situations like these. Luring outside a young man, making him believe that he is interested in him just to drink his blood. Well, he kind of was but he was not planning to kill him, nor hurt him. That was why this whole thing was important. The more relaxed the person was, the more easily the poison would work. He wouldn't feel pain that way. If he grabbed him and forced him the pain would simply be too much. The person might not die from the loss of blood but many had died from heart attacks just because of the fear.  He didn't want that, he was in no mood to hurt anyone. Also he was not planning to do anything else with him than to drink his blood, his friend's though…he couldn't guarantee that. 

Kai led Mike to a dark corner. He didn't have to be as restrained as he usually was. The gray zone was usually filled with supernaturals anyways, that meant he could drink blood and actually not be scared that someone could see him. 

"You have really pretty eyes." Mike told Kai and the vampire smiled. He gently pushed the man to the wall, imprisoning him between his tall body and the cold bricks. Kai caressed his cheek, his thumb landing on his lips. 

"Thank you" he told him sweetly, his voice dripping with honey and Mike smiled. He carefully brought Kai closer and kissed his neck. It was a shy peck and the prince stopped himself from laughing. It was a good thing he wasn't that aggressive though, it would make things easier. 

Kai put his hand in Mike's rowdy hair, and turned them around. That way he would drink his blood and be able to look behind him, just to be sure that nothing would go wrong. 

Mike took a deep breath, his heartbeat reaching Kai's ears. His heart was going insane. Kai placed his palm on his chest. 

"Relax." he whispered to him. "Close your eyes." he instructed him and Mike did as he was told. He felt Kai lick his neck, his body shivering from the sensation and the prince released his fangs, ready to drink his blood when suddenly his dinner was snatched away. 

He looked up, seeing the young human being pulled back by a man. 

"What the heck are you doing?" Philip's voice reached him and Kai froze. 

This was the second time the werewolf was interrupting his eating time. 

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