The Thaumaturgist

Chapter 12: Ch. 12

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The Thaumaturgist (Chapter 12)




Elite Shade








Halso laid back on the cot, staring straight up at the ceiling. He had already made his one call to his Aunt, who had sounded furious with him for getting arrested. She had gone on for a few minutes about living up to the family name, and the proud orc lineage that he came from and how such stunts were far beneath him, before finally agreeing to come down to the Precinct. The orc looked over at his dwarven friend, who was chatting away with a Ukalant Goblin in the next cell.

"So I says to the bartender, "And just where am I supposed to put the drink!" Lotan said, roaring with laughter at the punchline while the midnight black scaled goblin with the glowing red eyes laughed, which sounded much like a hacking cough. Small smoggy puffs of black smoke drifted out as he laughed. The goblin's long scaly dreadlocks moving in a wriggling fashion, undoubtedly in search of coal for him to eat.

"Nice to see you making a new friend," Halso sarcastically called over. Lotan and the goblin both turned their attentions to him.

"Don't mind him, Belky," the dwarf said as he turned back to the goblin, waving a dismissive hand in Halso's direction, "this here's Halsie's first time in general lockup."

"I can tell," came a very deep voice from the diminutive goblin.

"Some of us don't make a habit of getting arrested, Lotan," the orc grumbled, "and especially not for attempting to bribe an official guard."

"Well I can't be blamed fer some of us livin' sheltered lives, now can I?" Lotan asked, derisively, "Besides, those were all mostly misunderstandin's... and one altercation where even I'm willin' to admit that I may have been quite out of line..."

"Was that the incident where you were arrested for indecent exposure?" Halso asked, the corners of his tusked mouth turning up slightly.

"You'd have to be a bit more specific there, but I maintain that those were all cases of wardrobe malfunctions and accidents as a result of me havin' too much fun," Lotan said, Belky sniggering.

"Oh, that's right," the orc said, sitting up, a full grin on his face, "it was the incident where you set yourself on fire at the opera."

"Yeah, that's the one. I mean, bein' in such a stuffy place filled to the brim with stuffy people, of course I was gunna get a little bored," the dwarf said with a grimace, "but yeah, I went way outta line, even by my own standards."

After a moment of semi-awkward silence, the two friends both started to chuckle, before breaking down into uncontrollable laughter.






The fog had thickened considerably as the day wore on. Daso had patrolled along the crenelations of the fort, able to see further out into the unnatural mist than the elven mercenaries could thanks to his binoculars. Presently he was looking to the west, leaning up against a post. Beneath him, the interior of the fort was a hive of activity as the construction workers continued with their repairs. He let out a sigh of annoyance and tucked a particularly stubborn lock of his long silky black hair back behind his ear.

"Something on your mind, kiji?" Daso looked to his left, the Kymanian, Zeb, leaning against another post nearby.

"Meh, I was just considering getting my head shaved, then I'd have one less annoyance," Daso said.

"I don't know of very many women who would be so quick to rid themselves of their hair," Zeb said, with a smile.

Daso frowned and quickly looked down at himself, before his attention returned to the limited distance that he could see, noticing yet another bright green flash in the distance.

"I can't really say that I know much of what women think," Daso said, "but I do know that the green flashes of light I've been seeing every now and again are signs that our friends in the woods are not simply being idle."

"So they're still determined to take back the fort then, kiji?" Zeb mused.

"Of course they are. They suffered some heavy losses so far, but having a rogue sorcerer, possibly a warlock, can be enough to embolden a bunch of dumbasses," Daso said.

"That makes sense to me," Zeb said with a grin.

"Am I correct in assuming that you have an idea on how to handle their next assault?" he asked.

"I've had a few thoughts. I've already set up a few contingencies, but those are mainly for worst case scenarios," Daso said before he pulled out a flask and took a swig. He then offered the silver crescent moon-shaped flask to Zeb, who took it with a thanks. He took a swig himself, his face scrunching up at the taste. He swallowed and let out a few wheezing coughs.

"Wh-What is that?" he asked, passing the flask back over to Daso who effortlessly swallowed another mouthful.

"Lull Pepper Wine," Daso said, taking note of another three green flashes, this time to the east.

Zeb let out a laugh and another cough as he looked Daso over.

"One could look at you and never know of your tough nature. They would simply see a delicate flower," he held up his hands at the sudden look Daso was giving him, "and they would be quite foolish for thinking so, as I am certain some have come to find out for themselves."
Daso looked placated, before resuming his watch.

"It does get a little annoying from time to time," Daso said after a few moments of silence.

"I can only imagine ," Zeb mused.

"Oh, trust me, no you cannot," Daso said, suddenly feeling a shudder.



Just Outside Pharanx...


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"A two hour wait! Can you believe this indignanty, Popalo?" Arono asked his sullen-looking donkey as he rode him, albeit slowly, down the trail towards the fort.

"I am on a mission for true love, to rescue the fairest maiden to have ever graced this world with her presence, and yet I too had to wait to be searched! Certainly the ferocity of my love for her should have been enough to warrant being allowed through right away. Or at the very least I should have been allowed to cut ahead to the front of the line!" the elf in the red linen dress shirt, also partially unbuttoned to reveal some of his chest, grumbled aloud. Popalo, being an ordinary donkey, said nothing and continued to trudge onward with his annoying rider in the direction he was being guided.

"Oh well," Arono said, smirking as he straightened the red feathered cap he was wearing, "when I arrive on my valiant steed to rescue my beloved from the clutches of the vile highwaymen, she will truly know the full extent of my love and affection."

"And this time, she'll be sure to acknowledge that she feels the same! Now, onward Popalo!" Arono said excitedly, the donkey still trudging along at the exact same speed as earlier. Arono and his mount were making their way towards the darkened clouds.



Back at the Precinct...



Halso and Lotan were both straightening themselves up as the dor to their holding cell was opened by Tietro, the elf frowning at the two who stared at him, as though appraising him.

"You two are free to go," Tietro said as he gestured down the dimly-lit hall.

"Thank you, officer," the orc politely said, his voice laced with venom. Lotan simply grunted and pushed past the guard, making for the door.

"That dagger had better not've gotten a single scratch on it," the dwarf warned as his friend followed behind him. They made their way out into the main hub of the precinct, stepping aside as three humans were led back the way that they had come, each screaming profanities. Lotan grinned while Halso winced. And then the two simultaneously stopped in their tracks. Standing before them were their aunts, neither of whom looked particularly pleased.

"Uh," Lotan started, "Aunty Gerdy, it's not what'cha think," he said to the older dwarven woman.

"Don't ya dare think that you can just talk your way around this screw up, Lotan!" Gerda's eyes blazed, turning a shade of amber that matched the silken pantsuit she presently wore.

"But it's all just a simple misunderstanding," Halso chimed in, in the hopes of building their case. His aunt, who was once again in an elaborate bright blue gown, a pair of silver rings inlaid with sapphires decorating her tusks, looked decidedly out of place in the general cacophony of the station.

"You do not get to defend yourself either, Halso," Sapha started in, waving the bouquet on phoenix lillies around for emphasis, making a number of people take several hasty steps back.

"I understand wishing to surprise a young lady that you are courting with a bouquet of flowers, it's actually quite a charming display of interest and/or affection. But not when the flowers happen to be deadly!" Sapha said, waving the deadly flowers around again.

"And you, Lotan," Gerda said, making her nephew gulp, "getting hauled into lockup, again! I know that you've been raised better than this!"

"Aunt Sapha," Halso began again, "after meeting with the charming young lady, I knew that no ordinary flower arrangement would have been best to show my interest. I needed to use something that she would have found both fascinating and useful. The alchemical properties of the petals alone are-"

"I don't want to hear it, Halso!" the orc found himself cut off by his aunt.

"The fact of the matter remains that, due to your irresponsibility, our family name has been besmirched by this entire incident!" Sapha lectured.

"This is all something that's been blown far out of proportion!" Lotan argued, before jerking a thumb at Tietro who was watching the exchange while also signing the discharge forms for the two.

"That there's someone else who's gone and got his eye on Daso," Lotan said, surprising the elf, "the second he learned that we had come a'callin' on her, that's when he was ready to bring us in! On suspicion of attempted burglary and vandalism no less!" Halso and Lotan's aunts regarded Tietro, both narrowing their eyes at him. He met their gazes and did not look away.

"There have been quite a few incidents lately of people attempting to break in or otherwise vandalize Miss Daso's shop. I was simply patrolling the area, and found two suspicious individuals carrying a bouquet of fire-starting flowers and a dagger that I was told was intended for the woman in question," Tietro explained in a calm yet confident voice. "And your nephew," he nodded to Gerda, "attempted to bribe me, as well as two more officers on his way to the holding cells."

Halso whirled on his diminutive friend. "You tried to bribe another two guards?!" he demanded, making Lotan snort derisively.

"I still maintain that it was worth a try," Lotan said, before his ear was cuffed by Gerda.

"Our family influence can only go so far, so keep yer trap shut!" she hissed at him.

"And so," Sapha said disdainfully as she looked Tietro once over again, as though appraising his worth, "you find an orc from a very prominent family, and a well-to-do dwarf, and assume that they're simply up to no good, rather than have them explain the situation before tarnishing their reputations."

"They were behaving in a suspicious manner," Tietro insisted.

"That is just like a lowly city guard," Sapha said with a sniff as she turned on her heel, "just make wonton arrests left and right and hope to find someone to whom the charge might stick to."

Tietro opened his mouth to debate this but Sapha did not let him have the opportunity.

"Better luck next time," she said before snapping her fingers and leading Halso out of the station, shortly followed by the two dwarves. As Lotan exited, he turned around and flashed the elf a very rude gesture, before continuing.

Tietro exhaled, letting out a frustrated sigh, before finishing the forms and properly filing them, not giving the orcs or the dwarves a second thought. He then moved on to his current caseload, opening up a file, and taking a swig from his mug.



Back at the Fort...



Daso was diligently working on a series of devices, all of which were floating brass pyramids that hovered exactly one foot above the surface of his work bench. The odd click could be heard coming from each one every seven minutes. He was currently soldering some wires in yet another one when Zeb approached him.

"I've been looking around the fort, like you asked, and I can confirm that the green flashes are still continuing all around at different intervals," he said, the specialized binoculars in his hand.

"And they're probably starting to increase in frequency," it was not a question as Daso said it. Zeb nodded, looking nervous. A light drizzle had started, forcing the construction crw to finish up wha they could before they had to retreat back inside.

"Well then, it's a good thing that I'm almost done with these babies," Daso said, affectionately patting one of the floating pyramids, making it scoot where it hovered over a few inches.

"What are they?" Zeb asked, looking at the small devices.

"These are a little something that I had been thinking about for a while now. Basically, they're like a mobile security system, but with a little added oomph." Daso said as he finished with the soldering, and then reached into his satchel, pulling out a small lime green egg, the size of his thumb, and set it in the center of the pyramid before closing it. After a few seconds, it to floated straight up and hovered, just like the others.

"So, they'll alert us of a breach?" Zeb asked. he tried to cup one of the pyramids in his hands, but some unseen force prevented his fingers from closing around it.

"Sure," Daso replied, with a smirk, "they'll do that... among other things."

"I suspect that they'll also do things that will make those besieging us regret their latest assault?" Zeb queried as he started to feel nauseous before stepping a few feet back.

"Oh yeah. They're gunna make those idiots out there regret not packing up and leaving," Daso said as the rain started to fall more, a flash of lightning nearby. Zeb smiled back.

"That, kiji, sounds like a good security system," he said, just before there was a roar from up above, and all eyes turned up to see several serpentine forms in the midst of the storm clouds, lightning dancing off and between their sky-blue bodies. The corven wyrms continuing their mating dance, ducking in and out of the clouds.

"Tonight's going to be one hell of a show," Daso said, pulling out his flask and taking another swig.






And that, dear readers, was chapter twelve! I hope that you enjoyed it!

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