The Throne Of The Dark

Chapter 1: Prologue

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The first vampire or the great Eilif has been called by several names through the centuries.

He has no enemies.

He has no weakness.

He has no desires.

He has immense power, enough to rival the gods.


He has a wish.

A wish that he cannot fulfill.

Living for 50 thousand years took a toll on his mind.

Now, all he does is find a way to fulfill his wish.

In a worn-out cathedral, located on the outskirts of the kingdom of Gorka.


"Finally, at last, I have found a way" the great Eilif laughed out loud.

Holding a Grimoire in his hands, he smiles inwardly.

'Now, all I need to do is find my successor who can withstand my power and then I am finally free, free from all this boredom.'

" Are you sure about this, Father? "

He snaps out of his thoughts and turns around to see his son and his family members standing around looking at him anxiously.

" What are you afraid of, my son? Don't you know that your father has only one wish in his life? "He asked.

" No, Father. I am not afraid. As your filial son, I will fulfill all your wishes that I can to the best of my abilities." His son replied.

"Come on, cheer up everybody. I know I am selfish. But, I am leaving the responsibility to find my successor in your hands. You are my children. The Grimoire can only be given to the successor by your blood. If he can withstand your power, then he can withstand my power." He said.

A small girl approaches him and looks at him with teary eyes.

" Grandpa, are you leaving us?" she asked.

Eilif smiled and patted her head.

" My sweet little Rose, how can I leave you? I still haven't found a good husband for you." He said.

" Wahhh... B-But I am just one thousand and eight years old. You should find a husband for big sister Anna. She is seven thousand years old and has not found a good husband." She replied.

She took a glance at her big sister while Anna glared at her.

Anna said, " Oi.. little girl. Talk more and you will find cockroaches in your bed."

"NOOOOO...Grandpa. Help me, please." She looked at her Grandpa with pitiful eyes.

"Hahahaha, I am going to miss your playful antics." He said.

His expression was solemn for a second before it changed to cheerful and energetic.

"Well, what are we waiting for?


Two thousand years later,

At the crack of dawn,

Two hooded figures are running through the town of Xena.

Several hooded figures are chasing them, they abruptly stop, and their leader shouts,

" Where the hell did they go? Quickly go and find them. We must get the Grimoire before the others find out about it."

"YES, SIR" his subordinates replied.

The two figures are watching this while hiding on the roof of a building.

They move away from the spot and sit down while gasping for air and looking at their wounds. Their bodies have been riddled with bruises and scars. They know their time has come to an end.

"What should we do now, Rina? he asked.

Rina looks at her wounds and clutches the Grimoire in her hands.

" We will do what we are meant to do, Archon," Rina said.

Archon was surprised and asked," We will find him, HERE, in this backwater town ?"

"Shut up, we don't have a choice. We cannot let them get the Grimoire we have safeguarded for years." Rina said.

Archon's tone became solemn" What if we don't find him here, then what? We will die here and they will get the Grimoire. "

Rina's face darkened for a second before her face bloomed into a beautiful smile.

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"We should visit the hospital. We can check whether the babies can withstand our power or not. This will buy us some time and we will be lucky if we find him among them."

Archon also smiled and then smirked at her.

"Wow, looks like you are not some brainless doll like they say...hehehehe"

Rina grabbed his neck and smiled but her smile was scary.

"We don't need your tongue to finish our job. How about ripping it out?"

Archon started sweating.

" I was just joking, Madam."

Rina let go of his neck.

"Let's go, if we wait any longer they will find our scent."

They enter the pediatric ward through the window of the hospital.

All the babies were crying but there was one baby who was peacefully sleeping.

Seeing this, they got surprised. Usually, human babies who are born cry but this guy was peacefully sleeping.

They walked towards the little guy and looked at his small face.

Their expressions turned serious.

Rina took the Grimoire and placed it on the baby's chest and started chanting. It started shining with a brilliant light.

Archon and Rina took a vial of their blood and opened his mouth. The blood dripped and the baby gulped down the whole vial.

Archon asked,'" Ummm.....Didn't we have to let the individual drink a drop of our blood to check the compatibility?"

Rina replied" I think we made a mistake. We should not have let him drink the whole vial."

Just as they were talking, the baby started moving around.

Both of them looked at him with grim expressions.

But the inevitable never happened. The baby burped at them and opened his eyes.

"Gugugu...." the baby touched the Grimoire and started playing with it.

Seeing this, their expression turned cheerful.

Archon and Rina looked at him with tears in their eyes and exclaimed" We have met his successor at last."

The name tag shone with the sunlight and they cheered" Long Live Darell Rogers, His Majesty".

They bowed to him and took out another vial. This vial had different inscriptions on it and the blood was dark red and had vapors coming out of it.

Rina took the vial and carefully placed it on the Grimoire. The vial broke and a drop of the blood went into the baby's mouth while the rest of the blood seeped into the Grimoire.

The Grimoire shone with numerous inscriptions and runes and shot towards his head.

Archon and Rina looked at each other and nodded their head. Their job was done.

They quietly jumped out of the window and ran to the outskirts of the town.

However, they were immediately surrounded by several hooded figures.

The leader smiled and said

" Please hand over the Grimoire and all of this will be over."

The subordinates smirked at them.

Archon and Rina laughed out loud.

"The Afanas Family knew the others will act upon their greed and jealousy and will do everything in their power to obtain it. However, we are not like you. We will fulfill His Majesty's wish even if we have to die for him to fulfill it."

The leader smiled and said" Very well, we warned you, and now you didn't give us a chance. Capture them. We need their blood for the ritual."

His subordinates pounced at them but before they could even move an inch, Archon and Rina took off their cloak and shouted


The leader panicked and shouted


Archon and Rina started burning with a red flame and within seconds, their bodies turned into ashes.

The leader shouted


"Sir, what should we do now?"

He barked out orders

"We need to report this incident to the lord. Let's go"

The hooded figures vanished without a trace of them left in the woods.

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