The Throne Of The Dark

Chapter 52: Old Acquaintances

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Alfith and Alfen screamed as they woke up from the nightmare.

Cold sweat streamed down from their foreheads as their bodies shivered but they looked around and realized that they were in a tent.

When they finally calmed down, they found Vylan sleeping beside them.

Alfith and Alfen checked his body for any injury and they sighed in relief when they found none.

Alfith asked, "Do you remember who saved us?"

Alfen shook her head and said, "No, I failed to see because my vision was blurry."

Alfith laughed a little as she said, "It's funny, the last person I saw was Emma."

Alfen grimaced, "Emma? That vixen?!"

At that moment, Vylan moved around a little as he slowly opened his eyes and saw Alfith and Alfen staring at him intensely.

"I-Is this the afterlife?", he blurted out.

He lifted his hands with some difficulty and wiped the tears from their faces.

"So, both of you followed me here. It's okay, at least we can be together this okay.", he said.

The twins buried themselves in his arms as they hugged him firmly and cried.

After both of them had their fill of crying and calmed down, Vylan smiled and said, "I have to admit, even when you are crying you look beautiful."

Alfith slapped him on the back of his head as she giggled, "Idiot! We are of course alive. Look around you."

Vylan looked around and asked, "How? Who saved us?"

Alfen smiled and said, "Whoever saved us has my gratitude but we have to focus on the important thing here."

She blushed and looked at him shyly as she pushed her lips forward.

Vylan saw that her hands were shaking and he smiled because he knew that her flirty persona was just a facade she built to cover up her shy personality.

He knew that she had to build a cover her personality so that the countless men and women who lusted after her couldn't know her real self.

He realized that since she was showing her real self to him it meant that she accepted him. So, he put his hand over hers and both of them kissed gently.

Alfith saw this and tried to escape but he held her firmly as she blushed and squirmed to get out of his grasp.

Alfen pulled away as she breathed heavily and saw her sister trying to run away. She sighed and said, "This is your last chance, sis. Either accept yourself or live in regret for the rest of your life."

Alfith stopped as she lowered her head and thought. After some contemplation, she looked at Vylan as the glint in her eyes changed.

She grabbed him and kissed him fiercely and pushed him down as she got on top of him.

She tore open his shirt and kissed his neck and chest leaving hickeys and looked at Vylan with a fiery gaze.

Vylan saw how she looked at him as if he was a lamb about to be slaughtered and honestly, looking at the craziness in her eyes scared him a little.

Because it was too drastic of a change in her personality. One moment, she acted like a knight who was only interested in training and combat, and then the next moment, she turned into a tigress in bed.

But, luckily, he was saved as someone interrupted them.

"Oh my! Such adulterous behavior!"

The twins stopped as their bodies shook with unconcealed anger.

Both of them looked at the person who interrupted their lovely time and screamed, "You Bitch!"

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Emma crossed her arms under her plump breasts and smirked, "What's up, Bitches!"

Vylan tried to see who it was but the twins covered his eyes and shouted, "Don't look!"

Emma grinned and said, "What? Afraid your little toy would throw his common sense and behave like a beast in front of me?"

Vylan grabbed their hands and reassured them, "I promise no matter how beautiful she is, my eyes will only be for you both."

As they hesitantly uncovered his eyes, he saw the girl looking at him with a disdainful smirk.

Honestly, she was a beautiful girl but that was it, he wasn't going to think anything else. Also, he recognized the famous silver hair and the silver eyes.

"You!" he pointed at her and said, "You are the girl of that boy."

Emma frowned and asked, "Space boy?"

Vylan nodded and said, "Some of the students call him that."

Emma smiled and said to them, "Get up and come eat your dinner."

She stopped outside the tent and turned her head to look at the twins and said, "You have got a good toy, keep him close."

After a few minutes, all of them joined the others around the campfire as they ate their dinner.

Eric and Darell introduced themselves to Vylan and looked at the girls who were chatting happily.

"So....." Darell asked Vylan, "Two girls, huh?"

Eric nodded repeatedly and asked, "How are still alive and without any injuries?"

Vylan awkwardly scratched the back of his head, "I...I don't know."

Darell sighed and said, "You are very lucky. Luke from our class thought he was a big shot as he was a count's son and got four girls romantically involved with him."

Eric drank the rest of his soup in the bowl and said, "After spending the night with one girl, he forgot that he had a date with another one."

Darell replied, "So, the other girl gets mad, searches for him everywhere, and finally stumbles upon him sleeping soundly with another girl. Do you know what she did?"

He gestured towards his crotch in a slicing motion.

The three of them shivered.

Vylan nervously glanced at the twins and said, "I-I don't think they would go to such extreme."

Darell shook his head and said, "Don't even think about it. Be happy with what you got. I got Emma and that is enough for me. I won't go to look for another girl and break her heart. It's just a stupid thing to do."

Eric nodded, "Yeah, Ariel is problematic enough for me. I don't want another one."

"Oh! I am a problem for you, huh?"

Ariel suddenly appeared behind Eric with a sharp object in her hands.

Eric fell on the floor and backed away from her in fear, "I-I was just joking, Ariel. J-Just a joke. P-Put away the knife."

Ariel laughed creepily and said, "Let me take care of the problem, Darling~~"

Eric ran while shouting, "Emma! Save me!"

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