The Thrones' Abyss

Chapter 154: (154): Alert Of Death Angel

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The knights went marching alongside with forest where was the possibility to catch smugglers and this mysterious Mr. Robinson.

Wilmore's horse halted near the thickness of the forest, posing on back feet, forelegs rose, neighed. Wilmore felt the pain in his heart and his vision blurred. He fell off the saddle. His heart ached and he could not fight it.

Hux dismounted and at the same time, strangers attacked them. A bizarre smoke was flooding out, terrifying the Knights horses.

"Protect the prince."

Nicolas yelled out, shooting a man who was releasing arrows to hit the prince. The rebellions expected them.

"Can you move?"

Asked Hux, but Wilmore was shaking.

"The smoke, what is this?"

The smoke was provoking his devil shade. His hands, his face, everything was changing. Hux was scared for the first time. Those fangs were growing, and Wilmore couldn't stop it.

"Eliot?" Cried out Huxley and Eliot dashed out for them after smashing a man down.

"Gods! What is happening?"

"Take him to lady Luna!" Hux had no other cure for him as long as the smoke encompassed his curse.

"Yes, help me make him on the horse."

The animal was horrified,  would not dare to carry a beast. Eliot wasn't sure how to make it out, hypnotized the animal. He grabbed Wilmore's right arm and with Hux's assist, they climbed up on the saddle.

"Give your silver dagger."

The prince desired, gasping, ice was growing on his skin.

"Wilmore, it can poison you."

"Give me that," the hoarse voice resounded. Being poisoned was better than letting the curse take his body, especially now that he had Luna.

Huxley unsheathed his dagger and

Wilmore was shivering exuberantly, Eliot scarcely could hold him. The prince cut his palm, devouring the bitter pain, his body heated and sweat beaded on his face, he dropped the dagger and slouched.

"Go, Eliot." His voice broke out faintly.

As the horse galloped ahead, Eliot broke the arrows that were raining on them, shielding himself on Wilmore. An arrow scratched his arm but he didn't stop, it could heal fast, quitting the pestering smoke that made his eyes burn.

Huxley returned to Natasha, this person, Mr. Robinson knew about their secrets or discovered later, his sister was in danger.

Reaching her, he saw her removing an arrow from her arm. He panicked as he saw a scratch on her neck, dragging her behind him, he broke the arrows.

"Stay behind me."

He let out the mist, to devour those men who had a perfect view of them and as he did, the turmoil started to lessen. 

"Bastards, how dare you aim us?"

Winston shouted, roaming out with his ax, he saw the shadows that were retreating. The knights drew out their bows and shoot them.

Rave bounced up, going up the branches, and moved forward, knocking them through upward, releasing arrows one after another. He jumped on branches and saw a man who was sitting on a horse. 

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"Who are you watcher?" He looked back at his fellows who surged ahead, dispatching the rebellions so he flashed ahead to catch this impressive one that was watching them above that hill.

Rave saw a horse and jumped on it, released the lariat from the tree, and used the expanding mist to catch the man.

On the road near the castle, Eliot gazed back. Some men were following and shooting them with pistols. He couldn't risk if those guns were loaded with human silvers.

He ceased and jumped down the saddle. Baring his sword, he flashed and hit the horses' legs. The animals cried and fell off the ground, mopping the snow from the dust.

"Eliot," Wilmore called him but his voice was low. He plunged off the saddle, his face was pale and he began to cough, blood gushed out of his mouth.

A man surged for him out of nowhere, his sword moved above and dove to seep in the prince's back. 

Wilmore turned on his knees with the last drop of strength that was left in his blood, hugging the man. His bronze dagger dove in his heart, while another dagger kissed the prince by the back right after that. He pushed the man and knelt. 

His hair landed on his forehead, his face drenched with sweat, tears rolled in his icy eyes, Luna's face while they were dancing played in front of his eyes, her laughter, her heartbeats, her scent, her lips everything could be a sweet farewell despite being short but let him taste warmth.

His head kissed the snow.

Eliot slew all of the men who followed them. He hurried for his prince, holding him, he was cold, "your grace, stay with me, please! We are close to the tower."

He picked him up, ignoring that everyone might notice what he was. He flooded ahead through the forest. The left tower was close to that route.

He stopped near the tower, it was Nemo's shift. Running ahead, he turned around the tower, many guards were there. 

"Library!" The word traveled in his head and he flashed to the garden.

Reaching the place that had fewer amount of guards, he kicked the door and prowled inside. The dwarf firmed but seeing Wilmore almost dead, forced him to just go to the door. He waved a hand as he observed blood stains and the drops vanished.

He didn't ask any question as he was the King's man, aware of everything related to him.

Slamming the door, he said, "We should take him to the king!"

"No, please, lady luna! His life is bounded to hers."

Gaven led the young man to the secret way, the vampire flashed up the stair in a blink and they entered the Lady's chamber.

Luna took her eyes off her maidens, after having dinner with them. The wall rolled away and they saw Wilmore's motionless body in Eliot's arms.

"Wilmore!" His name left her mouth, the world stopped moving, the gang of butterflies fluttered in her belly, and blood chilled in her brain.

"Lady Luna, he is dying. We must take the poison out of his body before we lose him." The dwarf notified her.

Luna found herself, however, her hands quivered, losing him wasn't what she could accept. She directed him to the bed and Eliot placed him there.

"Kate, Helena, bring everything we need, don't let anyone discover."

Luna rushed to Wilmore, began undressing him when she saw the dagger on his backbone, "master Gaven, can you take it out?"

"Let me bring the faeries potions, first we must get rid of the silver poison."

He clapped his hands and a box appeared above them, landing on the mattress. 

Luna neared her ears to his nose. He was breathing, she grabbed his hand and squeezed. His hand was as cold as ice.

"Please hang on, you should not leave me like this."

Her tears fell on his bloody hand. She did not want to let the devils have him, she couldn't hand him to the death angel. There were words that she wanted to tell him, she wanted to give him what he hadn't, wanted to know the real Wilmore, not the one they figured out of him.. Happiness, family, love, her body, and her soul, all were what she wanted to allow him to possess, she wanted to fight for him.

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