The Timeless Kingdom

Chapter 16: Harper – the night before I left

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As I lay on the couch, staring into the darkness, thinking about things – Lucas and Sarah Beth, getting to Citadel City without dying, what I was going to do when I got there, also while not dying – I heard rustling from Martha’s bedroom.

In what little moonlight was sneaking in between the gap in the window curtains, I saw a figure slip through the door. 

I thought it was Martha, maybe coming to tell me goodbye in private now that Harper was asleep.  My dick began to perk up at the idea.

“Jack,” I heard a voice say in a whisper.  It wasn’t Martha.  It was Harper.  I was surprised, and, wearing only my boxers, I sort of covered my stiffening dick, even though I was pretty sure she couldn’t see much in the dark.

“Yeah,” I whispered back.

“Are you awake?”

“Yeah,” I whispered.  I felt her come closer and sit on the floor next to the couch. 

“I couldn’t sleep,” she whispered.  “I’m too worried.” 

“Don’t be,” I said.  “Everything’ll be okay.” 

She was close, and she laid her head on my chest.  “I know we just met, but you’re the only connection I have to… Earth… I guess.” 

“I know what you mean,” I whispered.   

“Are you worried at all?” she asked quietly. 

“Yes,” I said.  “But I have to try.” 

“I know,” she said. 

We sat like that for a while, her head on me, me on the couch.  Until she stood.  I couldn’t see her, but I could almost feel her she was so close. 

“I want to give you something before you go, to remember me by, and…”  she trailed off.  “I just want to do this.” 

She slipped off whatever she was wearing and pulled the blankets I had over me back.  Then she carefully laid herself on top of me and covered us up. 

She was naked, and I could feel her smooth skin, warm and soft, covering every inch of me.  I could feel her soft breasts pressed into me, and through them, I could feel her heart pounding.  Her hair fell in my face, and she pressed her lips to mine.  “Have you ever…” she asked, barely whispering now. 

I didn’t want to lie to her.  “Once,” I said.  I didn’t mention it had been the night before.  “You?” I asked. 

“No,” she said.  “Not all the way.” She smiled, and the moonlight reflected off her perfect, white teeth.  “I let Tim Higgins put his hand up my shirt a few times, and he tried to finger me, but I wouldn’t let him.”

“Oh,” I said.  I didn’t want to tell Harper about my experience.  I didn’t think she would appreciate that I had lost my virginity to Martha the night before.  

She kissed me again, her breasts, small but firm, pressing into my chest.  Martha’s breasts had been large and soft, but Harpers were much smaller, the size and firmness of large peaches.  I ran my hands up and down her smooth body.

“Are you sure?” I asked. 

“Yes,” she whispered.  “I want to.  And I thought I would be doing you a favor and not letting you die a virgin, but I guess not.” 

We both giggled. 

“And I don’t want to die a virgin,” she whispered. 

“You’re not gonna die.” 

I kissed her, her lips small and soft under mine, her mouth tiny and hot.  We fumbled through it, and I realized Martha and Cythyne both had guided me while we kissed.  But I found Harper's tongue and gently circled mine around it. 

I held her petite body, light but firm, in my hands, then reached down and pulled my boxers down.  Harper reached down and helped me and pulled them off of my legs. 

We were both naked now.  She straddled me, her tiny legs on either side of mine, her skin as smooth as silk.  Her hair was all around me as we kissed.  I ran my hands up her tiny thighs and over her small butt. 

I could feel her everywhere, rubbing against me.  I felt her pussy rub against my dick, hot and smooth.  It took my breath away.  I’d never felt something so soft and smooth. 

“Did you like that,” she whispered in my ear. 

“Yes,” I panted.

Martha had been hairy, and it had been incredible, tickling me everywhere.  I had certainly liked it. 

But Harper’s smoothness was something else. 

“How’d you…” 

“Shave it?” she whispered again.  “They do have razors here, silly.” 

“Who would have thought.” I kissed her and felt her smile against my lips. 

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Her smoothness rubbed up and down my shaft as she lifted and then lowered herself.  Soon I could feel her lips parting, spreading wetness all up and down me. 

“Oh my god,” I said breathlessly.  “Harper…” 

She kissed me, open-mouthed and wildly. Then, she rose up, and the head of my cock pressed against her opening. 

Her smooth lips surrounded the head, and I could feel the wetness inside of her.  She kept kissing me, then lowered herself slowly down onto me.

There was a tightness against the head of my dick, a stiff resistance, and for a second, I thought I would hurt her or that she’d not want to go through with it, but she forced her weight onto me, and my cock pushed past the resistance, something giving way inside of her, and she slid down onto me. 

Harper buried her head into my neck, and I knew she was trying not to cry out. 

I rubbed her back slowly and gently and didn’t move. 

“You okay,” I whispered. 

I felt her nod against me.  “Just give me a second.” 

We lay there perfectly still, her whole body on me, her beautiful body surrounding me, her soft wetness gripping my cock like a vise, making me want to burst inside of her already. 

After a few moments, she kissed me again, then slowly began to move herself up and down, my cock sliding in and out of her. 

“Oh my god,” she whispered.  I kissed her.  “Oh god, oh god,” she said again. 

I put my hand on her hips and pushed her down, then lifted her up, faster and faster. 

“Wait,” she said, and I stopped, not wanting to hurt her any more than I already had.  She buried her head into my neck again to hide her embarrassment.  “Don’t cum inside me, okay.  Pull out, okay.”  She ran her fingers through my hair to let me know it wasn’t personal.  She wanted me, just not my cum inside of her.

“Okay,” I whispered. 

“I just don’t want to get pregnant, okay?  Not here.  Not like this.” 

I knew what she meant.  Not in this world where there were no hospitals, pain meds, or anything that modern. 

“I got you,” I said.  I kissed her.  “I don’t want that for you either.” 

She ran her lips over my neck.  “Thank you, Jack.”  Her lips felt wonderful on my neck.  “You’re fucking huge, by the way.” 

I laughed, and she clamped a hand over my mouth and giggled.  “Shhhhh.  We’ll wake Martha up.” 

I really didn’t want that.  That would be embarrassing. 

 “Can we turn over?” I said.

She nodded and rose slowly from me.  My cock slipped out of her, and I instantly wanted to feel her again.  She stood, and then I stood, then she laid back down on the couch. 

I could see her body in the moonlight that was sneaking in, her skin so white it was almost translucent, her pink nipples small and round, her tiny pink pussy glistening with her wetness.  She was beyond beautiful. 

I got on the couch and kissed her inner thighs, then kissed down to her pussy, working my tongue up and down it, tasting her slickness, forcing my tongue inside, finding more wetness there.  She ran her hands through my hair and pulled my face into her.  She tasted sweet and salty and clean and slimy all at once, and I never wanted to take my mouth from her. 

I wanted her more than I ever wanted anything. 

I laid myself over her, her small body smooth underneath me, and guided myself into her as she lifted her legs. 

She was like a velvet clamp, surrounding me, squeezing me, tugging at me.  I thrust into her gently, kissing her.  She worked her tongue over mine, and in an instant, I felt the pressure inside of my balls working its way upward. 

I thrust into her again, then again, the pressure close now, her tongue in my mouth, her hands on my arms, squeezing me. 

I pulled my dick out of her and rose over her with it in my hand.  She instantly grabbed for it, and she stroked it, the feel of her fingers and the sight of her naked body putting me over the edge.  I exploded, fighting not to groan with the magnificent release as she stroked me. 

Harper stroked me roughly until I was too sensitive, and I reached for her hand and held it.  She pulled me on top of her, my thick cum slick against our stomachs. 

She kissed me, working her tongue softly over mine, then biting my lips tenderly. 

“Are you going to come back for me,” she whispered. 

“Yes.  I’d never leave you here.” 

She held me tightly against her.  “Just don’t die.” 

I didn’t plan on it, but you just never knew.

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