The Timeless Kingdom

Chapter 28: Chapter 17b – Escaping in exchange for…

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Moda pulled her robe off of her shoulder, exposing her green skin.  “We are all alone here.” 

I gulped.  “I have to save Rhux.  I have to get out of here…” 

Moda pressed her green lips to mine, hot and sticky, and her sharp teeth stuck into my cheeks. 

She broke the kiss.  “I want to help you, Jack.  But I need something from you first.”

I was afraid to ask.  “What’s that?”

She pushed her robe further off her shoulder, exposing her large, green breasts.  Each one must have weighed twenty pounds.  They were dark green with thick brown nipples in the center of them. 

She stood, pulled the robe off, and threw it to the floor.  Her body was thick but not fat, her abdomen creased by the lines of her muscles, her thighs thick and hard.  In between her legs was a patch of thick wiry black hair. 

She pulled me to my feet.  My head came up between her breasts, my face close to her nipples.  She took my hands and wrapped them around her thick waist. 

“When I was a girl,” she said.  “I met a human boy.  I loved him, but my mother forbade it.”  She stopped.  Then she pulled me into her, her firm breasts squeezing my face, smothering me, her body hard against me.  My hand was low enough to brush against her rough pubic hair.  Then she put a finger under my chin and pulled my face up to look into hers.  “I’ve wanted to be with a human again ever since.” 

I didn’t know what to say.  

Moda’s red hair fell around her shoulders and brushed my face.  Her yellow eyes bore into mine.

She took my hand and led me to the furs on the floor, her thick green ass cheeks bouncing with every step.  She turned back toward me and looked me up and down.  “You are very handsome, Jack.” 

“Thanks,” I said nervously.  Was this really about to happen?  Holy crap.  But if this was the way to freeing Rhux, sign me up.  I’d take one for the team.  Maybe I could even take a second one for the team.   

I was already bare-chested, and Moda ran her fingers gently over my skin, tickling me, to my surprise, instead of scratching. 

She saw my expression, that I was confused by this. 

“I can be very gentle, Jack.  When I want to be.”  

“Gentle is good,” I said. 

She smiled, her thick teeth flashing at me.  She was actually pretty when she smiled.  “And rough is good sometimes, too,” she said.  

I grinned at her.  “Let’s try gentle first.  You’re a lot bigger than me.”

Moda ran her hand down my stomach and tugged at the waist of my pants.  Then she kissed me again, her mouth as hot as a furnace.  I opened my mouth to meet her lips, and she pressed her hot tongue between my lips.  It was hot as fire and thick and meaty, and I sucked on it as hard as I could while our lips ground together. 

Moda pulled at my pants while we kissed, and they fell off of me.  My cock sprang free, hard as a rock now. 

“You’re a good kisser,” she said as she pulled her mouth away from mine and ran her large hands over my body. 

“Thanks,” I said shyly.  She was looking me up and down like a piece of meat, and for a second, I was worried she’d take a bite out of me. Instead, Moda rubbed down my body until her large hand was wrapped around my cock.

She stared into my eyes, her yellow eyes flashing as she gently stroked me.  Then she kissed me again.

We kissed more as Moda gently stroked me, her thick tongue filling my mouth completely, while mine felt like it was alone in an underground cave when I pushed into hers.  After a moment of kissing, she took my hand and placed it on her ample breast.  It was like holding a giant water balloon, soft and squishy but at the same time perky and firm.  My fingers found her nipple, the size of a giant pencil eraser, and I pinched and swirled it between my fingertips. 

Moda kissed me and pulled me down to her giant pile of furs.  She crawled in, and I crawled in on top of her, eager to please her so she’d help us escape.  And eager to please myself now, too. 

“I’m sorry I smell,” I said, catching a whiff of my stink from being in a pit and fighting a guy to the death and everything that had come with it. 

“I’m an Orc, Jack,” she said.  “You smell fine.” 

I laughed.  “Well, ok then.”  I kissed her.  I was starting to like her.  I hoped she really would help us escape, but if not, then this wasn’t a bad way to die either.  Because if Urog found out about this, he wouldn’t just kill me, he’d rip me apart piece by piece. 

“Are you sure they’re all drunk,” I whispered as we kissed, Moda’s large body firm underneath me, her thick breasts pressed into my chest. 

“I’m sure,” she whispered.  “Trust me.  I wouldn’t take this chance if I wasn’t sure.  Urog would kill us both if he found out.” 

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking,” I said. 

“He won’t find out.” She took my face in her large hands.  “Make love to me, Jack.” 

I kissed her.  Fuck it.  Let’s go for it.  Maybe the faster I made Moda happy, the faster I could get Rhux out of here. 

I ran my hands over her large breasts, squeezing their thickness.  It was like trying to get my hands around two basketballs.

Her body, hard and thick, was under me, and I could feel her hot skin on every inch of mine.  My cock brushed against her hard stomach as we moved against each other.  She kissed me with her hot mouth over and over until my face was raw from her big teeth brushing against me. 

I moved down to kiss her breasts, sucking in her large nipples.  I bit one, and Moda ran her hand through my hair.  I bit harder, and she pushed my head further into her breast.  I probably couldn’t hurt her since she was so big and tough.  I bit even harder, and she moaned softly.  

She spread her legs around me, and suddenly, I was against her pussy, the thick, wiry pubes scratching at the head of my cock as it brushed against her. 

“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned as I bit her nipple. 

My cock brushed up and down her wet slit as I sucked her nipples, my head even with them, her neck and shoulders above me. 

Moda pushed her legs back further, and I could feel her wet opening sucking at the head of my cock. 

Might as well go for it, I thought.  I pushed my cock into her soft wet pussy.  Moda dug her fingernails into my back as I slipped into her.

Her body was hotter than her mouth had been, so hot it felt like it was going to scorch my cock, but it was also soft and pillowy and felt like lace wrapped around me.  Because of her size, around me, she was loose, but then she clamped the inside of her pussy down on me hard enough to squeeze me tightly.    

I sucked at her nipple as I thrust into her, her thick green thighs gripping me, pulling me into her over and over. 

“Oh, Elden,” Moda sighed. 

Elden.  Who the fuck was Elden?

Then it dawned on me.  Moda was back with her human lover, back when she was younger, before she’d been given to Urog.

I thought maybe I should be offended.  But I wasn’t.  If Moda wanted to be with Elden in spirit, then I was happy to oblige.  I was having sex with an Orc.  How many people could say that?  Nobody from my school, that’s for sure.  I almost bust out laughing, which would probably have killed the mood.  I didn’t care one bit that Moda was thinking of Elden.  I just wanted to cum and then get Rhux and get out of here. 

But I needed to make Moda cum first.  If Orcs could even cum.  The way she was moaning, though, told me she probably could cum and would be doing so very soon. 

I needed to help her get there. 

“Oh, Moda,” I sighed as I thrust into her wetness.  It surrounded me, burned at me.  She was so hot it was like her inside’s were on fire, just like Rhux had been. 

Moda had her eyes tightly closed, and I ran my hand from her breast to her face and put it on her cheek.  She grabbed it and held it there against her skin. 

I thrust into her, over and over, her breasts bouncing into my face, my mouth going from one nipple to the other. 

“Oh, Elden,” she sighed again.  “Kiss me where you used to kiss me.” 

I had no idea what she was talking about, but Moda pushed roughly on my shoulders, forcing my head down between her muscular legs. 

She raised her thighs up, her thick muscles bugling as she pushed my face close to her green pussy.  The lips of pussy were dark green and covered in her coarse hair, and the inside of her was muddy pink.  She smelled acrid and bitter, and for a second, I hesitated.  Moda moaned, “Please, Elden.” Then she grabbed the back of my head and pressed my face into her fleshy opening. 

My tongue found her pussy as her wiry hair tickled my nose and chin, and I drove it inside of her, hoping to make her enjoy this.  She tasted bitter and salty and slimy and gooey and a little sour.  But I drove my tongue into her and then sucked her pussy for all I was worth. 

Moda moaned loudly, and I was worried the female Orc that had led me into the hut would come running in and see what we were doing and then bring back Urog.  Moda moaned loudly again, but no one came running. 

I moved my mouth up her large pussy, it was at least six inches long and two wide, and I sucked hard, trying to find her clit.  I pushed my tongue around the folds of her lips, finally finding a small bulge deep inside. 

“Ohhhhhhh…,” Moda cried when I sucked on it.  “Elden! You’ve never done that before.”  

I wanted to laugh, but my mouth was full.  If Moda ever saw Elden again, he’d have to really bring his A-game. 

I sucked at Moda’s clit and then worked my fist into Moda’s dripping slit.  She moaned, and her legs clenched around my head.  “Yesssss!”

I pushed my fist in deep and then drew it slowly out of her hot pussy, the heat so intense it felt like it was burning my skin.  I pushed past my wrist, then out, then back in, as Moda moaned in pleasure. 

As I worked my arm in and out, I increased my speed until I rammed in hard as I sucked on her pussy, her pubes filling my mouth as well as her soft pussy lips.  Moda’s body tightened around my hand, and I felt an even tighter spot inside her.  I pushed my fist in gently until my knuckles bumped against the fleshy wall of her cervix, my arm buried halfway up to the elbow. 

“OHHHHHHH!” Moda moaned loudly as I pumped my arm slightly into her cervix, each thrust sending shockwaves through her thick legs.  “Ohhhhhh yesssssss, Elden!  You’re so deep!”

Her whole body spasmed and kicked, and her thick pussy gripped my arm so hard it felt like it was in a velvet vise.  I pushed through her clench and kept bumping my fist into the back of her pussy. 

“Ohhhhhh, yessss!” she almost screamed as something released inside of her large body, and wetness soaked all around my arm like it was leaking from everywhere inside of her. 

I continued to bump my fist against her until, panting and sighing, she dug her sharp claws into my shoulder.  “Stop.  Stop.”  She was breathing hard. 

I held still but kept my hand inside of her as her juice ran down my arm.  We stayed like that for a few moments as her body spasmed around me. 

She caught her breath slowly.  She was spent, but I needed to get her revved back up so I could cum. I wasn’t going to miss that chance. 

I put my mouth on her again, her hair tickling my lips and nose as I sucked at her. 

“Oh god.  Again?” she asked. 

“Mmmm hmmm,” I said with my mouth full of her green pussy. 

“You can have me any way you want me, Elden,” she panted. 

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I was going to take her up on that.  I gave her clit one last hard suck while I slowly retracted my arm from her with a wet sucking sound. 

I grabbed one of her legs, the muscles bulging under her green skin, and brought it over me.  Moda twisted her hips along with the motion and flipped over onto her stomach.  Her green ass was spread wide in front of me now, her cheeks so tight the skin stretched across them. 

Without prompting from me, Moda raised herself up onto her hands and knees. 

Her green ass spread wide, maybe three times as wide as me, both cheeks of her ass looking like tight green hams spread out before me.  Her green asshole winked at me, big and puckered like a green hershey’s kiss. 

Her hairy pussy spread open to reveal the wetness inside of her. 

I grabbed her hips, and in one motion, my cock was back inside of her, my arms spread wide like I was holding a barrel in front of me. 

“Oh… yes…” Moda said quietly as I sunk into her.  “Take me, Elden.” 

I did.  I thrust into her, feeling her hard green ass bounce against my stomach with every thrust, her pussy clenching me much tighter in this position than it had when we’d been in missionary. 

Because she was so big and her body so long, my balls banged into her hairy pussy, brushing against her clit with every thrust.

Moda threw her head back and forth, tossing her red hair around as she gasped.  “Oh, Elden.  Take me!  Take me!”

I grabbed a handful of her thick red hair and pulled it.  “Ohhhhh…” Moda moaned.  “Yes!”

I watched as my cock disappeared into her green pussy. 

“You like that?” I said through gritted teeth. 

“Oh yes,” Moda panted.  “I love it.”  I smacked her green ass.  Moda gasped.  “Oh!”  I smacked it again.  

I pulled her thick hips into me over and over, her firm ass bouncing against me each time.  I could see her breasts pushed out to the side of her chest now, spilling from underneath her upper body.  I pulled her hair harder, and she sighed. 

“Take me, Elden.  I belong to you!  Harder, Elden! Harder!”  I slammed into her over and over while Moda encouraged me.  “Take me, Elden.  Take me harder!”

I took her.  I took her as hard as I could, pounding into her for all I was worth.  I was so close to cumming, but I didn’t want this to end.

I had to slow down, though.  If I kept going like this, I was going to cum quickly, which probably was a pretty good idea, seeing as her husband was out there somewhere and could rip me in half.  But I slowed down any way.  I couldn’t stop myself from savoring this moment.

I slowed my thrusting, then stopped. 

“What’s wrong?” Moda panted.  I didn’t know if she was talking to Elden or to me. 

“Turn over for me,” I said. 

Moda pulled herself forward, and my cock slipped from her.  She arched her back and made a show of turning over and spreading her legs for me without another word.  I looked down at her green body and all its magnificence.  She was something else.  

I positioned myself between her thick legs and rubbed my cock up and down her green slit. 

Moda’s big hands wrapped around my waist, and she rocked her hips back, lifting her legs and spreading her pussy open for me to drive into. 

I rammed inside of her with one thrust, grabbing her thick tits and using them to pull myself into her. 

“Oh, Elden,” she panted, her eyes pressed tightly closed.  She was there, wherever she had been… with him.  “Oh, Elden, she’s making me marry him.  I don’t want to, my love.” 

“I know,” I said as I fucked into Moda’s beautiful green body, every muscle in her stomach as hard as concrete.  I ran my hands down over her tight stomach.  “I know you don’t, my love.  But it’s your duty.” 

“Oh, Elden, ask me to say, and I will!” she gasped.  “We can run away together.  Why didn’t you ask me to stay, my love?”  Her red hair was all around her, and she looked beautiful, this Orc woman who had put duty before love.  She had really loved Elden, whoever he was. 

My cock wasn’t pleasing her like my arm had, but I drove into her furiously anyway, hoping she’d cum again, knowing I would cum any second. 

“Stay with me,” I said as I ran my hands over her hard body.  “Stay with me, my love.” 

“Yes, my love,” Moda sighed.  “I’ll stay.  I’ll stay in these woods with you forever, my love.” 

I knew she was picturing herself in the woods with Elden now.

I held her waist tightly and drove into her softness.  “Yes, stay with me, my love.” 

She sighed deeply, reached for my hands, and took them in hers.  “Make me your wife, Elden.  Make me your wife.”

“Be my wife,” I said as I held her hands. 

“I want your children, Elden,” Moda said quietly, digging her fingers into my skin.  “I wanted our children,” Moda moaned loudly.  “I wanted you! Elden.”

I rammed into her harder, close to erupting now. 

I ran my hands over her tight stomach.  “I want to see you with our beautiful baby, my love,” I said. 

“Yes, Elden,” she sighed.  “I wanted to have our children.”

I dug my thumbs into her abdomen as my hand encircled her waist.  “Tell me, my love.  Tell me, Moda.”

“Yes, Elden, yes.  Give me your baby.  I want our beautiful children.  I want my husband’s half-human children deep inside of me.” 

I pumped into Moda’s green body.  What the fuck was I doing? Suddenly I didn’t care if we were getting carried away. I put my hand on her flat stomach. 

“Make my green baby,” I said to her.  “Make a green baby for me, Moda.” 

She opened her yellow eyes and stared into mine.  “Oh, Jack, we can’t.”

I pumped into her, my balls tingling so hard it felt like lightning was coursing through them. 

I clearly wasn’t in my right mind.  Moda’s body, thick and more muscular than female bodybuilders, yet soft and sweet as well, had my mind reeling.  Obviously, I wasn’t thinking clearly, but what was she thinking?   I had no idea.  She’d used my name.  “Let me cum inside of you,” I panted.  “Of fuck, let me cum inside of you, Moda.” 

Moda dug her thick nails into my hips as she pulled me into her hard.  “No, Jack!  You’re human.” 

I was overcome. I was lost in that brain that was between my legs.

“I wanna cum in your Orc pussy.  I’m gonna cum in your Orc pussy.  Tell me you want it.” 

Moda threw her head back, swishing her red hair all around.  “I want to so badly!”  She pulled me back and forth, driving my cock deep into her body. 

“I’m gonna cum in that Orc pussy!” I panted again.  I sucked hard on her nipples, trying to get her worked up so she’d tell me more.

“Oh, we can’t, Jack.  I want you to, but don’t.” 

I bit her nipple, and she cried out in ecstasy.  “Tell me you want me to cum in you.” 

Moda pulled me into her hard, then pushed me out, then pulled me back in, slamming me into her.  “I can’t, Jack,” she said between breaths as I thrust into her.  “You’re human.”

I didn’t care.  I wanted to cum inside of her hot, loose, green pussy.  “Say you want it, Moda.” I rammed into her harder and rubbed her clit with my thumb. 

Moda arched her back under me, pushing her breasts up toward the ceiling and throwing her head back, lost in what we were doing.  “Cum in me, Jack.  I want it.” 

Oh shit… I was a goner now.  “Tell me where you want my cum.  Tell me, Moday,” I gasped. 

She grabbed my ass, dug her claws in, and, in her gravelly voice, said, “I want it in my Orc pussy, Jack.  Spill in my Orc pussy.  Fuck my Orc pussy.  Fuck it.  Fuck it, you dirty little human.  Cum in my big fat Orc pussy.”

My head was spinning.  There was nothing in my mind but her and cumming inside of her.   “Tell me you’ll have a baby for me, Moda.  Tell me.”

Her hands pulled me to her, and she wrapped her arms around me.  She bucked her hips against me and met my rhythm.  “Is that what you want?  Get my Orc pussy pregnant, Jack.  Shoot in me, Jack.  Shoot in me.  Give me a human baby. I want your human baby inside of me.” 

Electricity coursed through my veins, Moda’s touch the catalyst, and I exploded inside her with a groan, feeling my hot cum shoot into her wetness. 

“Oh god,” I moaned as she pulled me close while my body shook, the release taking all the strength from me. 

I lay on her, panting until both of us caught our breath. 

When we were both breathing normally, like she was talking about the weather and not something that had been way more exciting, Moda calmly said, “We got carried away.”

I nodded my head against her tits.  “We did.  I liked it, though.”  One of her massive breasts was right by my face, and I gently kissed it.  Neither of us mentioned the possible consequences of our getting carried away.  “I liked it.  I liked making you happy.” 

She ran her thick fingers through my hair.  “I… I was somewhere else for a minute at first. I hope you didn’t mind.” 

I kissed her gently again.  “Not at all.” 

She ran her fingers through my hair more but said nothing else. Finally, after a few minutes, she gently nudged me, giving me a hint to get off her.  I slid off and laid back on the furs. 

Moda stood, every muscle in her body clearly defined. 

“Now you have to go,” she said, putting her robe back on.  She reached deep into the pocket and took out a key.  I was still lying on the furs, and she grabbed my hand and jerked me to my feet.  “Get dressed.  Hurry.”

I put on my pants and shirt quickly, then fumbled with my boots.  “But what about… us?”  

“There’s no time,” she said.  She smiled at me and kissed me quickly on the lips.  She pressed the key into my hand.  “This will unlock Rhux’s chains.  Get her and go.  With any luck, it’ll be sunrise before they notice.”  She kissed me again quickly.  “Goodbye, Jack.” 

She pushed me out the door. 

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