The Timeless Kingdom

Chapter 5: Cythyne

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When we were done eating, Cythyne looked toward the pond, the moons dancing in the reflection on the surface.  

“We both should bathe,” she said.  “I know I smell after today’s ride, and you still smell of ogre.” 

I looked at the pond in horror.  I wasn’t so sure I wanted to go into that pond, no matter how clear it was.  I’d seen ogres and centaurs today.  I didn’t really want to meet Swamp Thing.  Cythyne read my expression and laughed. 

“It’ll be fine.  There’s nothing in the water.”  She stood, unfurling her long horse legs, reached behind herself, and unclasped the leather bra she was wearing.  Her breasts fell free.  Well, they didn’t fall free, more like bounced free.  They were big and round and hung tightly to her like two firm cantaloupes.  Her nipples were as large quarters and pink as any rose I’d ever seen.    

She showed no signs of being embarrassed.  “Come one,” she said.  “You’re not riding me tomorrow unless you bathe tonight.” 

I think I wanted to take that more than one way.

I watched her walk into the water until it covered the lower half of her body, her horse body. The upper half – the human half - stuck out, and if I hadn’t known better, I would have thought she was just a beautiful woman going for a late-night skinny dip. 

“Come on, Jack,” she called.  “You stink.” 

I stood.  What was I supposed to do here?  Take my clothes off in front of her.  “Turn around,” I said. 

Cythyne giggled. “I’ve seen it all before.  You humans, are so modest.” 

“And centaurs aren’t?” I asked. 

She giggled and shook her head.  “We are not.  Our lower halves are naked all the time. Why should we care about our upper halves?” 

I wasn’t sure she had a point.  Horses didn’t wear clothes.  But maybe they should have.  So maybe she did have a point.  Now I was pretty confused.

But she was right about one thing. Humans were -most of us anyway - very modest.  I thought about the few times I’d been to Sunday school and heard about Adam and Eve, how they’d been naked in the garden of Eden before the original sin, and how it had only been after that, that they’d care about their nakedness. 

I wondered if this was like that.  Centaurs were supposed to be pure and noble.  Nakedness and embarrassment weren’t something they subscribed to. 

But I did.  I took my shirt off as Cythyne splashed water over her shoulders and chest.  Her very lovely chest.  I could see her nipples had hardened under the coolness of the water. 

“Just come on,” she said.  “I’m not looking.” 

She playfully covered her face and eyes.  It was now or never.  I stripped off my pants and underwear and ran. 

Cythyne looked up when I was about knee-deep and saw my dingleberries flopping all over the place.  I dove into the shallow water to hide, splashing her, and swam out laughing. 

“You weren’t supposed to look,” I said, wiping the water from my eyes.  I was chest deep, and she stood above me, her breasts only inches from my face. 

She smirked.  “I wanted to see.”

I blushed.  I could feel the heat spreading on my cheeks.  “I… uh…” 

Cythyne lowered herself onto her front forelegs and put herself lower in the water.  Now the water barely covered her breasts, the tops bubbling on the surface like two white globes. 

“I wanted to see you, Jack,” she said.  “Since you saw me.” 

I felt her hands wrap around my waist, and she pulled me to her. 

“I thought you said you weren’t modest.” 

She said, “Oh, I’m not.  In our land, in the mountains, we don’t even wear human clothes to cover our breasts. We only wear those when we come down from the mountains.  But you got to see me, so I wanted to see you.”  She bit her lip.  “I’ve never seen a human naked before.”    

I wasn’t sure seeing me naked had been all that impressive.  Her hands slid up and down my back, and they felt wonderful. 

She was staring at me now.  I looked into her beautiful green eyes.  Her hair was wet and slicked back from her face. 

She was gorgeous.  She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. 

Once, in junior year, Molly Greene and I had studied together a few times, and on the third or fourth time, we’d ended up alone in my bedroom.  My mom had been downstairs, always supervising me, of course, but it was obviously safe enough to let me hang out in my own room.  Molly and I had kissed, and she’d taken my hand and guided it up her shirt after a few minutes. 

Those kisses were quick and awkward.   

This was nothing like that. 

Cythyne kissed me.  Her lips were soft and supple and gentle, gentle and light, but also kind and sweet.  My knees went weak.  Then she kissed me fiercely, pressing her lips against mine roughly, opening her mouth, and gently flicking her tongue across mine. 

I wrapped my arms around her and felt her slight waist in my hands.  But the most impressive thing was that I felt her breasts pressing into me.

Soft and firm at the same time, they pressed hard into my chest.  We kissed like that for a few moments until she ran her fingers down my arm, took my hand, and placed it gently on her chest. 

My mind was completely empty at that point.  The only thing in the world was her.  I could feel her nipple under my fingers and instinctively pinched it.  Cythyne moaned into my mouth, her teeth brushing against my lips.  My hand was on her back, and I pulled her into me, pressing myself into her. 

I could feel my raging boner pressing into the soft flesh of her tummy.  She reached her hand down and gently took me between her fingers.  It was my turn to gasp.

“It’s getting bigger than before,” she said.  She looked mystified and delighted as she ran her fingertips over my shaft. 

I’d never had anyone touch me like that before.  She was stroking it delicately and driving me crazy. 

“Sorry to say I think it has reached its peak,” I said between gasps.  I was so hard it was hurting.  If the damn thing got any more blood into it, it would probably explode. 

“I think it is very nice,” she said and stared into my eyes.  I wanted to fall into those green eyes of hers and never leave. 

She kissed me, then kissed my neck, drawing her lips slowly up to mine again, then placed her neck on my lips, obviously wanting me to return the favor. 

I did.  I drew my lips lightly up and down the skin of her neck, kissing her and licking her skin.  When I got to the base of her neck, she stood, her body rushing upwards, putting her breasts even with my face. 

She held the back of my head lightly and pushed my face into them. 

They were as soft as two pillows but firm, like great big strawberries.  I kissed the skin on them, feeling their roundness with my mouth.  Cythyne lightly pulled my head to one side until I found one of her nipples. 

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I sucked on it and heard her gasp.  “Oh, Jack.” 

I sucked harder, listening to the noises she was making, biting it, sucking it, allowing her moans to guide me. 

I went back and forth between each one, taking turns sucking them and squeezing them, filling my mouth and hands with her soft flesh. 

I was about to burst.  One touch was going to put me over the edge. 

“Come,” she said, lightly pulling my face from her.  “Let’s lay by the fire.” 

I didn’t know what that meant.  Had I done something wrong?  Was she having feelings of regret for allowing things to go this far, what with Zoltares being her husband or whatever he was?

Cythyne walked out of the water and to the fire.  I watched her go, the skin on her naked back shining in the moonlight.  She curled her legs under her long, horse body and laid down next to the fire. 

I walked out of the water, not ashamed of my body anymore.  I was decently fit, I’d done some sports, some I’ll tell you about some other time, and I was a decent-looking guy.  I thought so, anyway.

Cythyne watched me intently as I came to her.  “Sit here,” she said, patting the soft grass beside her.

I sat, and she leaned her head on my shoulder.  Then without a word, she began kissing me again.  Those kisses were magical.  Soft and lush, her lips plump and firm.  I have no idea how long we kissed like that, but I don’t think it was long.  I was going to explode soon; I could feel it, and I wouldn’t have been able to kiss long.

I looked down, and she had me in her hand.  That part of me.  You know which one.  She was rubbing it gently again, like she had done in the water, softly stroking it.  I knew I was going to blow soon. 

Cythyne gently pushed me back to the ground.  I laid down, her hands on my shaft, then on my legs, then on my stomach.  I stared at the night sky.  The two moons were full and glowing silver above us.  I knew this wasn’t Earth, but right now, I didn’t want to be anywhere else but here.

“Watch me, Jack,” she said so quietly I almost didn’t hear her. 

I propped myself up on my elbow and looked down at her.  She was looking up at me, those green eyes boring into mine.  Her face was hovering above me, above my cock. 

She kept her eyes locked on mine. 

She wrapped her beautiful mouth around me. 

It was soft and wet and warm, and her eyes got big.  I had never felt anything like it.  It felt like wonderful and amazing and awesome had all rolled into one and enveloped me.  I watched my cock slide in and out of her mouth and felt her hand run up and down my shaft.  Those beautiful green eyes never leaving mine. 

Then I felt her fingertips on my balls. Gently squeezing. 

I felt the rush below my stomach building.  I couldn’t stop it.  I didn’t want to. 

“Cythyne,” was all I managed to get out.  I felt her fingers tighten, both on my balls, then on my shaft, gripping it so tightly I thought she was going to squeeze it in two.

I felt electricity building inside my balls and felt her tight grip.  Then she released my shaft, tightened even more on my balls, and I felt her warm mouth take every inch of me in. 

I exploded.  Cythyne’s mouth never left me; she took it all in, her tongue sliding up and down as my cum and her saliva ran down my shaft. 

“Oh my god,” I moaned.  Cythyne kept pumping her wet mouth, her beautiful, tight, soft, wet mouth, up and down my shaft, swallowing my cum, licking up the rest, sucking me more and more. 

Finally, I was spent. 

Cythyne kept her mouth on me, kept staring at me until I couldn’t take it, everything becoming overwhelmingly sensitive. 

“Wow,” I managed to get out.  She laid her body on top of my legs, resting her head on my stomach. 

“Cythyne-” She reached her well-toned arm up and gently placed a finger to my lips to quiet me. 

“Sleep now,” she said. 

I put my arms behind my head and stared at the sky.  What was this crazy place?


I woke during the night to her movements next to me and reached for her.  Her human half was close to me, her warmth hovering nearby, and I felt her smooth skin in my hand.  A shoulder, an arm.  I felt her fingers wrap around mine, and she placed the palm of my hand on her face.  It was smooth and soft, and I felt her press her cheek into my palm, then she turned and kissed my skin there lightly.  The fire had burned down, nothing but warm, orange embers now, and the moons had slipped behind the trees, their slivery light dulled. 

I couldn’t see much, and she moved away from me, but then I felt her breasts graze my stomach and lightly brush my skin as she dragged them down my body. 

Then suddenly, my cock was between them, stiff again for her.  I could feel their fleshiness squeezing me as she pushed them tighter together around me. 

I could just make out the top of her head, that dark, beautiful red hair falling all around me, tickling my skin. 

She squeezed her breasts around me, my whole swollen shaft surrounded by them.  I felt her warm saliva slide down between our skin as she spit on me to provide lubrication.

Cythyne slowly moved her breasts up and down my cock, holding her beautiful round tits together with both hands, squeezing my shaft between them.  Her skin was touching me everywhere and felt like heaven against me, so smooth and soft.

Then I felt her beautiful lips kiss the head of my cock.  It was light and sweet, the way you would peck an old friend on the cheek, and in that moment, I never wanted to leave her. 

Then she wrapped her lips around the head, engulfing it in her warm mouth.  My eyes rolled back into my head involuntarily as the ecstasy of her hot mouth overwhelmed me. She took it in, swirling her tongue around it, moving up and down, squeezing me with her breasts while she sucked me. 

I ran my fingers through her thick hair, not pulling it or forcing her, just feeling the thick lusciousness of it as it softly brushed against me.  I stroked her hair as she squeezed me, and her mouth surrounded me.  At that moment, I wanted to touch every part of her.

She moved faster, up and down, her nipples hard as diamonds brushing against me, her mouth all around me, her tongue running up and down me, then swirling fast in a circle around the head of my cock as she got to the top.  She’d swirl in around so fast it felt like a whirlwind, then plunge her mouth back down onto me, the tip of my dick bumping against the back of her throat. 

As she squeezed her beautiful tits tighter, I tensed, that feeling building one more time.  She felt my body go rigid and increased the speed of her movements.  Faster, tighter, swirling her tongue, then sucking my so hard it hurt… but also putting me over the edge, the extreme pleasure set on fire by the small pain. 

Cythyne felt my body reacting to her movements, so she sucked hard and up on my shaft until I popped from her mouth. Then, she pressed her breasts tighter around me and moved her chest up and down. 

“Yes, Jack.  Yes.  I want it.”

I exploded for the second time that night, my cum shooting out between her large tits, covering them in thick globs of cum.  Cythyne worked her breasts up and down me, smearing my thick liquid all over her skin, making her chest glisten in the low firelight. 

When her chest was covered in a layer of thick liquid, she giggled and licked at the tip of my cock, taking the little drop that hung on the end onto her tongue. Then, finally, she scooped up the cum that ran down between her tits, held it on her fingers, placed it delicately in her mouth, swallowed it, and licked the little bit that had run down my shaft. 

She laid her head on me again, and I ran my fingers gingerly through her hair until we were both asleep. 

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