The Timeless Kingdom

Chapter 9: Martha

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Her lips were soft and tender, and she brushed them gently against mine.  I pressed my lips into hers, liking her kiss's gentleness but also wanting to kiss her more urgently.  I felt her mouth part slightly and took her top lip between mine.  She smelled wonderful, even after a full day of work and the aftermath of the fight, and I knew I most likely smelled like a horse.

But Martha didn’t seem to mind. Instead, she kissed more slowly, sucking on my lip in return, opening her mouth and allowing my tongue to brush against hers. 

Her mouth was warm, and the way her tongue brushed against mine made me stiffen.  She moved closer until our bodies were pressed together, her chest pressing tightly against me.  I felt her fingertips running lightly up and down my arms, and I hugged her close to me, feeling her firm body in my hands. 

After a few minutes, she pulled her lips from mine but kept her face close to mine, her sweet breath tickling my face. 

She looked nervous and apprehensive when she said, “Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?  Instead of the couch.” 

I sure did.  I nodded, our faces brushing together. 

“Give me a minute,” she said.  She squeezed my arm and stood, and I watched her until she slipped past the curtain that covered the doorway to her boudoir. 

Holy hell.  Was this really happening?  She was at least twenty years older than me, maybe more like twenty-five.  And she was going to let me sleep in her bed. 

I really hoped that meant more than sleeping.  I had never… you know…  But Martha was beautiful and elegant, and although she’d mostly worn that homemade working dress, I could tell she had a good figure underneath it.  I thought about how stunning she’d been in her nice dress the night before.  And she was kind and nice and had looked at me the way I’d only ever could hope a woman would look at me.  Like a was someone worth doing this with.

Oh god, what was going on in this place?  First Cythyne and now Martha. 

I had no idea how long she’d been back there, but I heard her say, “Jack…” very quietly.  I stood.  “Blow out the candles if you please,” she said, again so quietly I could barely hear her. 

I blew out the candles and lamps in the living room and could see the glow of candlelight coming from under the curtain in her room.  I nervously pushed the curtain back and walked into her bedroom.

The room was larger than I thought it would be, and off to one side was a kingsized bed covered with a beautiful patchwork quilt and a few pillows.  There were two dressers in the room and another doorway covered by a curtain.  There was no other room in the house, so I imagined Martha shared this room with Harper or Harper slept on the couch.

Martha was standing in the middle of the room in a very pale, thin nightgown, the weak candlelight throwing shadows on her beautiful face.  She’d freed her hair from the earlier ponytail, and it now hung down past her shoulders. The gown was so thin that I could see her breasts.  And what breasts they were.  They looked soft and inviting, and the dark nipples showed through the gown like two Hershey's kisses.

The dresses she’d worn before, even the one at dinner the night before, had covered up her figure.  She had a fantastic figure.  She had a flat tummy and wide hips that ran down to her legs, which looked tight and toned from all of her work and were as smooth as glass. 

Between her legs was a dark patch of hair.

I’d never been this close to a naked woman before. 

“Come,” she said and reached out her hand.  I took it, and it was soft and smooth.  She led me to another doorway and pushed open the curtain, revealing a small bathroom.  There was a basin, a water pump, and something I took for the toilet, even though it didn’t look like a modern toilet.  There was also a bathtub, which Martha led me over to. 

“Please take off your clothes, if you don’t mind,” she said. 

I did not. 

Under any other circumstances, I would have minded, but since Martha was basically naked and about to make love to me, I did not mind at all. 

I stripped off my shirt, the one she had loaned me, then my socks and shoes, which were stinking.  I hoped that wouldn’t turn her off to the idea of me.  But she held them away from her face, playfully waved her hand in front of her nose, and said, “I’ll wash those for you.” 

I pulled down my pants and handed her those.  Now I was just in my underwear. 

“Those too,” she said with a wink.  “Everything needs to be washed.” 

I took a deep breath and pulled down my boxers before I could chicken out.  Martha acted like she wasn’t interested in anything that was now sticking straight up and piled my clothes in the corner.  Then she filled the basin with water from the pump and brought it over to the tub with a wet. 

“This’ll be cold,” she said smiling, “but we’ll dry you and warm you after.” 

I couldn’t wait for that. 

She dipped the rag in the water and began to wash me down, gently tugging my arms over my head and washing underneath, working down my back, scrubbing my chest, and dipping the rag in the basin when she needed to wet it again. 

Finally, she worked the rag down my stomach.  She brushed it lightly against my lower stomach and looked at me.  In the dim light of the candle flame, she smiled.  Then without a word, she worked the rag gently around my shaft.  I wanted to touch her so badly that my whole body ached.  She leaned down and worked the rag around everything down there.  I could feel my dick springing up and down when she pushed the rag over it.  She never touched it with anything other than the rag, even though I silently begged her to.  I wanted her mouth on me.  I wanted her fingers to hold me tight like Cythyne had done.  But she only used the rag.  When she was done, she gently pushed my leg over and worked it between and underneath, gently scrubbing my balls. 

“You need to be clean before bed,” she said. 

Yes ma’am.  Anything you say. 

Martha finished wiping me down with the rag, then poured the water from the basin down the drain, filled it again with the pump, and poured it over me.  It was freezing cold, but standing there naked in front of her, an artic blast couldn’t have softened me up.  

She wrapped a towel from a small cabinet around my shoulders, drying my upper body, then my hair, then running the towel down to my privates, then my legs.  At last, I was clean. 

Martha hung the towel on a small hook and extended her hand again.  I took it, her long, thin fingers warm in mine.  I was cold from the bath, and she felt as hot as fire. 

She led me back through the curtain and into the bedroom again.  She set the candle on a nightstand, smiled, and said, “Get in, Jack.” 

I didn’t have to be asked twice.  I slid under the blanket and between the sheets.  They were cool but soft, and the bed was firm.  I laid on my back, watching her. 

Martha stared at me for a moment, like she was gathering her courage, then crossed her arms, grabbed the gown, and pulled it over her head.

She stood there naked and allowed me to look at her.  The gown had been wonderfully see-through, but without it, I could now see that her breasts were heavy, heavier than Cythynes, and hanging lower with her age but not sagging. 

She climbed under the covers and lay beside me, her hands sliding up my chest.  I felt the soft fleshiness of her chest next to me and thrilled in its warmth.  I put my hand around her shoulders and pulled her to me. 

Martha laid her head on my chest and kissed me gently.  “I’m a lot older than you, Jack.” 

“That doesn’t matter to me,” I said.  She kissed me gently, then found my nipple with her mouth and sucked on it slowly. 

“I haven't been with a man in a long time,” she said. 

“Me either,” I said. 

She laughed.  “Oh really?” 

“Or at all,” I said. 

She looked up at me, her hair brushing against my bare skin.  She slide her hand down and rested it on my stomach. 

“What about a girl your age?” she asked. 

I shook my head.  I felt like I could be open and honest with her.  “Never.  I’ve never been with anyone.”  And I hadn’t.  Not like this.  Not all the way.

Her face filled with doubt.  “Oh, Jack.” 

I reached down and put my finger under her chin so she couldn’t hide her eyes.  “I want to, Martha.  I want to be with you.  You’re so beautiful and kind and…”  I wanted to say I loved her, but I didn’t want to scare her away. 

She stared at me.  “Are you sure?” 

“Very.”  I kissed her.  Her lips were soft, and they parted, and I gently rubbed my tongue on hers. 

I felt her hands slide up my chest, gripping my shoulders while we kissed.  I felt her heavy breasts pressing into me as she repositioned herself more on top of me.  I felt my cock pressing into her smooth belly, the softness of her making me insanely hard. 

“Oh, Jack,” she gasped into my mouth as she ran her hands down my body and took me into the palm of her hand.  Her whole body was hot, the heat of her making filling me with desire.  Her hand was small and light as she gripped me gently, almost timidly. 

I wanted her.  I wanted this beautiful, kind woman whose loneliness seeped from her pores and soaked into me.  I didn’t want her to be lonely anymore. 

Almost instinctively, we turned me on top of her now, holding my weight on my elbows as she slide her legs open and around mine.  I kissed her neck, running my lips over her sweet-tasting skin, then ran my hands up her body, taking a massive breast into each hand.  She gasped at my touch, then gasped loudly as my mouth found one of her nipples, then the other, swirling my tongue over them.  I bit them gently, and Martha moaned.  I held them, felt their soft firmness, and squeezed them. I never wanted to let them go. 

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As we kissed, she ran her smooth legs over the backs of mine, pulling me forward until I could feel her pubic hair, thick and soft, tickling my raging hard cock. 

My lips found her neck again, and I could feel my cock rubbing her opening now, soft and wet, her thick hair tickling the head of my dick. 

“Oh, Martha, I want you.” 

She reached down and grasped me in her palm, tighter this time, then pulled her legs up and back.  I felt her wetness open up.  She looked at me, and in the candlelight her blue eyes sparkled.  Then she pulled me into her with her legs and with one hand on my ass, guiding me inside with the other. 

She felt like soft velvet.  She felt like a warm, wet heaven surrounding me.  I moaned as I entered her, her body tight but giving way to me and taking me in so completely that my mind went blank. 

“Yes, my love,” she whispered in my ear.  “Oh god, yes.”  Her legs were around me, her hands on my back, her fingernails digging into my shoulders.  “Oh, yes, Jack.  Yes.” 

I felt Martha rocking her hips back and forth, and it got me going, in and out, plunging deep inside of her, the softness surrounding me with every thrust. 

As I thrust, her breathing quickened, and her gasps became louder.  I don’t know if it was me or just because she hadn’t done this in a while, but soon she was gripping me tighter, her legs digging into mine, her fingernails digging into my shoulders as she held onto me.  I felt something inside of her tighten, squeezing me so hard that I wasn’t going to last long. 

“Oh god, yes!” Martha screamed out.  Her body clenched down on my cock, hard and quickly, and I couldn’t take it anymore.  I felt myself explode inside of her, thrusting as hard as I could until I had no energy left.  We stayed like that for a while, her body spasming underneath me, gripping my cock tightly with every surge that ran through her. 

I kissed her, and she kissed me back, and then I laid my head on her shoulder and never wanted to be without her again. 

After a while, I wasn’t as hard, and I slipped off of her and laid on my back to give her a break from having my weight on top of her.  Martha laid her head on my chest like before, and our hands found each others, and we interlocked our fingers. 

I had no idea how long we dozed, but I woke to her kissing my neck, then my lips, then running her mouth down my chest to my nipples. 

I was refreshed and rejuvenated, and I wanted her again.  Apparently, she wanted me too.   The candle had burned out, and it was almost entirely dark now, but the two moons hanging in the night sky had everything outside lit up in beautiful silver light, and some of the silver light was sneaking through the gaps in the curtains. 

Martha rose above me, her body bathed in silver, her breasts jiggling as she threw a leg over me.  She supported herself on one knee, and one foot, then reached down and guided me into her as she straddled me. 

She was wet and warm and soft, and she surrounded me like I’d never experienced.  She gasp as she slid down my shaft, her womanhood not as wet as before but becoming so now, her body stretching to accept me. 

When I was all the way inside of her, she leaned down and put her lips on mine.  I ran my hands down her body, feeling the softness of her hips, the curve of her ass.  She was incredible.  Then she rose, put her hands on my chest, and began to move her hips back and forth on me. 

I held onto her hips, and since I wasn’t moving in and out of her, I felt her warmth, but it wasn’t overwhelming like before.  She gasped as she ground her hips into me, my cock buried inside her, rubbing some secret place that was overwhelming her. 

“Oh my god, Jack,” she moaned. 

I ran my hands up her body and took her heavy tits into each one, encircling her nipples with my fingers, pulling at them, tugging them, doing anything I thought she might like. 

She pulled my hands down from her breasts and placed them on her hips, and as she bucked them, she held my hands and pulled her hips back and forth with my hands. 

I got the idea, and soon I was pulling her hips hard, back and forth, as I watched her pull each of her breasts to her mouth and suck her own nipples, taking turns with each one.  I pulled her hips faster and felt her body tighten around me again. 

“Yes, Jack. Yes,” she moaned.  I pulled her faster, then put my hand on her butt, felt its fleshiness, and pulled her hard back and forth. 

“Ohhhhhhh,” Martha moaned as her tightness squeezed me, then suddenly she was much wetter inside, and she grabbed my hand in hers and squeezed so tightly I thought she’d break my fingers. 

Her body collapsed on top of me, and I liked her weight and the feel of her bare breasts against me.  She was breathing hard, her breath rushing out and hitting me in the face, smelling like mint. 

“Oh my god,” she panted. 

We lay like that for a few minutes as her breathing slowed down, slowly returning to normal.  I was still inside her and hard as a rock, so when she’d caught her breath, I started to move her hips again with my hands. 

“Here,” she said and climbed off of me.  “Have me like this.” 

Martha was on her knees and she spread them wide and then rested her weight on her elbows.  She wanted me to have her from behind.  My brain almost exploded.  I’d seen this in porn I’d watched, but to see it in person was something else. 

The silver moonlight cast her stretched-out body in an otherworldly glow.  She reached back with one hand and pulled her hair down over her shoulder, her back smooth and freckled in the light. 

Her ass looked like a heart, the two fleshy cheeks making the perfect shape as they narrowed to a point at her thin waist. 

I never thought I’d say this, but her tiny asshole looked sexy and beautiful, like a tiny star that was calling for me to jam my tongue inside of it. 

Below that, her pussy, poking through the thick, dark hair, looked pink and juicy, like something I wanted to bury my tongue inside. 

I must have looked too long because she said, “Get inside of me.” 

I didn’t need an instruction manual to tell me what to do next. I put one hand on her waist, reached down with the other, and rubbed my cock up and down her slit.  I found her opening and pressed myself in until the head of my cock was surrounded by her, then grabbed her hips with both hands. 

I slammed myself deep into her. 

“Ohhhhh,” Martha moaned.  “Yes.”  She put her head down like it was all too much, and I slide out of her, then back in hard again. 

“Oh god,” she moaned again.  I loved the sound of her voice. 

I grabbed her hips and pulled myself as deep into her as I could, her ass pressed hard against me, the thickness of it nice and soft against my lower abdomen. 

“Yes, baby,” Martha panted. 

I loved the sound of that.  I pulled myself out of her and slammed into her, over and over, until I was thrusting fast and hard into her, her wetness leaking down my balls and legs. 

Martha was moaning, and the muscles in her back were tensed so hard I could make out their outlines under her skin.  She reached up and pushed her hands against the headboard, pushing her ass back against me with every thrust. 

“Yes, baby.  Yes, my love,” she moaned. 

I pulled her soft ass into me and felt her pussy tighten around my cock again.  Deep inside of her, it was so tight it was pinching me, and I could feel my orgasm building, ready to explode. She had said nothing about birth control or pulling out or anything, and I’d already come inside of her once, but suddenly I was very worried about all of that. 

“What do I do?” I managed to get out between deep breaths and thrusts.  She seemed to know what I was talking about. 

“Spill it inside of me, Jack.  I want all of you inside of me.” 

I was in the moment, but that made me giggle.  In all the porn I’d watched, no one had ever said spill it inside of me.  But I guess that was how they said it here.

It didn’t matter how she phrased it, though. That’s all I needed to hear.  I pulled her soft ass against me and rammed as deeply as possible.  I felt her pussy clamp down on me so hard I thought she was going to break my dick in two.

“Oh fuck,” I panted. 

“Yes, baby.  Yes, my love.  Spill your seed inside of me!  Spill it all inside of me.” Martha groaned and pushed against me, and I exploded so hard against her tightness that my cock ached.  I thrust hard into her over and over, feeling the thick explosions of cum shooting inside her wetness. 

I pulled her ass up against me and held it there while the last little bit of my cum shot into her.  Then I draped myself over her back, kissing her neck and reaching under her to rub her breasts.  I rolled off and collapsed on the bed, and she collapsed next to me. 

She ran her hand over my cheek, and we looked at each other. 

“I think I love you,” I said. 

She kissed me lightly on the lips.  “I love you, too, Jack.  Now sleep.” 


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