The Transmigrated Pharmacist’s Counterattack

Chapter 3: 3

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TTPC Ch. 3: Switching Rooms

If the pharmacopoeia only recorded the medicinal materials on Fengtian, then at most it would just be considered a book that helped Lin Yi expand his knowledge, but right now it was able to automatically list treatment prescriptions according to the symptoms of a patient, which was a far cry from ordinary ancient books.

In other words, with it, Lin Yi could become an omnipotent pharmacist and doctor.

He could treat any patient standing in front of him.

……Of course, this was under the premise that he unlocked the entire pharmacopoeia and all the prescriptions inside it.

Lin Yi’s breathing quickened. Whatever kind of mood it was to feel about getting rich overnight, he was feeling it now.

In the land of Fengtian, the most crucial reason why pharmacists were respected was because of the Spirit Awakening Water and the prescription for the Spirit Awakening Water had always been controlled by the Pharmacists Hall!

Now he had more abundant prescriptions in his hand than in the Pharmacists Hall, including the Spirit Awakening Water prescription. If they could be taken out and used, would he still be worried about not being able to find a foothold in this new world?

However, Lin Yi also knew that if this matter was discovered by outsiders, what would happen to him was completely unpredictable.

And as of now, only a little bit of the pharmacopoeia could be used. He was unable to open prescriptions that were above the Spiritualist Realm, and each precise prescription also required spiritual energy, but right now he was just an ordinary person with no spiritual energy available to use for the pharmacopoeia.

It was an unoccupied mountain of treasure with no way to use the wealth inside.

Lin Yi let out an inward sigh and his joyous mood slowly cooled down. Even though he now knew that he had such a treasure at hand, there was still no way to solve his current predicament. It was depressing.


“Is that waste awake?”

“Responding to the Third Master, he has woken up. Just a moment ago he was putting on an act in the house to cry out for help, but after he found out no one was paying any attention to him, he quieted down. He must be trying to play tricks again to escape.”

Suddenly someone outside spoke, and Lin Yi realized that it was not that no one heard his call for help, but that those people deliberately ignored it!

He still had lingering fears over the unbearable pain from just before, but now after hearing those words, his heart surged with anger.

The door was pushed open with a bang, and Lin Yi turned his head. Unfortunately, he could see nothing but darkness. He could only hear the footsteps heading toward him.

“Get up and obediently follow me to see the Patriarch! If you dare to play tricks again, I, your father1, will break your legs, drive you out, and leave you for dead!”

Lin Yi frowned and coldly ‘looked’ toward the person who came. A person who matched this voice automatically appeared in his mind, it was the biological father of the original owner, Lin Jintian. Lin Jintian was the third grandson of the Lin Family’s Patriarch, but because he did not have the talent to become a pharmacist, he did not take up duty in the Pharmacists Hall. He was just an ordinary cultivator of the Spiritualist Realm, an unimportant person in charge of running and looking after the Lin Family’s shop, getting by without many achievements.

When the original owner revealed his talent for being a pharmacist as a child, Lin Jintian valued his son very much and pinned all his hopes of bringing about a change in his own fortune on the original owner. However, when the original owner became blind and was no longer able to become a pharmacist, Lin Jintian vented his anger on him, giving him several beatings and scoldings, before later abandoning the original owner to his current remote courtyard to fend for himself. It was likely that if it weren’t for someone barely considered to be a servant looking after him, the original owner would have starved to death long ago.

“Still not quickly getting up? Are you wanting to wait for me to serve you?!” Lin Jintian spoke angrily when he saw Lin Yi was slow to move.

Lin Jintian hadn’t come to this courtyard in a very long time, only deigning to come here now that Lin Yi was about to be married off to the Pei Family. Because of this matter, he has been treated much better at home these days whereas he wasn’t previously. After being summoned by the Patriarch several times, other people have begun to look at him with much more respect, making Lin Jintian feel very complacent these past few days.

Who knew that Lin Yi would dare to attempt suicide by throwing himself into a pond and suddenly make him a laughingstock in the face of others. If it were not for him thinking Lin Yi was still useful, Lin Jintian would have already come to strangle this son to death himself. Seeing that Lin Yi still wasn’t moving to climb out of bed after so long, his fury surged and he violently kicked the bed with a curse, eyes full of hostility.

“Can’t get up. I’m sick and my limbs are weak.” Lin Yi responded frostily.

Lin Jintain’s fury escalated, “What are you talking about?! Hurry and get up!”

Lin Yi didn’t move, he just ‘looked’ toward him coldly.

In his anger, Lin Jintian’s momentum as a person of the Spiritualist Realm began to oppress Lin Yi, making him very uncomfortable. Despite this, Lin Yi still did not intend to compromise.

He was not the original owner and would not allow Lin Jintian to step on him.

Lin Yi’s lack of cooperation, in Lin Jintian’s eyes, was a complete act of rebellion. Under his wrath, Lin Jintian lifted his palm high and was about to fiercely slam down——

Lin Yi sensed that something was amiss and spoke loudly, “Father, you should think twice!”

“What?” Being met with a sudden loud shout, Lin Jintian barely stopped his hand.

“If you hit me and the Patriarch sees the injuries on my body, how do you intend to answer? Besides, I’m also the wife that the Pei Family’s grandson is about to marry. Do you want me to show a bruised appearance on the wedding day and let the whole of Woyun City know that you abused the wife of the Pei Family’s grandson? At that time will it be the Lin Family or the Pei Family that will lose face?” Lin Yi said.

“You!” Lin Jintian looked at him in astonishment, then became extremely angry, “Okay, I didn’t realize that you, a good-for-nothing, was still clever and eloquent enough to dare threaten your father?! You overestimate yourself!”

“Threaten? Does the Lin Family not intend to tie together with the Pei Family through marriage? Are you not planning on marrying me off to Pei Xuanqing?” Lin Yi asked coldly.

Lin Jintian didn’t expect this son, who has always been submissive, would not only dare pressure him with reputation but also dared to contradict him. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but what Lin Yi said made sense. The news of the Pei and Lin marriage had already spread widely throughout the whole city. It was only a few days before the marriage date, so if he injured Lin Yi, he would have no way to explain it to the Pei Family. The Pei Family was also a family that valued face very much.

“Good, very good. I, your father, want to see how you cry and beg me to save you after you enter the Pei Family’s gate, heh.” Lin Jintian laughed back angrily, the meaning in his words somewhat strange.

Lin Yi frowned slightly. Could it be that there was also an ulterior motive behind the marriage? That’s right, although Pei Xuanqing was crippled and there are those terrible rumors, his eldest grandson position in the Pei Family has not changed, meaning that the Pei Family still valued him. If the Lin Family sincerely wanted to have marriage ties with the Pei Family, they should have tried to find a healthy person to marry off instead of finding a useless and blind concubine-born son.

These thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, but on the surface, Lin Yi still remained calm and collected, “In that case, there is no need to trouble Father with worrying.”

Lin Jintian looked at him coldly, his tone of voice sullen and full of malice, “Just wait and see if you can still talk tough after you marry. Someone! Since this waste refuses to get up by himself come pick him up and carry him to see the Patriarch!”

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Very quickly someone entered and proceeded to drag Lin Yi off the bed and hang him over his shoulder, carrying him out of the door regardless of whether Lin Yi was uncomfortable or not.

“You heard what I said just now. What are you doing? Are you wanting to try the experience of being punished by the Patriarch?” Lin Yi coldly asked.

The man carrying him paused and after a moment adjusted his carrying position, which at the very least let Lin Yi feel a little more comfortable.

Lin Yi didn’t know where he was being taken, only feeling that the man carrying him was walking very fast. As a sick person, he was already sore and weak, and now being carried all this way, he was feeling even more uncomfortable.

After a good while, he was suddenly put down, and slipping down onto the ground, the ice-cold floor made him tremble and shiver violently.

At the same time, he could sense the stifling quietness of the atmosphere. Lin Yi was straining his ears trying to hear anything distinct when a sudden powerful and oppressive force fell on him. He couldn’t help but utter a smothered groan and crumple to the ground under the heavy pressure.

“Who is it?” Lin Yi spoke through clenched teeth, stubbornly lifting his head to ‘stare’ straight ahead with an unceasing cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

“They didn’t tell you who you were coming to meet, nor the rule of knowing to salute?” An aged voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Yi’s heart thumped. Had he already arrived in front of the Patriarch?

The original owner’s memory of the Patriarch was very vague because ever since he had been abandoned, he had not met him once. He had already nearly forgotten the Patriarch’s voice long ago so it couldn’t help Lin Yi much.

“Father only told his grandson that he would come to visit the Patriarch, but this grandson is blind and has not met the Patriarch in over ten years. Please forgive this grandson for being unable to salute immediately.” Lin Yi said through clenched teeth.

The room was still for a moment, and then the oppressive force suddenly disappeared.

Lin Yi lowered his head and gasped for breath, already drenched in cold sweat from head to toe. His body, which had been relieved of discomfort by the warm current from before now felt uncomfortable once more, becoming feverish all over with his forehead throbbing with pain.

“Grandson doesn’t know what instructions the Patriarch has called him over to give?” Lin Yi asked tentatively. The room was quiet and the aged voice didn’t sound again, but he did not want to continue lying on the ground looking for abuse.

“This family has already decided to marry you to Pei Xuanqing; your body is no longer your body. Your search for death has been resolved once and can be resolved again. Even if you were substituted for someone else, you would be disposed of first.” The aged voice of the Lin Family Patriarch rang out again.

It turned out that he was called to be admonished. Lin Yi inwardly let out a cold scoff and opened his mouth to speak, “Grandson was not seeking out death, someone pushed Grandson into the pond.”

Seemingly not anticipating this response, the Lin Family Patriarch asked, “Who pushed you?”

“Grandson cannot see and doesn’t know who it was.” Lin Yi answered.

“Jintian, what is going on?” The Lin Family Patriarch began to settle accounts with Lin Jintian.

Lin Jintian also didn’t expect this to happen, and subconsciously felt that Lin Yi had lied, “Patriarch, surely it must be this unfilial son telling lies. Who would want to harm him without rhyme or reason?”

“Father is right. Who would, without rhyme or reason, want to kill me, a good-for-nothing? I’m already blind and unable to cultivate, not a threat to anyone. Who is bent on killing me? Shouldn’t it be someone who can see like you investigating it?” Lin Yi immediately questioned him in return.

“What is there to investigate? Isn’t it a trick that you, an unfilial son, is playing to get out of marriage?” Lin Jintian angrily responded.

“I am blind, where I live doesn’t matter. In any case, I was thrown into a corner at home by you to fend for myself, maybe if I marry Pei Xuanqing someone will take care of me and I can live a better life than here. Why should I not marry?” Lin Yi countered.


“Enough.” The Lin Family Patriarch interjected, “This matter must be investigated thoroughly. The day of marriage is imminent, and no further mishaps are allowed.”

Lin Jintian didn’t dare to refute the Patriarch and could only acquiesce.

However, Lin Yi said, “Patriarch, Grandson does not want to go back to that courtyard. Father doesn’t believe Grandson’s words and Grandson is afraid that if he returns to that courtyard he will be killed by someone without anyone knowing.”

Lin Yi didn’t want to go back under Lin Jintian’s scope of control. Lin Jintian was very angry now, so who knew what kind of means he would take to torment him later. Unlike Lin Jintian, Lin Yi was just an object of marriage with the Pei Family in the eyes of the Lin Family Patriarch. It was under the Lin Family’s obligation to ensure the object was intact, so being in his hands was much safer than being in Lin Jintian’s hands. Moreover, Lin Yi really didn’t know who it was that wanted to kill him. If he returned to that remote courtyard, who knew if someone really would come to try and secretly kill him. He had no ability to defend himself right now.

“You unfilial son…”

“Then move to stay in the Green Bamboo Courtyard. Someone come take Young Master Yi to the Green Bamboo Courtyard to settle down properly. No mistakes are to be made.”

The Lin Family Patriarch directly interrupted Lin Jintian and arranged a residence for Lin Yi. After a moment, he seemed to have thought of something and added, “Take some medicinal herbs from the storeroom to supplement Young Master Yi’s health.”

Lin Yi was taken away, and as he was being supported out, he could vaguely hear Lin Jintian saying toward the Lin Family Patriarch, “…He’s just being sent to be……Why should we waste spiritual medicines…”

Being sent to be what? Lin Yi didn’t hear the keywords clearly, but he had the intuition that it must be the true reason why the Lin Family would choose to marry him off to Pei Xuanqing.


1, When Lin Jintian refers to himself as ‘I, your father’, he is saying ‘Laozi (老子)’ which is actually an arrogant way to refer to oneself. Of course, if someone refers to themselves as your father (especially if they ARENT your father) toward you, it’d be considered pretty arrogant.

Translator’s Note

Lin Yi talks ‘coldly’ a lot in this chapter, and the author seems to like repeating certain things over and over again. It’s hard to write it so it seems less repetitive without changing too much so please bear with me.

Another note, it’s normal to refer to oneself in the third person and repeat titles. I could have translated it as “I” and “you” but I feel like it takes away from the writing a bit so I left it as is and will continue to do so for the rest of the translation! Thank you for understanding!

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