The Tyrant Couldn’t Fall Asleep

Chapter 11: 11

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“…Come in.”


Hans let out a sigh of relief at the emperor's reply that flowed out low.


"I'm on my way back after appointing an escort for the Empress."


"Who is it?"


When asked calmly without emotion, Grehen began to recite a list of knights.


“Jason, Gale, Ferguson…”


“Wait, Ferguson?”


“Yes, is there any problem?”


Grehen couldn't help but wonder.


If it was Ferguson, he was a knight that was well-received by many people for his good manners and straight-forward character.


He was even more sincere, and he was a top performer with a solid basics and a heavy swordsmanship.


'Why the hell are you referring to Ferguson? He's the only reliable guy on this list.'


At worst, Grehen even thought of entrusting it to him if he quit the position of commander.


‘It's all gone because of His Majesty's whims...’


It was then. Ern's calm reply was heard.


“Take him out.”




Of course, it would be beneficial for Ferguson not to go to the Empress Palace, but it didn't make sense.


‘Isn’t he enough to escort the Empress?’


While Grehen had a puzzled expression on his face, Ern's face was getting more and more wrinkled.


“Did you not hear me? Send someone else instead of Ferguson.”


Seeing that bloody expression on his face, Grehen responded quickly.


“I will obey your orders.”


As soon as Grehen ran away, Ern clenched his fists.


“Sir Ferguson, right? He's tall and looks great. He has a posture.”


These are the words Izaya once said as if flowing.


He heard it without thinking at the time, but thinking about it now, he felt strangely dirty.


Unexplained irritation and constant heat were interfering.


"How stuffy."


When Ern mumbled unknowingly, there was someone who heard it. It was Hans.


‘If we go on like this, His Majesty may not be able to control his anger.’


“Eat this and take a deep breath.”


As Hans suddenly handed the water, Ern took it and drank it.


“our Majesty.”




“It seems that you haven’t slept well for a few days… How about calling the doctor?”


At Hans's cautious suggestion, Ern wrinkled his eyebrows and spoke coldly.


"No need. I am fine.”


Hans sighed and said in a strong voice.




As Hans retreated, Ern closed his eyes and tried to sleep.


But soon he jumped up.


“And soon, I will send an unannounced surprise to the Empress Palace. Get ready."


Recalling the words of the Duke of Lauchen, Ern opened the window, grinding his teeth.


‘This is just for me. If something happens to the Empress, the heads of each department will annoy me during the ordinance.’


After rationalizing his actions like that, Ern hurried to the Empress Palace.


* * *


Meanwhile, Duke Lauchen was listening to the report of a kneeling person in front of him.


"That's why I'm escorting Her Majesty.”


'If this happens, it goes against my plan.’


Originally, it was intended to kill the emperor's captain using a spy and take control of the entire Imperial Order.


However, since the spy went to the empress' palace, it was unreasonable to kill the captain who works in a different place.


Soon, the duke sighed and said.


"Yeah, you can't help it because you became the escort of Izaya.”


"I'm sorry."


Soon the duke spoke.


“Let me tell you that we are adding a target to the assassination guild. But this time, it's a real assassination."


"Yes, I see."


There was nothing to be nervous about with just this.


‘If Izaya is attacked by an assassin, she won't even think I'm behind it, right?’


As long as Izaya is attacked together, he won't be pointed out as the background.


The problem was Izaya. Just because she was threatened with assassination, he was not sure if she would return to the imperial palace.


‘Now that Izaya distrusts that maid... I'll have to persuade someone new.’


After finishing his thoughts, Duke Lauchen said to the spy who had become the empress's escort.


"If I send an assassin, pretend to protect the child and gain trust. She will return to the emperor again."


At the duke's command, the man wearing a black cloak laughed bitterly.


"I'll follow your orders."


* * *


The day has dawned.


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Ern, who was on a tree with a good view of the empress palace, held back his yawn.


'I don't know what this is doing.’


Soon after, knights gathered in front of the imperial palace garden.


It was very early, but Ern's gaze at them was not good.


‘Things like slugs, now they’re coming.’


It was then. Izaya appeared under the golden morning sunlight.


"You came early."


Her appearance of speaking indifferently was like a painting.


The knights looked blank without realizing it, but soon came to their senses from Grehen's instructions.


"Say hi to the empress."


The knights knelt on one knee at once.


"I'm Gailerus, who will be in charge of escort and security for Her Majesty from today. These are escorts of Her Majesty."


Looking through the knights, Izaya thought.


‘How come I can't see Ferguson? I'm sure I nominated him.’


He was one of the trusted people who was next to Ern from the previous life to the end.


That's why she called for him, but it was a little awkward for the situation to turn like this.


‘There's nothing I can do about it's inevitable. It's hard to find someone as loyal as him, but this is enough.’


Soon, Izaya erased her thoughts and went back into her senses.


“Everyone is welcome.”


Knights greeted Izaya with statements such as government officials.


"It is an honor to serve Her Majesty. I'm…”


Izaya looked down at them and soon smiled.


Then the knights' faces turned red.


Meanwhile, Ern, who was watching the scene while hiding himself, was suppressing himself.


‘How dare you! Why are you blushing?’


Looking at Izaya for a moment, Ern, who was staring at the knights as if he would kill them, was unknowingly startled.


He didn’t mean to watch her, but when he saw her, he couldn't take his eyes off of her either.


‘Why on earth...’




Then, something flew onto Ern's arms.


It was Isha, a small hawk raised by Hans.


Ern petted the bird who was rubbing his beak as if acting cute.


'I don't know how it found my location though.’


So it was named after Isha, similar to Izaya since they both were similar in following him around.


‘But, what is it for?’


The note tied to the leg said in Hans' handwriting, ‘It's time to attend the state affairs’.


‘Already? Is it this late?’


He didn't want to leave this place if it was not needed. But...


"Can you promise me one thing? You will never neglect state affairs."


Of all things, what Izaya said came to mind now.


Ern, who raised his body, shot Izaya a glare resentfully and soon crumpled his face.


‘What does that promise have to do with me?’


Contrary to what he thought, however, Ern's steps went toward the Imperial Palace.


‘It's just the arrogant aristocrats.’


At that moment, Izaya stared toward the garden and thought.


‘Am I mistaken? I thought I just felt a faint stare…’


But it was too faint to be sure that there was someone. Izaya soon smiled in vain.


'I’m probably sensitive because I have a spy in front of me.’


Izaya soon told the knights.


"I'll ask for a close escort when I need it. Other than that, you can take care of yourself."


"Yes, I see."


Not long after the knights were released, Izaya called the spectators to the lobby.


'Now, it's time to correct what's wrong.’


Izaya's voice was heard in the ears of the tense maids.


"I will select the person who will oversee the banquet this time."


"What? But that's supposed to be… Isn't that what the head maid does?"


When asked by someone, Izaya shook her head and answered.


"No, anyone can do it if I allow it."


Even with those words, no one was willing to support.


When Izaya peeked at Melanie, she could see a slight smile as if it were pleasant.


‘Yeah, I expected it. That the maids would come out like this.’


The designated work is over, but there was no reason for the maids from the noble family to claim suffering.


It is often said that carrots and sticks are used to tame horses.


However, Melanie controlled the maids as much as she wanted with the power given by the Duke.


As a result, the current maids were trying to look good to Melanie, not the empress.


Without knowing that she was monopolizing the carrots they had to enjoy.


So Izaya decided to give them delicious carrots.


"After the banquet, we will pay compensation to the person who made the greatest contribution."


Will you pay for performance? At the empress's surprise declaration, the maids began to look at each other.

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