The Tyrant Couldn’t Fall Asleep

Chapter 14: 14

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Originally, Grehen intended to pretend to be dead and carried out a secret mission.


That was because the imperial palace was covered with spies from the Duke of Lauchen, and there was a setback in planning the residence under their surveillance.


Then one day, the emperor canceled the plan.


"My personal affairs are in danger."


It was a ridiculous reason from the empress using separate rooms.


* * *




"What do you mean that the assassins will not come again?"


The assistant sweated at the voice of the furious Duke Lauchen.


"That's… Even though we've sent 6 senior assassinists… Considering that none has returned, someone seems to be removing them."


"They were supposed to be superior! What are you talking about?! You failed your mission!”


That's what he said, but the Duke was also feeling it. The fact that the situation was weird.


‘Maybe, the captain of the knights...’


There were many possibilities.


At first, he might have dealt with the assassin who rushed to him and secretly strengthened the security of the imperial palace.


"Don't send an assassin to the head of the knights for the time being, as the tail may be stepped on."


It was more important to make Izaya and the emperor merge as soon as possible than to remove the captain immediately.


The duke opened his mouth.


"Money doesn't matter. Let the best people be carefully selected to send to Izaya."


* * *


Late at night, Izaya was lost in thought.


'It's strange. I can't believe Duke Lauchen didn't move at all.’


"Your Majesty, do you not like the proposal?"


Izaya smiled at the appearance of the maids with serious faces in front of her.


"I think it just needs a little touch."


Is it because they're nobles? The banquet plan submitted after consultation by the maids was in line with the recent trend not only for interior decoration but also for dresses.


‘If you follow the trend as it is, it's easy to be ridiculed.’


In her past life, Izaya has experienced many things the nobles said from behind.


They pretended to be polite in front of her, but they tried so hard to find fault behind her back.


But the difference was that Izaya had lived in a future ahead of the present.


"I think we can fix it like this. What do you think?"


"I didn't even think of it this way.”


"It's groundbreaking! You're amazing!"


At the praise of the maids, Izaya smiled and shook her head.


"Because you keep complimenting, I wonder if it’s just flattery because I'm superior."


"No, it's a really good banquet plan."


"That's a relief. Thank you for your help.”


She has a good sense, and she’s even humble. In addition, recognizing their ability and raising the ball, the maids had no choice but to feel favorable towards the empress.


"You've worked hard, so hurry up and rest."


"Thank you, Empress!"


Soon after the maids stepped down, Izaya smiled.


'It's still a long way to go, it's getting better. But...'


It's only been a few days. It is not yet enough to trust them and issue close orders.


‘It's okay. Soon, I will be able to have someone who will be on my side.’


* * *


The next day, the master of the assassination guild, Red Moon, visited the Duke of Lauchen.


"I'll go there myself this time."


"You're confident that you'll succeed, right?"


When the Duke asked with a doubtful face, the master smiled and replied.


"They have been penetrating the room at night and failed. I'll take care of it quietly in the middle of the day."


The duke nodded slowly.


'Yes, definitely that way, we can bring out the empress's security issue and bring them back together.’


At that time, the assistant asked the master with sharp eyes.


"But it won't be easy to get into the room in the middle of the day.”


"Of course, but I'm good at camouflage. Just in time, the Empress was recruiting people to prepare for a banquet organized by herself. So I’ll blend in."


Soon the master pointed to the spy of the empress who was standing behind the duke.


"However, the knight over there has to help me."


"Help you?"


"Yes. Please make a gap for me to run away. In that sense, the number of knights to witness me would be two.”


The duke winked at his subordinate, and the spy nodded gently.


"Okay. I'll do that."


Soon the master spoke with a serious face.


"This won't happen, but if you don’t pay the balance or break the promise, the system and all the assassins associated with our guild will reject the request from not only the Duke, but his family as well."


"Okay, I got it."


When the duke nodded, the assassin disappeared.


After a while, the spy carefully said.


"There's a problem."


The Duke glared at him with a fierce look and asked.


"A problem? What's that?"


“This time, as we are trying to assassinate in broad daylight, it is a matter of success. If you are reprimanded for failing...”


"You're talking about obvious things for a long time. The dead ones don't talk, so if the master died, it would be because he failed his mission."


The spy smiled at the duke's mouthful of destruction of evidence.


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"I'll follow your orders."


* * *


Ern yawned while looking at the documents with blank eyes.


"Your Majesty, if only for a moment... Why don't you take a rest?"


Even at Hans' careful words, Ern remained silent.


Hans sighed.


‘I'm worried. I think you haven't been able to sleep well since you each used your own room...’


At that time, he heard a knock.


"Your Majesty, it’s Grehen."


"Come on in."


At Ern's permission, Grehen came into the office and flinched.


‘What kind of complexion...’


Dark circles were seen under Ern's eyes. Of course, even he looked attractive thanks to his beautiful appearance.


"Why aren’t you reporting?"


In response to the question, Grehen answered hurriedly.


"We've looked into the assassin organization you mentioned. They said they couldn't get a request at the moment."


"Is that all you know?"


"There's not much information about it. However, I heard that the assassin who is the master there is quite good at disguise."


What he heard from the mouth of the assassin he killed last time was correct. Well, it would have been hard to get it wrong because he said it just before he died.


Ern opened his mouth with a brutal look.


"Look carefully at the people entering and leaving. Miss even one rat and...”




Ern, who suddenly got up, stared in the direction of the empress' palace.


"Your Majesty? What's going on all of a sudden?"


Grehen asked, but the emperor quickly left the room without answering.


‘When did the mouse come in?’


Life suddenly appeared in Ern’s eyes.


* * *


Meanwhile, Melanie was grinding her teeth.


‘Things that are ruined, things that are annoying are passed on to me...’


Only doing chores like this cannot prove her usefulness to the empress.


'If I ruin the banquet, she might blame me.’


For a while, Melanie saw someone and gave a strange look.


‘Am I mistaken? I think we've met before.’


It was then.


"Melanie, please put this in Her Majesty's room."


It was also an act under the pretext of asking for a favor.


Melanie accepted the vase while squinting her eyes.


'I will definitely regain my place again.’


After a while, Melanie arrived at the Empress Palace and tried to enter the Empress's room.


Then someone stopped Melanie.


"What's the matter?"


When the same knight as last time interfered again, Melanie frowned and told him.


"I'm here to put the vase back."


After finishing her speech, Melanie opened the door and went in.


Soon after, she found someone else in the room. Melanie’s eyes then squinted.


‘Someone must have lost their mind to let a maid who’s only temporarily hired into Her Majesty's room… Hang on. Was there someone with that face here?’


She thought of it just in case, but it was definitely not a face among those who entered the imperial palace.


‘Is it possible that she came in through a turbulent time?’


Melanie, who had eye contact with her, hardened.


At first glance, she seemed normal, but her eyes were somewhat creepy.


When Melanie was walking backwards without realizing it.


"We have a guest just in time."


Melanie trembled as Izaya entered the room.


‘Why now...’


The empress said, as if she didn't even know that Melanie was burning inside.


"Melanie, the vase is very pretty. Can you pick a flower that would go well with it?”


Conflict arose.


If Melanie intervened in this dangerous situation, she may die.


But… She couldn't ignore the empress.


‘If Her Majesty gets hurt or dies, I won't be able to be safe either.’


Melanie decided to gamble.


‘That knight is outside the door, so if he hears a sound, he'll come in right away. So...'


"Your Majesty, hurry up and avoid it!"


Melanie tried to throw the vase she was holding toward the maid.


Then, Izaya stopped her.


"Melanie, don't provoke the servant for nothing. It's dangerous."


At that, the assassin master dressed as a maid opened his eyes in surprise.


‘Did you know? Well, it doesn't matter if I get caught.’


The assassin thought.


All he had to do was scare the empress anyways. Therefore, the master stared at Melanie with a smile.


‘The Empress's maid... I'd better use that girl as an example. If someone around her gets hurt, even the Empress will be scared!’

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