The Tyrant Reverse Time

Chapter 1: The Tyrant Reverse Time

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Reginald was already tired of living at the tender age of eighteen. After the love of his life died, he became an empty shell of a human being. His once vibrant golden hairs turned white, and his expressive aqua eyes turned lifeless.

As the crown prince of his country, he had everything, but it was meaningless for him. His life’s dream of growing old together with his beloved had taken its final breath and there was nothing he could do to change that.

“If only gold can bring the dead back to life.”

The love of his life was no saint, and she was certainly not perfect, but she was a splendid girl. Reginald had always been very proud of her. Even in the lowest moment of his life, she was his greatest pride and his dearest memory. He was devastated when he learned she was executed for treason.

“That’s impossible. Druella won’t commit treason.”

“But it’s true, Your Grace. I’m sorry,” Edea, his personal maid, said. “All the evidence pointed to her.”

The brown-haired lady-in-waiting had a personality that matched his own; she was honest, caring, loyal and very protective of him. At some point in the past, she was arrested for putting poison in his tea, but only did so under duress. She had never intended to betray the royal family.

“No. There must be a mistake. She couldn’t have done it.”

In that time of dark nothingness, Reginald had a new purpose: to find proofs that Druella was framed and clear her name.

Reginald decided to investigate by himself, discovering some documents and evidence. He was determined to clear Druella’s name, but no one believed him.

“You’re the one who has doubts, Your Grace? You are the man who knows her better than anyone.”

“But I am telling you. Druella wouldn’t commit treason,” Reginald insisted. “Why would she do that?”

It didn’t make sense for a duke’s daughter to be a spy for the enemy nation, especially when her father was the prime minister. Druella shouldn’t have a motivation for betraying her country.

“Your Grace, I don’t know. I was also shocked. I couldn’t believe it when she said she did it.”

Druella’s confession didn’t convince Reginald of her guilt. There were many cases when the confession was a product of torture. If she really did confess, it would have been more of a whim than an act of the heart.

“Don’t you think it’s weird that all the evidence points to her? I’m not going to believe a word of it.”

Reginald’s inability to clear Druella’s name made him hate himself. He found his only solace by dedicating himself to finding the person responsible for her conviction. The trail of clues and evidence he found all pointed in the same direction: Druella was the victim of a frame-up.

The more he investigated, the more he realised Druella was innocent of the crimes that convicted her. He felt strongly about her innocence and he couldn’t let this injustice be swept under the rug. However, he still couldn’t prove that it was an elaborate frame-up and so he remained frustrated by a lack of evidence.

As he narrowed down the suspects, he discovered that Druella’s life had been in danger for quite a long time. She had been unloved by her parents from the day she was born. Her father neglected her in favour of her younger sister, Drusilla, who couldn’t do wrong in his eyes.

It was the very same Drusilla who became his wife out of necessity to produce an heir. Reginald had no alternative but to marry Drusilla and be responsible for her and their future children.

Drusilla was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, but she was a show-off who loved attention and recognition. The woman was the exact opposite of her younger sister in every aspect. Druella was plain, uninteresting, and awkward, but Reginald thought she was sweet and decent.

“Your Grace, I’m sure Lady Druella wouldn’t want you to be depressed.”

“You’re right, Edea. I need to stay strong”

As Reginald said those words, he felt his will to life return. Despite everything, he could see Druella’s smile. Druella was always been smiling. She would have wanted him to smile, didn’t she?

He wanted to create something, for himself, for the people that made his life worth living. For he knew the life of a human being was better than the monotony of a boring existence.

There had to be more to life than the daily grind. So he made a vow to himself to see the world one step further, find his heart’s desire, and have as much fun as humanly possible.

It started with a discreet trip to the local bookstore that very morning that would change his life forever.

After finding the book that was calling to him, he purchased it. It was small, the size of a magazine.

He put it in his back pocket and forgot about it. Not until years later when he succeeded his father and became the king. He thought about the day the book changed his life, and how it changed him.

The day started normally. It was a day of boredom and routine, of no interest, just a day like any other. He was in the middle of his afternoon when it became clear that something was wrong. There were commotions outside the palace, and there was a growing sense of unease in the castle.

Soon the rest of the people at the court was alarmed as well. The king went down the steps and stood at the front of the stage, where a crowd of people greeted him.

They weren’t just the crowd that followed all the days of the royal court. Those were the people the king respected and revered as they stood in front of him, the king.

“The people are revolting, Your Grace.”

“Why? Why should they revolt? The people have everything they need. They have food, cloth, and a place to stay.”

“They are not willing to accept Lady Drusilla as their queen. They think a woman who is visibly callous to the welfare of the people isn’t fit to be a queen.”

The king thought about this. If the people didn’t want Drusilla to be their queen, then she must have made a mistake, and as their king, the king’s judgment was supposed to be perfect. If it was true, Drusilla had to die.

Reginald stood in front of the royal throne. No one said anything. They all had the king’s attention. No one was talking while the king was going through a great internal dialogue.

After a brief moment of silence, he finally said, “Have her arrested and interrogated for her crimes.”

Reginald wondered how that would go. The people were screaming to have her executed, but she had friends in high places.

He was glad as the King of the country, his power was absolute and unquestionable. There was no one who could challenge him, and he doubted her supporters could save her if he ordered for her execution.

That day, the chief interrogator had a field day. He was the son of the previous interrogator who died of natural cause, although Reginald knew there was nothing natural about his death. The man deserved it after forcing Druella to confess to a crime she didn’t commit.

“The result of the interrogation is here.”  

Soon, all of Drusilla’s wrongdoings came to light. She was guilty of adultery, embezzlement, murder, and treason. Even worse, she was directly involved in her sister’s false conviction.

The severity of her crimes was enough for Reginald to consider executing her on the spot with his own hands.

However, the desire to humiliate the wicked woman first before sending her to hell won out and Reginald settled on public execution.   

“I regret the day I make you my wife.”

Drusilla’s final vision was of her husband’s icy eyes as she passed away. For the past one year of their marriage, she had seen the same expression on her every day.

The blood of perhaps the most despised woman in the history of the Solaris Kingdom spilled as soon as the sword’s blade pierced her neck.

“May you smoulder in hell!”

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That night in bed, he decided to read the book he brought years ago before he sleep.

When he opened the first page, he had to blink a few times before he realised what he was reading. It was not a novel or a piece of any kind of literature—it was a spell book.

With a shock, he remembered where he bought that book so many years ago: from a bookstore in the back alley of a market that was no longer there when he returned the next day.

The book described spells to make impossible things possible. It was dangerous, said the author. Despite being so scary, the book was alluring. It was easy to understand what a person needed to do in order to cast the spell, and it was the most magical thing he had ever read.

It was written in a beautiful, old-fashioned cursive and filled with lovely calligraphy. To say he wanted to learn those spells and use them to change fate was an understatement.

“It is dangerous, but the appeal is great.” He heard a voice say, making him turn around. It was Edea. “If we reverse time, maybe we can save Lady Druella.”

He did not know what to say and just stared at her.

The description of those spells and the words the book itself contained were enough to send anyone into a trance. The book contained several different spells.

But the one Edea spoke of was the one he wanted to try the most, no matter what the cost.

“What do you mean by ‘reverse time’?”

“We travel back in time and save Lady Druella.”

Before Reginald could say something else, Edea closed her eyes and palms, making the air around her glow.

After a moment, a shock wave struck him.

Drusilla had won. Her creepy sister was dead, and she had to marry her fiancé now. The fact that the said fiancé was the crown prince of Solaris was a bonus.

She had no doubt that with her superior beauty and intelligence, she would be a great queen—greater than Druella could ever hope to be. After all, Drusilla was so utterly perfect that there was no other way to describe her.

When she said she was perfect, she meant it. Her talents, looks, and elegance were above all that a mere mortal could achieve. It made her the ideal choice for the future queen. Every time someone looked at her, Drusilla would send the person a divine blessing with her gaze.

The people of Solaris would rejoice when Drusilla became their queen. She knew this. Her husband knew this. The land knew this. The sun, planets, stars, and the universe knew this. The source of all knowledge knew this.

“You are so beautiful,” her husband said, gazing at her nude form lovingly.

It was their wedding night, the first night they were ever alone together to consummate their marriage. The air felt sweet and fresh with incense. Everything around her was pure white. The candles made the only light in the room and they lit it with some candles she had arranged on the bed.

Drusilla knew she was a beauty. Her body was soft and round and supple. The prince loved her long, thick hair of spun gold, which framed her large breasts and plump ass. Her beautiful green eyes were also a sight to behold. He could stare at her all day and would never tire of looking at her.

She would be more beautiful with him by her side. The living symbol of harmony in the universe, the prince. He was made for her—perfection incarnate.

“I have come to sacrifice my beauty, my brilliance, and everything that is good in the world to serve you,” she said.

“You have such an admirable spirit, my wife,” the prince replied. “You are the purest thing I have ever known. I will never, ever let you go.”

The candles made the only light in the room and they lit it with some candles she had arranged on the bed.

She was lying on her back, a hand resting on her belly, feeling the warmth of her husband’s body on top of her. He moved away from her as he got on top of her and took her breasts into his mouth. She felt her body being caressed by his soft lips and rough hands.

His wet tongue tasted her nipples. He licked them and then sucked her as she felt herself getting more aroused by the minute. She was already wet from feeling him playing with her breasts.

The prince took his hands and slipped them under her waist and pulled her closer. He started sucking her nipples again, and this time she reached under her husband’s body to play with his cock. It amazed her at how big it was.

Drusilla wanted to touch it so badly, but he lifted her hand up and placed it over his penis. She started stroking him slowly, using her hands and mouth to pleasure him.

She loved the feel of his long, hard cock in her hands, moving in and out of her mouth as she kissed his muscular abdomen. His hand moved down to her thighs, and he began to squeeze her buttocks and pinch her secret place.

“You are very wet,” he said. “Does it feel good?”

“It feels really good!”

Hearing her words, he pulled her closer to him and she started moving on top of him, rubbing herself against his hard body. They were both breathing heavier and louder. Her moans echoed in the bedroom and she could hear her husband enjoying the feel of her body on top of him.

She started breathing harder, gasping, “Oh please, please,” as she felt her body getting excited by his touch.

The prince lifted her by the waist and got on top of her. He kissed her and ran his hands up and down her thighs as he started kissing her neck, rubbing against her breasts and then her waist.

Drusilla anticipated the prince to continue his ministration, only for him to do something she hadn’t expected before. He produced a handcuff from thin air and clasped it on her wrist.

 “Let me go,” she protested, fumbling with the handcuffs.

“Never,” he said. “I know what you are guilty of.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You framed your sister for treason.”

Drusilla’s face went pale and her jaw dropped. She thought she was going to spend the rest of her life as his wife and would enjoy every moment of it. How very wrong she was.

“What?!” she shouted. “How could you possibly know that?”

“I’m from the future.”

Her husband went into a tirade about how he reversed time to save Druella but fate wouldn’t let him interfere with her death. She still died, but her soul lived on inside Edea’s body, waiting for the time of her resurrection.

No one could truly resurrect the dead, so the prince was content with putting Druella’s soul inside Drusilla’s body instead and let the wicked woman watch her sister living happily ever after with him while being a prisoner in her own body.

“Let me go!” she yelled, trying to resist. “Let me go, you madman!”

“This life is a prison, and you are a slave. I’ll be your jailer and be your guide to freedom.”


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