The Tyrant Won't Let Me Go

Chapter 15: CH 14

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The Tyrant Won’t Let Me Go Chapter 14.1

“You would be removed from your position as the vice commander.”

Brian Tekarke just thought that he had misheard it.

No, he wanted to think so.

“Y-your Majesty, what did you just say-”

However, the eyes of the Emperor that returned to look at him again were cold.

“I said that you’re going to be removed from your position of being the vice commander.”

Brian wanted to believe it was all a dream.

After he joined the Imperial Knights, he eventually became the Vice Commander only after enduring all kinds of hardships.

As he passed the Emperor’s strict examination, he became the only swordsman teacher of the Crown Prince, and thought that the path to his promotion was finally opened.

“Why… why the hell…?”

Only less than a month after his sweet dream came true, he was now being deprived of achieving a promotion to become the Vice Commander.

“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

The white-haired man in armor standing next to the Emperor slowly opened his mouth.


“I’ve been telling you this all along. If you don’t have the confidence to do both from being the vice commander and as a swordsmanship teacher of the prince, you’d better not do it in the first place.”

His hair, which had lost its color, and his wrinkled face, showed traces of aging, but his intimidation and vitality were as good as that of a young knight.

“I’ve heard you used a greatsword that doesn’t match the Prince’s level.”

The moment he heard the Emperor’s words, Brian’s face was distorted.

‘That damn kid did something…!’

Brian clenched his fists in both hands and opened his mouth to plead.

“Your Majesty, it’s not that it’s wasn’t appropriate for the prince level. His Majesty has enough power to wield that sword. If he takes my class and practices a little more, he’ll be able to handle it well.”

The Emperor’s eyes gleamed as he was examining the documents.

Brian couldn’t bring himself to speak more, as if he had made eye contact with a beast grinding its teeth in front of his eyes.

“I didn’t want to say this because I knew you were from a family that produced great swordsmen for generations.”

As if angry, the Emperor put the documents down on the desk and said in a vicious voice.

“Eyes and ears are meant to keep an eye on the surroundings. On what basis did you decide that the Greatsword would be suitable for the Crown Prince who had only started swordsmanship for a month?”

Brian realized he had made a huge mistake.

“Right now, you seem to be confused with the training of the Knights and the Prince’s class. If you continue like this, I would have no choice but to remove you from your position as the Crown Prince teacher.”

‘I should have just kept my mouth shut and went out quietly, but I didn’t know that I would lose even my swordsmanship teacher’s position in this way.’, Brian thought regretting making an excuse.

“Well, it’s…”

“Don’t give me the excuse that you thought it would be okay because the Crown Prince didn’t say anything. Haven’t you figured out that he’s a kid who’s afraid of making me worry and would tolerate difficult and irrational classes?”

In other words, the Emperor was saying this.

Brian, who hasn’t been able to figure out a single student’s weakness for a month, was not qualified as a teacher.

“I’ve heard everything from Commander Farbe. Recently, your performance as vice commander has also been somewhat low. In this way, I decided that it would be better to dismiss the position.”

“Your Majesty, give me one more chance—”

“I think I’ve already given you enough opportunities for leaving your teaching position.”

The Emperor replied in a stiff voice.

“Don’t be mistaken that I gave you that opportunity for your sake. It’s because it takes time to find a replacement for the swordsmanship teacher, even if there are many people who would succeed as vice commander.”

The Emperor’s voice hummed in Brian’s head, which had stopped blankly.

“If you don’t show any signs of improving your teaching style and focusing on the Crown Prince, you would also be dismissed from the teaching position.”

Even with his heart boiling with sorrow and anger, Brian had no choice but to grit his teeth and answer.

“Yes, Your Majesty…”


Among the row of knights in shining armor, the Commander with a gentle impression spoke.

“As of today, I appoint you to be an official knight of the Imperial Knights of Deamant, the proud sword of the Empire.”

As I accepted the sword the Commander handed, cheers erupted around me.

‘I didn’t expect things to happen like this.’

I mean, what really happened was…

I met him often at the training ground and became close to Sir Farbe, the head of the Imperial Knights, and we had a lot of conversation to the extent that he even said, ‘You could just call me Grandpa Dennis if it’s just the two of us.’

One day, he went on an expedition outside the capital, and asked if I would like to come and join him.

‘Oh, of course I have to go!’

‘Right? I must contribute and participate in order to become His Highness Cedric’s teacher.’

The thought of being able to see the Imperial Knights actually go on an expedition, I quickly accepted his proposal.

That was a wrong decision.

On a light-hearted expedition, I met ten Black Cerberus wolves, the dangerous second-class monster.

I heard that it was a monster that hadn’t been caught by a professional hunter in about 50 years.

I was so scared that such a thing ran right in front of me, so I felt threatened with my life and swung my sword.

Although the sword was wielded recklessly, Caliberne showed tremendous accuracy and lethal power even in these circumstances.

Of course, Caliberne went berserk at the large-scale attack I threw involuntarily and nagged me.

-‘What would you do if you died from a rush of mana?’

It was true, but I couldn’t help but think that it would be better to die from a rush of mana than to be bitten by that tooth when I saw the wolf’s teeth.

In the end, I defeated all ten wolves with ‘one shot and one kill‘, and received a third-class medal from the Imperial Family.

I was sent to an orphanage and received a castle and the surname ‘Minerva‘, because I was a commoner and had no family name.

‘Was that all?’

Commander Farbe, who said he was always looking for new talent, strongly recommended me to the Emperor, so I was knighted and joined the Imperial Knights.

“I couldn’t believe I’d be a real knight.’

I was puzzled.

I couldn’t believe what I’ve wished for since childhood came true.

In the corner of the stands where the audience was watching the appointment ceremony, there was Paul, who crumpled his large figure into a small seat, and Cedric, who grabbed the hem of his clothes with a glimmer in his eyes.

I looked at them and smiled softly.

I didn’t even know it then.

That Brian Tekarke was looking at me, grinding his teeth.

The Tyrant Won’t Let Me Go Chapter 14.2

It was three days after joining the Knights.

“Hey there newbie.”

When I looked back at the word “newbie“, something unknown flew toward my face at a frightening speed.

I grabbed the object at a speed faster than light and avoided being hit by it.

It turned out to be a glove.

‘What’s this…’

Just then, I heard the voice of a man I didn’t want to see.

When I raised my head, Brian Tekarke, with gloves on one hand and the other exposed, looked straight down at me.

“I request for a duel.”

About a dozen people surrounded us with the words he spoke.

Among them, there were no people who I often saw around Commander Farbe.

‘They’re all scums that follow Brian.’

A useless duel would only lead to gossip.

I didn’t want to be fooled by this childish trick.

“I decline.”

“Why are you scared?”

At his words, the knights giggled and started to laugh.

“Mom, I’m so scared! Please help me!”

“Mom, Mom! Save me!”

The loud whining of his followers was annoying.

Brian seemed to be pleased with those who lifted him up like that.

“Everyone, stop it.”

An unbearable smile hung on his lips.

“Oh, you don’t even have a mother that would listen to you like that, do you?”

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At that, everyone started to burst into laughter. At that time, something like a string in my head snapped.

“Well, you do understand scary things. You wouldn’t have been able to hold a proper sword because you didn’t have the money, but how scary would it be to deal with me on such a subject.”

Then he took out his greatsword and pointed it at me.

“You don’t even have the basics or skills. I’m sure you won’t be able to last long even in this Knighthood. Did you do something to defeat the Cerberus wolf?”

A smile full of arrogance.

I felt like I was going to vomit.

“It would be good for you to go out on your own feet before you get kicked out crying, kid.”

Staring at him with cold eyes, I said to him,

“If I win, you should leave this Knighthood.”

Seeing him acting this way made me sure.

I don’t have to be patient anymore.

[Hey, why are you holding back? Pull out your sword right now. Let’s split that body in half.]

Caliberne said boldly.

I spoke to Caliberne, who suggested tearing him into two.

‘No, I want to do that too, but I can’t kill him.’

[What do you mean, a single murder would save you three times.]

There was no need to go as far as killing him.

It’s just a little, a little, very little bit of work needed.

So, ignoring Caliberne’s words, I opened my mouth and spoke in a cold voice.

“That’s great. I didn’t want to use the same training ground with the person who was deprived of the vice commander’s position because he couldn’t protect himself.”

With those words, the hall quickly became quiet.

I continued, glaring at the knights looking down at me with a look of disbelief in their faces.

“If I win, you should leave this Knighthood.”


I pulled out the sword from my scabbard and pointed to him who was questioning what I said.

At that word, a knight who was giggling next to him ran out to stop us.

“This little kid-”

“That’s enough.”

Brian pushed him in as if he were being kind, but his hands were trembling.

“Let’s go with the usual rules.”

Brian snorted at my words.

I ignored him and continued.

“The first one to bleed would lose. And let’s not use mana, but only fight with pure swords.”

“You’ll regret it.”, Brian said as if to refute.

“No way.”

“It’s magic that you even know how to handle it.”, He added, mocking Ciel for holding a sword.

“It doesn’t matter anyway, since those who handle the sword better are more likely to handle mana better.”

“Ha, so you handle swords better, you mean? That’s funny.”

Having said that, Brian didn’t change the rules.

It was clear that he thought this rule was more favorable to him.

As he shook his head, one of the knights behind him came out with a sword and handed it to me.

“Would this work for you?”

“If we want to fight, we have to do it under the same conditions, so we have to use the same tools.”

[Wow, that little bastard.]

I saw Brian come out with the sword he wields best and use it, and Caliberne also stuck out his tongue.

“So, you want me to use this?”

“Oh, you’re saying you couldn’t use a greatsword because you couldn’t hold it at all? Well, I didn’t know that because I was proud to say that great swordsmen don’t care about tools in that subject.”

I bit my lips and grabbed the greatsword.

‘That cheap bastard.’

Anyway, I don’t care even if I can’t handle a greatsword.

I’ve been practicing regularly with Caliberne.

Brian’s height was quite short for an average adult, so the disadvantage against our physique difference wasn’t that great.

‘I’ll make sure you leave the Knights with tears and a runny nose.’

The rules were like this:

-Standing five steps away from each other.

-It starts after hearing a signal from one of the nearby knights.

-If you first cut the opponent and they bleed, you win.

“Well then, let’s start.”

With everything ready, Brian gave the order.

A junior knight blew a whistle at his words and the duel began.

Brian ran straight up to me and swung a huge greatsword.

Brian’s strength and the weight of the greatsword itself were added, so it was clear that the damage would be huge if it hits his target.

‘His strength was good, but…’

I thought while avoiding his blade moderately for the sake of exploration.

‘His movements are sloppy.’

Now I have somewhat understood.

‘He’s slow.’

The gaps in his movements were visible.

There was no reason to waste any more time, and there was no need to waste my energy.

I swung the greatsword at Brian’s left arm to avoid his sword, which was aimed at my right leg.

It would have been difficult to avoid this unless it was prevented.


Brian, whose face turned white, managed to block my attack.

Even at that moment, I could see a gap.

I stepped back and aimed for the gap without hesitation.

‘It’s over.’

It was just then.

There was the sound of a metallic blade hitting the ground.

Brian’s blade was obviously behind him.

If he hadn’t missed the sword, there was no reason to make such a noise now.


Only then did my sword come into sight.

It wasn’t hit anywhere, but the greatsword I was holding was split in two.

‘Why is this…?’

Just then, I heard a tremendous shout that rang in my ear.


A huge sword flew through the air.

Brian shouting and wielding the greatsword, it was hard to tell if it was a knight or a beast.

The moment I looked at my sword split in two and glanced at that face passing by with joy, I felt the blood boiling all over my body from anger.


“Oh no, what…!”

Tekarke said in a trembling voice, his eyes wide open as if they were popping out of his face.

Even with the remaining half-sword, I was able to stop him effortlessly.

I was unable to use the sword to stab him, but the blade could still cut him.

I looked at him and muttered quietly.

“Did I scare you so much?”

A cold sarcasm hung around my lips.

“You know, it would have been better to leave on your own feet before being dragged out while peeing on your pants.”

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