The Tyrant Won't Let Me Go

Chapter 17: CH 16

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The Tyrant Won't Let Me Go Chapter 16.1

I got out of bed about a year ago.

The body, which had some difficulty growing, quickly revealed its limits.

“Ugh, haa…!”

Suddenly, my wrist felt like it was going to break, and it was difficult to breathe.

Nevertheless, Cedric clenched his teeth and did not let go of the sword.

He should never let go of the sword.

At least in front of Ciel, he shouldn’t have shown his weak self like that.

That was then.

The wooden sword slipped through the sweaty hands. The wooden sword, which had slid helplessly, plummeted to the ground.


Cedric’s heart sank.

The blood all over his body seemed to turn cold, and his vision became hazy.

His hand trembled as he reached for his fallen wooden sword.

He couldn’t even bring himself to raise his head.

It’s getting harder and harder to breathe, I was out of air.

‘There’s not a shred of talent in you for the sword. I gave birth to you, but I couldn’t believe it.’

The day I lost sight of handling the sword without being able to swing it, I didn’t have the talent for it.

Cedric’s mother used to say so.

‘So who would say that you’re the Emperor’s real son?’

Those who are not worthy of use are mercilessly thrown away.

Such a mother’s creed was no exception for her child, Cedric.

‘You would be useless in the future.’

After becoming the Empress, she went beyond the Empress’ position and sought to seize the Emperor’s power by offering a justifiable successor.

She didn’t need the prince of the Deamant Empire, Cedric, who failed to handle the sword.

The eyes of the Empress, who looked down at Cedric, who was much younger than now, were filled with only feelings of contempt and disappointment, rather than affection or pity for her child.

Cedric, who hadn’t forgotten that expression until now from his mother, was afraid that Ciel would make the same expression as her mother the moment he raised his head.

I’m afraid I’ll be abandoned by the few people I like again.

‘…I shouldn’t have let go of the sword no matter what.’

The guilt of being called useless and abandoned seemed to eat his mind.

I felt like someone was strangling me.

It was then…

The white little hands trembled and wrapped around Cedric’s hand that was holding his wooden sword.

“Your Highness Cedric!”

Although it was smaller than Cedric’s, it felt reliable for some reason.

“Come on, it’s okay, put down the sword for a moment-”

She then made a pocket-shaped white paper and wrapped around the sword and covered Cedric’s mouth and nose.

“It’s all right, Your Highness. Hold this with one hand. Now, let’s breathe out slowly. Follow me, breathe in and out slowly.”

‘It’s okay’, At that one word, Cedric seemed to come to his senses.

“Okay, you’re doing great. One more time slowly. Let’s count to five seconds and exhale.”

It was a voice that was no different from usual, and had an unshakeable warmth.

Before I knew it, my breathing returned to normal.

Cedric, whose vision was clear, carefully took off the paper and raised his head, and there was Ciel with a worried face holding one of his hands tightly.

“Are you all right now, Your Highness Cedric?”

“Huh? Yes…”

In response to Cedric’s answer, Ciel patted her chest and let out a deep sigh.

Cedric’s heart sank at the thought that he had also disappointed her as well.

He swallowed the bitter aftertaste in the back of his throat, thinking that Ciel would soon let go of this hand.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better now.”

Cedric looked at Ciel in surprise at the voice that became brighter than before.

Her silver hair, resembling the moonlight, fluttered around her face, with a gentle smile.

“It’s okay to drop the sword at any time. It’s okay to make mistakes at any time.”

Cedric unwittingly put it on a bright smile like a silver bell flower with morning dew.

“Because you could do it again.”

Ciel still hadn’t let go of his hand.

“I’ll wait for you until then, so you don’t have to rush.”

At this moment, he was sure.

That this little girl wouldn’t abandon him like the others.

* * *

Finally, today’s swordsmanship class was conducted in an orientation-like manner.

For now, Cedric’s condition didn’t seem very good to practice, and it seemed necessary to get rid of his fear of the sword first.

“Come on, give me your hand. I’ll hold you for 20 minutes today.”

After class, though, it was after he had been handled the sword, and Cedric’s hands were full of heat.

Cedric held out his hand reddened with embarrassment, closed his eyes, and exhaled.

His face was dyed red, his hair was messed up lying on the floor, and even his shirt was slightly disorganized and dirty.

It was very disheveled compared to his appearance, which was usually very modest.

But even that figure was enough to put it in a frame like a picture.

‘He’s really handsome. How could a person be born like this?’

The Emperor and Cedric are both handsome like a sculpture, so the painter dedicated to the Imperial family of Deamant must have enjoyed painting their portraits.

It would be nice to earn money and cleanse your eyes too.

“By the way, Your Highness. Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

“Huh? What is it?”

“Well, do you–”

She opened her mouth carefully towards Cedric, who was lying still.

“Is there any reason why you keep hesitating when you catch the sword?”

“Was there any reason you kept hesitating when you held a sword?”

The long eyelashes trembled and the red eyes hidden behind the closed eyelids were revealed.


“Yes, when you held the sword and looked down at the ground for a few seconds, I could see that you often hesitated to wield it.”

“…you knew it.”

A sigh escaped between his peach-colored lips.

Even though it was clearly a 12-year-old child spewing out, the sigh seemed to carry years of old emotion.

“It’s just, there’s no big reason.”

However, the heavy emotion in his voice seemed to convey the opposite meaning of what he said.

“I’m not good at handling mana, but I’m not good at handling the sword itself. Sometimes I wonder if Deamant’s blood was really flowing to my body.”


“When I hold a sword, people laugh at me.”

Saying so, Cedric turned to me and looked at me.

“I didn’t want to show you that.”

In a word, he was wary.

He’s worried that people around him might leave him if he makes even a little mistake.

I knew that feeling so well that it broke my heart.

“Maybe that’s why I kept faltering.”

Seeing the two red eyes looking at the ground seemed to dig deeply into her chest today.

They had different statuses and different personalities.

The environment in which they grew up was also different.

Cedric was a sub male, and I was an extra who didn’t even appear in the novel.

But, why am I feeling the emotions he felt?

I quietly closed my eyes.

Many words boiled in my heart, but I chose among them and spoke.

“It’s okay if you show me that.”

The eyes that resemble the strawberry-flavored candy grew a little bigger.

The Tyrant Won’t Let Me Go Chapter 16.2

“It’s really okay.”

That was the only thing I could say.

“So, you don’t have to hesitate. You could drop the sword, or you could break it.”


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“I wish you could wield the sword with a little more confidence.”

I said with a bright smile on my lips.

“Because you’re good enough.”

Cedric, who looked at me blankly, then smiled as he closed his red eyes like a crescent moon.

“Thank you.”

“And, I’d like to make a suggestion.”

Cedric opened his eyes wide at my words and asked back.


“Yes, do you want to hear it?”


I opened my lips as I saw him nodding enthusiastically.

“If one day you become really good at wielding swords, then I would grant you a wish.”

I loved the sword itself, so there was no problem in practicing swordsmanship in both previous and present life.

However, people like Cedric who were burdened with handling swords, need to be motivated for now.



Then Cedric jumped up like a spring and said, clasping my hands in both hands.

In a moment of surprise, Cedric’s red eyes, which were dazzling and shimmering, approached in front of me.



“Are you going to grant me any wish?”

It was clear that if there were any restrictions on wishes, it would be less likely to work as a motive.

‘Come on, don’t ask for anything weird.’

With that thought in mind, I answered.

“Uh… Sure.”

Cedric’s face began to brighten at my words.

“Really? Really? It’s a promise!”

“Yes, I promise.”

“By the way, what’s the standard of being good at handling swords?”

I put my finger to Cedric’s mouth and pondered for a moment.

“Well, I’ll assume you know how to use a torpedo.”

(N: I’m thinking this was a skill or attack using a sword and Ciel just named it torpedo.)


Cedric looked very disappointed.

“Thunderstrike was really, really, really difficult. The difficulty was too high.”

“That’s why I said I’d grant you any wish. And the bigger the goal, the better, right?”

“That’s true, but…”

Looking at him, I let go of his hand and held out my little finger.

The little finger meant to make a promise, and Cedric glanced at my finger and smiled.

‘Oh, wasn’t this what a promise means here?’

So I hurriedly lowered my finger and said to Cedric.

“Well, I’d like to make a promise. Was there a gesture in the palace that means a promise?”

Only then did Cedric understand what I meant and put out his right hand.

“Yes, there is.”

Then he showed his finger wearing a ring with a red ruby ​​on it.

“You just need to kiss the ring the other person is wearing.”

I was surprised because it was more romantic than I thought.

“Okay then, could you give me your hand?”

I put my lips to Cedric’s shyly outstretched finger.

Soon, my lips touch the surface of the cold jewel in his finger.

With my lips removed from the ring, I smiled at Cedric, whose cheeks were red.

“Now, it’s a promise.”

Cedric showed a more cheerful and energetic smile than ever.

He looked at me and shifted his gaze to the ring, and he’s eyes shone brightly.

For a while, I was relieved to think that he would be able to attend a swordsmanship class this way.

“Ciel, you know what? I’m going to practice more and go back.

He was already holding a wooden sword in his hand, but when had he picked it up? even though he had faltered so much earlier.

His two eyes twinkled like stars while holding the wooden sword.

He shook his head, somehow calming down the laughter that burst through his lips.

“No. That’s enough for today. I’ll go back and take a break and have another class tomorrow.”

“No, I can do more.”

I struggled to calm Cedric, whose eyes twinkled that he could do more.

Still, seeing him actively practicing swordsmanship made me feel better.

‘What do you want to wish for so badly?’

I thought to myself as I watched the red light of joy pouring out of Cedric’s clear eyes.

* * *

“I mean, I’m asking. What do you mean, I’m better than Princess Persephine?”

A week after I successfully finished my first swordsmanship class with Cedric, I grabbed the sword in the Knight’s break room where there was no one around and said,

“No, it’s frustrating. I told you before. Hey?”

From swordsmanship classes, magic classes to knights.

It was a rather busy life than before, but I was still trying not to miss the original story.

Through Caliberne, I constantly tried to figure out why the original work was twisted and if Caliberne knew the current state of Princess Persephine.

Although there hasn’t been a big harvest so far.

“No, I mean, why? In what way could you say that?”

“You’re so tenacious. You’re better off with your sword aspirations and your gift for mana, and you’re the best at handling swords among the candidates, so what should I do?”

Hearing Caliberne’s nervous words, I suddenly thought it was strange.

“I’m the best swordsman? That can’t be true.”

Of course, I have the longest fencing career among candidates.

Because there was no fencing in this country in the first place.

However, the long swords that were often used here were only learned from a club for a short time in the spare time I had in my previous life.

There was very little chance that I would have better swordsmanship than Princess Persephine, who had been holding a sword since she was a child.

“What are you talking about, Persephine or whatever, I’ve never held a sword longer than anyone. I wouldn’t have been able to handle it properly even if I had been chosen anyway.”

“What? Is that real?”

“That’s right. She has a very strong desire for a sword, too, so you should pay attention to it, but no matter how hard it was, you couldn’t get into a kid who hasn’t held a sword before. are you?”

No way…

‘In the original, it was said that she had been dealing with swords since she was very young…’

I don’t know why, but in this life, Persephine doesn’t seem to have held a sword.

So it was clear that Caliberne, who was supposed to be in Persephine’s body, was in me.

“Caliberne, I need you to be more specific-”

Having been absorbed in the problems of how to live in this world, I didn’t notice the presence that was approaching me from behind.

“What is a Caliberne?”

Startled by the sound of the voice behind I heard from my back, I dropped the sword I was holding with both hands on the floor.

A shrill, deafening sound rang, and the blonde green-eyed boy behind me covered his ears and frowned.

“Who are you?”

But the boy did not answer.

He’s just saying what he has to say.

“Oh, was the name of that sword Caliberne?”

If it becomes known that I am the owner of the Caliberne, it’s over.

I had to somehow make him forget the name ‘Caliberne‘.

I asked with a lot of caution, but the boy just stared at the sword that had been thrown on the floor.

“Why are you talking to the sword? Don’t you talk to people?”

“Well, that’s not it-”

Then he alone nodded his head and spoke in a voice without the slightest hint of malice.

“Oh, I get it. You don’t have any friends to talk to.”

I was completely at a loss for words at the boy’s expression that looked at me with genuine pity.

Not only did I notice, but I thought to myself that my personality had been abandoned far away in the inner core of the earth.

‘Who the hell was this kid…?’

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