The Tyrant Won't Let Me Go

Chapter 35: CH 34

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The Tyrant Won’t Let Me Go Chapter 34

Translated by Niks

Edited by

The knights, who had been distracted by the shackles for a while, found Cedric lying in the bed next to Ciel after some time, and then greeted him.

Cedric greeted them with a smile around his lips, followed by them surrounding the bed in a circle.

“Oh my gosh…”

As she sat down, Sera stared at the shackles with astonished eyes.

Meanwhile, Sir Turka continued to look at Cedric and Ciel alternately with a confused gaze.

“Well, I knew you two were in that kind of relationship, but I didn’t know you’d already do something like this.”

As he said these words, his gaze remained on the shackles.

“I never imagined that you would move forward so quickly…”

No, that’s not it.

‘I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it’s not what you think.’ ᶜᶦᵉˡ

Eventually, I couldn’t hold back and spoke.

“Sir Turka, His Majesty and I are not like that, and these shackles are not what you think.” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

“It’s not like that? Wasn’t it that kind of play?”

James was even more startled by my words and jumped up and asked.

“Then, you must have committed some crime while you were being carried away? Why’s the commander wearing what the sinners should?”

Then Hillac tapped his knee with his eyes wide open as if he had realized something.

“Commander, who framed you? So that’s why you were imprisoned in this room?”


Just then, Hillac and Sera’s eyes met, and Sera also muttered with a face as if she had also realized something.

“Still, taking into account that you’re the one who kept the oath, and was imprisoned in a luxurious room rather than a dungeon.”

“No, that’s notㅡ” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

There was no end to their imagination, which grew like a snowball.

“Commander, we’ll prepare the bail somehow, so please hang in there! We’ll make sure to prepare it!”

It was none other than Cedric who put the brakes on their imagination.

“Come on, everyone, calm down. It’s true that Count Minerva was imprisoned, but she’s not a criminal.” ᶜᵉᵈʳᶦᶜ

At Cedric’s words, Seyra and Hillac, who seem to have believed ironically that Ciel was falsely accused and became a criminal, widened their eyes.

“Then why…”

Cedric smiled at Sera’s self-talk.

“Commander Minerva is safe with me now.”

“What? What’s that…”

Ciel eventually spoke to them, who was staring back at her in confusion and explained what exactly had happened.

“Oh… That’s what happened.”

Sir Turka nodded in reply.

Seera, who found out that her thoughts were wrong, turned red to the end of her ears.

James and Hillac, who came up with the idea that Ciel might have been falsely accused, were surprisingly not shaken much.

“Then, it’s supposed to control mana.”

“To be precise, it’s not controlling it, it’s suppressing it.”

While explaining to James, Hillac’s eyes glinted toward the shackles.

“Commander, could I try kicking it when you unlock this?”


Sera and James looked at Hillac, wondering if he went crazy, but he answered with clear eyes.

“I really want to see this come off, just for once…”

For reference, Hillac liked all kinds of minerals that sparkled, including pure gold and pure silver.

And it was also related to the fact that he, who at first treated Ciel only as a senior knight, came to follow her.

Hearing a rumor that Hillac likes gems, he was handed over a diamond, which was purchased to be used as a magic stone, but was found to be unsuitable for magic stone.

From that day on, Hillac took over as my successor.

“Hillac, Are you saying that this is pure gold?”

Hillac nodded his head enthusiastically at my question.

“Okay, I’ll ask the research team if it’s okay and let you know.”

At those words, Hillac’s face, which had not normally changed, brightened.

“Thank you, Commander.”

Sir Turka, who was looking at Hillac kindly like seeing a mischievous grandson, soon turned his head and spoke in a serious voice.

“Anyway, I’m glad you said the injuries were only minor.”

“That’s right. At first, I was surprised at how much you shot the lightning strike.”

At Sir Turka’s words, Sera added, sweeping his chest.

“Honestly, it was strange. Even with the two of us using a lightning strike, the lion didn’t fall down in the first place…”

“I heard that it was strengthened by an explosive.”

James nodded, saying it was right.

“Yes, that’s right. It’s unusual for the Nemesis Lion to be brought into the Empire, but it’s even been strengthened with such drugs.”

“It’s supposed to be poisonous. From there.”

Hillac replied in a dry voice.

“In other words, it’s desperate.”

At those words, Sera, Sir Turka, and James’ eyes went cold.

“I couldn’t wait to see who’s behind it.”

Sera said, grinding her teeth.

“I’d like to ask him where he gets his guts from to threaten His Majesty and injure the Commander.”

“Sera, he didn’t do this because he had the guts.” James replied.

“You idiot.”

While touching the emblem of the Deamant Empire in the shape of an eagle that was clearly engraved on his armor.

“Since I came out in front of an eagle that never misses a prey in my eyes.”

Then Cedric smiled satisfactorily.

“Yeah. You guys know well.” ᶜᵉᵈʳᶦᶜ

Behind his bright red eyes, blue anger was burning.

“But why didn’t he know?”

Blood-red eyes flashed for an instant.

“The fact that an angry eagle would pull out its eyes first when it meets him.”

Everyone who was present in the room nodded.

Because everyone, including Ciel, knew so well that Cedric’s words were true.

‘However, I was a little concerned that Cedric’s eyes, burning with anger, were directed at me, not the emblem of the Deamant Empire or his crown.’ ᶜᶦᵉˡ

A drowsy afternoon about two days after waking up.

In a different room than usual, while I was wearing shackles that I’ve never worn in my life, I still held Cedric’s hand as usual.

Of course, this time it seemed that the use of it was more crucial for me than for Cedric.

“Excuse me, Your Majesty.” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

“Yes, why?”

Unwaveringly, his expression has always given answers.

The tightly held hand gently wrapped around the back of my hand.

Cedric, who brought a chair to the bedside and sat down, held my hand buried in the bed and pillow, but never took his eyes off me.

“You don’t have to look at me when you’re already holding my hand, but you’re so restless.” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

Previously, Cedric would turn over the pages for work in the bed next to me, and whenever a paper turned over, he would look back at me and focus on the papers again.

His red eyes were filled with anxiety as he raised his head every time he checked on me.

Then when our eyes met, the eyes that shivered with relief for some reason would turn back to the documents.

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“I’m wearing shackles, and I have nowhere to go.” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

In the end, I got frustrated and said something.

Otherwise, I thought I would be so anxious for the rest of the 5 days.


Hearing my words, Cedric rolled his eyes and put his finger to his lips.

Then he came down from the chair, put his knee on the floor, and leaned his head obliquely against the bed mattress.

With his red eyes shining like rubies like a cat acting cute to its owner.

“I’m not worried about that.”

“Then why?” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

Instead of answering, Cedric swept the back of my hand with his thumb.

Then he spread my hand out, inserted his hand between my fingers, and fixed my hand again.

“Marquis Lauren told me to call if you ever get a spark. It’s possible that some mana might be out of the shackles’ control.”

“Did you keep watching over me because of that?” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

Startled, I looked straight into his eyes and asked.

“No, they even made an emergency bell to call them if there was anything in need from Marquis or if something dangerous happened, they would come right away. There’s no need to be so anxious. And if there’s a spark, I’ll be the first to know.” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

“Because you might not know it when you’re sleeping or focusing on something else.”

Cedric answered in a drowsy voice and rested his face on the bed sheet.

“And you’re the type who doesn’t say anything when you’re hurt even if you’re sick all the time. So I couldn’t relax.”

At Cedric’s gaze, a corner of my chest was prickly.

Even if I caught a cold or had a fever, this personality of mine didn’t go anywhere even when I took possession of this body, and Cedric, who usually didn’t say anything to me, nagged me a few times in that regard.

“Ugh, it used to be like that, but now it’s not. I know it’s quite dangerous. I’d say it right away.” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

Still, Cedric stared at me with a suspicious gaze, and I sighed and told him.

“It’s true. Do you not believe the words of the person who even kept the oath?” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

“Hmm, I don’t know.”

“Anyway…” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

I put my hands on top of his again and continued.

“Don’t worry too much. I’ll be fine, and if there’s a problem, I’ll talk to Mr. Dalton and Marquis Lauren right away.” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

Somehow, there was a strange light in the red eyes that looked sad.

As if to hide the light in front of me, Cedric closed his eyes and placed his cheek on our clasped hands.

“I know.”

A low voice whispered.

“But, I… just hate seeing Ciel get hurt.”

As she knocked down the lion, Cedric’s voice, gasping for breath and howling like an insane man, was faintly audible in Ciel’s ears.

The heart-breaking voice would never be forgotten.

“Even if I couldn’t sleep because of anxiety, if I could only confirm that you are safe, that’s all that matters.”

I thought as I saw Cedric smiling faintly with a shadow under his red eyes.

‘Why the hell would you do that to someone like me?’ ᶜᶦᵉˡ

The afternoon passed without doing anything and the night came.

[Did you keep the emergency bell at the bedside?]

At Caliberne’s question, I turned to the round golden bell next to the pillow.


[Was there water next to you?]


[Okay, then don’t do useless things and recover quickly.]

“You strangely became like a mother.” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

When I said that to Caliberne, who asked if I had prepared everything I needed while preparing to sleep, Caliberne burst into anger.

[Noisy! What kind of mother was a mother to a person who’s not even married! I would never have a daughter like you!]

“Yeah, I hate you mom.” ᶜᶦᵉˡ


She was constantly having a loving conversation with Caliberne full of affectionate swear words and diss.

Just then, a black shadow appeared from the bathroom inside the room.

“Your Majesty, if you’re ready to sleep, turn off the lights…” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

But I couldn’t bear to finish talking.


Cedric’s hair, which had just come out of the bathroom, was dripping.

The heat from the warm water still seemed dangerous just with his face and drowsy eyes, but the lower part from his neck was even more dangerous.

“Light? If you’re going to sleep, you could turn it off. I’m going to sleep soon, too.” ᶜᵉᵈʳᶦᶜ

Cedric, who looked back at me casually, was barely wearing a shower robe.

It was as if all the angry muscles that were normally hidden by his clothes were protruding.

His firm chest was exposed through the robe that barely draped over his shoulders, and the calf that was exposed under the robe looked so hard that a needle could not poke through it.

Unlike me, who was at a loss for words due to the strong visual stimulus, Cedric spoke in a very calm voice.

“Then I’ll go in, Ciel.” ᶜᵉᵈʳᶦᶜ

Then he calmly lifted the blanket and lay down next to me.

“The doctor said that it was not enough to hold hands anymore.”

Well yes, it could happen.

But why are you in my bed…?

Why did you have to wear such dangerous clothes…?

“He said that we should spend the night together.”

That’s what I heard too…

But that doesn’t sound like sleeping in the same bed, was it?

“Oh, then I’ll turn off the lights now.”

Cedric lay on the side and reached towards the candle.

The robe that was covering half of Cedric’s chest loosened, and his chest seemed visible as it was.

Having stopped thinking, I raised my hand and smacked Cedric on the back.

“What’s wrong, Ciel?”

“No- now! what the hell are you wearing!”

Cedric, who looked angry for a moment, looked at Ciel with a puzzled face.

“A person called the Emperor reveals everything in front of his servant like this!!” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

“Cie- Ciel, thisㅡ”

“Not something loose like this! Something with buttons! Sleep in a healthy two-piece nightgown!” ᶜᶦᵉˡ

Unable to contain my surprise, I shouted, pointing to his thin but unexposed, healthy pajamas.

Cedric thought it was a priority to calm me down, so he got out of bed and reached out his hands and said,

“Ciel, let me explain. This it’s…”

That was the problem.

The flimsy shower robe was already showing its limitations, and it was made even more dangerous. I couldn’t stand and smacked Cedric again, which made it more loose.

The moment Cedric got up to get out of bed, the robe, which had reached its limit, could not hold out and slid down.


There was a dead silence that fell in the room.

What I saw…



And something like an elephant.

“Ci, Ciel, waitㅡ!”

As soon as Cedric spoke up, I silently turned my head and slammed the emergency bell as if breaking it.

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