The Undead Dragon’s Servant: A Path to Lichhood (LitRPG Progression)

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: The Hunt Begins

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After some quicking, he thought of something. Now, he just needed to actually put it into practice and try not to screw up. Because even the best plan in the world could flop if poorly executed. And by no means was this the best plan anyone could think of. So he had to be perfect with his tone, body language, expression, and effectively other aspect of it. Before he spoke to the entire crowd, Emil would need to start with the people directly close by. Keeping his voice low, he began to speak to a man standing right next to him.

“Any ideas about what could cause such a terrible thing to happen,” he said. The man glanced over him. “I just mean, do you think there was potentially a reason? Like perhaps she was being chased by animals, or something else?” Emil asked. As he talked, he could see other nearby people looking over at him.

“Nobody knows yet, the body was just found. As far as I know, there aren’t many dangerous animals around these parts. But little Sarah was known for being a good swimmer for her age, so I do wonder…” The man trailed off, not finishing the thought.

“I see. Sorry, but in that case, may I ask another question? I’m not very familiar with this area, but are there any points where the river immediately becomes deep, or has an extremely strong current? That’s the only explanation I could think of, for why this occurred.”

Emil was taking a chance with this, by intentionally providing a potential reason. But the man simply shook his head in response, and quietly said there were no such extreme deep points. And that the river was usually quite calm within their town’s area. Emil could hear a couple of people now also beginning to speak with one another in hushed voices.

He remained quiet for a few minutes, giving them a chance to think of their own ideas and thoughts. Now that the initial shock had been broken, some of these people could ask themselves how this happened and craft their own internal theories. Once that little bit of time passed, Emil prepared himself to push it farther. However, before he could, an old lady stepped forth from the crowd. She approached Sarah’s family and knelt down beside them. All eyes were now on her. The grieving mother looked up from her daughter’s body and at the woman.

“Mrs. Reeth, you have my sincerest condolences,” she began. “We don’t see each other very often, but I’m Abigail, the Diviner. If I have your permission, would you allow me to interact with her effects later on? I’m not the most skilled in my craft, but perhaps I could use them to see what happened. So that if nothing else, it can shed some light on why this came to be. Please excuse me.” She stood back up, and stepped back by a few feet.

Emil’s looked at her as she spoke. A Diviner in this town? It wasn’t a very common profession, but that would be perfect for him. Most Diviners are only able to read the pasts of inorganic objects. And even then, it was only the immediate perspective of that object. Like if she used her magic on Sarah’s shirt, she would see it go underwater and then back up as the struggle happened, before staying in the river.

However, she wouldn’t be really able to pick up on the struggle itself or see anything more than that. At the very least, that’s how it was to him back when he was a Mage that knew Novice Divination. There was always the possibility that she was a tier in the skill, and would be able to see more.

But either way, if he could find the knife and bring it to her, it would become apparent that Sarah had to defend herself while in the river. Something that could be used to help prove his case against the killer. It was then that Ben wiped his face and also stood up. He approached Abigail, his eyes were bloodshot.

“Ma’am, please go ahead and use your magic now. I… I need to know who did this to S-” he seemed to choke at her name, swallowing before he continued. “Who did this to Sarah.” His chest trembled as his words were shaky.

“Ben…” The mother slowly said. He looked back at her, barely able to hold back more tears.

“This wasn’t an accident, someone killed my sister, I know it! There’s no other reason why she would have been in the river! Even if she slipped in, it wouldn’t have been enough for her to drown! She would have just gotten wet and needed to dry up when she got home! That’s all that would have happened, she should still be alive!” With each sentence, his voice only grew increasingly louder. But with those last few words, the dam broke as the tears rolled down his cheeks. The ghost of Sarah looked up at her older brother, her eyes wide.

There would be no need for Emil to try and convince the crowd. Nothing he could possibly say would be able to compare to the passion of an anguished family member. However, that being said, he could still play his own part in this. Because some people might think that Ben’s words were just that of someone upset and filled with distress. Emil was next to step forward and walked up to Ben. The young man looked back at him, recognition flashed in his expression.

“If it’s any help, I also know some Divination. So if you’d like for someone to do it now, I can. Would you mind if I do?” Emil asked. Ben gave him his permission, and so he went over to Sarah’s body. Emil looked into the mother’s eyes for a moment, and after a few seconds of hesitation, she simply nodded.

He lightly placed his hand on Sarah’s clothing, right above where she had kept the knife. Emil then channeled his Mana, using it the same way he had back when he was a Mage to cast his Divination spells. However, as a Necromancer who no longer had access to that ability, there was no actual result. But that was fine with him, he didn’t need anything to actually happen. He only did that to keep up appearances, and so that the older woman could feel that he did use his Mana in the correct manner.

“I see images of a knife, one that was kept right under here.” As Emil said that, he could hear the mother as she gasped. “Just a little after entering the river, the blade gets taken out. However, it never returns to this spot by the time the vision ends. If she was in the river during that time, perhaps it was dropped into the water?”

“Yes! She did have a knife,” the mother began as she seemed to be filled with a surge of new life. “It was with her today before she left to play with her friends. I told her to return it, but she promised that she would just bring it back with her.”

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Abigail the Diviner then came over and sat next to Emil. He removed his hand as she placed her own down at that spot. She closed her eyes and focused, casting her magic. When Abigail finished, she confirmed what he had said. A murmur spread throughout the entire crowd. With what Ben had passionately said, and now this, there was only one thought on their minds. This wasn’t just an accident. Abigail then looked at him as she sat back.

“We need to search for that knife, it has to be somewhere in the river. If it’s found, we can form a clearer picture by seeing how it was used. I’ll be able to find out if it was to defend against an animal, or…” Glancing at Sarah’s mother, she didn’t let herself finish the sentence. But even while left unspoken, everyone knew what she had been about to say next.

Everyone gathered there then dispersed, a new search had now started. People spread out, hoping to cover as much of the river as possible. Even with the icy water and only the light of their torches, they were willing to dig their hands through the mud. Perhaps it would be smarter to wait until morning, but they were all motivated to find the knife right now. However, they wouldn’t need to be out looking for very long.

With Sarah’s memories as his guide, Emil had a good idea of how far he was from the site of the attack. He quickly made his way over to it, and walked into the water. The current was light, it shouldn’t be strong enough to carry even a light knife. So there were only two possibilities. Either the weapon was still somewhere near him, or the murderer grabbed it and took it away.

“Come on, come on, where are you?” Emil muttered to himself as he looked. “He might not have thought to take it. Hopefully he didn’t.” He didn’t know how smart the cleric was, but he tried to think from his perspective. If he had successfully managed to get away with a series of murders, he was at least wise enough to do them without leaving evidence in the past.

At the very least, nothing that made people realize they were murders before. However, with the way he got the drop on his victims, how often did any of them even have a chance to fight back? And by extension, how many pulled out a weapon to seriously harm him? To make him feel real pain, to have him bleed, and remember that he’s mortal. If he was injured and bleeding badly, he might not have the sense or time to get the knife. That idea is what Emil was counting on.

“Ahah!” Emil exclaimed as he felt his fingers rub against the handle. He grabbed the knife out of the mud. With it now in hand, he made his way back to where Ben’s mother and the Diviner were both still waiting. And as he walked past anyone else, he informed them that he had found the weapon. So that by the time he reached his destination, about half of the original crowd had already returned.

Emil handed the knife to Abigail, and once again she performed her magic. When she was done, she clasped her hand against her mouth. Her expression was a mixture of shock and horror. Abigail looked at the mother, and then turned to face the crowd.

“I… I’m afraid to say that little Sarah was attacked today. In my vision, I saw the knife being stabbed into a man. However, I could not see his face, or can otherwise tell who it was. But even despite her best attempt to defend herself, she was killed by someone.” As Abigail spoke, the face of Sarah’s mother only grew increasingly pale. It looked like she could faint at any moment.

“Then this will be investigated by the full extent of the law, to find the one responsible.” A firm voice stated from behind the crowd. The people parted away to make room. Three individuals came through the opening that was made. A tall, bald man who wore blue garbs and carried a lit lantern. As well as two guards decked in steel armor and armed with spears.

“Mayor Duran,” Abigal said quietly, just loud enough for Emil to hear. The mayor and his guards approached them. His face was clean-shaven and his jaw clenched. Deep bags were under his eyes, and long lines stretched across his forehead.

“I have already been briefed on the situation. And I also just heard what our local Diviner just said. As such, an official investigation shall be opened up and personally led by me.” He glanced over to the mother, his eyes seemed to soften for just a moment. “You have my condolences Mrs. Reeth, I am truly sorry for what has befallen your family.” He cleared his throat, and turned to his guards.

“First, send the word out to put the town’s forces on high alert. As soon as the murderer hears that we are tracking him down, he may attempt to flee the town. So we shall keep watch and confront any single man or those who leave that a man in their group. Then, I want a detachment to be sent out to every building with a healer. All of them, from professionals to those selling home remedies. If their business is already closed, go to their houses and wake them up. Check if anyone has taken in a man who came in today for a stab wound. Go now!” With his command, the guards left. Watching them quickly return to the town, the mayor rubbed the back of his neck.

“Now everyone, it is dark, cold, and many of you are soaked. Have faith that we will catch the one responsible, and return to your homes for tonight. I can personally promise that within the coming days, justice will be dealt out. But if possible, I’d like to ask for a few volunteers. For now, if Mrs. Reeth will allow it, I would like for Sarah’s body to be taken to the morgue.”

The mother looked down at her daughter’s face, and slowly brushed away a lock of hair. She nodded, and stood up. A few people volunteered themselves to help, and gingerly picked away the body. They watched as she was then carried away. And with the matter now seemingly settled, the rest of the crowd did as the mayor advised, and began leaving to go home.

Eventually, they all left. Even Ben came back to help his mother walk back, thanking Emil for his help before they went. Now it was just Emil and Sarah’s ghost, who had been watching this whole time without saying a word. But quietly, she asked him a simple question: what will he do now?

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