The Vampire Dairies: scars under the crimson vail

Chapter 7: The Founder’s Party – I

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"Sir, here's your coffee."


Mark holds the cup, takes a sip and puts it back on the table. He looked outside the window, which was to his right and the weather outside was pleasant. It was a sunny day with clear sky.

Mark was enjoying his coffee at the Mystic Grill, when suddenly the door to the entrance open and a teenager burst inside the restaurant. He was 5'11", wearing a dark jeans with green hooded jacket. He was panting heavily with sweat dripping on his face. He looked like, he had just ran a marathon.

He walked up to the counter and started asking questions.

"Have you seen Vicki? Did she come here?"

The waitress looked at him with a calm face like it's an everyday occurrence and said

"Vicki haven't come here for a while. I heard she had an accident and was admitted to the hospital."

"So, she didn't come here in the morning?" He asked her panting. "No, I'm afraid not." Waitress shook her head.

The teenager hung his head low then turned around and left. Mark looked at the closed door from where the teenager has left and sighed.

After some time the door again opened and Elena and Bonnie came in. Both of them came up to Mark's side and greeted him. Mark greeted them back.

"Hey!" Both Elena and Bonnie greeted while smiling.

"Hey guys" Mark replied with his nonchalant smile.

Bonnie and Elena, both occupied the empty seats in front of Mark. He looked at them and asked

"Did something happened to Vicki earlier? I just saw some guy asking about her to the waitress."

Elena had a worried look on her face and said "I've heard it from Matt earlier that she went missing from the hospital."

Mark frowned and said "What! You mean she was kidnapped?"

"It not been confirmed yet but Matt told us that when he went this morning to check up on her she was not there and no one in the hospital has seen her since the last night. After searching for her around the hospital he called Sheriff Forbes and told her about the incident. The police has officially declared her missing this morning." Bonnie explained.

"Matt must be worried sick about her, first the attack and then this." Mark sighed.

"Well, this is getting somber. Let's change the topic, how about the founder's party, are you going?" Bonnie asked while looking at me.

"Yeah, my family first settled here around the time of first founder's party or so I heard." Mark chuckled.

"So, who are you accompanying to the party?" Elena asked. "No one."


"Yes, actually haven't had much of a time to get acquainted with anyone other than you guys." Mark laughed

"By the way who's accompanying you?" Mark asked Elena.

"Do you even have to ask?" Bonnie side eyed Elena and spoke to him with a slight grin on her face.

"Right." Mark chuckled

"Where is he, by the way? Didn't you said he would be here by the time we arrive?" Bonnie furrowed her brows and looked at Elena with a questioned look.

Elena looked at her watch and sighed.

"He's getting late. Hitting the hour mark, nothing wrong though." She sighed

Mark looked towards Bonnie and asked "Did anyone accompanying you?"

"No, I'm actually going just to look after her." Bonnie points towards Elena and laughs.

"Do you need help with that?" Mark asked looking at Bonnie.

"N-no, why trouble yourself with her? I think I'll be fine, alone." Bonnie denied with a flustered expression.

"Oh, I insist. How could I leave a lady alone to such a party?" Mark said with his cheeky smile.

"Come on Bonnie, just say yes." Elena leaned closer to her and softly muttered in her ears while looking at Mark, who has the same cheeky smile on his face.

Bonnie looked at Mark and said 'Ok'

"So what time should I pick you up and at which place?" Mark asked Bonnie Bonnie looked at Mark and asked for his contact info and said

"Pick me up at 5:00. I'll send you the address."

Mark then looked at his watch which was showing 12:30 in the noon and stood up from his seat.

He looked at Elena and said "It's getting late. I'll see you at the party." Then turned towards Bonnie and said "I'll be waiting for your call."

Mark then walked towards the counter and paid his bill and started walking towards the exit. As he was walking, the door to the restaurant opened up and Stefan walked in.

Mark stopped and looked at Stefan and greeted him, Stefan greeted back. "Hey."


"You know it's pretty late and it's rude to keep a lady waiting." Mark smiles while looking at Elena's table. He then walked up to Stefan and taps on his shoulder and said "well then see you at the party" as he kept walking and lefts the restaurant.


Mark was standing in his wardrobe, looking at different suits that was on display. He sighed and looked at John who was standing just behind him, holding a black colored jacket.

"What do you think John? Which one should I choose?"

"I personally think that the black would suit the occasion. Sir." John said while pointing towards the black suit with a red pocket cloth.

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"Hmm I also though so."

Mark then picked up the black suit with red pocket cloth, a white shirt and matching black leather shoes, puts them on the bed and went for a shower.

It was already 4:15 in the evening when Mark came out of the shower. He puts on the suit and stood in front of the mirror while he straighten out his tie. He has his dazzle with wonder over a friendly smile on his face.

After checking out his looks, he went downstairs in the hall and walked up to John, who was standing near the dining table.

"You were right, black does suits me." "I'm always right. Sir" John chuckled.

"John find out about the girl, who was attacked by the vampire at the party. I heard she went missing."

"Sir, maybe the vampire went back and finished the job?" John furrowed his brows.

"There is a possibility of that but in a world full of vampires, werewolves, witches, doppelgangers and what more. There's always another possibility." Mark sighed.

As he was talking, Mark phone suddenly vibrated, informing him about the text he received. He pulls out his phone from the left inner pocket of his blazer and saw Bonnie's text about her address.

"Look into her John, I'm sensing it's more than the usual 'vampire coming back to finish his job' trope." Mark said, putting his phone back inside his pocket.


Mark was driving towards the address Bonnie had given him. After driving for 10 minutes, he arrived at the address and parked his car to the side of the road and went outside. He walked up to a white two story house with a lawn in front and ring the doorbell.

After couple of minutes Bonnie came out wearing a cream golden embroidered cowl neck spaghetti strap mesh corset midi dress with her wavy hair falling down her back.

"You're looking absolutely gorgeous in that." Mark gently smiled.

"You're looking handsome too, black does suit your style." Bonnie said with an affiliative smile forming dimples on her cheeks.

"Shall we?" Mark asked Bonnie pointing towards his parked car.

Mark went ahead and opened the door to the passenger side and stood aside with is usual gentle smile. Bonnie walked up to him and Mark gently hold the palm of her hand while she sat inside. After that he walked up to the other side of the car, opened the door and sat inside.

Mark drove his car towards the east side of the town, where the Lockwood manor was situated. He parked his car at the designated parking area. He got out of the car first and went towards the passenger side. Mark opened the door and gently held Bonnie's palm as she got out of the car.

Mark and Bonnie both walked towards a large three story lakeside manor with palm trees forming a shaded track. Both of them walked on the shaded track, towards the line, formed of people waiting to be invited inside. The Mayor with his wife and son was standing on the steps of the manor's entrance, greeting the guests, inviting them inside.

After couple of minutes mark and Bonnie's turn came, they went up to the stairs and Mark turned towards the Mayor and greeted him.

"Hello, Mayor Lockwood." Mark smiled then turned towards his wife.

"Mrs. Lockwood. Thank you for inviting us."

"Mr. Anderson. Please come in. It's nice that you made it." Richard shook Mark's hand.

"Please come in, both of you and enjoy the party." Spoke Carol while pointing towards the entrance with her gentle smile.

Mark and Bonnie went inside the manor. It was a grand manor not as grand as Anderson state but a property worth describing old heritage. There were people conversing and waiter roaming around with a tray full of champagne glasses.

Mark stopped the waiter and picked up a glass then looked towards Bonnie and asked

"Would you like to have one?"

Bonnie refused and the waiter left them alone. As the guest keep arriving, Mark saw Elena courted by Stefan came inside. The slight hesitation of Stefan not being able to set foot inside until Carol invited him in, didn't go unnoticed by Mark. Right after Elea came Caroline, courted by a familiar vampire wearing all black, whom Mark had the chance to meet in the Cemetery.

They all were greeted by Carol and came inside. Bonnie after seeing Elena left Mark's side and went towards her, but Mark followed closely behind with the glass of champagne in his left hand.

Bonnie and Elena hugged each other and greeted while giggling and Mark and Stefan shared a handshake. Caroline as soon as she came inside went towards her mother who was standing aside from all the crowd wearing her Sheriff's uniform.

Mark could hear their distant chatter but before he could focus on that, he was interrupted by Elena.

"Hey, it's nice to see you here. You're looking handsome in black."

"Thank you. You too are looking absolutely amazing." Mark smiled.

"Cheeky, huh." Interjected the familiar vampire.

Mark looked at Elena who was looking at the vampire with a frown, then turned towards the familiar vampire. He was looking at Mark with a condescending sneer.

"And you must be Mr...?" Mark lift up his chin and looked in his eyes while smiling.

"Damon, Damon Salvatore." Damon walked up to Mark while offering a handshake.

Mark shook his hand while saying "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Damon Salvatore. I'm Mark Anderson"

Damon shook Mark's hand while putting some pressure into it, but Mark's expressions remains the same as usual. Mark looked at Damon and returned the favor by putting just a little pressure in his handshake resulting in Damon's condescending sneer turning into a scowl.

Mark let go of Damon's hand and spoke.

"Would you guys excuse me for a second? I've to greet somebody."

After that he turned towards the Sheriff, who was at that time left alone, and walked up to her.

"Sheriff Forbes, it's nice to meet you here, seeing as you're a busy person, always on duty." Mark pointed towards her uniform with his eyes.

"Mr. Anderson. Well someone have to protect these people while a psychotic creature is on loose, ripping innocents apart." Sheriff Forbes sighed.

"I, thank you for your service for this town on behalf of these ignorant people." Mark chuckled.

Sheriff Forbes left out a chuckle and whispered 'thank you Mr. Anderson and see you later at the meeting on the third floor' then left.


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