The Vampire Empress

Chapter 31: Chapter 27.5. A Slow Impending Chaos.

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The Vampire Empress.

Chapter 27.5. A Slow Impending Chaos.


A loud bang resounded around the room. A man who sat on his seat banged on his desk as he listened into his subordinate’s report. The man had a pale and ugly look on his face as he shouted, “What did you say?! The kidnapping failed?!”


“Yes, Your Majesty…” the subordinate inched a bit away as the man’s forehead frowned before he sat down with a sigh. The man was none other than King Ferze IX Kaleid. A scheming man who carries a mask on his face similar to his father and predecessors.


“How did the kidnapping fail?!” he screamed at the subordinate who trembled.


The subordinate took a deep breath before answering, “We don’t know, Your Majesty! All we know was all the people we hired were killed mercilessly, some were tortured with deep stabs on their chest but most of them did not penetrate their hearts until the fiftieth stab while others had their heads scraped open…”, he trembled with a paler look before adding, “It was too gruesome to look at!”


He looked as if he was about to puke just from imagining the scene. His mouth was almost puffing up, but he forced himself to keep calm, clearing off the images of the gruesome scene with a rainbow of food before another bang exploded from the desk.


“Didn’t I tell you to make sure to hire people who wouldn’t be caught?! ARE YOU THAT INCOMPETENT TO HIRE SOME WEAKLINGS WHO CAN’T EVEN KIDNAP AND HOSTAGE A LITTLE GIRL?!” he screamed before throwing a heavy book onto the subordinate’s head, causing a wound as blood bled from the subordinate’s head.


The man was anxious. He was an insecure person. Even though the person he summoned wasn’t even doing anything wrong, there was always this gut feeling of his that made him insecure enough and so, he thought that by taking hostage of the little girl that the person loved the most, he would be able to force loyalty upon the summoned person.


Yet, despite his meticulous planning, his plans failed and it was all of unknown reasons. It wasn't the first time he tried to find ways to force the summoned person to be tied to the kingdom, in fact, his first attempt isn't that much of a failure which was announcing that the summoned person was to be Her Majesty. There was no way for the person in question to be able to prove herself not as the announcement was made via a royal decree.


But upon visiting the summoned person, he found out that the Queen of the strongest kingdom in the continent was already standing beside the summoned person which brought his insecurity even higher as he figured his first plan would fail especially now that someone extremely powerful was beside the summoned person.


And so like that, his annoyance and insecurity grew silently in the dark. His desperate wish of having that summoned person’s loyalty towards him changed. It was no longer loyalty that he wanted but her entire body and life. He became crazier with each passing moment.


“Damn it!” he shouted while banging his hand onto his desk again.

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The subordinate was already feeling fear, his head continued to bleed yet he took no mind of it as he feared his entire head might be chopped away if he spoke one more word. He already understood deep inside that history is simply repeating itself once again. The same bloodline is making the same foolish mistake over and over again.


“Aren’t you being a bit too hasty?” a voice suddenly echoed from the ceiling. All of them looked above where a woman with a seductive look came to view, sitting on a plank of wood before she hopped off and landed graciously, the tip of her toes touched the ground gently before she walked over to the King, holding his chin high as she added, “There are plenty of ways you can force that little lady over to your side.”


“You can even steal her heart and make her truly yours if you wanted. For example, intentionally causing mayhem over at her little town before coming in to save the day like a hero?” she licked her lips while sitting down on the desk with one leg above another.


Her words were enchanting. Both Ferze and his subordinate were entranced by this mysterious person’s voice. Their cheeks blushed as the woman neared herself to Ferze, whispering into his ear, “How about it, don’t you want to spend a night with that little lady?”


Ferze was enchanted. His mind wandered away into dreamland. The image of a beautiful white-haired lady resting on his bed with her arms reaching out to him. He couldn’t resist but lick his lips as a smirk appeared over at the woman’s lips.


“Immediately! Arrange men to secretly cause chaos over at the Town of Kaloria! Make sure they don’t fail this time!” he shouted to the subordinate who snapped back to reality, only to realize that the woman was no longer there.


He could clearly remember a woman being here, but he can’t remember the appearance of her except that she was beautiful. It was like he had daydreamed for a second, but his instincts were telling him that it was not a dream.


Hearing the words of his king made me sigh inside. He already knew this kingdom was going to be doomed once the Demon Kingdom realizes that the kingdom is acting strange. Those demons are classified as the peacemakers of this continent and if ever they were to find out about this situation, even demise isn’t enough.


The last mess this king made was to disguise as men from another kingdom that is already trespassing the continental protocols which are made to maintain the peace of this continent. All he could do was pray that nothing will happen to him and his family while he saluted to his king and followed his orders.


Amidst this entire thing, no one had noticed that a beautiful, cold black-haired demon lady with two magnanimous black wings was watching out the window. Her eyes were colder than any land. Those fists of hers clenched as if she wanted to destroy something so badly. The aura around her was intense that if it were to leak out, the entire palace might collapse by itself.


That demon lady was none other than Queen of the Demon Kingdom, Helesta. The strongest being in the continent and also, without her realizing, one of the guardians of the continent and the world.

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