The Vampire Empress

Chapter 35: Chapter 31. A Morning Start

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The Vampire Empress.


After a little while of resting, the sound of noise coming from the second floor erupted into our ears. Both of us immediately panicked a bit and rushed up to the second floor where a confused Ayaka on her pajamas looked at us, tilting her head.


“Mama…” she looked at me before running towards me as I immediately caught her, lifting her up as she hugged me tightly.


“What’s wrong, dear?” I patted her back before she placed her head on my shoulder, snuggling up to me as if she had a nightmare. My eyes turned to Helesta a bit before asking, “In the meantime, can you tell Felice and Iona to prepare the meal for today?”


“Also, tell Aitsuki and Mitsuki to come to me later. I want to have a little talk with them, along with Kyle over the situation of the town…” I said before she showed a wonderful smile on her face, nodding as she vanished out of thin air, leaving behind a little black smoke that dissipated.


Her way of teleporting around sure is interesting though. I want to learn how to teleport like that… maybe I could become strong enough to protect the people I care for if I become stronger… though her words indeed moved me a bit: ‘Even if you succeed alone, would the people you cared for still look at you with the same gaze?’


If I became stronger, would Ayaka and the others still look at me like they do right now…? Would I still be the same person as I am right now? The saying that strength comes with responsibilities indeed fits well.


“Mama, are you okay?” she looked at me with a worried look.


“I am fine, rather it should be me asking that question. You woke up crying towards me, did you have a bad dream?” I looked at her with a smile before she nodded, digging her head onto my chest as she continued to hug me tightly.


It seems like her dream must have some kind of impact on her, though as curious as I am, I don’t want to ask her what kind of dream she had. Instead, I continued to pat her back while walking downstairs as the others were already seated with Helesta resting on the sofa while eating some grapes.


“Want some?” she asked as I shook my head.


“Those grapes do look delicious though, can you bring some more if you can later?” I replied before she nodded happily as my gaze turned towards Aitsuki, Mitsuki, and Kyle who were all having serious gazes, “As for the three of you, how are the tasks I gave doing?”


Without a word, all three of them took out one wide and long papyrus paper before placing them on the table as each of them opened the papers one after another, revealing a super shocking, extremely detailed image of two houses.


“We decided to work together as a team overall instead of competing, my lady after assessing the town,” Aitsuki replied before looking at the grapes that Helesta was eating only to be smacked by Mitsuki who followed after.


“The concept of our design is to provide as much comfort as we can possibly while cutting as many costs as possible which led us to this. A simple hut-like house that can fit even eight people at once with a kitchen, a living, a restroom, and four rooms that can suit two people,” she said.


After which, Kyle soon took over the talks as he said, “We also took the opportunity to survey the people around the town over what they need the most in their households and their replies mostly consisted of a garden where they can plant their own meals and also some place to hold animals.”


“But the animal part was hard as it required a large amount of space, instead we listened to their demand and added a little garden that can fit a few vegetables which should be good enough for them and all of this is properly contained within the average plot of a citizen.”

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I was impressed. Almost like an interviewer looking at a senior of 12 years giving his or her application for me to review. There was nothing that I can complain about their design. It looked beautiful and had everything that they would need.


It looked like a small house at first glance but then you realize, it is actually larger than that with the entire house plus the garden taking up almost 90% of the average citizen’s plot, leaving them also with enough space to modify their own plot.


The three of them looked incredibly nervous looking at me which made me giggle a bit inside as I showed a smile, “This is so much better than I expected. I am well-impressed; do you think you can do even better than this or is this the most optimal design from your eyes?”


All three looked at each other before shaking their heads as Aitsuki responded, “To me, we can do even better than this, my lady. In fact, probably way better than this but we took into consideration the time needed to construct each one and decided to go with this as it would be cheaper.”


“Do you have a design of the better one that I can see? Don’t worry about construction time and the costs. Rather, worry more about making it be able to sustain a long time while also being as comfortable as possible. Even though I did say to keep it cheap, I didn’t mean it in that way.”

“Rather, I wanted one that would utilize all the money in the most efficient way possible,” I looked at them with a smile before asking, “Are you three fine with designing the best one possible, or are you three going to leave it at this?”


The three of them looked at each other for a few seconds before turning towards me as all three nodded at the same time, “We want to go with the best one we can come up with…”


“Then go ahead, take as much time as you possibly need. I am fine with paying the three of you higher for a single team design,” I smiled at them before turning towards Helesta who was drinking water with a grin, “Besides, you see that person over there?”


“She’s the greatest wallet that you can find on this continent. Cost is nothing before her,” I laughed as she spat out the water she was drinking while I turned my gaze back to the three of them, “If you three need help over something, feel free to ask me anyway.”


“Mhm…” the three of them answered before Felice and Iona came out from the kitchen, carrying plates of what seemed to be delicious steak and hot soup. Almost instantly, a loud growl echoed from my side… but it was not from me but from the little girl that I am carrying.


Ayaka who was still hugging me tight, suddenly turned towards Iona and Felice with her nose rising a bit as drool escaped her cute little lips. She was hungry and so am I… so you know what that means, “It’s time for breakfast, everyone!”


“Yay!” Ayaka immediately replied happily as Iona and Felice looked at her with a gentle smile. The two of them indeed took their time to reflect on it, even now, they are extremely cautious as the two continued to look around the place.


It’s fine though… what happened before was inevitable for them. It isn’t even their fault that Ayaka was kidnapped, they tried their best and I am happy they did what they were tasked to and tried to defend the little girl as hard as they could.


“I’ll take the bigger steak,” Helesta who was supposed to be on the sofa suddenly appeared on one of the seats as she took a large steak from one of the plates before out of the blue, Ayaka hopped out and ran towards the table, snagging the plate as she glared at Helesta.


Looking at the two of them, a short giggle escaped my lips as I turned towards Aitsuki and the others with a smile, “How about joining us in our meal, as well?”


“I won’t refuse that offer, my lady,” Mitsuki immediately answered as she quickly joined the others to the sigh of Kyle and Aitsuki who both spoke the same as Mitsuki but in a tamer sense as they followed after her.

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