The Vampire Empress

Chapter 39: Chapter 35.Guild & Blossoming Lotus

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The Vampire Empress.


We soon entered the guild where a cheery atmosphere blasted through us. It was like entering a tavern of some sort. The smell of alcohol flew around the building, it wasn’t strong alcohol, but it wasn’t light either. You can see different kinds of people all around the building from bulky, muscular men to edgy hooded witch-looking women. It was diverse, to say the least.


“Hello, how may I help you?” one of the receptionists who we walked towards greeted with a warm, static smile that didn’t move a single bit.


“We want to take some quests; how would we proceed with it?” I asked before the lady simply smiled as she took out a book and some glasses, wearing them as she adjusted the glasses a bit before turning into a completely different person… in another way.


Everyone around us looked at us with pitiful eyes, they backed away as if they were about to see some kind of demon of some sort. I turned towards the receptionist who had sparkling eyes of gold on her face like a goblin.


“You can take quests by first registering as an adventure for only two silver coins per person! There is no risk at all, and you can ‘back off’ at any time, in fact, becoming an adventurer also grants you access to knowledge that you can’t find anywhere, a very welcoming treatment, and health insurance! You can assure yourself that if you were ever to be injured, we can lend you a healer to heal you immediately once you ‘reach’ the guild! Not to mention, we also offer occasional daily offers like lotteries, dinners, and many more! You can become an adventure easily and receive all these benefits for a bargain, how about it?”


Almost instantly, I understood the fears of the people around us. To think that someone can speak such a huge block of dialogue without taking a single breath, what kind of horrific marketing is this?! Is the guild that desperate to get new adventurers or something?


“Uhh… okay, two silver coins per person right?” I asked while taking out several silver coins before sparkles shone over her face again.


“Are you perhaps interested in extra add-ons like a free new weapon every month, perhaps some new armor, or some coupons every few months?! You can even get lucky and earn ten gold coins in a single month! Not to mention, you ca—”


“No! I just want to go questing!” I intervened.


“Are you sure you don’t want to avail into our new pla—” she tried once again.


“I said no! I just want to take a quest right now!” I intervened once more before she finally gave in as she took off her glasses and grabbed an orb.


The orb looked magical and interesting enough that I took a second to observe it before the receptionist looked at us and asked, “You can place your hands on the orb at the same time to register all of you as party members, there is no fee in checking only a fee for registering which was the two silver coins that I mentioned for each member.”


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I took a look at how many we were before taking out eight silver coins and handing them over as we looked at each other and nodded, placing our hands on the orb as it showed a symbol that looked like a blossoming lotus.


“What do you want to call your party?” the receptionist asked.


I turned around and looked at Felice and Iona before the two of them spoke, “My lady should pick since you are the leader…”


Feeling helpless against them, I turned towards the receptionist before taking notice of the blossoming lotus once more as a smile appeared on my face, “I want to call our party The Blossoming Lotus, is that available?”


“You have a great naming sense, congratulations and welcome to the guild!” she said before speaking seriously, “If you want to take quests, you can check the quest board over at the side but as for the quests you will pick, it will depend entirely on your capabilities. There are no rankings, but the orb here will tell us whether the party can partake the quest or not.”


“If the orb tells us that you are incapable of taking the quest that you wanted, we will adamantly reject it since the system has shown an accuracy of 99.9 percent over the strength of all people. However, you are free to take any simple requests like helping an elderly over shopkeeping or building houses.”


I see… it seems like the guild is pretty serious about the safety of their adventure. I wonder how that orb works and who made it since from what I can see, the orb looks pretty sophisticated and knowing that there is more than one adventurer guild in this world. The ability to make these kinds of orb must be common.


“Also, every quest that you finish will earn you a reputation score which is a critical part of becoming an adventurer. The higher your reputation score, the more clients will be willing to give you quests while having a bad reputation score will have severe consequences.”


“First, if you have a bad reputation score… all clients will either ignore you or reject any quests that you want to take from them blatantly. This has happened several times and has ended many adventurers' careers as they had failed six quests in a row, dropping their reputation score below thirty which is the bare minimum clients are willing to accept,” she explained.


It’s amusing to see that this world has a unique adventurer system. To be honest, I was expecting to see a system that goes from F rank to SSS rank but here, everything is more balanced and completely depends on something called a reputation system.


“Am I able to accept quests that do not have clients?” I asked.


“Yes, you can accept quests that do not have clients… or should I say, external clients. These quests are called guild-assigned quests and are usually extermination quests or herb harvesting quests with no limits. The rewards may be a little bit on the downside but it’s great for starting adventurers and even for veterans as the rewards stack up per mob or herb you harvest bringing in a stable income for many…” she answered.


“Thanks for answering all our questions, can we take a quest now?” I asked before she gladly gestured us to the side where a wooden board with text scribbled on the board and images came to sight.

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