The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 107: CH 100.2

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Luan Qing Xiao took out the jade piece that the boy gave her and inserted qi into it to talk to the child.

When the guide boy heard Luan Qing Xiao wanted to take her disciple around, he immediately rushed over.

Because of their interaction that day, the boy felt Luan Qing Xiao was a warm-hearted person who only appeared aloof. She was extremely good to her disciples, and was completely like the ideal teacher he yearned for.

“Hello, Elder Luan." The little boy wore a turquoise robe today, with a round lovable face smiling. He looked one or two years younger than Hui Meng Tong.

"Mistress and I don't know your name yet." Nie Zhen'er said.

The child scratched his head and answered shyly, "I'm Shang Jin Quan. This Elder and Senior Sister can call me Xiao Tong."

"Surname Shang, this surname is quite rare."

"Is it?" Shang Jin Quan scratched his head questioningly, "We have a lot of people with the surname Shang in my family."

Luan Qing Xiao was amused by him, "That’s right. For you, the surname Shang is very common."

Nie Zhen'er couldn't resist pinching Jin Quan's face, "You are so cute ah, Xiao Tong. Want to be my younger brother?"

Shang Jin Quan's eyes lit up as he turned to look at Luan Qing Xiao, "Can I?" He’s an only child. It would be great to have such a beautiful elder sister.

Luan Qing Xiao said, "It’s enough for both of you to agree, no need to ask my opinion."

"Elder Sister!" When Shang Jin Quan heard Luan Qing Xiao's words, he gave a toothy grin and called Nie Zhen'er.

Having recognized a younger brother, Nie Zhen'er was so happy that she didn't know what to do. Luan Qing Xiao took out a small golden hammer from her space, "Since Zhen'er doesn't have any good spirit weapons and I am her master, me giving you it is the same thing as her giving it. This hammer is called the Sky Chiseling Hammer, you’ll be able to utilize it after you reach Foundation Building."

Shang Jin Quan's face turned red in excitement, but he didn't lose his manners. After accepting the Sky Chiseling hammer, he gave Luan Qing Xiao a solemn bow. "Thank you, Elder Luan."

Nie Zhen'er also could be considered to find a playmate for herself. When the two got together with the same almond eyes open, they seemed like a pair of real siblings.

Shang Jin Quan led Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er to the most beautiful place in San Wen Mountain. The colorful clouds and fog drifted around, like a fantasy fairyland. "The name of this place is [Yan Yun Fall]. The qi in these fogs are different from the other regions. These can nourish your body. Usually only our Mountain Lord can come. Today when Elder Luan called me, I was at our Mountain Lord's place. He heard that Elder Luan wanted to stroll, so he gave me the key here."

"Speaking of which, it has been two days since we arrived at your sect. It is really impolite of us to not have greeted him yet."

Shang Jin Quan said, "Mountain Lord never mind these etiquettes. But I will pass on Elder Luan's feelings to Mountain Lord."

After strolling around the San Wen Mountain for a while, the three of them met another guide boy on their way back.

Luan Qing Xiao saw an acquaintance among the people behind the guide boy.

"Mistress, it's Yang Xia Chen." Nie Zhen'er whispered while pulling Luan Qing Xiao's sleeve.

When Yang Xia Chen also saw Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er, shock and resentment flashed in his eyes.

How high spirited Yang Xia Chen felt first entered the Snowy Gale Secret Realm was how embarrassed he felt once he exited.

Because he didn't protect Wei Qing Lu nor did he know who hurt them, Yang Xia Chen was fined 20 lashes by his Master Wei Hui. Plus, Yang Xia Chen was initially internally injured by Luan Qing Xiao and almost didn’t survive it.

Wei Hui intended to replace him in this year’s Inter-Sect Grand Competition. He only reluctantly agreed to bring him along after he went to plead Wei Qing Lu.

Seeing Luan Qing Xiao at this moment, how could he not hate in his heart!

"Master, that’s the person that injured Junior Sister!" Yang Xia Chen pointed at Luan Qing Xiao.

The guide boy who escorted Yang Xia Chen’s party noticed the tension and hurriedly interrupted. "Private conflicts aren’t allowed in San Wen Mountain!"

Yet Wei Hui ignored the warning. He shoved the guide boy and Yang Xia Chen aside before making his way to Luan Qing Xiao with a gloomy face and hostilely spat out. "You’re the woman that injured my baby girl?"

Luan Qing Xiao didn’t deny it, "I injured her."

Wei Hui guffawed out of anger, "Hehe, since you admit so, I’ll have to break your four limbs to avenge my daughter. You wouldn't mind, would you?"

Before Luan Qing Xiao could say anything, Nie Zhen’er broke into a furious outburst. “You old man is so unreasonable. It was your daughter who wanted to snatch my spiritual pet and even insulted my Mistress, so my Mistress broke her hands and feet. Those little mortal wounds only need a few days for a cultivator to recover. Why are you this overbearing at our first meeting and want to break my Mistress' hands and feet? You think our Shang Qing Palace is some pushover?"

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"Shang Qing Palace?" Wei Hui examined Luan Qing Xiao with his ferocious eyes, "I know all the elders of Shang Qing Palace, but I don't know who you are?"

Luan Qing Xiao faintly replied, "Shang Qing Palace’s Luan Qing Xiao. Wanting to fight and kill as soon as we first met. As expected, you share the same roots as Wei Qing Lu and are just as domineering."

Wei Hui only took over as the sect master of the Qiu Luo Zong a hundred years ago and wasn’t familiar with the elders of other sects. However, because he has been the one leading Qiu Luo Zong for the past 100 years, he does recognize the other elders of the Shang Qing Palace. But he has never heard of Luan Qing Xiao's name.

Shang Jin Quan was afraid that they would hurt the innocent bystanders if they started fighting here, so he quickly notified Wen Huai Wen, the mountain lord of San Wen Mountain, with a jade piece.

Wen Huai Wen replied, "Stop them, don't let them start fighting."

ShangJin Quan furrowed his face and rushed to the middle of the two, "These two elders, our Mountain Owner will be here soon. Please don’t quarrel here in San Wen Mountain."

Shang Jin Quan deliberately described seeking revenge as quarreling.

Wei Hui thought that Luan Qing Xiao was just a humble figure within Shang Qing Palace and was contemptible of her, so he wanted to break her hands and feet in front of everyone to humiliate her. Therefore how could he listen to the guide boy and just stop fighting?

Besides, the mountain lord of San Wen Mountain, Wen Huai, has only been in his position for 15 years. His leading time was shorter than him, what’s there to be afraid of?

Seeing Wei Hui take out his spirit weapon, Luan Qing Xiao immediately pushed Shang Jin Quan and Nie Zhen'er behind her and placed a protective barrier for them to prevent any accidental injury.

"Sect Master Wei, do you really want to fight here?" Luan Qing Xiao asked.

Recently, her cultivation has reached the late stage of Primordial Yuan and hasn’t encountered any bottleneck. She’ll soon be able to break through to Nascent Void, while the Wei Hui in front of her was only in the early stage of Primordial Yuan. Between the two, there is an enormous gap. Luan Qing Xiao asking this question was just to save Wei Hui's face for him.

If Wei Hui was beaten in front of a group of disciples by herself without any power to resist, wouldn't he lose his prestige? How would he be able to teach his disciples in the future?

Wei Hui sneered, "If you're scared, just say it. I can give you face and let you break your limbs yourself."

Luan Qing Xiao's expression became cold, "No need."

After her words, she summoned her long sword.

Wei Hun’s spiritual weapon was a red tasseled spear. Luan Qing Xiao stood on the spot, holding the long sword with indifferent eyes. Wei Hun didn’t hesitate and rushed over with the spear. The air in front of her seemed to be torn apart by the red tasseled spear. Luan Qing Xiao gently raised her hand. With a slash of the long sword, the red-tasseled spear smashed back into Wei Hun's body and the remaining turbulence pushed the disciples behind Wei Hun several ten meters back. Only the guide boy from San Wen Mountain and Yang Xia Chen managed to escape due to their distance.

The impact from his own red tassel broke the ribs on Wei Hui, causing him severe pain.

Wei Hui bit his tongue to resist revealing a painful expression. Nonetheless, when he opened his mouth, a gush of blood  spewed out, staining the light green stone slab red.

"Sect Master Wei, if you want to avenge your daughter, it's best to do only what your strength allows." Then, Luan Qing Xiao resolved the barrier protecting Shang Jin Quan and Nie Zhen'er as she turned around to leave.

Shang Jin Quan had to stay here to deal with the aftermath, though his eyes brightened and stared at Luan Qing Xiao's leaving figure reluctantly.

Elder sister's master is simply too handsome!

San Wen Mountain Master, Wen Huai Wen arrived late and was relieved to find only Wei Hui and his party were injured.

He walked to Wei Hui with a blackened face. The disciples following behind him immediately helped Wei Hui and his injured disciples up.

Shang Jin Quan scurried to Wen Huai Wen’s and explained everything that happened just now in complete detail. Wen Huai Wen nodded, "Pass on my gratitude to Elder Luan and thank her for protecting you."

Once Shang Jin Quan left, Wen Huai Wen took out a Rejuvenating Pill and put it into Wei Hui's mouth. Wei Hui swallowed the pill and barely managed to stand up by himself.

Still, Wen Huai Wen continued to trouble him. "Sect Master Wei, fighting within my San Wen Mountain, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Wei Hui had just lost face. Now being questioned by Wen Huai, he only felt even his basic integrity was gone. His face turned ugly to the extreme, "I only started exchanging hands with Luan Qing Xiao in order to avenge my daughter. What is the meaning of Mountain Lord Wen only holding me accountable?"

Wen Huai Wen uttered icily, "Sect Master Wei did it without regards to the occasion. Fortunately, Elder Luan didn’t hurt any members of San Wen Mountain. I, the Mountain Lord, don’t think Elder Luan needs to explain anything to me. However, Sect Master Wei, you said you’re taking revenge? I dare to ask, where is the vengeance coming from? According to my son, your daughter's broken arms and legs were simply self-humiliation she sought herself."

"Young Master Ling wasn’t here just now, so he can't know the truth. How can he casually slander my little girl, Wei..."

"My son just went to pay homage to Elder Xie Luan on my order, though he has already told me what he has heard and saw. Sect Master Wei, my son has the Physique of Truth. He can inherently differentiate between what is true and false,  you don't need to hide it anymore."

Having his pride all torn to shreds by Wen Huai Wen, Wei Hui became extremely annoyed. "Wen Huai Wen, although you are San Wen Mountain’s Mountain Lord, you still haven’t reached  Golden Core and you dare to act like this towards me? I might not be able to teach Luan Qing Xiao a lesson, but I don’t believe I can’t punish you. "

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