The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 114: CH 105

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No, she wasn’t Zhen’er.

Although in this body, Ying Yuan Yu’s cultivation level wasn’t high, his divine sense was much higher than Yin Yin. How could he be so easily bewitched by her?

However, he wanted to know what the woman in front of him wanted to do, so he calmly accompanied her in her performance.

"Lang Jun, Zhen'er was insulted by Shang Qing Palace’s Elder Luan. Would you avenge Zhen'er?"

Both of Yin Yin's demeanor and voice were unnaturally coy that Ying Yuan Yu was puking internally. This kind of woman actually dares to pretend to be Nie Zhen'er. Was she even comparable to even one tenth of Zhen'er?!

"Luan Qing Xiao..." Ying Yuan Yu's expression sank, "Even though she is my Shi Shu, if she dares to insult Zhen'er, I will definitely thwart her!"

Yin Yin giggled. The person she casually abducted turned out to be a disciple of the Shang Qing Palace and was Luan Qing Xiao's martial nephew. "Lang Jun is so kind to Zhen'er~"

When her eyes lowered, they were filled with smugness: Asking your Shang Qing Palace disciple to kill you isn’t insulting or pitying you. Luan Qing Xiao.

Two days later, members of all the sects gathered at San Wen Mountain.

Since the Inter-Sect Grand Competition was tomorrow, the elders or sect leaders of the various sects came to Wen Xin Hall the night before to greet San Wen Mountain’s Mountain Lord.

Ever since Nie Zhen'er was abducted, no matter where Luan Qing Xiao went, she always took Nie Zhen'er with her. When she came to Wen Xin Hll this time, Nie Zhen'er would naturally not be left behind.

Which was why among the serious-faced elders or sect masters in Wen Xin Hall was a cherubic Nie Zhen'er, who was extremely eye-catching.

Luan Qing Xiao asked Nie Zhen'er to stand behind her without any explanation. She directly cut straight to the point to everyone, "Two days ago, some Demonic cultivators managed to snuck into San Wen Mountain. I suspect that the Demonic Path is planning something big during this Inter-Sect Grand Competition."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Wei Hui.

Wei Hui took a step forward with a withered face, "Everyone, I didn’t inspect my Qiu Luo Zong properly. In the end, two Demonic cultivators managed to snuck into Qiu Luo Zong. It was only after Elder Luan reminded me did I find out about it, otherwise there might have been some great trouble."

Wen Huai Wen added, "The Demonic Dao has many unpredictable tricks and is impossible to defend against. Tomorrow is the Grand Competition. I hope all of you can work together with me. Kill every Demonic person you guys see. We must not let the Demonic Path harass our Righteous disciples.

At the end of the night meeting, all the elders left except for Luo Song Ling, an elder of Xi Hua Pavilion.

"Is there something Elder Luo wants to say?"

Luo Song Ling said emotionlessly, "Are those two Demonic cultivators who snuck in, disciples of Lian Hua Pavilion?"

Wen Huai Wen glanced at Luan Qing Xiao before nodding, "Elder Luan and I both speculated they’re Lian Hua Pavilion’s disciples."

"We Xi Hua Pavilion and Lian Hua Pavilion are mortal enemies. If these are Demonic cultivators from Lian Hua Pavilion causing trouble, Xi Hua Pavilion will definitely get rid of them."

What Luo Song Ling meant was: Please leave it to us to deal with the people of Lian Hua Pavilion, no one else can snatch this from us.

Wen Huai hesitantly probed, "Why didn't Elder Luo say this while all the other elders were present?"

Luo Song Ling explained, "I don't trust those people, who knows if there are any spies within them." There’s not a single good man in the world! Those female Demonic cultivators from Lian Hua Pavilion who specialize in bewitching men, are even more shameless!

However, Wen Huai Wen was well-known for his good name while Luan Qing Xiao was a woman, so they could be worth trusting.

"Try to catch them alive, we also need to know their purpose this time."

Wen Huai Wen’s sentence could be regarded as him agreeing.

On the next day, the Inter-Sect Grand Competition was held as planned.

The disciples of various factions gathered in the San Wen Mountain martial field.

The Inter-Sect Grand Competition was different from the Shang Qing Palace Grand Competition such that there are no rules forbidding injuring other people. As a precaution, Luan Qing Xiao prepared a defensive weapon for every Shang Qing Palace disciple.

Ying Yuan Yu hadn't returned yet. Who knows what he was doing with the two female Demonic cultivators?

Seeing there were only four disciples from Shang Qing Palace standing under the stage, Wen Huai Wen couldn't help asking. "Elder Luan, why isn't Zhen'er there with them?"

Luan Qing Xiao said, "Yesterday my Shang Qing Palace’s Palace Lord’s disciple was taken captive by the female Demonic cultivators, so there are only four disciples participating in the competition. Zhen'er is only accompanying me this time and not participating as a disciple of the Shang Qing Palace in the competition."

Hearing Luan Qing Xiao say this, Wen Huai Wen was even more curious. "Your Shang Qing Palace disciple was taken captive by the Demonic Path, yet Elder Luan doesn't seem to be worried."

Luan Qing Xiao said, "How am I not worried? Ying Yuan Yu is our Palace Lord's direct disciple, my martial nephew. Only it’s useless to worry about it. After today, whether dead or alive, I will rescue him."

With the male lead's halo there, only an "outsider" like her can kill him. Yet she can't kill him, so Luan Qing Xiao wasn’t worried about the male lead's safety.

Luan Qing Xiao's tone was so matter-of-fact that Wen Huai Wen still couldn't suppress the doubts in his heart after hearing what she said.

"It's starting." Luan Qing Xiao announced, interrupting Wen Huai Wen's further questioning.

There were eleven red martial arts platforms placed under the martial arts ground. Everyone draws lots to determine the order of fights, while the loser is eliminated directly. The Inter-Sect Grand Competition usually finishes around one or two days.

Hui Meng Tong was the first fight. Within less than a stick of incense, the opponent jumped off the stage and surrendered.

"Mistress, Little Junior Sister won!" Nie Zhen'er was more excited than anyone else. Her warm breath fell onto Luan Qing Xiao's ear.

Hui Meng Tong was fighting a disciple of Wu Han Palace. Luan Qing Xiao and the elder of Wu Han Palace looked at each other. The Wu Han Palace’s elder clasped his hands at Luan Qing Xiao, and Luan Qing Xiao nodded in response.

In the first round of matches, eleven people were eliminated. Soon after the first round ended, with the exception of a minor sect’s disciple who was inadvertently injured, the rest of the fights were fairly gentle.

"Elder Luan, when do you think they will come?" Although his eyes were fixed on the martial arts platforms, all Wen Huai Wen could think about was the Demonic cultivators.

Luan Qing Xiao answered, "Soon."

Indeed, they came soon after. Within the next second of Luan Qing Xiao’s word, the situation in the competition field suddenly changed.

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A group of Demonic cultivators dressed in red descended from the sky. Yue Yue stood in the middle and shouted, "Ladies, any person you catch is yours!"

Immediately, all the Righteous Path’s male disciples were in danger and vigilant against these red-robed female Demonic cultivators.

"Not good, they brought Skynets!"

Yue Yue released her Skynet and swiftly trapped the male disciple she was fond of, "Sisters, Yue Yue's mission is completed. She’ll be leaving first~"

"Want to go?" Xi Hua Pavilion’s Luo Song Ling punctured her Skynet with his sword, freeing all the male disciples inside, "You have to ask the sword in my hand first!"

Yue Yue smiled, "It turned out to be Senior Sister Luo. Our Pavilion Mistress has been admiring you for a long time. She wanted to invite you to Lian Hua Pavilion for quite some time now. I didn't expect Senior Sister Luo to deliver herself to our doorstep~"

"Shameless!" Luo Song Ling flew over and fought with Yue Yue. Their figures turned into red and white blurs, making low leveled disciples unable to see them clearly.

At this time, Xi Hua Pavilion's female disciples dressed in white also joined in. For a while, the field was full of women's voices.

Xi Hua Pavilion and Lian Hua Pavilion have held grudges against each other for a long time, so they both went for fatal strikes. However it’s a pity that Demonic cultivation was faster, and the female disciple of Xi Hua Pavilion soon fell into a disadvantaged position.

Luan Qing Xiao and Wen Huai Wen glanced at each other. Wen Huai Wen nodded and took out a jade piece, "Chen Qing, how’s the situation at your side?"

"It turns out that not only Lian Hua Pavilion, the He Huan Sect also arranged people around San Wen Mountain."

"All disciples, follow me immediately!" Wen Huai Wen commanded. They’ve already prepared a place to avoid cases of calamities in advance.

Disciples of Xi Hua Pavilion remained in battle with the Lian Hua Pavilion, while a few other  disciples who had animosities with Lian Hua Pavilion also refused to leave and stayed to join the fight.

The smile on Yue Yue's face was gone, "Luo Song Ling, you dare to mess up my plan! Today, all your Xi Hua Pavilion disciples must join my Lian Hua Pavilion!"

【Host dada, the male lead has arrived! 】


Early in the morning, Yue Yue led the Demonic cultivators from Lian Hua Pavilion to San Wen Mountain, while Yin Yin stayed, waiting for Yue Yue's signal to release Ying Yuan Yu.

Yin Yin thought that she had bewitched Ying Yuan Yu and everything was according to plan. Thus, with a man and woman alone in the same room, she inevitably couldn’t help thinking obscene thoughts.

She approached Ying Yuan Yu and said weakly, "Lang Jun, Zhen’er’s cold~" She threw him a seductive glance.

Ying Yuan Yu's body trembled, almost unable to resist the disgust in his mind.

The purpose of this woman was obvious. Ying Yuan Yu didn't want to touch her at all.

He pretended not to understand. Instead, he took a blanket from one side and helped put it on Yin Yin’s body before asking in concern. "Zhen'er, look at how little you’re wearing. Of course you’ll be cold. Here, wrap yourself around this blanket to warm up."

Yin Yin's face stiffened. She almost broke out of character.

"Thank you Lang Jun~" MD, this dense blockhead! Is he a man or not? He actually has those thoughts toward the person he likes!

Yin Yin wasn’t a person who gave up this easily, especially when Ying Yuan Yu's visuals were really to her taste. How can she let the duck who’s just about to enter her mouth escape?

"Lang Jun, let's cultivate~" Ying Yuan Yu should have no reason to reject this matter.

Ying Yuan Yu cooperated with Yin Yin and sat cross-legged with Yin Yin. Their palms pressing against each other. When Ying Yuan Yu closed his eyes, Yin Yin quickly added. "Lang Jun, you have to open your eyes and look at me~"

Ying Yuan Yu could only open his eyes.

Yin Yin had defined features, deep eye sockets and long curly eyelashes curled up, like little hooks, hooking a man's heart.

Yin Yin used Lian Hua Pavilion's charm technique and released her own divine sense while staring at Ying Yuan Yu.

Her divine sense attached to Ying Yuan Yu's forehead. After confirming Ying Yuan Yu had completely opened up to her, did she allow her divine sense to invade his conscious sea.

Ying Yuan Yu’s conscious sea was extremely spacious. Yin Yin’s divine sense turned into a small version of her and searched for a long time before finally finding a man figure in front of her. She controlled her divine sense to run over, "Lang Jun~"

The man in front turned around when he heard the sound, but he revealed a face completely different from Ying Yuan Yu's. Yin Yin froze and said with caution, "Who are you? Where is Lang Jun?"

Bai Li Yuan Yu snorted coldly, "A mere little Demonic cultivator dared to bewitch this majesty. Since you came in, you might as well stay here forever."

Bai Li Yuan Yu waved his hand, causing a golden cage to fall from the sky and landed on Yin Yin divine sense.

Yin Yin’s divine sense shrieked in pain "Who exactly are you?!!!"

The divine sense in front of her was at least of a Nascent Void cultivation. The man she had captured was only Foundation Building, so how could it be possible for him to have such a strong divine sense? Besides, the appearance of the two was completely different.

"Different? Different appearance?" Yin Yin raised her head with difficulty. Her usual flower-like beauty was distorted because of pain, "Possession, you possessed this body!"

"At least you’re somewhat smart, but you're still going to die." Bai Li Yuan Yu raised his pale hand without any color and slowly pushed his palms together in front of the golden cage. The golden cage shrank smaller and smaller with Bai Li Yuan Yu's movements.

"Senior! Senior, please let me go! I was wrong!" Yin Yin's screams grew louder and louder.

Bai Li Yuan Yu looked at her compassionately, but his hand movement didn’t stop in the slightest.

After a short while, the golden cage shrank to a size that Yin Yin’s divine sense couldn’t bear. With a "bang", the charming and flirtatious female Demonic cultivator had already disappeared.

Bai Li Yuan Yu smiled slightly, his expression still ever so compassionate.

Outside of the consciousness sea, Ying Yuan Yu rose from the ta whereas Yin Yin fell backwards weakly. When her back touched the ta, her body dissipated into light particles.

Ying Yuan Yu didn't even look at her before he turned and left.

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