The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 130: CH 120

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Because of his hand injury, Wen Mu couldn't work together with the group in the following few days.

Since he couldn't move his hand, he could only sit on the side and cheer for the three of them. If it were any other teenage girl, seeing such a handsome and gentle boy supporting her, her heart would at least skip a beat or two.

It's a pity that the girls Wen Mu met were not ordinary teenage girls. The three of them were solely focused on the wheat and didn't give Wen Mu any extra gaze or concern at all, which made Wen Mu very depressed.

After the autumn harvest in Luo Zhuang Village was over, the children who were on holiday to help with the harvest had to return to school and Nie Zhen'er was no exception.

Because the interaction between Nie Zhen'er and Luan Qing Xiao garnered a lot of popularity on the Internet, the director was afraid that the three rich second generations wouldn’t have TV worthy materials to film after Nie Zhen'er left. Thus, he found the principal of Luo Zhuang Town Middle School and stuffed all three of them in Nie Zhen'er's class. To put it in glorified terms, it was to let them experience the teaching resources of the town firsthand, so that they will learn to cherish their learning opportunities when they return to the city.

Nie Zhen'er is in her second year of junior high this year, while Luan Qing Xiao’s group had a wide range of ages. Luan Qing Xiao is in her first year of high school this year, Mu Si is in her first year of this year, while Wen Mu is in his third year of high school. The homeroom teacher led them into the classroom in the morning and assigned them the three desks in the back for the three.

Since the moment Mu Si entered the school, her mouth had not been closed. When she entered the classroom, her eyes only became more round and round.

The three of them sat down in the back under the gazes of a group of simple dressed children. Mu Si lightly tapped the wooden desk painted with a dark gray paint with one finger and whispered in Luan Qing Xiao's ear, "Qing Xiao jie, why are the desks here like this? The blackboard is also different from our school, it looks like the wall was painted with a layer of black paint."

Luan Qing Xiao said, "Because it is poor here." When they were in junior high school, after the blackboard was pulled aside, there was a touch-screen whiteboard behind it. The whiteboard was also connected to the Internet and the teachers could use the Internet to find audio, video or pictures for teaching at any time.

The wall skin on the wall of the classroom where they were sitting was peeling off and the concrete floor they were stepping on was made from cement. Whether it be the "classmates’” clothes or expressions on their faces besides them, it was all excessively unadorned.

Among the three, only Wen Mu's academic performance was considered decent. Luan Qing Xiao doesn't like to learn, whereas Mu Si's innocent mind doesn’t have a trace of the urge to learn.

It was currently class time. Therefore after the homeroom teacher arranged them properly, he walked to the front and started class.

Relying on his mouth and a piece of chalk, the homeroom teacher finished a lesson in Mandarin with a parental accent.

Luan Qing Xiao and Miao Si were stunned throughout the entire process. They had already spent a lot of brainpower to convert the homeroom teacher’s ‘Mandarin’ to the Mandarin that they could understand. It would be too much to request them to understand the content.

Wen Mu knew that a few cameras had been installed in the classroom in advance. Thus the entire class, he sat straight and kept staring at the blackboard, listening more carefully than everyone else in the class.

Occasionally, he would glance in the direction of Luan Qing Xiao and Mu Si. Watching their blank expressions, he frowned slightly and his eyes contained disapproval.

Little did he know that his actions caused people to be extremely speechless of him.

Wen Mu was already a student in his senior year of high school and second year middle school courses were of no use to him. Moreover, they came to the class to experience the teaching environment, not to actually attend the classes. Wen Mu's appearance only made him seem pretentious.

Yet for some reason, he was still extremely complacent with himself. He felt that he had successfully played the role of a good student in front of the camera, which was different from the rich second generations, Luan Qing Xiao Mu Si, whose eyes were wandering around in class!

After the dismissal bell rang, the homeroom teacher introduced them to the students in the class, "The new classmates in the back are from the big cities to experience our classes for a few days. Everyone, try to get along with each other in peace." After he finished speaking, he took the lesson plan and directly left.

With Luan Qing Xiao’s aloof face, everyone in the class didn't dare to come over and talk to her, and because Miao Si was sitting next to Luan Qing Xiao, the students thought she was the same.

It was Wen Mu, with a gentle demeanor, that seemed approachable. After a while, more than half of the class had gathered around him.

"Qing Xiao jie, I want to go to the restroom." Mu Si suddenly said.

Luan Qing Xiao stood up, "Let's go find your Zhen'er jie, she knows where the restroom is."

Nie Zhen'er was sitting in the middle of the first row. When Luan Qing Xiao and Miao Si walked to her side, she was re-copying the class notes, stroke by stroke neatly.

"Hey, Nie Zhen'er." Luan Qing Xiao stood on the podium and pressed her head down.

"Ah!" Luan Qing Xiao used little strength and Nie Zhen'er's head only lightly touched the notebook, but she still exclaimed in surprise.

Nie Zhen'er raised her head. Her almond eyes were filled with anger and grievance, "What are you doing?"

Mu Si quickly squeezed the mischievous Luan Qing Xiao out of the way and smiled at Nie Zhen'er, "Zhen'er jie, I want to go to the restroom, but I don't know where the restroom is. Can you take me there?"

By now, Nie Zhen'er had calmed down. She put down her pencil and put away her notebook before standing up, "There is no bathroom in this building. The bathroom is on the sports field, I’ll take you there."

What Nie Zhen'er said was "you", not "you guys,” meaning she was still angry with Luan Qing Xiao in her heart and didn't want to take her along with her.

Luan Qing Xiao didn't mind Nie Zhen'er's neglect at all. She just followed the two out of the classroom to the sports field right behind them.

Coming out of the teaching building and walking to the sports field covered with black cinders, Nie Zhen'er pointed up ahead, "That's the bathroom."

Mu Si looked confused, "Zhen'er jie, didn't you say that the sports field was in the sports field? Where's the sports field?"

Nie Zhen'er replied, "The black cinder ground under your feet is our school's sports field. Before the black cinder was paved, the sports field was just the ordinary yellow soil. Every time we run, dust would fly all over the place."

Mu Si was even more confused. "But shouldn't a sports field have rubber tracks and grass? How can your shoes be okay after running on black cinder?"

Nie Zhen'er sighed and squeezed her cheeks, "It costs millions to build a rubber track, our school doesn’t have that much money."

"By the way, the bathrooms in the school are similar to the bathroom at home, just in rows. Be careful not to fall in." Nie Zhen'er warned.

Mu Si looked at Nie Zhen'er cautiously, as if she had spoken some strange language, "... …fall in?"

"En, it’ll be fine if you just be careful."

Nie Zhen'er's affirmation made Mu Si even more frightened.

"I can’t. Zhen'er jie, Qing Xiao jie, accompany me in, okay? If I really fall, that way you guys can better save me."

"We’ll wait for you at the door. There are plenty of people in the restroom, they won't let you fall in." Luan Qing Xiao made her see how busy the women's restrooms were after class.

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Mu Si entered the women's restroom with a pout and puppy eyes every three steps.

When she came out, she covered her nose and mouth like she couldn't breathe in the air. Her eyes reddened with grievances, "Zhen'er jie, you guys are so pitiful. Not only is there no touch-screen whiteboard and no sports field, even the restroom is like this."

The life Mu Si experienced at Nie Zhen'er's house was barely tolerable. Having to go to such a shabby school though, Mu Si really feels wronged for Nie Zhen'er.

After all, she was only staying here for a few days, while Nie Zhen'er has to study here for three years.

Nie Zhen'er smiled helplessly, "I haven't seen all those things you mention, so I don't think my school environment is that bad."

The three returned to the classroom just as the starting bell rang, causing the students around Wen Mu to reluctantly return to their seats. They had been asking Wen Mu a lot about the big city. From his mouth, the big city is simply so wonderful that nothing here can compare to there.

This period is a math class. Many people were so excited after listening to Wen Mu that they couldn't listen to what the math teacher was lecturing.

The smugness in Wen Mu's heart became regret when he saw Luan Qing Xiao, Nie Zhen'er and Mu Si return from the outside together.

His mission is to have a romantic relationship with the female lead. Yet, the female lead’s favorability towards him was still zero and hasn't improved at all.

Wen Mu didn't know what went wrong, but he would never give up.

You must understand that as long as the female lead's affection for him reaches 100%, he can earn more than a billion  in payment! Money motivates people, not to mention such a huge amount of money like the billion in front of him.

His current identity was very advantageous to be with. He was a child from a wealthy family with a handsome face and a gentle demeanor. Logically, it should be incredibly easy to attract a girl like Nie Zhen'er who had never seen the world. Nonetheless for the half a month in Luo Zhuang Village, no matter how he showed his affection to Nie Zhen'er, Nie Zhen'er simply turned a blind eye to it like a stone uninvaded by water or fire.

In a day’s worth of time, every time class was over, many people would surround Wen Mu. It was difficult for him to even leave his seat, let alone to find Nie Zhen'er.

For the first time, Wen Mu regretted that his personality was too gentle. In front of the camera, he couldn’t destroy his image at all. He could only try to gently answer their questions about the big city.

After school, Wen Mu's face was already stiff from smiling too much. He followed the three girls exhaustedly, his strength was all emptied. He had said too much today that now he doesn't want to say even a single word.

In the next few days, Wen Mu became increasingly tired day by day, but he just couldn't refuse.

Since he acted the character of the gentle elder brother, he’ll have to see it to the end even if he’s crying. What he still didn’t know was that his image on the Internet has become a scheming boy.

Finally, a week has passed and the weekend is ushered in. Wen Mu let out a sigh of relief since they didn’t have to go to school.

Before they knew it, they had stayed at Luo Zhuang Village for twenty-seven days and will be leaving here to return to the big city in three days.

For the last three days, the expression on Nie Zhen'er's face has been very calm. No one noticed the anxiousness in her heart.

The night before leaving, Luan Qing Xiao planned to find Nie Zhen'er to say goodbye to her as well as tell her her decision.

She already decided to ask her parents to patronize Nie Zhen'er for school when she returned home.

Given the degree of love Luan Ze and Ling Ya have for her, they’ll definitely not refuse.

Besides, Nie Zhen'er was so kind and cute. Her academic performance was also incredible, so they had no reason to refuse at all.

Luan Qing Xiao looked around for a while but couldn't find Nie Zhen'er. Only after asking a staff member did she find out that Nie Zhen'er and her grandmother had gone outside.

Luan Qing Xiao walked out the gate and searched for Nie Zhen'er's figure. Walking around a little distance, she saw Nie Zhen'er and her grandmother talking solemnly.

Luan Qing Xiao heard her name vaguely. Afraid of disturbing the two, she sneakily walked to the corner behind the two of them and listened in to the conversation between the two of them against the wall.

"That's a girl! Can you give birth to a child with her? Listen to your grandmother's words; if you can't have a child, your position won’t be stable."

Nie Zhen'er pursed her lips and looked stubborn.

Nie Zhen’er’s grandma knew her stubborn temperament. The harder you pressured her, the less likely she would listen, so she had to soften her voice and continue, "Wen Mu, that child, is really good. I can see that he always tries to find opportunities to talk to you, it must be because he’s interested in you. Think about it, Zhen’er, Grandma is not going do you harm."

"I know." Nie Zhen'er lowered her gaze.

Grandma Nie saw there was hope for persuasion and hurriedly pressed on, "If you were willing to put your mind on Wen Mu, this would have been done already. If you want to fly to a branch and become a Phoenix, you have to pick the secured branch. See how violent that Luan Qing Xiao's temper is. Even if you settle on her, you may be thrown off any second."

"You've tried your best to approach Luan Qing Xiao this month, but I still don’t see her loosening up. Say what do you think you’ll end up with?"

"Grandma has some business left to take care of, you stay here and think it over again."

After Grandma Nie left, Nie Zhen'er leaned against the wall motionless.

Luan Qing Xiao, who overheard Nie Zhen'er and Grandma Nie's conversation behind the wall, was stunned.

Luan Qing Xiao: 520, am I hallucinating?

【Ding! Everything Host dada heard is true~】

Luan Qing Xiao: In other words, Zhen'er was approaching me purposefully in order to become a Phoenix?

【After the system’s through analysis, that is the case. 】

【Ding! Release the first mandatory plot of this world! Requesting Host to come up to the female lead and condemn her. 】

Luan Qing Xiao: … … Don't tell me the male lead will come to comfort her after I finish condemning Zhen'er.

【Host dada is so smart(/ω\)】

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