The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 147: CH 130

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There was no publicity before the filming of [Returning to A Country Life]. Nie Zhen'er learned from Luan Qing Xiao that [Returning to A Country Life] had five resident guests. The other four were Golden Hippo Film King, Yan Zhou Ming, the hottest female star, Qiu Xue Er, a little fresh meat from a boy group, You Si Zheng as well as a super mysterious guest. When Luan Qing Xiao talked about that person, she had a mysterious face and only told Nie Zhen'er that she would know once she got there.

They only need to live in a mountain courtyard the crew brought for 20 days.

During this period, there will be one or two "visitors" every two days. These "visitors" could be either normal people or celebrities. The five resident guests earn their living expenses by hosting these "visitors" and then buying what they need from the program group.

They will stay for 20 days in a small mountain village in Li Zhou. On the first night, they had to fly to Li Zhou and then enter the village in a car arranged by the program group.

The place they’ll stay is in the middle of a mountain and can't be driven by car, so they’ll have to walk for a while to reach the location.

Before leaving, Nie Zhen'er hugged Luan Qing Xiao and couldn't bear to let go. "If I can't see you for 20 days, I will definitely cry from missing you."

Luan Qing Xiao lowered her head and kissed the top of her hair, "This reluctant to leave me?"

"En." Nie Zhen'er buried her face in Luan Qing Xiao's chest, and there was already a tremble in her tone.

"Alright, alright, I know you can't do without me, so I already bought two first-class tickets. I’m going to accompany you to Li Zhou."

"Really?" Nie Zhen'er asked, raising her head with streaks of tears on her face.

"Of course it’s true." Luan Qing Xiao wiped the tear marks off her face with her hands, "You’re getting more and more made up of water. See how much you’re crying, you don't even look pretty anymore."

"I wasn't crying, it's just that the wind blew some sand into my eyes just now!" Nie Zhen'er turned around.

"Tong jie is urging me, I have to leave with Sister Tong first, but I'll be waiting for you on the plane." When she finished saying this with her back to Luan Qing Xiao, Nie Zhen'er started leaving.

After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around, "You said you were going to accompany me to Li Zhou, you better not be lying."

"I’m not." Luan Qing Xiao’s heart was sweetened by Nie Zhen'er, this little cutie.

Only then was Nie Zhen'er relieved enough to leave.

Cheng Tong was waiting for her in the car outside the community. Once Nie Zhen'er ran inside the car, Cheng Tong glanced back at her. Seeing the corners of Nie Zhen'er's eyes were red, she quickly asked: "You were crying just now? Was someone bullying you? ?"

"No no, Tong jie, I was only watching《A Mother’s Heart》at home. The heroine in it was so pitiful that my heart ached for her, so I cried."

"That’s a relief." Cheng Tong turned around and started the car.

Chatting with Nie Zhen'er on the road, Cheng Tong reminded, "Don't keep everything to yourself if you feel wronged, you have to tell Tong jie. Tong jie will help you figure out a solution, understand?"

Cheng Tong knew Nie Zhen'er's background. In [Goodbye for Thirty Days], Nie Zhen'er's parents went out working, leaving only them sisters together with their grandparents. Since Nie Zhen'er was both capable and filial, Grandpa and Grandma liked her very much.

But in fact, after Nie Zhen'er came to City H as a trainee, her family hadn't called her once in the five years.

During Chinese New Year of the first year, Cheng Tong comforted her that maybe her family had accidentally lost her phone number and that’s why they didn't contact her. Why doesn't she call home instead?

At the time, Nie Zhen'er had said "I already have… …"

However, her voice was too soft, so Cheng Tong didn’t hear her. She even enthusiastically helped Nie Zhen'er dial the number.

"Hey! Who is this?" Cheng Tong pressed the speaker button. The old man's voice from the phone sounded so violent that you didn't need to look at him to know he was a grumpy man.

"Grandpa, it's me." Nie Zhen'er replied softly.

"Zhen'er? You’re Zhen’er? You finally called!"

When listening to the first sentence, Cheng Tong was still feeling emotional for their relationship. But Nie Zhen'er's grandpa’s next sentence directly changed Cheng Tong's face.

"You unfilial thing, why are you calling? You went to a big city to enjoy yourself, but when we ask you for money, you won’t even give us any money. What now, have you thought it through?"

"Grandpa, I'm still in school, I really don't have money for you… …"

"Why are you calling then if you have no money! You bad omen!" The call directly hung up after he spoke.

"I’m sorry, Zhen'er, I don't know..." Cheng Tong looked at Nie Zhen'er, apologetically.

Nie Zhen'er shook her head, "It’s fine, Tong jie, I'm already used to it."

After a pause, Nie Zhen'er added, trying to cover it up, "People in the village always speak in this tone."

"Your grandpa asked you for money? How much?" Cheng Tong asked.

Nie Zhen'er was silent for a while before slowly uttering, "One million."

"Is he crazy?!!!" Cheng Tong sprang up from her seat and paced around the sofa, "You’re only fourteen years old this year and still in school. How dare he ask you for a million?"

"People in the village say that being a star makes a lot of money... … I also want to give them money in return for raising me, but I really don’t have that much money. My grandpa thought I was just shirking away from giving him money. After that, no matter how many phone calls I made, he’ll just directly hang up when he sees it’s my mobile phone number. If you had used my phone just now, you wouldn't have even heard the conversation, Tong jie."

At that time, Cheng Tong originally had three artists in her hand, including a film queen, and couldn’t focus too much attention on Nie Zhen'er, a trainee. After the "phone call" incident, Cheng Tong began to pay closer care to Nie Zhen'er.

At the airport, Cheng Tong waited for Nie Zhen'er to check in and board the plane before leaving.

Luan Qing Xiao left half an hour later after Nie Zhen'er. When she arrived at the airport, she took the VIP channel to board the plane. As soon as she entered the first-class cabin, Luan Qing Xiao was met with Nie Zhen'er's bright almond eyes.

Luan Qing Xiao smiled and walked over, "Hello, my seat is inside, can you let me through?"

In reality, the space between the front and rear seats was large enough for Luan Qing Xiao to just enter.

Hearing this, Nie Zhen'er stood up from her seat and was about to walk out to the aisle to let Luan Qing Xiao in, but Luan Qing Xiao reached out to stop her. She placed her hands on Nie Zhen'er's thin waist, face to face with her, and slipped past her.

Nie Zhen'er was afraid of being seen, so after Luan Qing Xiao entered, she quickly sat down with a blushing face.

Luan Qing Xiao said, "No need to be afraid, I bought the tickets for all the seats. There won’t be no one else here except the two of us."

The good times are always short. Three hours later, when the plane arrived in Li Zhou, Nie Zhen'er got into the car that the program team came to pick people in.

Inside the car, there were cameras everywhere. Nie Zhen'er quickly composed her mood after getting in the car and greeted the camera with a smile, "Hello everyone, I am Nie Zhen'er."

The car she was in drove out of the city and soon entered the mountain.

It is currently the transition between summer and autumn, so all the trees on the mountain were lush. Occasionally you can even see some slightly red leaves.

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Watching the scenery outside the car window curiously, Nie Zhenér mused, "I lived in a mountain village when I was a child, but our mountains aren’t as high as here. Living here must feel nice. I look forward to it."

"I am a little nervous since I don't know who the guests are." Nie Zhen'er continued.

Without knowing, the car had arrived at its destination.

Once Nie Zhen'er got off the car, the staff told her that she had to climb halfway up the mountain by herself.

After Nie Zhen'er asked about the specific location of the courtyard, she carried the half-meter-long bag she prepared and began to climb the mountain.

The cameraman behind her looked at the big red and white striped bag in her hand and couldn't help asking, "Why didn't you bring a suitcase?"

"Tong jie said I’ll be climbing a mountain and I didn’t think a suitcase would be very convenient. This bag is particularly good. See, you can even carry it on your back." Nie Zhen'er was like a child showing off her new toy to a friend. Her two arms passed through the cords of the bag and easily carried the big bag behind her.

The cameraman looked at Nie Zhen'er, whose body was blocked by the huge bag. It was as if he was looking at a bag that had a pair of long legs.

The pace of this bag person was so fast that the cameraman struggled to keep up.

Sure enough, halfway through, the cameraman lost Nie Zhen'er.

The cameraman sat down to take a deep breath and rested for two minutes before getting up and continuing to chase after Nie Zhen'er.

With just a few steps in, the cameraman found Zheng Nie Zhen'er obediently sitting under a tree. After seeing him, she smiled brightly, "Mr. Cameraman, you finally caught up."

The cameraman seemed pretty young and was moved by Nie Zhen'er to tears, "Thank you for waiting for me. If I don’t film you, my salary will definitely be deducted."

Nie Zhen'er stood up and patted the photographer's shoulder magnanimously, "You’re welcome, it’s already tiring enough to carry such a heavy camera and you still have to accompany me to climb the mountain. It’s only natural I should wait for you."

"Let's go, we should be almost there," Nie Zhen'er turned and smiled at the camera with the big bad on her back, "This time, I’ll walk slower."

Following that, in order to take care of the cameraman, Nie Zhen'er would glance back every few steps. The big red and white striped bag formed a strong contrast with Nie Zhen'er's prosperous beauty. For the first time, the cameraman knew what it meant for one glance to light up the world.

When his superintendent asked him to be in charge of Nie Zhen'er, he was slightly unhappy because of the event on Weibo because he was afraid that Nie Zhen'er would treat him badly.

Unexpectedly, after meeting Nie Zhen'er in person, he realized that her personality was actually this friendly.

Completely different from what they say on Weibo.

The cameraman couldn't help but say the question held in his heart, "Did you really let Director Xu Zhi Huan change the role of the female one for you?"

"Of course not. At the time I participated in the audition with other people. I didn't go through any back doors, nor did I ask Director Xu Zhi Huan to change any roles for me."

"The selection of the important roles in the crew is definitely not something that the director determines alone. I remember that there were three judges at the time. After I performed the scene, they were simply conquered by my acting skills and decided on the spot for me to be the female lead. "Nie Zhen'er raised her chin proudly when she said this, "I am very confident in my acting skills."

Even if the two walk slowly, the road is only that long, they will always reach the end.

Nie Zhen'er walked in front of the wooden door. There was a sign on it with words engraved on it.

"Welcome to [Returning to A Country Life].” Nie Zhen'er read out loud.

Nie Zhen'er wasn't sure if there was anyone in the courtyard, so she stood in front of the door and knocked. After waiting for a while without hearing anyone talking, she gently opened the door and walked in.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" A small plot of colorful roses was planted in the courtyard with red, yellow, pink, white and green. There was also a swing next to the roses, which can seat two people at the same time.

Nie Zhen'er sat on the swing after enjoying the flowers. After sitting on the swing, she went to look at the big fish tank by the door. Inside were several carps with shiny black scales.

"We can make Crucian Carp Soup later at noon."

There is also a small pavilion in the yard with a long table in the middle. "I really want to sit here and eat my meals. With the gentle wind blowing by my side, smelling the fragrance of flowers in the wind and eating delicious food, there’s nothing more pleasant than that."

The cameraman couldn't help but remind her, "You guys need to cook your own food."

"No problem, I'm a great chef. The food I cook is super delicious." Nie Zhen'er believed in herself.

To be honest, the cameraman didn't believe her.

"I'm gonna take a look inside the house." Nie Zhen'er took the big bag off her back and opened the curtain to enter the house.

The house had two floors. On the first floor, there is a large bedroom, bathroom, toilet and kitchen, while on the second floor, there are two bedrooms, toilets and bathrooms.

On the east side of the bedroom door on the second floor, a wooden sign with the word "Female" hung outside. Nie Zhen'er guessed, "This should be where the girls live. But is the program team sure that this doesn’t look like a women's bathroom, hahaha." Nie Zhen'er grinned at the camera.

Entering the bedroom, Nie Zhen'er set the bag in the dresser and opened the window, "Getting it ventilated makes it more comfortable to live in."

Through the window, Nie Zhen'er saw a few blurry figures in the distance.

"Did the other guests arrive?" She stared at the window for a while, "I think those are cameramen following them, it should be. I’ll head down to meet them."

"I don't know who they are, I’m feeling both worried and looking forward to it now."

Nie Zhen'er went down the stairs to the first floor, just as the people pushed open the door.

Nie Zhen'er smiled and greeted them, "You guys are finally here, I was so bored just now by myself."

"Nice to meet you Teacher Yan, Si Zheng and Xue Er. I am Nie Zhen'er, you guys can call me Zhen'er."

Four people introduced themselves and shook hands in the courtyard.

At this time, the director walked out from behind a group of cameramen, "There are five permanent guests in [Returning to A Country Life]. Now there are already four here. You all have just met each other, and the last mysterious guest will be here soon."

From the director's attitude, Nie Zhen'er and the other three already speculated that the identity of the visitor must be higher than them. Someone even more awesome than Yan Zhou Ming… … The names of several internationally renowned actors appeared in Nie Zhen'er’s mind.

"Who do you guess it will be?" Yan Zhou Ming lowered his head and asked Nie Zhen'er.

Nie Zhen'er didn't expect  Yan Zhou Ming would take the initiative to speak to her. After all, Yan Zhou Ming seemed quite aloof when the two shook hands just now.

She froze for a moment before replying, "Could it be Teacher Zhang Xiao Hua?"

Zhang Xiao Hua was the film queen at last year’s international stage and was two years older than Yan Zhou Ming, she was thirty this year.

Since they’re living in the mountains, the person has to have enough physical strength. Therefore, Nie Zhen'er used this to guess that the last guest’s age shouldn’t be too old.

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