The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 158: CH 139

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Leafys: [Win] [Miguel Hernandez]
Spring Leaf: [Christina Nguyen]
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She planned to return to the fitting room to change her clothes when Ling Ya quickly stopped her, "Just wear this outfit, look how beautiful it is. Miss Attendant, come and cut the labels on her clothes."

Luan Qing Xiao protested, "Mom, no need. It won’t be convenient to go shopping while wearing a dress."

Ling Ya peered at her, "Why would it be inconvenient? Think of all the girls we passed on the road, which one wasn't wearing a dress?"

"... …"

Fine, you just can’t outargue your own mother.

After buying clothes and accessories, Luan Qing Xiao completely gave up resistance and let Ling Ya dress her up as she wished.

Ling Ya's vision was indeed unique. Soon enough, Luan Qing Xiao has become the most fashionable young girl walking on the streets, beautiful yet aloof, with an incomparable charm radiating from her.

Ling Ya was especially pleased. Just now, several people stared at Luan Qing Xiao in such a daze that they almost ran into a pillar!

As expected of her ageless goddess Ling Ya’s daughter.

"I'm tired from shopping, let's find a coffee shop to take a break. Xiao Xiao, check what coffee stores are around here." Ling Ya claimed.

Luan Qing Xiao pointed to the front in surprise, "Mom, isn't that one there?"

"Oh, Mom wasn't paying attention. It turns out to be this close, let's quickly head in." Ling Ya held Luan Qing Xiao's arm tightly, as if she was afraid she would run away.

Luan Qing Xiao: "... …" Mom, don't think I don't see your suddenly exhilarated little eyes.

I'm curious to see what exactly is in that snakepit of a coffee store.

The mother and daughter pair walked into the coffee store. When the waiter led them to their table, Ling Ya abruptly stopped and looked at a lady on the left, "Yan Xin?"

That lady was nothing out of the ordinary, no different from any other aristocratic madam Luan Qing Xiao has seen. However, her acting was a little exaggerated for Ling Ya... … and the man sitting next to her. If it weren’t the male lead Wen Mu, who else could it be?

Luan Qing Xiao didn't know what to say. All this planning just for Ling Ya to unexpectedly trick her into a blind date with Wen Mu!

The two ladies exchanged greetings and sat together ever so naturally.

"We were still such youthful little girls back then, who knows in just a blink of the eye, our children would become as old as we were then." Ling Ya sighed.

"Yeah." Shui Yan agreed.

"Xiao Mu, this is your Auntie Ling Ya, a good friend of your mother."

"Hello Auntie Ling, I'm Wen Mu." Wen Mu stood up and greeted Ling Ya gentlemanly.

"Having not seen you in a few years, Wen Mu has become rather mature and even handsomer." Looking at Wen Mu, Ling Ya couldn't help nodding. Her gaze was like a mother-in-law examining her son-in-law, getting more and more satisfied as she watched him.

"Xiao Xiao, why haven’t you greeted your Auntie Shui yet?" Ling Ya took Luan Qing Xiao's hand and smiled, "This is my daughter, Qing Xiao."

"Wow! Girls really change a lot before womanhood, becoming more and more beautiful, almost surpassing you. In my opinion, she’s even better looking than you were when you were younger." The gaze Shui Yan Xin had towards Luan Qing Xiao held one hundred percent of satisfaction. 

Not only was Luan Qing Xiao good-looking, the important thing is that she is the head of the Hong Ye Group since Luan Ze only has her one daughter. If she marries Wen Mu, then won’t the Luan family's assets belong to the Wen family in the future?

Just thinking about it made Shui Yan's heart fervent.

"Yan Xin, I was shopping just now and saw a shop with good style. At the time, I hesitated and didn’t buy them. Now I’m regretting it. How about we head back there together?"

"Sure." Shui Yan Xin stood up with Ling Ya and instructed Wen Mu before leaving, "Since you and Qing Xiao haven't seen each other for so many years, have a good chat and get to know each other better. Mom will be gone just for a short while."

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Ling Ya also said to Luan Qing Xiao, "Xiao Xiao, you better not leave. Mom will be back in just a moment."

Luan Qing Xiao responded, "Don't worry, Mom, I won't leave." As for whether Wen Mu left or not, she can't control that.

Ling Ya and Shui Yan smiled at each other and left the cafe arm in arm to give them youngsters time alone.

"Aren’t you together with Nie Zhen'er? Does she know you’re here for a blind date?" Wen Mu smiled politely.

Luan Qing Xiao seemed to have heard something incredible, "Blind date? Who said this is a blind date? I refuse to consider this as such, don't slander me. I’m someone with a girlfriend already."

"What a coincidence, I’m also someone with a girlfriend." When Wen Mu was selling properties at Shui Ye Ju Ting, he sold a villa to a girl. Unexpectedly, the two met again a few days ago. The girl turned out to be a fashion designer with her own brands as well as online and in-person stops. Although her income isn’t comparable to that of large companies, it is rather considerable when compared to peers their age.

Wen Mu admires a self independent girl, and the two soon fell in love.

It’s just that Shui Yan Xin and Wen Qi have always wanted Wen Mu to elevate Wen’s Real Estate through marriage. Wen Mu didn’t think they'd accept his girlfriend who isn’t considered wealthy out of their love for him, so he never mentioned her to his parents.

Fortunately, the girl didn’t rush him.

Today’s blind date was completely beyond Wen Mu’s expectations. At first, he really thought Shui Yan Xin asked him to go shopping together to have someone hold her bags. How would he know he would suddenly enter blind date mode when resting in the café and his blind date would even be Luan Qing Xiao?

The woman who robbed him of 100 million credits.

"Luan Qing Xiao, let's cooperate, this blind date is meaningless." Wen Mu proposed.

"Cooperate? How so? I’m listening." Luan Qing Xiao said.

"I'll leave first in a bit. If my mother asked you where I am, just say my stomach suddenly ached and after running to the toilet several times, I felt weak, so I took a taxi to the hospital."


Half an hour later, the two mothers entered from outside with smiles on their faces.

Walking to the table, Shui Yan Xin didn't see Wen Mu and asked Luan Qing Xiao, "Qing Xiao, where’s Xiao Mu?"

Luan Qing Xiao answered, "Oh, he had diarrhea. Going to the bathroom multiple times couldn’t help him feel better. Now he should be on his way to the hospital in a taxi."

"If Wen Mu is sick, why didn't you go to the hospital with him?" Ling Ya asked.

Luan Qing Xiao looked inexplicable, "Mom, when you leave, you told me not to leave. Since I’ve already promised you, I can’t go back on my words."

Ling Ya: "... …"

Operation Blind Date had failed.

Because the first attempt didn’t work, Ling Ya wanted to try again. However, this time Luan Qing Xiao didn’t act like she hoped. She used work as an excuse to move back to Shui Ye Ju Ting, which was closer to the company.

Not being home made things much more convenient for Luan Qing Xiao. Every week, she would fly to Nie Zhen'er's crew to visit her.

Because Director Xia Zhong He was a director who strives for perfection, a film of less than two hours filmed for a hundred days before completion. When it was finished, it was only four or five days before Chinese New Year.

After Nie Zhen'er finished filming, the two returned to Shui Ye Ju Ting.

Luan Qing Xiao held Nie Zhen'er, reluctant to let go, pecking her every second or two.

"Zhen'er, are you going home for Chinese New Year?" Luan Qing Xiao asked, her arms holding Nie Zhen'er tightened.

Nie Zhen'er placed her face on Luan Qing Xiao's chest, softly nuzzling her, "This year, I have to go back this year. My sister will be taking her college entrance examination next year and I need to bring her to B City."

"... … I'll go with you." Luan Qing Xiao knew what kind of relatives Nie Zhen'er had.

"No need." Nie Zhen'er raised her head and solemnly stared at Luan Qing Xiao, "Don't worry about me, I've made it this far thanks to my clever mind. They have limited vision and won't be able to do much. Believe in me, alright? "

"If you want me to believe in you, … …" Luan Qing Xiao lowered her head and kissed Nie Zhen'er's forehead, her eyelashes, thin pink eyelids, nose and the corners of her lips before finally whispering, "satisfy me before leaving."

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