The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 162: CH 142

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Nie Zhen'er was still waiting for Luan Qing Xiao to scold her for being stupid when she heard Luan Qing Xiao telling Yang Xiang to help her with her makeup. The shock in her heart outweighed her fear, causing her to raise her head and look at Luan Qing Xiao.

Because Luan Qing Xiao was looking at her too, the two happened to lock eyes. Nie Zhen’er was startled into biting her lower lip and lowering her head.

Internally, Yang Xiang  was no less startled than Nie Zhen'er.

She is Luan Qing Xiao's go-to makeup artist and has been with Luan Qing Xiao for two years.

Although Luan Qing Xiao did have her do makeup for other actors in the crew before, those actors were much more famous than Luan Qing Xiao being at least the same level as Luan Qing Xiao. While Nie Zhen'er was just a newcomer actress, Luan Qing Xiao asking her to do her makeup is rather strange.

"Zhen'er, come sit here, I'll do your makeup." Because of Luan Qing Xiao's unusual attitude, Yang Xiang spoke to Nie Zhen'er extremely politely.

Under the pressure of Luan Qing Xiao’s gaze, Nie Zhen’er moved towards Yang Xiang’s side little by little. After slowly sitting on the chair, Nie Zhen’er felt the back of the chair cover her so that Luan Qing Xiao couldn’t see her, and finally relaxed slightly.

Yang Xiang took out her packed cosmetics again and started doing Nie Zhen'er’s makeup. Seeing her nervousness, she complimented while she did her foundation, "Zhen'er's skin is really amazing. You have the peach tree gene, right? Your face is truly as tender as the peach blossoms in March."

Nie Zhen'er lowered her eyes and smiled bashfully. She wanted to say something in response to Yang Xiang, but she thought for a long time and still didn’t know what she should say, so she only pursed her mouth and remained silent.

In the first scene, Nie Zhen'er's identity was a peach demon pretending to be a small palace maid. She only needed to bring out the coquettish air of her peach demon, no need for heavy makeup.

Yang Xiang drew an inner eyeliner for Nie Zhen'er to make her almond eyes appear rounder, giving her a pure and innocent look.

"Alright, open your eyes and look up. I’m going to apply mascara on you." Yang Xiang exclaimed after finishing drawing her eyeliner.

When Nie Zhen'er looked up, her gaze moved to the mirror and suddenly noticed Luan Qing Xiao looking at her in infatuation.

Nie Zhen'er's face instantly flushed as she quickly lowered her head again, thinking in confusion: Why is Luan Qing Xiao looking at me like that?

"Zhen’er?" The mascara brush in Yang Xiang’s hand paused, "Lift your head up, I have to apply the mascara."

"Ah, I'm sorry Sister Yang Xiang." Nie Zhen'er stabbed the palm of her hand with her nails and exhaled lightly before mustering the courage to raise her head again.

In the mirror, Luan Qing Xiao was sitting on the sofa and playing on her phone, not looking at her at all.

Nie Zhen'er was baffled and suspected she had made a mistake just now. Luan Qing Xiao didn't look at her at all, but kept playing on her phone with her head down.

However, those infatuated eyes that might be her own imagination were deeply imprinted on Nie Zhen'er's heart and couldn’t be shaken away no matter what.

"All done, Zhen'er, where are your wig and outfit?" After Yang Xiang was finished with the makeup, she watched Nie Zhen'er's peach-like coyish face in satisfaction.

Staring at herself in the mirror, beautiful and charming, completely different from her innocent appearance when she didn’t have makeup, Nie Zhen’er felt she had become the peach demon.

For hundreds of years, she has been cautiously hiding her identity as a peach demon. Fortunately, when she boarded the spacecraft, she boarded Spacecraft B. When choosing the plant gene type, she chose the peach tree gene to hide her identity. But even so, she didn’t. dare to release her coquettishness freely.

"The clothes and wig are in the dressing room next door, I'll go get them." Nie Zhen'er zoned out for a little and was about to stand up.

Yang Xiang hurriedly gently pressed her shoulder to keep her down, "Don't run around, careful of getting sweaty and ruining your makeup. Sit here and don't move, I'll go next door to get it."

After Yang Xiang finished speaking, she left the dressing room.

Nie Zhen'er reacted too late that only she and Luan Qing Xiao were left in the dressing room.

She glanced nervously at Luan Qing Xiao in the mirror and found she was still playing on her phone with her head down, praying in her heart for her not to look up.

Because of what happened at the opening ceremony, even now Nie Zhen'er can't forget Luan Qing Xiao's domineering appearance.

However, Luan Qing Xiao just helped her and had her exclusive makeup artist do her make-up. Nie Zhen'er was very conflicted. She didn’t know whether to be afraid of Luan Qing Xiao or to thank her.

After Yang Xiang left, no one spoke in the dressing room, making it disturbingly quiet.

Luan Qing Xiao could feel the anxiety and contradiction from Nie Zhen'er. The makeup incident was her taking the first proactive step to get closer to Nie Zhen'er. Following this, she hoped that Nie Zhen'er could take the next step by herself and speak to her.

However, Luan Qing Xiao didn't want to put any pressure on Nie Zhen'er. On the surface, it seemed like she was playing with her phone, but in reality she had been paying attention to Nie Zhen'er's actions.


The soft voice made Luan Qing Xiao's heart shake. She put down her phone and raised her head to look at Nie Zhen'er, "Huh?"

Nie Zhen'er couldn't stand the atmosphere in the dressing room anymore, so she weakly spoke up to break the silence.

In the end, she only said two words before she saw Luan Qing Xiao raising her head and looking over.

Under the tension, Nie Zhen'er wanted to bite her lower lip again. But she had lipstick on and she couldn't do that.

Nie Zhen'er's palms were dripping with sweat. With her palms on her knees, she unconsciously scratched her jeans using her nails, "... … Thank you, Teacher Luan, for asking Sister Yang Xiang to do my makeup."

Luan Qing Xiao chuckled lightly when she heard what she said. Her domineering face suddenly became arrogant as her eyebrows filled with gentleness.

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Nie Zhen'er stared at Luan Qing Xiao in a daze; her almond eyes wide open, her mouth slightly opened and her heart beating uncontrollably.

"How do you want to thank me?" Luan Qing Xiao asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Ah, I, I… …" Nie Zhen'er only had the barest of necessities and couldn't think of how to thank Luan Qing Xiao. She got so anxious that a pink mist appeared around the corners of her eyes.

Luan Qing Xiao rested her elbow on the armrest of the sofa, propping her chin with one hand, and said leisurely, "Don't worry, if you don't know how to thank me, why don't I come up with an idea for you, eh?"

"Okay!" Nie Zhen'er quickly responded, staring at Luan Qing Xiao eagerly while waiting for her to come up with the ideas.

Luan Qing Xiao stood up from the sofa and made her way to Nie Zhen'er’s side. She stretched out her slender fingers to slowly raise Nie Zhen's chin as she leaned closer so that her warm breath brushed against Nie Zhen’er’s face when she spoke. "I want you, to immerse yourself completely on the set, without the slightest distractions."

When Nie Zhen'er saw Luan Qing Xiao's face approaching, her brain immediately went blank. Then, she heard Luan Qing Xiao's words, causing her to blink in confusion and her long eyelashes to flutter like two small fans, "That's it?"

Shouldn’t every actor completely immerse themselves in filming? What kind of thanking method is this?

As Luan Qing Xiao's thumb rubbed against Nie Zhen'er's jaw, the numb sensation made Nie Zhen'er's ears involuntarily become hot.

"That's it? Why, do you think that's very easy?" Luan Qing Xiao dropped her hand and stood back up, "I'm talking about being fully immersed during your entire time on the set, not just when filming."

Nie Zhen'er still didn't understand.

At this moment, Luan Qing Xiao heard Yang Xiang's footsteps, "After today’s filming, head to my room to find me in the evening. I’ll explain it to you then." Finished speaking, she turned back to sit down on the sofa, picking up her phone.

Nie Zhen'er also heard the sound of Yang Xiang approaching. She didn't know why she had a guilty conscience. After Luan Qing Xiao sat back on the sofa, she also quickly turned and sat down.

By the time Yang Xiang pushed the door open, everything in the dressing room was the same as when she left.

"Zhen'er, change into these clothes first, then I'll do your hair once you’re done." Yang Xiang walked over to Nie Zhen'er and handed Nie Zhen'er the clothes.

Nie Zhen'er stood up and accepted it with both hands. She scanned the entire dressing room, but didn't see a private changing stall, and asked helplessly, "Sister Yang Xiang, do I just change here?" Her eyes glanced at Luan Qing Xiao, who was on the sofa.

Luan Qing Xiao is a man, men and women are different… …

Yang Xiang finally reacted, "Ah, I forgot Teacher Luan."

Yang Xiang didn't dare to let Luan Qing Xiao go out just so Nie Zhen'er could change. She could only say, "I'll go find a changing room for you."

"Sister Yang Xiang, I'll find it myself. After I find it, I'll directly change there." Nie Zhen'er felt embarrassed to trouble Yang Xiang again.

Yang Xiang was about to agree, when Luan Qing Xiao stood up and lightly announced, "The director is looking for me." After that, she strode out of the dressing room.

Yang Xiang: "... …"

Luan Qing Xiao's departure was so natural that Yang Xiang couldn't tell if it just happened that the director was really looking for him, or if he only used this as an excuse to leave to make room for Nie Zhen'er.

"Zhen'er, change your clothes. I'll go out and wait for you. When you’re done, open the door and I’ll come back in." Yang Xiang didn't wait for Nie Zhen'er to reply before she exited the dressing room.

Regardless whether it was real or a coincidence, Yang Xiang can affirm that Luan Qing Xiao valued Nie Zhen'er very much. If the boss has gone out, it is impossible for her, the employee, to stay inside and watch Nie Zhen'er change.

What if Luan Qing Xiao had that kind of thoughts towards Nie Zhen'er despite the reproductive isolation barrier?

Who would like their woman's body to be seen by others?

In this matter, Yang Xiang analyzed the circumstances well.

Luan Qing Xiao did indeed use an excuse to leave. The director was still busy preparing the scene, where would he get the time to discuss with the actors?

When Luan Qing Xiao left the dressing room, she went directly outside.

Their crew rented a section of the Origin Star’s film city. The surrounding buildings were of ancient style, the golden glazed tiles shone radiantly in the sun.

With Luan Qing Xiao wearing an ink-colored robe embroidered with a golden dragon, there was no sense of discordance when she strolled between the ancient buildings.

All the staff she met on the road all greeted Luan Qing Xiao "Teacher Luan". Keeping with her character, Luan Qing Xiao merely nodded to them and didn’t respond.

Although the original owner didn’t dare to reveal her identity as the white Phoenix and could only pretend to be a male white peacock, in her mind, the Phoenix is a primordial divine beast, and as the last Phoenix in the human world, she was naturally incomparably distinguished.

On one hand, she lived in fear due to her identity, while despising the lowliness of her human identity as she hid her identity and blended in the human crowd, which wasn’t as good as her noble birth, making her life filled with contradictions.

After a walk, Luan Qing Xiao glanced at her phone and saw it was almost time for the first scene, so she began her way back.

The first scene was an important one. The male lead was arrogant and didn't want to admit that he liked the female lead, so she pretended to dote on the other concubines, breaking the female lead’s heart.

The female lead was originally a peach tree from the peach blossom forest in the palace that transformed into a human form out of her love for the male lead. Under this extreme sorrow and disappointment, she returned to the forest, intending to change back to the emotionless peach tree. Just as she was crying to her kind, the second male lead, who was a prince, appeared and began to comfort the female lead.

Before long, the male lead also arrived at the blossoming peach forest, where he found the female lead and the second male lead "happily" chatting together. Finally he couldn't suppress his jealousy and confessed to the female lead.

The female lead didn’t believe that the male lead really fell in love with her, and asked the second male lead if he could bring her out of the palace right in front of the male lead.

Prior to all this, she used to live in the peach blossom forest in the Han Shan Temple outside the palace and was only later transplanted into the palace. The female lead hoped she could return to the Han Shan Temple and become a peach tree there once again.

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