The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 205: CH 180

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 180, The Charismatic Vampire

He Hai knew that he shouldn't believe what a vampire said, but seeing Nie Zhen'er's sincere eyes, his heart began to waver.

Nie Zhen'er had a pair of clean and moving eyes, like a shallow creek, where you can directly see the pebbles and swimming fish at the bottom.

She was different from all the vampires He Hai saw in the castle. Those vampires were greedy and bloodthirsty, always looking at him with coveted eyes, as if he was an already cooked dish waiting to be eaten by them.

Although there was water in the cage, out of vigilance, He Hai didn’t drink it. He cleared his throat and rasped in a dry voice, "How are you going to save me?"

After He Hai finished speaking, Nie Zhen'er knew He Hai believed her.

Nie Zhen'er smiled slightly, "The owner here isn’t in the castle right now, meaning your life won’t be in danger for the time being. Tomorrow all the vampires in the castle will go back to sleep in their coffin during the day. That’s when I’ll bring you out."

He Hai's eyes widened, "During the day? You, aren't you a vampire?"

"Are you… … you are a Vampire Noble Highness?" He Hai stared at Nie Zhen'er in disbelief.

The girl in front of him appeared very naïve, young and beautiful. Plus, the vampire butler just now was extremely respectful to her. Even though He Hai had guessed that her identity might be different, he never thought that Nie Zhen'er would be a Vampire Noble Highness who wasn’t afraid of the sun!

Nie Zhen'er said, "Get a good rest tonight. There’s no problem with the food inside the cage. Eat some to replenish your energy, you’ll need the strength to escape tomorrow."

Then Nie Zhen'er stood up and nodded to the dazed He Hai before turning to leave.

In the dark night, He Hai only saw the delicate white and almost transparent calves and ankles under the hem of her wavy skirt.

The news of Nie Zhen'er leaving the garden was quickly informed by the servants to the butler. The butler rushed over to Nie Zhen'er and respectfully said, "Your Highness Zhen’er, I don't know what you’re dissatisfied with that virgin blood slave. We will definitely choose a virgin blood slave that satisfies you and Her Royal Highness next time."

Nie Zhen'er answered, "There’s no dissatisfaction, I just have no appetite tonight. I’m very interested in the blood of this virgin blood slave. You guys take good care of him and give him more food. Someday when I’m hungry, I’ll come and taste his blood."

When the butler heard Nie Zhen'er say this, he was relieved.

"As long as you are satisfied, I will definitely take good care of him."

"Eh." Nie Zhen'er nodded slightly as she turned into a bat and flew away from the castle.

Once she returned to the dorm, Nie Zhen'er closed the window, took a shower and changed into pajamas before laying down on the bed.

She already has a rough idea of ​​how to rescue He Hai tomorrow.

During the day, Cong Ying Yu’s castle is completely closed. The towering fencing wall makes it difficult for humans to enter, but Nie Zhen'er knows that there is an adult-sized hole hidden behind the rose bush on the west of the castle. However, the hole is surrounded by blooming roses. If someone sets foot on them, they will surely be pricked and bleed, attracting the vampires.

Although vampires fear the sun during the day and are active at night, as long as they wear a special cloak to block the direct sunlight from the body, ordinary vampires can also walk in the sun.

It's just that very few vampires risk their lives to do this, because as long as even the smallest sliver skin of their body is exposed to sunlight, the vampire will immediately burn until they turn to ashes.

Nie Zhen'er only remembers that more than 20 years ago, there was one time that humans came to attack Con Ying Yu’s castle. The vampires in the castle were livid at the invasion of humans. In the end, at the cost of two vampires burning into ashes, all the attacking humans were held prisoners. Nie Zhen'er later heard from the servants that those dozen humans were tortured miserably and died after every last drop of blood was drained from their bodies. Cong Ying Yu then used a camera to take pictures of these suffering humans and sent them to a newspaper agency.

That incident caused a sensation among mankind and was widely reported by the human media.

Originally, humans thought that they could attack the castle during the day and pour holy water on them while they were dormant to wipe out the vampires. But who would have thought that vampires had found a way to walk in the sun during the day? Who knows whether it was because of the shock caused by the horrific photos of their own kind. Since then, humans have never attacked Cong Ying Yu's castle again.

More than half of those who came to attack the castle came from the Holy See. Due to this incident, the conflict between the Holy See and the vampires was also forged and became mortal enemies.

As long as any wandering vampires are found by the Holy See, they will be killed. Similarly whenever a vampire encounters any lone Holy See member, they’ll also drain their blood.

Nie Zhen'er was still deep in thought when the door of her room was suddenly knocked.

"Zhen’er, it's me." Luan Qing Xiao's voice came from outside the door.

Nie Zhen'er couldn't figure out why Luan Qing Xiao came to see her this late. She walked to the door barefoot and opened the door, "Qing Xiao, what's up?"

Luan Qing Xiao first took a closer look at her from head to toe. Not seeing any obvious injuries, she asked, "Are you okay?"

Nie Zhen'er was taken aback for a moment, "I’ve been in my room this entire time, why wouldn’t I be okay?"

Yet internally, she was a little flustered: Luan Qing Xiao couldn’t have discovered anything, right?

Luan Qing Xiao sighed, "Just now, I had a nightmare and now I’m terrified."

Noticing she was wearing thin pajamas and how her body was slightly trembling, Nie Zhen’er took her hand to let her in.

The two sat on Nie Zhen'er's bed. Looking at the fear flashing in Luan Qing Xiao's eyes, she couldn't help holding her, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Jie Jie is here."

"What did you dream of? Tell me, OK?" Nie Zhen'er's hand gently patted Luan Qing Xiao's thin back.

Luan Qing Xiao stretched her arms around Nie Zhen'er's waist and rested her chin on Nie Zhen'er's shoulder lightly, whispering, "I just dreamed that you went to a vampire’s castle. There were so many vampires staring at you. I wanted to save you, but I found myself locked in a big iron cage… …"

Nie Zhen'er was stunned: Wasn't this the scene when she first went to the castle?

Only the vampires were respectful towards her, while it was He Hai locked in the iron cage.

"Dreams are all fake. How could I be surrounded by vampires when I stayed in my room? Qing Xiao, you must have been scared by He Hai's disappearance, that's why you had such a dream."

Luan Qing Xiao wasn’t comforted by Nie Zhen'er's words. She still hugged Nie Zhen'er tightly as her panicked breath blew into Nie Zhen'er's ears, "I’m afraid to fall back to sleep. Jie Jie, can you let me stay here for one night?"

Nie Zhen'er's earlobe tingled from her breath. She stretched out her hand and rubbed it. After rubbing it, the tingles turned into shudders as a light flush appeared on her face.

"Stay here for one night?" Nie Zhen'er glanced at her bed, which was only twenty centimeters wider than a normal single bed. If Luan Qing Xiao slept here, wouldn’t the two have to stick together?

Nie Zhen'er tried to think about the scene, only to feel her face becoming hotter.

Luan Qing Xiao let go of her hand and backed up slightly. Seeing Nie Zhen'er bashfully appearance, the enthusiasm in her heart flowed to her limbs, "Is that alright, Zhen'er… … Jie Jie?"

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Nie Zhen'er lowered her gaze and nodded, "Eh, we are both pretty thin, so we should be able to fit on the bed."

And like this, Luan Qing Xiao smoothly managed to stay in Nie Zhen'er's room. However, she did go back to her room and bought her pillow and blanket to put on Nie Zhen'er's bed.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, are you busy with anything?" Luan Qing Xiao asked Nie Zhen'er as she arranged the bed.

Nie Zhen'er answered, "I have something to do at home, so I’ll leave around eight."

After Luan Qing Xiao quickly arranged the bed, the two lay down side by side. Because Nie Zhen'er had to get up early, she slept on the outside edge.

With the light in the bedroom turned off, the moonlight illuminated the bedroom through the window. Under the moonlight, Luan Qing Xiao turned her head and could see Nie Zhen'er's faint silhouette.

"Qing Xiao, how do you usually spend the weekends?" Nie Zhen'er asked.

Suddenly with another person beside her, and a woman’s blood that tempted her at all, Nie Zhen'er was a little sleepless.

She knew Luan Qing Xiao wasn’t asleep, so she planned to chat with Luan Qing Xiao.

Luan Qing Xiao thought about it for a moment. She wasn’t sure how the original owner spent hers, so she could only bring in what she had done when she was in college in the real world. "Club activities, shopping with friends and part-time jobs in large supermarkets to earn tuition."

Nie Zhen'er turned her head around in surprise. However, because the two were so close and Luan Qing Xiao also turned her head, their foreheads were directly touching each other as the warm breath between them blended.

Luan Qing Xiao smiled and rubbed her forehead against Nie Zhen'er's forehead, joking, "It turns out Zhen'er Jie Jie likes to be closer to me?"

With Luan Qing Xiao's breath this close at hand, the scent of blood silently invaded all of Nie Zhen'er's senses, causing the gums of Nie Zhen'er's fangs to become increasingly itchy.

Feeling that the fangs are about to spring out of her gums, Nie Zhen'er quickly turned around. She took a deep breath in the direction where Luan Qing Xiao wasn’t there in an attempt to erase the fragrance of Luan Qing Xiao from her nose.

Just as Nie Zhen'er finally calmed down her fangs from coming out of her gums, she began to worry about how her abnormal reaction should be explained to Luan Qing Xiao.

Nie Zhen'er stabbed her forefinger with her thumb nail, the pain woke her up.

Mentally preparing herself, she turned around, "Qing Xiao, I just… …"

Without even finishing the first sentence, Nie Zhen'er realized that Luan Qing Xiao had already fallen asleep and was immediately relieved. She didn’t have to use a lie to explain, how great!

Under the moonlight, Luan Qing Xiao's skin was as fine as snow and her red lips were lightly  pressed together. She looked better than everyone Nie Zhen'er had ever seen.

Nie Zhen'er stared at Luan Qing Xiao's sleeping face for a while. When she came back to her senses, she remembered that she had to save He Hai tomorrow. Reluctantly, she turned her back to Luan Qing Xiao and closed her eyes.

After confirming Nie Zhen'er was asleep, Luan Qing Xiao sat up from the bed and carefully arranged Nie Zhen'er's body into a comfortable sleeping position before covering her with the blanket. She kissed her forehead and whispered, "Good night, Zhen’er."

The gentle night passed quietly. When the first ray of sunlight broke through the darkness, Nie Zhen'er woke up after feeling a slight burning sensation in her body.

Waking up, she noticed her posture changed from  with her back to Luan Qing Xiao last night to facing her, with one of her hands still on Luan Qing Xiao’s waist. The two people faced each other. They were so close that Nie Zhen'er could count how many eyelashes Luan Qing Xiao had.

Nie Zhen'er greedily watched Luan Qing Xiao's face for a while before quietly getting up to wash up.

After freshening up and changing into a light green shirt and white trousers, Nie Zhen'er glanced at Luan Qing Xiao, who was still sleeping on the bed, and left the room.

Because Vampire Noble Highnesses can only turn into a bat at night, Nie Zhen'er could only walk or ride a bicycle to the castle.

When He Hai escaped from the castle, he would have to pass through large rose bushes. The thorns on the rose branches could easily cut through the fragile skin of human beings, attracting vampires. Therefore, Nie Zhen'er went to a rain gear store first and bought a pair of thick tall rain boots.

Wearing these, He Hai can at least protect his calves, which were the most easily scratched by the rose thorns.

Nie Zhen'er didn't know what size shoes He Hai wore, so she could only tell the store owner his approximate height. The store owner estimated and helped her choose a pair of size 42 rain boots.

Taking the bag with rain boots, she exited the rain gear shore and slowly made her way towards the castle.

Right now, it is still early. Vampires sleep the deepest at noon, which would be the best time for Nie Zhen'er to rescue He Hai.

Yesterday Luan Qing Xiao told 520 to wake her up half an hour after Nie Zhen'er left. Nie Zhen'er went out an hour earlier than the time she told her yesterday.

Nie Zhen'er got up at six thirty and went out at seven, while Luan Qing Xiao got up at seven and went out at seven thirty.

Because this world is S-ranked, Luan Qing Xiao kept feeling that she couldn’t easily rescue He Hai by relying on Nie Zhen'er’s identity.

So she intended to go with Nie Zhen'er.

In order to prevent Nie Zhen'er from discovering she was following her, Luan Qing Xiao specifically asked the 520 to help locate Nie Zhen'er's location and went out half an hour later than her.

Half an hour after Nie Zhen'er left the rain gear shop, Luan Qing Xiao arrived following the instructions of 520 and asked the shore owner about Nie Zhen'er.

When Luan Qing Xiao asked about Nie Zhen’er, the shore owner immediately remembered, “That young lady bought rain boots for her boyfriend, but she didn’t know the size of her boyfriend’s feet. I even helped her recommend one based on her boyfriend’s height."

With the owner kept saying "her boyfriend", Luan Qing Xiao couldn't resist saying to the shop owner, "She’s not buying the rain boots for her boyfriend."

The shop owner was taken aback for a moment, "She said that it was a young adult boy. Since he’s not her relative, he has to be her boyfriend."

Luan Qing Xiao: "... …"

Luan Qing Xiao still has business to do. Thus, for the time being, she gave up arguing about this problem with the shop owner.

Thinking of Nie Zhen'er buying rain boots for He Hai, but she didn't buy it for herself, it must be because He Hai, who is a human, needed rain boots for something.

Luan Qing Xiao silently picked out a pair of rain boots for herself. When she paid and left, she turned back and said to the shop owner, "It really isn’t her boyfriend, because she’s my girlfriend."

Luan Qing Xiao emphasized again, "She is mine."

    The author has something to say: 

Luan Qing Xiao: We slept on a bed together!

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