The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 208: CH 183

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 183, The Charismatic Vampire

Only when Nie Zhen'er arrived outside the castle was she relieved, knowing that Cong Ying Yu wouldn’t chase after her.

"We have to wake him up or else we won't be able to head back before dark." Nie Zhen'er said to Luan Qing Xiao.

"Leave it to me." Luan Qing Xiao wanted to take He Hai from Nie Zhen'er, but Nie Zhen'er didn't let go.

"I'll carry him, you wake him up." Nie Zhen'er noticed Luan Qing Xiao's hand. The two fingers she sucked blood from were a pale white that was obviously different from the other fingers.

Nie Zhen'er originally held He Hai by his clothes, but He Hai with his head hanging made it inconvenient for Luan Qing Xiao to act. So she changed to the action Cong Ying Yu did in the castle just now, pinching the back of He Hai's neck and making him raise his head.

The reason why Luan Qing Xiao knew how to wake up the fainted He Hai is because there was often a plot in the TV series she watched in the real world: the girl/wife/old lady fainting from fright and then the maid next to her will wake her up by pressing her on the philtrum.

Luan Qing Xiao placed her thumb under He Hai's nose and above his lips before pressing hard!

In his dizziness, he only felt a sharp pain on the upper part of his mouth, causing him to furrow his brows and open his eyes, groaning painfully.

"It hurts— —" He Hai's face wrinkled.

"You really woke him up!" Nie Zhen'er looked at Luan Qing Xiao with admiration.

Luan Qing Xiao retracted her thumb. Seeing where she pressed He Hai was red, she said with a little guilty conscience, "I’ve learned a little about first aid."

Only He Hai knew he was thrust awake by pain.

However, facing the two girls who had saved him, he silently swallowed the truth and played along, "Just now, I thought I was scared to death. Thank you, Zhen'er for saving me and Qing Xiao for waking me up. Thank you guys, from now on my, He Hai’s life won’t only be mine, you both have a share!"

Nie Zhen'er didn't know what to do and glanced at Luan Qing Xiao.

Luan Qing Xiao answered, "Your thank you is enough. Your life is still yours."

Nie Zhen'er nodded, "Yes, your thank you is enough, we don't want to share your life."

He Hai, "... …" Why did he feel he was being disdained?

After He Hai woke up, the three walked back to Goethe University.

No one talked on the road, each silently thinking about their own thoughts.

When they entered the city, the number of people watching them began to increase and some even pointed at them.

Luan Qing Xiao was still thinking about how she should explain to Nie Zhen'er that she knew she was a vampire and wasn't paying attention at all. In the end, it was 520 that reminded her, making her realize what the current state of the three of them was.

With a dusty muddy face and her clothes tattered, Luan Qing Xiao's blood oozing from the skin scratched by the rose thorn dried up on her clothes and turned into a dark crimson.

There were two blood holes on He Hai's wrists. His entire arm was covered with blood from the holes, sticking to his skin.

Luan Qing Xiao thought about how they were going to arrive at Goethe University soon and how it would be more convenient to head back to the dormitory to clean up and treat the wound, so she ignored it.

However when the three people just arrived at the gate of Goethe University, a police car parked next to them and three policemen got out of the car. The leading policeman stopped them and showed them his police badge, "Someone called the police reporting that there were three youngsters with blood on them swaggering across the city in the direction of Goethe University and worried that you all were terrorists. Please cooperate with us to return to the police station to record your statements."

The three looked at each other, then Luan Qing Xiao spoke up, "You are taking us to the police station to record our statements just based on suspicion? I believe your explanation is quite flawed."

"Yeah, you guys have to have evidence. And we’re Goethe University students to begin with. It's normal for us to return to school." Nie Zhen'er added.

He Hai didn’t give the three police officers a chance to speak and continued, "My dad has told me about police regulations since I was a child. No police officer I’ve ever met handles cases like you guys do."

Policeman One asked, "May I ask who your father is?"

"He Long Sheng."

After He Hai said his father's name, it was the three police officers’ turn to look at each other, "Have you heard of him?"

"I haven't heard of him."

"I haven’t either."

"Who is He Long Sheng?" Policeman 1 asked.

"My dad ah." He Hai answered.

Policeman Two said, "His other identities!"

"My mother's husband?"

Before the three police officers got angry, He Hai added, "My mother is Jin Mei Mei."

"Chief Kim?!!!"

"En, your Chief Jin."

He Hai’s father is a small police officer, while his mother is the chief of the police station. The two divorced when He Hai was a child and He Long Sheng took He Hai. He Hai knew who his mother was, but the two hadn’t seen each other for more than ten years and weren’t too familiar

Never had He Hai told anyone that his mother was Jin Mei Mei, the beautiful mayor of this city.

Today he only said it to avoid being taken to the police station.

If they went to the police station, they may be given a blood test. Because there was no blood in vampires’ bodies, Nie Zhen'er will definitely be exposed.

Policeman One went to the side and phoned Jin Mei Mei for confirmation. After he said a few words, he called He Hai over.

"He Hai, Chief Jin wants you to answer the phone."

He Hai gave Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er an assured smile before walking over to take the phone.

Luan Qing Xiao saw him speak a few words and then returned the phone to Policeman One, where Policeman One said some more words before hanging up the call.

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When the two came back, Policeman One gestured to the other two police officers, "It's really Chief Jin's son, there is no suspicion, let's go."

"Take care, Policemen Uncles." He Hai said with a smile on his face.

"Hurry up and return to school. It's getting dark and more dangerous outside." Policeman One cautioned.

Them three asking He Hai’s trio to head to the police station for their statements did violate the procedure. Since He Hai didn’t tell Jin Mei Mei this, Policeman One owed him a favor.

After the crisis of being taken to the police station was resolved, the three accelerated their pace to return to the dorms.

The three of them soon parted ways and He Hai met Fang Rui downstairs at the boys' dormitory.

Fang Rui ran to He Hai with excitement, his eyes wet, "Dude, you’re finally back. I almost died from worry!"

He Hai showed Fang Rui the wound on his wrist, "Men's badge of honor, come on help me deal with the wound."

On the other side, Nie Zhen'er and Luan Qing Xiao went back to their respective rooms once they reached the eighth floor. Before entering the door, they both turned their heads around and happened to lock eyes with each other.

"I'll find you in a bit." Luan Qing Xiao said.

Nie Zhen'er nodded, puzzled, "Okay."

After Luan Qing Xiao returned to her room, she treated the wounds on her two fingers and wrapped them with plastic wrap before going to the bathroom for a shower.

When she came out of the shower, the scratches on her body began to ooze blood again.

Because they were all thin and long scratches, which weren’t easy to bandage, Luan Qing Xiao could only use a whole box of band-aids to cover all the wounds.

Luan Qing Xiao put on long-sleeved pajamas to cover the cuts on her body and left the bedroom to knock on the door of Nie Zhen'er's room.

"Dong Dong Dong."

Nie Zhen'er walked to the door and opened it, "Come on in." She turned her body to let Luan Qing Xiao pass.

Luan Qing Xiao’s pillow and blanket were still lying on Nie Zhen’er’s bed since she brought it back to her room when she got up in the morning. Now Nie Zhen’er has made the bed, neatly placing everything at the head of the bed. It was as if it were a double bed and should have had two sets of pillows and blankets to begin with.

Luan Qing Xiao sat down by the bed, while Nie Zhen'er closed the door and pulled the chair from in front of the desk to sit in front of her.

The two people glanced at each other without speaking.

After a long time, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er spoke at the same time:

"Do you still need to drink blood?"

"Have you taken care of your injuries?"

"No need."

"It's been treated."

The two people answered at the same time again.

As Nie Zhen'er looked at Luan Qing Xiao, the anxiety in her heart slowly settled and became calm.

Luan Qing Xiao being able to come to her room to find her at this time and chat with her as usual indicated that she really didn't care about her identity as a vampire.

Although she didn't know why Luan Qing Xiao wasn’t afraid, Nie Zhen'er was really happy, so happy that she didn't need to get to the bottom of this.

Even though Nie Zhen'er didn’t ask, Luan Qing Xiao took the initiative to explain how she knew her identity.

"Actually... … I’m not from this world." Luan Qing Xiao said.

"???" Nie Zhen'er thought she had heard her wrong.

"If you aren’t from this world, what world are you from?"

"Two days ago, I was suddenly transmigrated to this body. You should know that the original Luan Qing Xiao would only glare at you, not tease or take the initiative to talk to you at all."

"I forgot… …" Nie Zhen'er's memory of seeing Luan Qing Xiao for the first time was a little hazy.

"It’s okay if you forget, I'll continue to talk about the other issues."

"You must be very puzzled why I know you’re a vampire. That's because I have an artificial intelligence named [System] in my body. When I first came to this world, this [System] told me your and Wen Xi Qin’s identities."

"In the castle, I knew that it was useful for you to drink my blood was also because of the system's reminder."

Nie Zhen'er was lost from listening but grasped the most important point, "Why did the [System] in your body make you save me?"

Luan Qing Xiao replied, "Because the reason why I came to this world is to complete a mission and the [System] is an AI tool to assist me in completing the mission."

"Your mission is to protect me?" Nie Zhen'er was disappointed. She always thought that Luan Qing Xiao was kind to her because she liked her friend, but it was only to complete her mission?

Luan Qing Xiao stated, "Of course not, my mission is to make you happy."

Luan Qing Xiao stretched out her hand to stroke Nie Zhen'er's cheek. After hearing her "mission" explanation, Nie Zhen’er felt kind of uncomfortable and wanted to dodge it. However, seeing the band-aids on Luan Qing Xiao, she stopped moving and let her touch her cheek.

The author has something to say: 

Luan Qing Xiao: I fessed up



philtrum (人中): the groove between the bottom of your nose and upper lip

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