The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 211: CH 185.1

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 185, The Charismatic Vampire

After a nap, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er walked to a small classroom in Si Qi Courtyard’s teaching building.

This is where the Financial Organization holds its meetings and classes.

Since they came early, there was no one else in the classroom yet.

Once the two found a place to sit down, Luan Qing Xiao remembered an important issue, "I don't have the original owner’s memories and don’t know anyone in the organization."

Nie Zhen'er said, "It's okay, I don't know anyone either."

Luan Qing Xiao: "... ...?"

Nie Zhen'er took out a notebook and set it on the table, while speaking to Luan Qing Xiao, "I'm here to listen to Professor Wen’s lectures, not here to meet new friends."

Luan Qing Xiao exclaimed sourly, "You like listening to Professor Wen’s lectures that much?"

"... …" Seeing that Luan Qing Xiao was really jealous, Nie Zhen'er clarified, "I only like to listen to his lectures, not him as a person."

"In any case, you liking anything related to him makes me sad." Luan Qing Xiao said.

Nie Zhen'er put away her notebook and suggested, "Should we withdraw from the organization? Previously you joined the Financial Organization for Professor Wen’s sake. If you hadn’t already changed person, I would have been jealous to death. Since we’re both uncomfortable, why don’t we both leave the organization? That way no one will see Professor Wen."

"Sounds good." Luan Qing Xiao immediately stood up from her seat and pulled Nie Zhen'er, who had packed her stuff, up. The two ran from the classroom before anyone else arrived.

"Today Professor Wen is here, it would be inconvenient to do it. We can talk to the Organization President separately later on."

After exiting, the two looked at each other and laughed. Then Nie Zhen'er said, "Where should we go now?" With activities from their organization, their entire afternoon was freed.

"We can go shopping, eat something or watch a movie. As long as I do it with you, anything’s fine." Luan Qing Xiao's hand quietly climbed onto Nie Zhen'er's shoulder and hugged her.

Nie Zhen'er's ears went a little red, "How about a movie?"

"Sure." Luan Qing Xiao responded.

Close to the school, there was a shopping mall with a movie theater on the top floor. The two took the bus to the shopping mall. When they reached the top floor, Luan Qing Xiao went to buy their tickets.

After choosing the movie, Nie Zhen'er clearly heard Luan Qing Xiao whisper to the cashier, "I want two seats in the last row, next to each other."

"... …" Nie Zhen'er could guess about why Luan Qing Xiao wanted the last row.

In the last row, there was no one behind them and the people in front usually won’t look back, so even if they did something, no one would catch them… …

Luan Qing Xiao turned around after buying the tickets and took Nie Zhen'er's hand. She was surprised to find Nie Zhen'er's cheek was flushed and her dewy almond eyes bashful.

"What happened?" Luan Qing Xiao asked.

Nie Zhen'er glared at her "Why did you want to buy tickets to the last row?"

Luan Qing Xiao finally understood what happened and smiled proudly, "So you heard me."

Luan Qing Xiao held Nie Zhen'er's waist, whispering in her ear, "You know the reason, do you really want me to say it out loud?"

"... …" Nie Zhen'er trembled slightly but didn't say a word.

The movie tickets the two people bought allow people in fifteen minutes later. Because the staff will start checking their tickets five minutes beforehand, they still had to wait another ten minutes. Until then, Luan Qing Xiao found a place to sit down with Nie Zhen’er.

"I forgot to ask Fang Rui about the police report. He Hai wouldn’t have forgotten to close the case since He Hai returned, right?" Luan Qing Xiao said.

Nie Zhen'er replied, "It’s not like Fang Rui is… …" stupid.

"Qing Xiao, Zhen'er, you guys also came to watch the movie?" An excited male voice sounded in front of them.

Speaking of the devil here they are. Luan Qing Xiao looked up to see Fang Rui and He Hai walking towards the two of them.

It was Fang Rui who spoke just now. He still has a good impression on Luan Qing Xiao and his gaze fell directly on Luan Qing Xiao.

He Hai, who knew the truth, cried for Fang Rui in his heart, because he knew it was a secret crush that was destined not to come to fruition.

Nie Zhen'er looked at Fang Rui and then Luan Qing Xiao before asking He Hai, "What movie are you guys watching?"

“《Chasing the Wind》” He Hai answered.

"What a coincidence, so are we." Nie Zhen'er uttered slowly.

Listening to her slow rate of speaking, Luan Qing Xiao felt a murderous chill for some reason.

Fang Rui lamented in pity, "If I knew you guys were going to come, I would have bought four tickets."

He Hai piped up, "What told you to think that it would be shameful for two big men to watch a movie together and buy the last row? If you had bought tickets to the middle rows, we could have sat next to Qing Xiao and them."

Internally, he thought: Fortunately, they didn't buy the middle row. He didn't want to eat dog food.

Nie Zhen'er narrowed her eyes, "That’s even more coincidental, Qing Xiao and I are sitting in the last row."

Fang Rui was pleasantly surprised, "Qing Xiao, is this true?"

Luan Qing Xiao: "... …" This was really unfortunate.

Luan Qing Xiao nodded. Hoping the four wouldn’t sit next to each other, she took out the tickets and asked, "What number are you guys?"

He Hai took out his ticket, "I’m number six and he’s number seven."

"... ... Hehe, what a coincidence, how can there be so many coincidences in the world?" D*mn it, she actually bought Number 4 and 5!

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Luan Qing Xiao was completely speechless. She could only glance at Nie Zhen'er pitifully, begging for forgiveness.

Nie Zhen'er toughened her face and pretended not to see it.

Fang Rui didn't notice the atmosphere between Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er, but He Hai had and was flustered from it.

He Hai gulped hard and suggested to Fang Rui, "Fang Rui, I suddenly don’t want to watch   《Chasing the Wind》 anymore. I think that 《A Survival Guide to the End of the World》 seemed pretty good. How about we refunded our tickets to watch 《A Survival Guide to the End of the World》》instead?"

Fang Rui glanced at He Hai strangely, "Are you alright? Why do you suddenly want to watch 《A Survival Guide to the End of the World》? It was rated as the worst movie of the year by the News Daily. Why would you want to watch such a horrible flick?" Fang Rui stared at He Hai's head, curious about what was inside his head.

He Hai couldn’t tell him directly and said in his heart: Bro, I'm trying to save you here. You don't know Zhen'er’s identity and actually dare to snatch Qing Xiao with her. I can see you’re tired of living

However, He Hai was determined, "I'm just curious how bad it could be? You said you would invite me to watch a movie and let me decide what. I did want to watch《Chasing the Wind》before, but now I want to watch《A Survival Guide to the End of the World》. It’s up to you whether you’re going to keep your word."

"... …" Fang Rui watched He Hai with a complicated gaze.

He Hai stared back at him without admitting defeat until Fang Rui finally gave in, "Alright, I said I would listen to you."

Fang Rui looked at Luan Qing Xiao reluctantly, who was talking to Nie Zhen'er with her back to him, "I'm going to buy the tickets, you can go explain this to Qing Xiao and her."

Fang Rui grudgingly went to the front desk to exchange their tickets.

He Hai walked between Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er, and said with a smug expression, "You guys better thank me. I just convinced Fang Rui to watch 《A Survival Guide to the End of the World》instead, now you guys can enjoy your two-person world."

"Nice, bro!" Luan Qing Xiao smiled and patted He Hai on the chest, causing him to stagger.

"Cough cough cough, Qing Xiao, you forget how strong you are. I was almost smacked to death by you." He Hai covered his chest and pretended to be weak, "Zhen'er, you should really keep a closer eye on her."

"I think Qing Xiao is pretty good, there’s no need for that." Nie Zhen'er said with a smile.

Luan Qing Xiao reached over to hug her. The two smiled at each other, making pink bubbles flying all over the place.

He Hai: "... …" For whom is he working this hard for? Why did the two women in front of him; one hurt his body and the other hurt his soul?

After Fang Rui returned from the ticket exchange, he saw He Hai's miserable expression and  immediately warned, "Don't tell me you want to change the movie again? I’m telling you, you can't change it again!"

He Hai was speechless, "Why can’t you think of me in a better light?" He only asked him to exchange the tickets for his safety! How come all these people treat him like this?!

Fang Rui countered, "What better light can I think of you in?"

He Hai was distraught and glared at Fang Rui accusingly. Then, he exhaled, "Forget it, I'm not going to argue with a fool."

"Hey, when did I become a fool?"

He Hai thought that Luan Qing Xiao's arm around Nie Zhen'er's waist was such an obvious indicator, yet he still didn't see it. Not only was he a fool, but also a blind man.

At this time, the ticket inspector notified the ticket inspection had started. Luan Qing Xiao waved goodbye to He Hai and brought Nie Zhen'er along for the ticket inspection.

Since《A Survival Guide to the End of the World》 starts five minutes later than《Chasing the Wind》, they still have to wait a little.

When Luan Qing Xiao took Nie Zhen'er's little hand and sat in the last row, Nie Zhen'er said, "Fang Rui likes you, right?"

"Wrong, he doesn't like me, he just has a good impression of me." Luan Qing Xiao corrected her.

Nie Zhen'er didn't believe it, "Isn’t having a good impression and liking someone the same?"

"Of course it's not the same! It’s just like how you have a good impression of Professor Wen, so you like to listen to his lectures, but you don't like him, right?"

"... …" The example Luan Qing Xiao used made Nie Zhen'er unable to refute her.

"Besides, it's Fang Rui’s business that he likes me. I already have you. In this life, I will never like someone else." Luan Qing Xiao vowed seriously.

Nie Zhen'er pursed her lips and said softly, "Me too, I will only like you."

After the opening of the movie, the room darkened. Because《Chasing the Wind》 was a fast-paced movie and had thrilling fight scenes, everyone in the audience was immense in it, except for Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er.

There was no one in the two rows of seats in front of them. Luan Qing Xiao held Nie Zhen'er's little hand to squeeze and knead, gently tickling her palms from time to time.

This caused Nie Zhen’er’s face to flushed, "Stop it."

Luan Qing Xiao obediently let go.

Just as Nie Zhen'er let out a sigh of relief, Luan Qing Xiao's hand fell on her shoulder again, and her head rested on her other shoulder, deliberately blowing air into her ear.

At first, Nie Zhen'er was shy, but as Luan Qing Xiao teased her endlessly, Nie Zhen'er only felt speechless.

She turned her head and looked at Luan Qing Xiao, expressionless, for a good ten seconds. Eventually Luan Qing Xiao retracted her hand and started watching the movie properly.

However, because they missed too much of the movie in the beginning, they didn’t really understand what was happening towards the end before the movie ended.

After the movie ended, Nie Zhen'er sat in place with her arms crossed and didn't move with a stern expression on her face. Who knew what she was thinking? Luan Qing Xiao sat with her and observed her expression carefully, yet couldn’t tell anything from it.

By now, all the people in the room were gone. When the cleaning auntie walked in and saw Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er, she gave them a strange look but didn’t ask anything. She lowered her head and continued to clean up the popcorn buckets and coke bottles that people left behind.

Only after the cleaning auntie finished cleaning did Nie Zhen'er stand up and walk outside. Letting out a sigh of relief, Luan Qing Xiao hurriedly followed.

Then she piped up, "I want to use the bathroom."

Nie Zhen'er said, "Go ahead, I have to go find He Hai and Fang Rui in the lobby."

"What for?" Luan Qing Xiao wondered.

Nie Zhen'er put her hand into Luan Qing Xiao's palm, "I forgot to ask Fang Rui if he went to the police station to close the case before the beginning of the movie. It’ll make me feel better if I just get a definite answer."

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