The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 264: CH 214.1

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 214, I Have 6 Love Rivals

Ke Zhen Zhong works part-time as the doctor in the school infirmary. He only comes to work once a week, another school doctor works the rest of the week.

The result was such a coincidence that they still met.

Seeing Luan Qing Xiao, Ke Zhen Zhong was surprised, "Qing Xiao, you’re sick?"

Luan Qing Xiao stood in front of Nie Zhen'er, blocking Ke Zhen Zhong's line of sight.

Luan Qing Xiao shook her head, "It's not me, it's my friend. She sprained her foot."

Ke Zhen Zhong saw the corners of the school uniform showing from behind Luan Qing Xiao and nodded, "I'll see if the bones are injured. As long as the bones aren’t injured, they should be fine after a few days of rest."

When Ke Zhen Zhong walked over, Luan Qing Xiao continued to block Nie Zhen'er and didn't move. Facing Ke Zhen Zhong’s doubtful gaze, Luan Qing Xiao explained, "My friend is shy. Brother Zhen Zhong, please just take a look at her feet."

Hearing Luan Qing Xiao say this, Nie Zhen’er immediately lifted her injured foot.

She knew the reason why Luan Qing Xiao said that. This school doctor was called Ke Zhen Zhong, so he must be the brother Ke Li talked about every day. Luan Qing Xiao probably was afraid that Ke Zhen Zhong would take the opportunity to retaliate against herself for Ke Li.

Ke Zhen Zheng was wondering when Luan Qing Xiao started being friends with shy kids? She has been a tomboy since she was a child and liked playing with boys.

However, he won’t deliberately pry on other people’s matters.

Because Ke Zhen Zhong was tall, the height Nie Zhen'er raised her leg was still too low. Ke Zhen Zhong could only kneel on one knee to hold Nie Zhen'er's foot.

Nie Zhen'er couldn't help shaking when a stranger touched her foot.

Looking at the delicate and beautiful feet in the palms of his hands, Ke Zhen Zhong fell into a daze for a moment. Then Nie Zhen'er’s trembling happened to bring him back to his senses.

Ke Zhen Zhong cleared his throat. He held Nie Zhen'er's foot with one hand, while pinching the swollen ankle with the other.

"The bones aren’t injured. I’ll prescribe some medicine for you, both externally and internally, and it should be fine in a week."

Ke Zhen Zhong resisted the urge to not let go of his hand. Once he stood up, she went to the back to prescribe the medicine. Luan Qing Xiao turned her head and said to Nie Zhen'er, "You’ll definitely not be able to participate in tomorrow's competition. Just sit there and cheer for me."

Nie Zhen'er hugged Luan Qing Xiao's waist, depressedly, "I’ve been practicing for such a long time though."

"Do you know who tripped you?" Luan Qing Xiao asked.

Nie Zhen'er's face pressed to Luan Qing Xiao's back as she shook her head, "I didn't see it. Maybe someone did it accidentally. Who would be that bad to get their classmates injured the day before the competition?"

"That might not be necessarily true." Ke Li was that brainless woman.

"Don't be afraid. We’ll find the person who tripped you, whether it was intentional or not. There are no less than twenty cameras in the gymnasium. The place where we practice appears in at least two cameras."

The voices of the two people weren’t deliberately lowered, so Ke Zhen Zhong heard them all behind the atomized glass.

He thought: Only freshmen, yet there are already infighting in the class.

After Ke Zhen Zhong finished pairing the medicine, she put the medicine into Luan Qing Xiao's hand.

"The capsules’ for oral usage, one capsule at a time, twice a day, half an hour after meals. For the topical sprays, spray once every two or three hours on the wound."

Luan Qing Xiao nodded and noted it all down.

Ke Zhen Zhong walked behind the table and took out the sick leave slips, "You guys have a competition tomorrow, right? Don't participate. The ankle injury must be taken care of and can’t be injured again. Also be careful while walking, otherwise you won’t be that fortunate next time. If you hurt my bones, it won’t get better until a month or two later.”

Ke Zhen Zhong wrote the condition on the fake slip and stamped it with the official seal of the infirmary. Without looking up, he asked, "What's your name?"

"Nie Zhen'er, Nie like an ear over a double character and Zhen like true heart."

Ke Zhen Zhong felt as if he had heard the name somewhere, but couldn't remember it for a moment. Therefore, he paused and wrote the words "Nie Zhen'er".


"Year One Class." Nie Zhen'er answered.

Hearing Nie Zhen'er's answer, something struck inside Ke Zhen Zhong’s mind and he instantly remembered where he had heard Nie Zhen'er's name.

It was from Ke Li. Almost three weeks ago, Ke Li came to the infirmary by herself almost every day, saying someone had bullied her and had him, her brother, to avenge her.

The person who bullied her in Ke Li's mouth was called "Nie Zhen'er".

Moreover, Ke Li was also in Year One Class One.

Ke Zhen Zhong recalled Nie Zhen'er’s voice just now. It was crisp, full of vitality and sounded pleasant. From her skeleton frame, Ke Li and her should be about the same height or even shorter than Ke Li, but definitely skinnier than Ke Li.

This injured girl bullied Ke Li?

Ke Zhen Zhong understood his younger sister. She was spoiled and willful, because when giving birth to her, Mother Ke almost bled to death and led to two deaths. After giving birth to the child safely, Father Ke couldn’t spoil the mother and daughter pair, who had escaped death more. He truly would pick the stars for them if he could.

It's not that Ke Zhen Zhong didn't persuade his father. Not only did Father Ke listen to his advice, he would scold him for doting on his mother and sister.

Was only spoiling a child rotten called doting?

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Since Ke Zhen Zhong couldn’t communicate with Father Ke, he simply stopped caring about it.

Later, when Ke Li got into trouble, he would take care of it if he could. If he couldn’t, he would just let her suffer the consequences of her actions.

Grabbing the medicine and the sick slips, Luan Qing Xiao helped Nie Zhen'er stand up and the two slowly walked to the door.

Ke Zhen Zhong could only see half of Nie Zhen'er's back, but he could feel a restless feeling in his heart.

"Wait a minute." Before the two crossed the door threshold, Ke Zhen Zhong followed his heart and called out to Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er.

Nie Zhen'er held the door frame without moving, while Luan Qing Xiao turned around and asked Ke Zhen Zhong, "Is there anything else, Brother Zhen Zhong?"

Seeing Ke Zhen Zhong's eyes drifting toward Nie Zhen'er, Luan Qing Xiao immediately understood.

Although she stopped him from seeing Nie Zhen'er's face, Ke Zhen Zhong still gained feelings for Nie Zhen'er.

Ke Zhen Zhong was a few years older than Yong Huan and Zhu Xi Zheng. At this age, he is no longer confused about his feelings and knows how to obtain the favor of the woman he likes in various ways.

Ke Zhen Zhong's methods will definitely be more mature than Yong Huan and Zhu Xi Zheng.

Ke Zhen Zhong smiled, "I suddenly remembered something. During the first few days of school, Ke Li often came to the infirmary to look for me and complained to me that a girl in the class bullied her."

Could Nie Zhen'er hide at this time?

She turned around with one foot and looked straight at Ke Zhen Zhong with clear eyes, "I didn't bully Ke Li."

The moment he saw Nie Zhen'er's face, Ke Zhen Zhong's heart seemed to have been hit by something. After the initial shock, his hearts only beat faster and faster

No matter how chaotic Ke Zhen Zhong was in his heart, he didn't show it on his face.

He still had that gentle and rigorous appearance, "I know my sister's character. Ke Li has been spoiled since childhood. I know you didn't bully Ke Li."

Seeing the distrust in Nie Zhen'er's eyes, Ke Zhen Zhong didn’t get frustrated and still said warmly, "I didn't call you to seek justice or revenge for Ke Li, I only wanted to apologize to you."

"Apologize?" Nie Zhen'er didn't believe Ke Li would have such a sensible older brother.

"Yes, my sister is ignorant and must have caused you a lot of trouble. I, the older brother, can't violate our parents' teachings and can only apologize to you for her."

Once Ke Zhen Zhong finished speaking, he solemnly bowed to Nie Zhen'er, "I'm sorry."

Nie Zhen'er's character was one that can be persuaded by soft approaches. Since the person already politely came up to admit their mistakes and apologize, she had no reason to refute him.

"... … I don't need your apology." By now, her voice has softened a lot.

"I know, but Ke Li is my younger sister in the end. Facing you, who was wronged by her, I feel extremely guilty. I know you want Ke Li to apologize to you. I will make sure to have a good chat with her and see what's the misunderstanding between you two? Since you guys are all classmates in the same class, conflicts won’t be conducive to the unity of the class." Ke Zhen Zhong was simply too considerate of Nie Zhen’er at every point possible.

"I see." Nie Zhen'er nodded, "Thank you." This was to thank him for looking at her feet.

Ke Zhen Zhong shook his head and uttered warmly, "I’m the school doctor, this is what I should be doing."

Watching Ke Zhen Zhong getting more and more vigorous, Luan Qing Xiao interrupted their conversation, "Zhen'er's ankle is getting more and more swollen, she has to head back and quickly take medicine."

Luan Qing Xiao said to Ke Zhen Zhong, "Brother Zhen Zhong, we won't disturb you anymore. We’ll be leaving now."

Ke Zhen Zhong took two steps forward. Standing at a distance that wouldn’t make Nie Zhen'er feel offended, he informed, "I’ll be in the infirmary this Friday, the entire day. Come here Friday, so I can check up on your feet and how your recovery’s going."

Nie Zhen'er nodded, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Ke Zhen Zhong smiled gently.

Luan Qing Xiao was too lazy to say goodbye to Ke Zhen Zhong. She helped Nie Zhen'er out of the infirmary first before kneeling down and picking up Nie Zhen'er to return to the classroom.

On the way back to the classroom, Luan Qing Xiao probed Nie Zhen'er about her love rival, "What do you think of Ke Zhen Zhong?"

Hearing Luan Qing Xiao’s question, Nie Zhen'er carefully thought about it, "A reasonable person."

Luan Qing Xiao was still waiting for her next words, but Nie Zhen'er was silent after saying this one.

"Anything else besides reasonable?" Luan Qing Xiao asked.

Nie Zhen'er knocked her chin on Luan Qing Xiao's shoulder twice, "What else can there be? How does what kind of person he is have to do with me? I have enough trouble paying attention to you every day, where would I have the time to care for another stranger?"

Luan Qing Xiao laughed, "I know you’re good to me, I also only pay attention to you."

After hearing Luan Qing Xiao's words, Nie Zhen'er felt so happy in her heart that her injured foot didn't seem to hurt anymore.

Their feelings were mutual, how great.

Back in the classroom, Luan Qing Xiao settled Nie Zhen'er down and watched her take the medicine along with the spray.

"It doesn't matter if you can't participate in the competition, you can still sit below the podium and watch me." Luan Qing Xiao comforted.

Nie Zhen'er held her chin, smiling, "I know la, you’ve already said this twice. Knowing that you’re this worried about me, I’m not disappointed anymore now."

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