The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 32: CH 30

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 30, Pure Campus Love


In the dean’s office, the dean sighed. He opened the drawer and took out a small slip from a leather notebook, "Fortunately, this note wasn’t thrown away." His eyes reflected the self-satisfaction he had for himself.

Luan Qing Xiao, "..." He obviously picked it up after she came back to remind him that the note might still be useful and shouldn’t be thrown away.    "Dean is wise."    The dean laughed and said assuringly to Nie Zhen'er, "Student Nie Zhen'er, don't worry. I will definitely return the school's and your innocence."    "Luan Qing Xiao, now go call your homeroom teacher over."    Nie Zhen'er wanted to head out with Luan Qing Xiao, but the dean stopped her, "Just wait here." After all, it wouldn’t do any good to let her go out and hear those rumors.    Luan Qing Xiao patted Nie Zhen'er on the shoulder comfortingly, then turned to leave.    When Luan Qing Xiao walked into the homeroom teacher's office, she also saw Liang Yan. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.    The homeroom teacher saw her and motioned her to wait on the side.    Liang Yan anxiously said, "Teacher, I can't watch them slander a good classmate like Nie Zhen'er in the class. You also know Nie Zhen'er is a good student, there’s no way she would cheat."    The homeroom teacher frowned, "It's only been one class break and the whole class is discussing this matter?"    Liang Yan nodded, "Yes, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I can only come to you for help."    "Okay, I understand." The homeroom teacher looked at Luan Qing Xiao, "Luan Qing Xiao, how can I help you?"    "Teacher, I’m here for the same thing as what Liang Yan just said. Because this matter is related to the school’s reputation, the dean plans to investigate it thoroughly after it was bought to his attention. Therefore, he wants me to tell you to head to the dean office."    The homeroom teacher was stunned when she heard "dean office", but she didn't expect this incident would suddenly become such a huge deal. She stood up, saying, "Let’s go then."    Thinking of Liang Yan, she faced him, "Liang Yan, you can come too."    Luan Qing Xiao and Liang Yan followed behind the homeroom teacher. Liang Yan looked ahead, and didn’t give Luan Qing Xiao a single look, clearly still hating slash, envying her in his heart.    Luan Qing Xiao glanced at Liang Yan from time to time, from the beginning to the end, until it made Liang Yan extremely uncomfortable. He turned his head and glared at her.    Luan Qing Xiao wasn’t thinking about anything else. She just wanted to see what the male lead with a blackening value of 40% was like, since it would be a good comparison in the future.    Liang Yan's glaring held no lethalness to her. Luan Qing Xiao faintly retracted her gaze and stopped looking at Liang Yan.    The three of them knocked on the door and entered the dean office. After communicating with the dean, they knew that Nie Zhen'er had been wronged, and comforted Nie Zhen'er that they would clear the rumors and return her reputation.    The dean put the key evidence in front of the homeroom teacher, "This is that cheating note. Come and see if you’re familiar with the handwriting."    The homeroom teacher took the note and scanned it carefully for a while, frowning slightly.    From checking the homework every day , she already was familiar with the handwriting of the students in the Rocket class like the back of her hand. However, the handwriting in front of her doesn’t belong to anyone in the Rocket class. The characters on it are only the size of rice grains, the strokes were clean and straight, without any special characteristics...    The homeroom teacher put the note back on the table, frowning, " The person must have deliberately changed their handwriting. I can't recognize it. I'm afraid it can only be identified by a professional handwriting appraisal expert."     The dean's face wasn’t pretty. Although he knew finding the culprit wasn’t that simple, it’ll be too public to find a handwriting appraisal agency through the school. No matter how the news comes out, it wasn’t a good thing for the school.    Liang Yan watched the homeroom teacher and the dean suddenly fell silent. He urged, "Then find a handwriting appraisal agency to analyze the handwriting."    The dean glanced at Nie Zhen'er, who had been silently standing aside, and explained, “The current problem is one can’t find an appraisal agency through the school’s name, and the other is the appraisal costs are quite high and can’t be afforded by most individuals.”    Liang Yan was speechless after hearing this. His family was considered a middle-income family and it wasn’t difficult to come up with this sum of money. However, Liang Yan's mother has always looked down upon Nie Zhen'er and Nie Mei Feng. Liang Yan occasionally heard her mention both the Nie Mei Feng mother and daughter were the same. Since his mother held absolute authority at home and her contemptuous attitude for Nie Zhen’er’s family, he wasn’t sure he’ll be able to persuade his mother to take out the sum for Nie Zhen'er.    Liang Yan's face turned dark.    Nie Zhen'er asked softly, "Dean, how much does the appraisal cost? I still have some prize money for winning the painting competition. I don't know if it’ll be enough."    The young girl’s figure was frail, standing on the side, neither humble nor overbearing, even if she was being negatively rumored, she wasn’t flustered.    Coupled with Nie Zhen'er's excellent grades, the dean appreciated her very much. He even began thinking about whether he could save some money to pay the appraisal fee for her by removing the mortgage and car loan.    Before he could finish the calculation in his mind, Luan Qing Xiao declared, "Leave this to me."    She smiled at Nie Zhen'er, who was anxious to say something, and said, “My dad knows an expert in handwriting appraisal, and we can find him for a free service. Currently he is working at a handwriting appraisal agency." Although Father Luan would owe some favors, the favors of the Luan family are much more "expensive" than some money.    The homeroom teacher and the dean's eyes lit up, Luan Qing Xiao was really helpful.    "It's not too late, I'll call my dad now."    Luan Qing Xiao called Father Luan on the dean’s phone. Without talking nonsense, she simply explained the situation. Father Luan directly promised, "I’ll call Tong Ze right away."    Two minutes after hanging up the phone, the dean’s phone vibrated. When he was connected, he cut straight to the chase, “I’m Peng Tong Ze, and I’ll arrive at Sheng Jia High in about 15 minutes.”    The dean expressed his gratitude to Peng Tong Ze.    The homeroom teacher, "Yesterday's homework hasn’t been sent back yet, we can use it for the identification. I'll go retrieve it."    "Liang Yan, go back to class and tell the music teacher because I have something to do with Nie Zhen'er and Luan Qing Xiao, they won’t be able to attend this music class."    Liang Yan glanced at Nie Zhen'er hesitantly. He felt  Nie Zhen'er had been wronged and needed someone to accompany her. If he left, then only Luan Qing Xiao was left...    Liang Yan's eyes darkened.    But facing the teacher, he couldn't say anything to refuse, so he nodded and left.    The homeroom teacher returned to the office to sort out the class list and yesterday's homework, arranged them in the order on the list, and took them to the dean office.    The dean took along Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er to pick up Peng Tong Ze from the school gate. After meeting the person, they didn’t delay and quickly returned back to the dean office.    "Uncle Peng, sorry for troubling you." Luan Qing Xiao said.    Peng Tong Ze looks like he was about thirty years old and had a scholarly temperament with the charms of a mature man. Hearing this, Peng Tong Ze smiled kindly at Luan Qing Xiao, "Your father and I are friends, and you even call me your uncle. Since my niece needs help, how can this uncle ignore you? What's more, you are helping out your classmates, Uncle is even more obliged to give a helping hand."    When he came to the teaching office, the homeroom teacher had already cleared a table, and the homework and paper slips were placed on it. As soon as Peng Tong Ze entered, he took out his professional equipment from his suitcase and immediately entered a working state.     Everyone else stood there holding their breath and didn’t dare to disturb him. Until the last assignment was compared with the note, Peng Tong Ze raised his head and breathed a sigh of relief. Because of his over concentration, his forehead was wet with sweat which flashed under the lamp.    Peng Tong Ze raised his head. He saw the four pairs of expectant eyes, and smiled slightly, "Fortunately, I found out the person. I’ll issue an authentication certificate now."    After Nie Zhen'er heard it, she turned around and embraced Luan Qing Xiao excitedly, ignoring that there were still the homeroom teacher and the dean next to her. The moisture in her apricot eyes rippled, and she softly mumbled “Thank you” to Luan Qing Xiao.    The homeroom teacher and the dean were all focused on the identification certificate. Only Peng Tong Ze raised his head and noticed Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er who were hugging together, flashing thoughts flickered through his eyes.    After issuing the identification certificate, Peng Tong Ze wanted to stay in front of the principal to prove the validity of the handwriting identification certificate, so he didn’t leave.    The homeroom teacher took a look at the result and was stunned, "How could it be Pei Yi Ruo?" In her impression, Pei Yi Ruo has always been an optimistic and cheerful girl. Although she was promoted from Class Three, she maintained her grades rather stable. She even placed second in her year once, she never would have thought Pei Yi Ruo would do such a thing.    The homeroom teacher discussed with the dean before going to the class to personally get Pei Yi Ruo.    The dean went to call the principal to explain the basic situation and let the principal decide what to do.    Peng Tong Ze walked over to the two girls who were still embracing and coughed. When the two separated, he smiled and talked to Nie Zhen'er.    Nie Zhen'er put her hands behind her embarrassedly, "Professor Peng, thank you for helping me."    Peng Tong Ze smiled and looked at the protective Luan Qing Xiao next to him, "You can just call me Uncle Peng like Luan Qing Xiao."    Luan Qing Xiao felt Peng Tong Ze had seen something, but couldn’t feel any malice from him, so she didn’t stop him from chatting with Nie Zhen'er.    Who knows whether it was Peng Tong Ze’s cunningness due to his old age or just pure scheming: soon, under his guidance, Nie Zhen'er explained her daily life and in Nie Zhen'er's mouth, Luan Qing Xiao, this rebellious girl, simply became synonymous with "perfect.”    "Qing Xiao knows I’m afraid of the dark, so she accompanies me to school!"    "Qing Xiao knows that the bento I bring isn’t nutritious, so she makes me lunch every day!"    "Qing Xiao not only has good grades, but also is a master of everything. She really is a genius!"    "Qing Xiao gave me a lot of birthday presents, saying that she would make up for all my birthdays seventeen years ago!"    ...    How did a bunch of "Qing Xiao'' come out of Nie Zhen'er's mouth? Peng Tong Ze grinned and glanced at Luan Qing Xiao, jokingly, "Qing Xiao, you’re much better than your father. Recalling back then, when he chased your mother, he would only have a cold face on and say some 'domineering lines' like those CEOs in the cringy novels. Your mother, an aloof beauty, was forced in becoming a ‘raging’ beauty. Thankfully after you were born, your father became more mature, allowing your mother's temper to gradually restore to before."    Luan Qing Xiao didn't think the original owner's unreliable parents would be like this. She always thought that the marriage between the two was a business marriage, she never expected it to be true love.    Luan Qing Xiao's attention was focused on Father Luan chasing Mother Luan, but Nie Zhen'er heard something else from this sentence. She blushed to look at Luan Qing Xiao, her face was freezing when facing other people. Whenever she turned to herself, it would be full of gentleness like the spring breeze, softer than the lake at night. She thought her life was already hopeless and was merely just ‘living’, but Luan Qing Xiao gave her the motivation to live life to the fullest.    【Ding! The female lead's happiness is at 60%! Host dada is awesome! Victory isn’t that far away~]    Luan Qing Xiao immediately glanced at Nie Zhen'er. The two of them locked eyes and laughed, the sweetness from the bottom of their hearts obvious.    Nie Zhen'er became even happier, which Luan Qing Xiao was really happy about.    Peng Tong Ze, who wanted to make fun of the two children but was stuffed with dog food instead, "..."    Alright then, single dogs are always hurt no matter where they are.    After the dean and the principal had finished debating about the situation, the principal took it seriously and told them to head to the Principal's Office immediately.    The dean sent a message to the homeroom teacher to tell her there’s no need to head the dean office, and to take Pei Yi Ruo to the Principal's Office directly.    The dean took the key evidence, and the four left for the Principal's Office on the top floor.    Luan Qing Xiao and Peng Tong Ze stood side by side. She glanced at the motionless Peng Tong Ze, and uttered in a low voice, "Don't tell my parents yet."    Peng Tong Ze pointed to his lips, "How’s this?"    "Uh... not thin or thick, pretty decent."    Peng Tong Ze was amused by her, "Are there any other characteristics?"    "Shape?" Luan Qing Xiao tentatively asked.    "Anything else?"    "Color?" Luan Qing Xiao couldn't understand the brain circuit of a man of Peng Tong Ze's age.   After failing to guide her multiple times, he said depressed, "I mean the size, do you think I am a person with a big mouth?"​

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Luan Qing Xiao suddenly realized what he meant, "No! You’re definitely not a big mouth!"_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notesdog food (狗粮): when a couple shows their love like kissing or doing something affectionate in front of someone, that someone can use the term dog food/ eating dog food to describe their situationsingle dogs (单身狗): used to describe someone who is singlebig mouth (嘴大): blabbermouth, someone who can’t keep a secret


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