The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 34: CH 32

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 32, Pure Campus Love

Who knew what Uncle Yu said at the other end, but Pei Cong Lin's face became paler and paler while cold sweat even dripped from his forehead.

"Yes, I understand." After Pei Cong Lin hung up the call, his face was terribly white. He first returned the phone to Luan Qing Xiao. Then, he sighed as if tired, and said to the principal, "Old Liu, judge it however you want. I won’t interfere." After clearing Classmate Nie Zhen'er’s reputation, I will transfer Yi Ruo to another school."    The originally triumphant Pei Yi Ruo looked at Pei Cong Lin in disbelief. She didn't understand why he would suddenly change his mind after answering that call. "Dad—" Luan Qing Xiao was still here, she didn't want to transfer school.     Pei Cong Lin refused to be soft-hearted this time, and said with a cold face, "I taught you to face the consequences if you dare to do it. Since you have done it, you should have the consciousness of knowing the punishment. I definitely wouldn’t help you in this matter."    "Old Liu, let me take Yi Ruo home. This girl has become lawless and needs re-education. I’ll send her to school tomorrow. No matter what the punishments, I will accept it." Pei Cong Lin took Pei Yi Ruo and gave Luan Qing Xiao a deep look before leaving. "No wonder you look familiar, you are very similar to your uncle."    Things came to an end, Peng Tong Ze greeted him before leaving while Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er sent him to the school gate.    The last class in the morning was the homeroom teacher’s. Because the homeroom teacher had something to do, Liang Yan, as the class leader, sat up front with the students to do a practice exam.    Liu He watched the homeroom teacher call Pei Yi Ruo out along with Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er still not returning back to call. For some reason, Liu He had a bad feeling.    During half of the class, he stared at the test paper and only finished one multiple choice question. Then, Liu He was in a daze for 20 minutes until the teacher came back.    The ones back were the homeroom teacher, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er. Yet Pei Yi Ruo was no where in sight.    Liu He's heart sped up. He had a hunch that he might have gotten himself involved in some huge problem.    Liang Yan already packed his things and returned to his place when they came back.    The homeroom teacher asked Luan Qing Xiao to return to her seat and pulled Nie Zhen'er onto the podium with her.    The homeroom teacher rapped on the table and attracted the attention of the students, who were still lowering their heads and doing problems. Only then did she cleared her throat and said, "During the break session, there was someone spreading baseless rumors: how Nie Zhen'er cheated on the exam and how the school not only didn’t punish her, but also shielded her. After realizing the situation, the school attached great importance to it and sought out Nie Zhen'er to understand the situation as soon as possible. In order to prevent Nie Zhen'er from being harmed by rumors, we did not let her return to the classroom until the truth was found out."    "I called Pei Yi Ruo away before class, because after investigation, Pei Yi Ruo was found deliberately throwing the cheating slip at the feet of Nie Zhen'er on the monthly exam last semester, and even accused the victim first. The exam supervisor was also deceived by her. If it weren’t for the Dean’s careful observation, Nie Zhen'er would have suffered injustice."    "As for the rumors being spread at break, no matter who it came from, the school won’t be tolerating it."    Liu He was sweating profusely. He clutched his school pants in a death grip with both hands under the desk.    Liu He's actions were too obvious, so when the homeroom teacher asked around, many students quickly pointed him out.    After some discussion, in the end, both Pei Yi Ruo and Liu He would be marked a major violation, along with Liu He returning to his original class. No matter how good his grades might become in the future, he won’t be promoted to the Rocket Class ever again.    When Liu He's parents arrive at school and was informed of the situation, Father Liu slapped him in anger. He wanted to continue the beating, but was stopped by the Dean.    Father Liu's face was flushed red as he pointed to Liu He, "What’s the purpose of you coming to school? Ah? You didn't want to study hard, but learned to spread rumors and engage in campus bullying! Let me bully you! And spread rumors too!" Father Liu took advantage when the Dean wasn’t paying attention, and rushed up to kick Liu He another two times.    Liu He lowered his head in shame, afraid to speak.    He only wanted to please the girl he liked, he never expected the consequences would be this  serious.    The next day, the school held a last-minute meeting. Pei Yi Ruo apologized to Nie Zhen'er in front of all the students in the school. Then higher ups of the school emphasized on the harm of rumors can cause people and the determination of Sheng Jia High to ban campus bullying. After the meeting, Pei Cong Lin went through the transfer procedures for Pei Yi Ruo.    As she exited out of the school gate, Pei Yi Ruo glanced back at the building behind her, and suddenly thought of Jing Fang Fang, with a self-mocking smile on her lips. She was in fact no different from Jing Fang Fang, even if she had her father, Pei Cong Lin. In the end, she too was defeated completely in front of Nie Zhen'er.    All because Nie Zhen'er is protected by Luan Qing Xiao and Luan Qing Xiao wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt her.    ###    With the departure of Pei Yi Ruo and Liu He left, the Rocket Class vacated two more seats. But because the distracting commotion was all caused by students who were promoted from the lower class, the Dean decided not to allow students from the lower class to fill in the Rocket Class’ empty spots.    After the first monthly exam in the second semester of the sophomore year, registration for the Spring Field Day of Sheng Jia High began.     No one need to glance at the monthly exam results to know that Luan Qing Xiao was first, Nie Zhen'er was second, and Liang Yan dominates the third place.    As a representative of the PE class, Bai Fei was responsible for the registration of the Rocket Class’ Spring Field Day. The first one on his list was Liang Yan. Liang Yan has some talent in running, but he has no interest in sports ever since he was a child. Since he didn’t join in freshmen year, it was impossible for Bai Fei to persuade him with just several words. Liang Yan refused firmly.    Bai Fei said, "You’re the class leader, you should lead by example."    Liang Yan put the finished exam papers aside, and lifted his glasses with his index finger. "I can organize classmates to cheer for those who participate in the competition."    Nothing can get through him.    Bai Fei returned with nothing.    However, Bai Fei was not someone who gave up easily. He returned to his seat and thought about if there was any weakness Liang Yan had.    Hmm... right! Liang Yan cares about studying the most!    As for why he cares about studying, Bai Fei thinks he’s competing with Luan Qing Xiao, therefore Liang Yan’s weakness is Luan Qing Xiao!    Bai Fei smiled and walked to Liang Yan's side, patting him on the shoulder.    Liang Yan raised his head helplessly, "I have already told you that I will not register for the Spring Field Day."    Bai Fei lay half of his body on Liang Yan's table, just enough to cover his papers, "I'm not forcing you. I'm only doing it for you!"    Bai Fei organized the argument in his mind and said provocatively, "Think about it, are you studying hard? Being serious? You are even doing problems between classes, but! Why are you still unable to surpass Luan Qing Xiao?"    "I know you have always wanted to beat her. Isn't the Spring Field Day a good opportunity? Bro, me persuading you to sign up for the field day is for your own good."    "Think about how you will appear invincible on the field. All the girls in the school will cheer for you. Just think about that."    All the girls in the school...does that include Nie Zhen'er?...    Liang Yan looked tempted for a moment, but he quickly woke up and refused Bai Fei again. Only his tone was no longer as firm as it was at the beginning, "Forget about it." Sports wasn’t his strong point.    Once Bai Fei saw there was a chance, he continued to convince him, "Don't look at Luan Qing Xiao, who is tall and good at beating people. In fact, her physical performance isn’t good at all, I remember her previous physical exam results. Believe me, if you join, you’ll definitely beat her." Bai Fei patted his chest affirmatively.    Liang Yan hesitated for a moment. Bai Fei quickly praised and kissed up to him until Liang Yan finally reluctantly agreed to sign up.    "Ok, bro. Relax, I will definitely choose the same event for you and Luan Qing Xiao. Just wait for the limelight." Bai Fei triumphantly wrote down Liang Yan's name, and prepared to start his next target, Luan Qing Xiao.    Luan Qing Xiao came back from the bathroom and arrived at the door when 520 popped up.    【Ding! The seventh compulsory plot will be coming soon. Please be sure to reject Bai Fei's proposal to participate in the Spring Field Day, and recommend the female lead to Bai Fei. 】    Luan Qing Xiao's eyes narrowed: What are the consequences of Zhen'er participating in the Spring Field Day?    【Ding! The heroine will accidentally trip and sprain on her ankle while running. Then, she’ll be helped by the male lead to the infirmary, causing their relationship to further escalates. 】    Luan Qing Xiao: ... There’s no need for Liang Yan to do that.    Bai Fei was currently looking for Luan Qing Xiao. When he saw her entering the classroom, his eyes lit up and he rushed over excitedly, "Student Luan."    Luan Qing Xiao faintly glanced at the registration form in his hand, "Not participating."    The smile on Bai Fei's face paused as he said bitterly, "Student Luan, can you give it a chance?"    Luan Qing Xiao ignored him, but Bai Fei followed her and babbled on. Luan Qing Xiao glanced at him and replied coldly, "Shut up."    The word stopped mid-way through his throat, and Bai Fei instantly raised his hand to cover his mouth.    Luan Qing Xiao's eyebrows were dyed with some satisfaction, and her tone was flat, “No need to persuade, I won't participate. I can recommend someone to you, Nie Zhen'er would be happy to contribute to the class."    Nie Zhen'er might appear delicate and weak, but her physical condition was incredibly good. Almost no one in the girls group could out-run her.    Since Bai Fei was the representative of the physical education class, everyone's physical results all  pass through his hands. Luan Qing Xiao thought once she said that, Bai Fei would immediately go over to Nie Zhen'er, but Bai Fei's eyes flashed as he watched her with some hesitation in speaking. His cheeks even turned red.    "... What's wrong with you?" Luan Qing Xiao furrowed her brows.    "No-no..." Bai Fei returned to his position and sat down while his mind wandered away.    He stuffed his hand into his schoolbag and slowly took out a book from it. On the cover of the book were two teenager girls. The title of the book was 《Love of the Beautiful Girls》.    He took a glance, and quickly tucked it back into the depths of his schoolbag. His expression still dreamy and his ears red.    He, he seems to have shipped a true...    After class, Bai Fei's deskmate Zhang Zhuo came back and asked him to scoot in to let himself in twice. Bai Fei didn't know what he was thinking,  but he didn't hear it.    So when Zhang Zhuo patted him on the back, Bai Fei was shocked and looked at Zhang Zhuo accusingly, "You startled me."    Zhang Zhuo was speechless, "What were you think just now? I called you twice, yet you didn’t react both time."    Bai Fei moved the chair in to let Zhang Zhuo in and waited for Zhang Zhuo to sit down. Then he secretly glanced at the door. Seeing that the teacher hadn’t come yet, he moved his head to Zhang Zhuo’s ear and whispered, "Yesterday, I read the book you gave me..."    Zhang Zhuo was taken aback, "Oh, 《Love of the Beautiful Girls》? Was it good? My sister loves it."    Bai Fei whispered: "Anyway, the two girls are pretty dreamy... Hey, do you think our class also has these type of people..."    "What type?" Zhang Zhuo took out his textbook and posed it up on the desk.    "Like the two main characters in《Love of the Beautiful Girls》, in a romantic relationship!"    Zhang Zhuo propped his chin, "It's so obvious, how could our class not have any? Don't ask me who it is, I don’t dare mention her name."    Bai Fei's eyes lit up, “So, it's true." No wonder, no wonder he always feels that the atmosphere between Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er was a bit unusual, it turns out there are pink love bubbles floating around them.    When the teacher came in, Bai Fei tried to concentrate on listening to a class. After class was dismissed, he immediately ran over to Nie Zhen'er with the registration form, and said enthusiastically, "Nie Zhen'er, Luan Qing Xiao and I recommend you to participate in the Spring Sport Field Day. Do you want to join?" Bai Fei played a little mind game when asking, and specifically mentioned Luan Qing Xiao.    Nie Zhen'er's starry eyes lit up, "Qing Xiao is participating?"    Bai Fei shook his head, "I can't persuade her, do you want to help me?"    Nie Zhen'er smiled, "Forget it, Qing Xiao doesn't like running. PE Rep, please sign me up."    Bai Fei tried his hardest with Liang Yan and encountered Waterloo at Luan Qing Xiao. He didn't expect Nie Zhen'er to agree so easily, and couldn’t believe his ears.    After Nie Zhen'er promise to join the event, she no longer care about Bai Fei, who was standing by her side. She got up and went to look for Luan Qing Xiao in the back row.    "Qing Xiao, I signed up for the field day, will you cheer me on?" Her voice was soft, and the petite person stood in front of him, like a fluff of cotton candy, smelling sweet. Luan Qing Xiao was sure a bite was be even sweeter.   Then, Luan Qing Xiao smiled and squeezed the palm of her hand, "Sure, I'm waiting for you to win first place."    Nie Zhen'er was very confident about this, and her eyes sparkled, "I’ll give you the medal after the competition."


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