The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 37: CH 36

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 36, Pure Campus Love

The homeroom teacher was afraid that they would go crazy in having fun in the summer vacation and not do homework. So before the holiday, she specially emphasized if they came to school without completing their homework, they would have to be sent home to make up the work. No matter how long making up the homework took, they must reflect back on themselves for a week at home.

Thus, on the morning of the first day back to school, Luan Qing Xiao could only watch Nie Zhen'er go to school while she called Ms. Yu herself for help.    After Ms. Yu answered the phone, her tone was a little upset, "Didn’t the assistant tell you yesterday?"    "What?" Right now, Luan Qing Xiao's mind was full of making up her homework, and she didn't react for at first.    "You should have call me yesterday to report your safety."    "Oh, this. The assistant told me. I'm sorry, I accidentally forgot." Luan Qing Xiao added, " time you should tell me about this kind of thing yourself. I'm not your subordinate and we’re not discussing an official business, you don’t need an assistant to speak for you."    "... I understand." Ms. Yu thought about it for a bit and felt Luan Qing Xiao's words made sense, "I’ll tell you by myself in the future."    "Is that it? I'm hanging up." Ms. Yu said.    "Wait," Luan Qing Xiao hurriedly stopped her, "I still have something to say."    "En, go ahead."    "You know I only had two weeks of summer vacation, right?"    "Uh-huh."    "From vacation to school, I have been in the United States."     “Your point?"    "I didn't do my homework." Luan Qing Xiao said, "I need you to ask the homeroom teacher for a day off to make up my homework."    Ms. Yu was obviously shocked. She paused for a moment, "Lying is not a good behavior..."    "It's all your fault," Luan Qing Xiao complained. "If the homeroom teacher knew that I didn't do my homework, she will punish me to reflect on it at home for a week." Then she won't be able to see Nie Zhen'er all day for a week.    Maybe because of Luan Qing Xiao’s "It’s all your fault" sounded like her acting cute, but Ms. Yu’s voice also has softened quite a bit, "Alright, that is an excusable reason. I will help request a day off for you."    "Thank you, mom."    After hanging up the phone, Luan Qing Xiao sorted out the blank exam papers in her bag and started to make up the homework.    Her speed in doing the papers were extremely fast. With one scan of the paper with her eyes and the answers to the questions were pretty obvious. One page after the other, except for that single sip of water at noon, Luan Qing Xiao has been writing for the entire day.    At around eleven o'clock at night, Luan Qing Xiao wrote the last word, and finally completed the homework for each subject.    She stood up and stretched her body, causing her joints to crack.    Picking up her phone, she saw a message from Nie Zhen'er asking her at nine o'clock if she had made up the homework. Luan Qing Xiao quickly replied, "I’m done. Wait for me, let’s head to school together tomorrow."    At this time of the night, she thought Nie Zhen'er would be already asleep. However, two seconds later, one more words appeared, "Okay."    Nie Zhen'er hasn't slept yet.    Was she waiting for my message?    Luan Qing Xiao’s heart felt warmed.    The next day, Luan Qing Xiao carried a backpack full of homework and walked to school with Nie Zhen'er. On the way, Nie Zhen'er said, "Our class had a transfer student yesterday."    Luan Qing Xiao didn't care much about this kind of thing, "Oh, how come they transferred to another school during senior year?"    Nie Zhen'er pouted, "I don't know, but the teacher gave her the seat next to you."    Luan Qing Xiao frowned, "There were no other place? Why would she arrange a deskmate for me? When I get to school, I will talk to the homeroom teacher."    "En, you have to ask about it." Nie Zhen'er felt a sense of danger in her heart when the transfer student went around asking people about Luan Qing Xiao the moment she arrived to the class.    "Don't worry." Luan Qing Xiao looked at Nie Zhen'er in surprise, "Are you..."    "No, I'm not jealous." Nie Zhen'er’s attempt to cover it up by turning away only it more obvious. In fact, the pick tips of her ears completely exposed her true thoughts.    Luan Qing Xiao smiled and stretched out her arm to embrace her shoulders. She lowered her head to whisper in her ear, "I understand, Zhen’er really wasn’t jealous. The place next to me will always be vacant for you."    Nie Zhen'er rubbed her hot and blood-red ear. She said in a low voice, "You said it, don't regret it later on."    With Luan Qing Xiao's assurance, Nie Zhen'er's slightly depressed mood finally improved.    When they arrived at school, Nie Zhen'er returned to class first while Luan Qing Xiao went to find the homeroom teacher to cancel her leave.    Luan Qing Xiao knocked on the door and entered the office. The homeroom teacher was currently having breakfast. Once she saw her come in, she put down the soy milk in her hand, "You only came back from Country M yesterday. Is your jet lag better? Would you like to take another day off?"    Ever since Luan Qing Xiao "reformed,” the teachers didn’t have to worry about her and their impression of her improved by the day.    Luan Qing Xiao said without changing her face, "It's okay, I can't continue to delay classes."    The homeroom teacher took out the vacation sheet and crossed out Luan Qing Xiao's name. Then, she gave a kind smile, "Go to your self-studying session."    Luan Qing Xiao took down her backpack, "Let me give you your homework, and I will turn in the other homework for the other subjects later."    The homeroom teacher took the stack of papers from Luan Qing Xiao and took a glance at it. Seeing the answers were basically correct, the satisfaction in her heart grew.    "Teacher, there is one more thing I need your help."    "Go ahead." The homeroom teacher thought with such a good student, as long as it wasn’t anything overboard, she would agree to help her.    "I heard Nie Zhen'er say, you arranged a deskmate for me?"    The homeroom teacher did not expect Luan Qing Xiao to talk about this. "The new classmate said they knew you. And after knowing you were alone at a desk, the student told me they wanted to sit next to you."    "They know me?" Luan Qing Xiao didn't think she would know someone from another school, "What's her name?" If they’re sitting at the table with her, it must not be a boy.    "Coincidentally, she has the same surname as Nie Zhen'er. Her name is Nie Jiao Jiao."    Everything made sense when Luan Qing Xiao heard the name, but her face showed confusion, "Teacher, I don't know this person named Nie Jiao Jiao. Plus I have long hands and legs, so sitting by myself is the only way I won’t feel crowded. Can you change her seat?"    The homeroom teacher was shocked, "You don't know Nie Jiao Jiao? How could she lie to me?" The teacher patted the table, "That won’t do, I will have a good talk with her. Lying as soon as she transferred school."    "Go hand in your homework for other subjects first. I will go to the classroom right now. Don't worry, I’ll definitely make sure you get the entire desk to yourself."    "Thank you, teacher."    After Luan Qing Xiao went around the teaching building to turn in all the homework for the different subjects, she returned to the classroom. When she came in, her desk reverted back to having one chair. The transfer student, Nie Jiao Jiao, sat next to Pei Yi Ruo's original deskmate Ding Ruo Jie.    Luan Qing Xiao shouted "Present" at the door.    The homeroom teacher kindly let her in, and Luan Qing Xiao's eyes met Nie Zhen'er in the air for a moment. When she turned her head, she saw Nie Jiao Jiao locking in on her.    Just when Nie Jiao Jiao was about to smile at Luan Qing Xiao to improve her impression of her, Luan Qing Xiao already retracted her gaze and sat down on her seat.    Luan Qing Xiao's position was at the last table. The homeroom teacher saved some of Nie Jiao Jiao's face when she made her change seats. She didn't directly mention her deception, she only said that sitting in the front was more conducive to studying. The homeroom teacher appeared stern and reminded Nie Jiao Jiao of Xue Man, which made her secretly timid, and she obediently took her schoolbag to the empty seat up front.    After all, this is Sheng Jia High. Even if it was a teacher, it was difficult to teach here without any background, who knows if she accidentally provokes a tough bone.    Before transferring to another school, Nie Kai Ze ordered her not to make any trouble. Nie Jiao Jiao reluctantly held back and try to act like a good student.    It's just that even Nie Jiao Jiao doesn't know how long she can bear it.    After the self-studying session, Nie Jiao Jiao did a lot of mental construction for herself before finally plucking up the courage to stand up and head to the back to find Luan Qing Xiao. After standing up, she found Luan Qing Xiao's desk was empty and was taken aback.    Ding Ruo Jie, her new deskmate, asked, "Did you know Luan Qing Xiao previously?"    Right now, Nie Jiao Jiao was upset, so she pouted her lips and didn't want to talk to anyone. Then, she just ignored Ding Ruo Jie's words as if she didn't hear it.    Ding Ruo Jie's face became stiff. She sarcastically taunted, "You should save yourself the trouble. Everybody knows Luan Qing Xiao only has a good relationship with Nie Zhen'er in the class and doesn't bother to notice other people talking to her.”    Nie Jiao Jiao reacted, "Who is Nie Zhen'er?" Is there another family who also wants the Luan family to invest in their project?    Ding Ruo Jie observed Nie Jiao Jiao's round face with half of it blaring spoiled brat, and the other half with stupid written on it. Suddenly, she thought of Jing Fang Fang and Pei Yi Ruo, who had already transferred to another school. She quickly lost interest and lowered her head blankly to write the paper.    Nie Jiao Jiao became curious, but everyone ignored her.    She stretched out her hand and pushed Ding Ruo Jie, "Hey, why did you stop half-way?"    Her physique is considered pretty strong among the girls, and Ding Ruo Jie was natural thin. When she was pushed, her face turned pale from the pain on her shoulders.    "Hey, what are you doing? Stop faking your injuries. I didn't use any force." Nie Jiao Jiao said with a black face.    After Ding Ruo Jie recover, she glared at Nie Jiao Jiao angrily, "First, my name is not hey, my name is Ding Ruo Jie. Second, if you touch me again without apologizing or push the responsibility onto me, I will definitely tell the homeroom teacher."    Since Nie Jiao Jiao didn't know the background of Ding Ruo Jie's family, she lost her confidence. If her father knew she caused trouble the second day after transferring here, he would definitely stop giving her an allowance.    "I, I can just apologize. I'm sorry, Ding Ruo Jie."    Ding Ruo Jie continued to glare at her, "I don't like you, don't talk to me in the future." When done speaking, she turned her back to Nie Jiao Jiao and lay down.    Nie Jiao Jiao's face turned red and white. She has never suffered this kind of grievance since she was a child. Who wouldn't pamper her in her original school?    "Do you think I would like you? Don't talk to me either!" Nie Jiao was anxious and didn’t hold back her voice. As she spoke, everyone in the class looked over in surprise.    "What do you look at, haven't you seen girls arguing before?" Nie Jiao Jiao sat down with a "boom.” Her arms folded and her panting heavily.    When Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er came back from the bathroom, Nie Jiao Jiao still angry. She saw Luan Qing Xiao and said in an unceremonious tone, "Luan Qing Xiao, I am Nie Jiao Jiao. My dad is Nie Kai Ze, the president of Yunbo Real Estate. I want to be friends with you."    Luan Qing Xiao: "..."    Nie Zhen'er: "..."    Both of them pretended they didn’t hear her, and returned to their seats without changing their expressions.    Had it not been for a lot of people in the classroom, the ignored Nie Jiao Jiao would have screamed like the aunt of the female lead (or the male lead?) in 《The Fallen Leaf》.    After class, Nie Jiao Jiao finally realized what she had done and felt a little scared.    It’s all Ding Ruo Jie’s fault. If Ding Ruo Jie hadn't made her angry, she wouldn't have spoken out at Luan Qing Xiao, saying things like her father was "the president of Yunbo Real Estate."    Although Nie Jiao Jiao wasn’t smart, she definitely wasn’t a fool.    When she calmed down, Nie Jiao Jiao began to think of a way to approach Luan Qing Xiao.    Judging from her ignoring her after class, Luan Qing Xiao should be an aloof and arrogant person. And the girl next to Luan Qing Xiao should be Nie Zhen'er, the only friend Luan Qing Xiao had if Ding Ruo Jie was telling the truth.    Nie Zhen'er appears to be very naïve, maybe she can start with Nie Zhen'er first.    If she becomes Nie Zhen'er's good friend, maybe Luan Qing Xiao would also approve of her. By then, she would become Luan Qing Xiao's good friend.    Thinking of such a good idea, Nie Jiao Jiao really wants to give herself a thumbs up!    So when Luan Qing Xiao waited for Nie Jiao Jiao to approach herself, prepared to block her at all cost, she speechlessly watched Nie Jiao Jiao, who was standing next to Nie Zhen'er chatting non-stop after class. Nie Jiao Jiao even patted her chest in front of Nie Zhen'er, "In the future, I’ll protect you."    Talking big.    Zhen’er has me, do you think she still needs you?    Nie Zhen'er really didn't know how to deal with the enthusiastic Nie Jiao Jiao, so she glanced over at Luan Qing Xiao for help.    "Zhen’er, where do you live? I'll come find you to hang out on weekends." Nie Jiao Jiao began to pretend to be pitiful, "I just transferred to this school, and there is no one I’m familiar with. Only you are so cute and kind to tolerate me, I really want to be friends with you."    Luan Qing Xiao walked over and held Nie Zhen'er's hand. Then she said coldly to Nie Jiao Jiao, "It's enough for Zhen'er to have me. She doesn’t need to have another friend like you."__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Notes:tough bone (硬骨头): someone who you don’t want to provoke《The Fallen Leaf》(吹落的树叶): A Thai drama about a transgender woman in a love triangle with her uncle-in-law and her father while her aunt tries to hinder her in every way possible, hence the screaming. The gender of the main character is in (), since she was originally male, but went through surgery to become a female.

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5/24/2021 05:30:02 pm

Possessive wife is here. Begone evil half-sister!

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