The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 41: CH 40

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 40, Pure Campus Love

Three days later, Xue Man received a call from Xiao Liu, "Ms. Xue, Suite #5 of the Corner Tower Teahouse. Please bring 100k yuan in cash. I have a huge discovery, let's talk in person."    When Xue Man hung up the phone, she immediately went to the bank to withdraw 100k yuan in cash and stored it in her purse before heading to the Corner Tower Teahouse.    Since it was early morning, there weren’t many people inside. The moment Xue Man walked in, a waiter came up greeting her, "Ma’am, do you have a reservation?"​

Xue Man said, "Suite #5."    "Please follow me." The waiter led Xue Man to Suite # 5, where Xiao Liu was already sitting in front of the tea table.    "A pot of Yu Qian Long Jing." Xiao Liu didn’t ask Xue Man what she wanted to drink, and instead just said his order to the waiter.    Because she needed to hear what he said next, Xue Man didn’t have the mind to care for such trivial matters.    Besides, Xue Man wasn’t here to drink tea, she didn't care about what Xiao Liu ordered. She sat down, waited for the waiter to exit the room and closed the door behind him. Then, she impatiently asked, "How was the investigation? You said there was a big discovery, what is it?"    "Ms. Xue, please don't worry." Xiao Liu smiled faintly. He took out a dozen A4 papers from the portfolio next to him, and brought them in front of Xue Man, "I'll talk about it after you read this."    Xue Man took the A4 papers from his hand and showed a shocked expression after reading it, "The Nie family had an adopted daughter!"    Xiao Liu nodded, "According to my investigation, Nie Kai Ze’s parents adopted an one-year-old daughter from an employee who unexpectedly died when Nie Kai Ze was three years old. They named her Nie Mei Feng. Nie Mei Feng grew up together with Nie Kai Ze and were childhood sweethearts, since they knew there was no blood relationship between them. But because of their parents, they maintained a sibling relationship until they graduated from high school.    To continue his education, Nie Kai Ze went to a foreign university. Two years later, Nie Mei Feng was admitted to an university in another province. During Nie Mei Feng’s freshmen winter vacation, Nie Kai Ze directly went to that province to find Nie Mei Feng after returning from abroad. It was then the two confirmed their relationship. To conceal this from their parents, they split up and separately arrived back to the Nie family . Afterwards, every winter and summer vacation, Nie Kai Ze would go to Nie Mei Feng’s after returning home. When Nie Mei Feng was in her last year of university, Nie Kai Ze returned from studying abroad and prepared to manage the Nie family’s company. "    At this time, the waiter knocked on the door before coming in. He set the tea on the table, and left with the tray.    Xue Man was still waiting for him to continue, but Xiao Liu proceeded to pour Xue Man and him a cup of tea. He even dragged out the time by tasting the tea.    Xue Man frowned. She opened her purse, took out the cash payment, and put it in front of Xiao Liu. "The money you wanted. Now, talk."    Xiao Liu set down the tea cup and beamed widely, "Ms. Xue, please enjoy the tea. It’s my treat."    All the while as he casually examined the cash in front of him. After confirming that every piece was real money, he stashed the money into his bag.    Xiao Liu pulled up the zipper and placed the bag behind him. Then, he leaned back, enjoying the feeling of the money through the leather skin, before smiling with his eyes, "Once Nie Kai Ze took over Nie family’s company, he developed ambitious aspirations in expanding the company even further. However, in the end, he repeatedly encountered bottlenecks, and almost burned out all his confidence. At this moment, the rival competitor could use considerable profits as bait to set up a trap for Nie Kai Ze. As long as Nie Kai Ze fell for it, the Nie family’s capital supply would be broken and basically forced it into bankruptcy."    Xue Man interrupted him , "I know what happens next. My father saw Nie Kai Ze appear to be a proper gentleman and self-motivated, so he thought he would be a good match for me. Then, he invested funds into the Nie family on the condition that there would be a marriage alliance between the two families. When I met Nie Kai Ze, we both had a decent impression of each other. After our marriage, my father fulfilled his promise and revived the Nie family back to life. Nie Kai Ze learned his lesson and became more cautious in the business field. Within a few years, he developed the Nie family into the wealthiest family in Province S."     Xiao Liu wasn’t rattled when Xue Man snatched the words out of his throat. He waited until Xue Man before continuing, "Nie Kai Ze met Nie Mei Feng on the eve of his wedding, although he hid the fact he was about to be married.”    “After knowing that Nie Kai Ze and you got married, Nie Mei Feng fainted from crying in sorrow and was sent to the hospital. There she found out she was a little over two months pregnant. At the same time, you were two months pregnant as well. "    A disgusting expression appeared on Xue Man's face, "ly, I thought Nie Kai Ze at the very least appeared human. Now describing him as human would be an insult to us." On one side, he wanted to save the company, yet on the other he couldn't let go of his childhood sweetheart. Xue Man didn't know what she was in Nie Kai Ze's heart.    Xiao Liu thought of what he had investigated and nodded in agreement, "I'll be honest, your husband isn’t that great of a man."    "The university where Nie Mei Feng attended was extremely strict. It didn’t allow students to marry before graduation, let alone have children out of wedlock. Nie Mei Feng's belly was growing bigger and bigger by the day, soon the school counselor found out about her condition. The counselor reported it to the school and the school expelled her from the school since she violated the school’s regulation."    "Out of options, Nie Mei Feng, who was really desperate, found Nie Kai Ze. Nie Kai Ze gave her an apartment to stay in. Nie Mei Feng and you got pregnant at almost the same time. In the end, you both gave birth at around the same time. Nie Kai Ze even placed Nie Mei Feng in the ward next to you. You children were put together, where Nie Kai Ze hired someone to look after them."    Xue Man's eyes widened, "What do you mean?" She couldn't help feeling cold all over.    Nie Jiao Jiao's chubby face instantly appeared in Xue Man's mind before changing to Nie Zhen'er's lovely and pleasant face. She thought of a possibility that made her heart drop-- Nie Jiao Jiao and Nie Zhen'er could have been swapped.    Xue Man felt as if she was falling into an ice cave.    "Tell me, who did it? Nie Mei Feng? She wanted her daughter to live a good life, so she switched my daughter? Based on what!"    Xue Man's face was pale, and her eyes turned red.    Xiao Liu glanced at Xue Man sympathetically and shook his head, "According to my investigation, although Nie Mei Feng knew that her child was replaced, she wasn’t the one who did it."    "Who else could it be--" Xue Man's voice stopped abruptly, "... It’s Nie Kai Ze." Xue Man's eyes were full of tears, "It's him, except for Nie Mei Feng, only he could have changed the babies behind my back."    Xiao Liu nodded, "I don't know the details, but it was probably him."    "Nie Mei Feng was discharged from the hospital a day earlier than you. Later, Nie Kai Ze gave her a sum of money, and the two haven’t kept in touch since."    "Nie Mei Feng... how did she treat my daughter?" Nie Zhen'er’s petite and slender figure floated before her eyes. That pair of apricot eyes were the exact same as her deceased mother.    Xiao Liu sighed, "I’ll send Nie Zhen'er's information to your email inbox. Let’s stop here today, I finished speaking everything that I could face-to-face." The woman in front of him had already broken down. Xiao Liu couldn’t announce something this painful to mother personally .    Xiao Liu stood up, opened the door and turned around. "I’ll go take care of the bill. Ms. Xue can stay here and slowly enjoy the tea." And calm down as well.    If it weren’t for him investigating this bit by bit, he would never believe that Nie Kai Ze would swap his legitimate daughter and his adopted sister’s child.    For two hours, Xue Man sat alone in the teahouse’s suit until the waiter came in and asked her if he needed to refill the tea. Only then did she break free from her trance.    She thought with her heart hurting so much, she must have had tears all over her face. But when she reached her hand up, there was no moisture at all. She blinked her eyes to find it all dry and painful.    Xue Man replied to the waiter, "No need, I'll be leaving right away." Picking up her purse, she staggered up while the waiter hurriedly went to support her.    Xue Man pulled her arm out from the waiter’s hand, smiling "Thank you, I can take care of myself."    Right now, she especially wanted to see Nie Zhen'er.    ___ ___ ___    Because of Luan Qing Xiao's comfort, Nie Zhen'er wasn’t really down for the next few days. However, when she occasionally met Nie Jiao Jiao in the cafeteria, she would become very silent.    It’s been over three days yet Xue Man hasn't come find Nie Zhen’er. Luan Qing Xiao was starting to doubt Xiao Liu's professionalism as a private detective.    Did he not investigate it, or did he take the money and not do anything?    Luan Qing Xiao wanted to take Nie Zhen'er to find Xue Man this weekend and tell her their speculations. Even if Xue Man didn't believe them, all she had to do was run a paternity test. Once the test results came out, she would have to believe them.    As a result, Saturday afternoon after school, they saw a haggard Xue Man at the school gate.    When Xue Man saw Nie Zhen'er, excitement flashed in her eyes. She wanted to head over and lifted her leg before putting them down timidly.    Nie Zhen'er was overwhelmed, and she glanced back at Luan Qing Xiao.    "Go, I’ll be waiting for you here." Luan Qing Xiao patted the top of her hair and smiled encouragingly at her.    Luan Qing Xiao watched Nie Zhen'er walk up to Xue Man with a nervous expression. The mother and daughter stared at each other blankly, until Nie Zhen'er's lips finally moved after a long while.   When Xue Man heard what Nie Zhen’er said, she smiled with tears in her eyes and held Nie Zhen'er's hands.    Luan Qing Xiao was too far away to hear their conversation, but judging from their expressions, the result must be pretty good.    Ten minutes later, Nie Zhen'er returned to Luan Qing Xiao with red eyes and a bright smile, "Qing Xiao, let's go."    Luan Qing Xiao couldn't help but raise her hand and bopped the tip of her pretty nose.    On the road, before Luan Qing Xiao could ask, Nie Zhen'er herself told Luan Qing Xiao what Xue Man had said to her.    "She said that Nie Kai Ze swapped Nie Jiao Jiao and me. Nie Mei Feng knew I wasn’t her daughter, but she regarded Nie Jiao Jiao as her own daughter. Therefore, she felt she let me down."    "But I don't think these are her faults, so I don't blame her." Nie Zhen'er said.    "She said that the reason why Nie Kai Ze did this was for the Xue family's assets. It turns out that her father was my grandfather," Nie Zhen'er was a little embarrassed when using this title. After a pause, she continued under Luan Qing Xiao's encouragement. "My grandpa left all the assets to me before he died, my mother's daughter. As long as my mother's daughter reaches 20 years old, she can inherit all the assets of the Xue family."    "Similarly we both are Nie Kai Ze's daughters. Nie Jiao Jiao's mother is his childhood sweetheart, while my mother is the arrogant benefactress.    Although the Xue family helped the Nie family through the difficult times, Nie Kai Ze has always been ashamed of it. My mother knew Nie Kai Ze never liked her, but never thought that Nie Kai Ze would swap out her child just because he didn’t like her and his so-called self-esteem as a man. Plus, letting his childhood sweetheart’s child to inherit his wife's maternal family assets. "    "Nie Kai Ze really is a scumbag." Nie Zhen'er wrinkled her nose and grumbled angrily.    "Yes, Nie Kai Ze really is a scumbag." Luan Qing Xiao echoed.    Because of this bastard’s manipulation, Nie Zhen'er had to follow Nie Mei Feng for eighteen years. This scumbag must pay for everything he did.    Currently, Luan Qing Xiao was unable to help avenge Nie Zhen'er, so she could only phone Ms. Yu for help.    After hearing this, Ms. Yu said in amazement, "There’s nothing that can’t happen in this world."    "Mom, the weather is getting hot. Only when the Nie family goes bankrupt can it cool off." Luan Qing Xiao uttered.    Ms. Yu was amused by her, though she quickly recovered, "You want to help Nie Zhen'er? I can help you, but I need to know the reason."    Her daughter wasn’t a kind person that would rush to others’ aid when she hears injustice.    "..." Luan Qing Xiao was silent, not sure whether or not to tell the truth.    "En? Is it that difficult to talk about the reason?" Ms. Yu asked.    Luan Qing Xiao took a deep breath, "No, I'm just hesitating on how to introduce your daughter's future wife to you."    This time it was Ms. Yu's turn to be silent.    "Hello? Mom, are you still there?" Luan Qing Xiao asked. It's inevitable for her to be worried.    If Ms. Yu objected, the future of Nie Zhen'er and her would be difficult.    "You brat, you scared me to death." Ms. Yu said crossly, "When did you start to like girls?"    Luan Qing Xiao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Ms. Yu's voice wasn’t that angry.    "Probably when I fell in love with Nie Zhen'er." She replied. When she mentioned Nie Zhen'er, you can tell from her voice she was obviously smiling.    ___ ___ ___    While the Nie family was in danger under the suppression of the Luan family, Xue Man filed for divorce.    Since she submitted both the evidence of Nie Kai Ze's child swapping and his affair, the court ruled in Xue Man’s favor of a divorce.    Then Xue Man compiled what Nie Kai Ze had done into an article and published it on the Internet after polishing it. Instantly, Nie Kai Ze’s reputation became notorious, and everyone was scolding him.    The haters piled into a wall, and soon the Nie family went bankrupt. After years of scheming, Nie Kai Ze has returned to square one.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Notes:Yu Qian Long Jing (雨前龙井): An expensive Chinese tea

Alter Ego

5/28/2021 04:09:11 pm

You are reading story The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead at

Satisfaction. The author doesn't dawdle on prolonging the character's suffering and dishes out the villains immediately.


5/30/2021 01:26:31 pm

When Qing Xiao called Zhen'er her future wife my heart exploded( ਊ )

Just an amateur translator. Got tired of waiting for other people to pick up the novels, so I thought why not me? Feel free to give feedbacks and advice, since I definitely appreciate them! 

The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead QT: The Villainess is Delicate and SoftQT: She's a Heartbreaker


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