The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 43: CH 42

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The Vicious Female Supporting Character and the White Lotus Female Lead: Ch 42, Pure Campus Love

Nie Kai Ze indifferently said, "I plan to demand a ransom of 10 million from Xue Man."

Since the thugs’ boss didn’t reply for quite a while, Nie Kai Ze continued. "Of course, the original five million will still be divided equally by the four of us. As for the remaining five million... let’s split it half and half between us, what do you think?"

Nie Kai Ze's proposal was too tempting, it was undeniable that the thugs’ boss was interested.

He didn't know Lao Er and Lao San had already heard the conversation between Nie Kai Ze and him. Licking his dry lips, he husky said "I’ll think about it..." Actually, there was nothing to think about. No matter how long he thought about it, the thugs’ boss knew he would definitely decide to cooperate with Nie Kai Ze.

Lao Er held Lao San's arm tightly as the two held their breath and waited for their boss’ answer.

"Okay, how are we going to hide it from them?" The thugs’ boss lowered his voice.

Lao Er’s eyes were bulging from anger. He was about to rush over to argue with them when Lao San stopped him in time. He patted him on the shoulder and signaled him to wait.

Lao Er knew that Lao San was the one with the brains, so he was very obedient and didn’t move.

They heard Nie Kai Ze’s voice. "This isn’t easy. Later, have the two come in and take care of Zhen'er. , we’ll head outside to find a phone booth to call. This way only the two of us will know how much the ransom is. After we receive the money, we’ll first divide a five million. Then, we can take the remaining five million to split with them."

“How about that? Don't feel sorry for them either. Think about it, we’re the one doing the dangerous work, but what about them? They’re only standing here and guarding the hostage to earn 1.25 million with barely any effort. It’s fair enough for them."

The thugs’ boss confirmed, "Are you sure Xue Man won’t call the police?"

Nie Kai Ze stated confidently, "You don't have to worry about that. Xue Man had just recognized Nie Zhen'er. Now is when her maternal love is overflowing. We only need to threaten her if she calls the police, then we’ll kill~ the hostage. She’ll certainly not dare to act rashly."

"Okay, let's just do it!" The extra 2.5 million made the thugs’ boss excited.

After they finished eavesdropping into their conversation, Lao San pulled Lao Er out.

Outside the door, Luan Qing Xiao heard footsteps and hurriedly retreated behind an old wooden box.

Exiting the warehouse, Lao Er lowered his voice, "Why didn’t you let me go expose them!"

The eyes of Lao San flashed fiercely. He explained to Lao Er, "Er ge, if Nie Kai Ze and Boss can swallow money behind our backs, why can't the two of us do it as well? "

"Er ge, do you dare to do it with me. How about the two of us swallowing the entire ten million?" The voice of Lao San was like a venomous viper speaking, sounding extremely nefarious.

Lao Er was shocked, but eventually calmed his mind. He asked Lao San,"H-how?"

Lao San leaned into his ear, "Didn’t they intend for us to watch over Nie Zhen'er later, let’s move Nie Zhen'er to a different location while they are away. Then you stay behind with her, and I’ll follow Nie Kai Ze and Boss to steal the ten million before them."

Lao Er swallowed, "Won't they come back halfway? What if they realize Nie Zhen'er was missing?"

"That won’t happen. It's inconvenient to go back and forth here. They’ll wait for Xue Man in the city for the money. Er ge,  believe me, this younger brother sincerely wants to make a fortunate with you." Lao San solemnly shook Lao Er’s hand.

Lao Er was persuaded by the sincerity in his eyes. He nodded, "Okay, deal!"

Luan Qing Xiao asked 520: How is Zhen'er now?

【The female lead is still unconscious and tied to a chair. No injuries nor in an any life-threatening situation. 】

Luan Qing Xiao let out a sigh of relief, but her heart still ached for Zhen’er.

Her eyes were cold. After she rescues Nie Zhen'er, she will definitely make Nie Kai Ze pay the price. ly, to only bankrupt him was going too easy on him.

Motionless, the cold air slowly penetrated into his body bit by bit. By now, Luan Qing Xiao's legs were already frozen and numb.

However, she didn't dare to move. Currently, she had a single limited-time skill, [One As Ten], so she didn't dare to act impulsively when Nie Zhen'er's safety couldn’t be guaranteed.

Who knows how long it took until the thugs’ boss and Nie Kai Ze walked out. The thugs’ boss said to Lao Er and Lao San, "You guys go in and guard Nie Zhen'er. President Nie and I will go to the city for the call."

Lao Er and Lao San glanced at each other, nodding. "Sure. Rest assured, we’ll take care of things here."

Thinking it was his own daughter inside, Nie Kai Ze added. "If she wakes up, just gag her mouth, don't hit her."

Lao San smiled, "Don't worry, President Nie."

Nie Kai Ze nodded, “Naturally, I’m not worried."

Wehn Nie Kai Ze and the thugs’ boss left in a white van, the two brothers hurried inside the warehouse.

Lao San turned on the flashlight to check if Nie Zhen'er had woken up, and said to Lao Er, "Er ge, untie the rope on her."

In an instant, Lao Er untied the rope. "What now?"

Lao San threw away the baseball bat and handed the nearby knife to Lao Er, "Er ge, take this for your protection. If this girl wakes up, scare her with the knife."

Lao Er took the knife while Lao San helped Nie Zhen'er up. "Let's go to a different location."

The two walked out with Lao Er holding onto the flashlight to illuminate their path. As they passed the middle of the warehouse. Lao Er suddenly fell. The flashlight in his hand rolled to one side, and the knife fell on the ground with a crisp clink.

Before he realized what had happened, Lao San felt pain on his stomach as if it were being broken into pieces. He let go of the hand holding Nie Zhen'er and curled up, laying down on the ground in pain, groaning.

Luan Qing Xiao had been following Lao Er and Lao San when they entered, and then hid in the shadow near the middle. When they passed her, she used [One As Ten] to instantly KO the two adult men.

After Luan Qing Xiao knocked down the people, she no longer cared about them. She reached out to pick up Nie Zhen'er, who was lying on the side, and sprinted out quickly.

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She didn't know how long time had passed, or if the taxi driver was still waiting outside. Once out of the warehouse, she looked at Nie Zhen'er's pale face in her arms and instantly felt tears welling up in her eyes.

Luan Qing Xiao bowed her head to kiss Nie Zhen'er on the forehead without stopping her steps.

Although Nie Zhen'er was skinny, she still weighed over 105 pounds. Luan Qing Xiao carried her and walked until she saw the taxi on the side of the road. Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief as her legs softened, and she fell on the ground while holding Nie Zhen'er.

When the driver heard the movement outside the car, he was shocked when he saw Luan Qing Xiao's appearance. He quickly pushed the door and squatted down to Luan Qing Xiao’s side, "Lass, what's the matter?"

Luan Qing Xiao's eyes were red, "She was abducted by the kidnappers. I went to rescue her just now. She still is unconscious and needs to head to the hospital immediately."

Hearing what she said, the driver immediately opened the door to help her lift Nie Zhen'er up. After Luan Qing Xiao stood up, the two pushed Nie Zhen'er into the back seat of the car together.

Once all three of them got in the car, the driver didn't dare to delay and hastily drove to the hospital in the city.

After driving a certain distance, the more the driver he thought about it, the riskier he felt the situation was. Originally, he wanted to wait for maybe ten minutes and then leave if the young girl didn’t come back. But he accidentally fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw the girl he brought with him awkwardly holding a petite girl on the frozen ground outside the car.

The driver glanced at Luan Qing Xiao from the rear view mirror and saw that she was clutching the hand of the girl she rescued. She encountered a kidnapping, yet she didn't tell the police. He asked, "How is the kidnapper now?"

"I punched one out cold. The other probably is suffering from internal injuries."

"Tell me their specific location, and I will call the police to have them arrested" The driver took out his cell phone.

Luan Qing Xiao raised her head and said thank you to him.

She couldn't call the police, nor could she remind others to call the police. But if the driver took the initiative to call the police  himself, it was fine.

Luan Qing Xiao told him the location of the warehouse where the two kidnappers were located, and the driver immediately called the police.

When Luan Qing Xiao rushed out to find Nie Zhen, she didn’t bring her phone. The phone was still there at Xue Man's house. The driver lent her his cell phone and she made a call to her phone.

After the call was connected, Luan Qing Xiao directly stated. "Auntie, this is Luan Qing Xiao, I am currently with Zhen'er."

Immediately, Xue Man anxiously questioned them why they didn't come back for so long.

Luan Qing Xiao simply stated the matter again, "Later, when Nie Kai Ze calls you to blackmail you, please stall them first. Don't let them know that Zhen'er has been rescued. I’m sending Zhen'er to the hospital now, you can find someone to send some money to the Central Hospital."

Xue Man gratefully gave her repeated thanks from her side. Once she hung up, Luan Qing Xiao returned the phone to the driver. "Sir, how long will it take to get to the Central Hospital?"

The driver estimated, "Ten minutes at most."

"Thank you."

Luan Qing Xiao tightly hugged Luan Qing Xiao.

When they arrived at the hospital, the driver followed them to help Nie Zhen'er get a waiting number and even paid the money. After the person with the money arrived, Luan Qing Xiao directly paid the driver 10k cash as a thank you.

The driver wanted to refuse, but Luan Qing Xiao insisted, "If you don't accept these, I will throw the money into the trash can." Once she said that, her hands moved toward the trash can. The driver quickly grabbed it, "I’ll accept, I’ll accept."

After the examination, Nie Zhen'er wasn’t in any critical condition. The effect of the medicine that kept her unconscious almost wore out. The doctor said that she would wake up within half an hour.

Luan Qing Xiao's phone was also sent to her with the money.

Luan Qing Xiao sat beside the hospital bed, holding Nie Zhen'er's hand in one hand, and dialing the phone of her Uncle Yu Ye with the other.

After Luan Qing Xiao described what happened, she calmly said to Yu Ye, "Uncle, Nie Kai Ze needs to pay for his crimes."

After receiving a positive reply from Yu Ye, Luan Qing Xiao smiled with satisfaction.

Hanging up the phone, Luan Qing Xiao put the phone aside. Suddenly, Nie Zhen'er's fingers twitched. Luan Qing Xiao immediately leaned close to her ear, "Zhen'er, Zhen'er? Are you awake?"

Nie Zhen'er felt her eyelids were heavy. However, when she heard Luan Qing Xiao's voice, she strained to open her eyes.

Luan Qing Xiao's current appearance was really quite embarrassing. Nie Zhen'er looked at her blankly and asked, "Qing Xiao, what happened to you? Are you injured?"

She thought she was greeting Luan Qing Xiao across the road? Why was she lying on the bed now, while Qing Xiao was sitting on the edge of her bed and clutching her hand tightly, as if she would suddenly disappear?

Luan Qing Xiao moved her hand to her lips and kissed it, "I'm fine. How about you? Does your head hurt? Is there anywhere that’s uncomfortable?"

Nie Zhen'er blinked in confusion. In an afterthought, she glanced at the snow-white ceiling above her head, "I'm alright, just a little sleepy... Is this a hospital? Why am I in the hospital?"

Luan Qing Xiao gently caressed the top of Nie Zhen'er's head, "I will tell you what happened after you get better."

"OK." Nie Zhen'er nodded docilely. She knew Luan Qing Xiao was doing the best for her.

Nie Zhen'er stayed in the hospital for one night, and was discharged from the hospital the next day after much checking and confirming that she was fine.

At this time, Nie Kai Ze and the three thugs have been arrested.

Back at Nie Zhen'er's house, Luan Qing Xiao waited for Xue Man to finish crying while hugging Nie Zhen'er before saying, "Zhen'er, weren't you surprised what happened in the past two days? I'll tell you."

After listening, Nie Zhen'er remained silent for a while. Then, she said to Luan Qing Xiao: "I thought I would be sad, but right nowI don't feel sad at all. Maybe it's because I didn't have any feelings for him, so I don't care about him. He was only my father in name. To me, he was a stranger, no different from those three thugs."

Because the evidence was solid and the circumstances were terrible, Nie Kai Ze was eventually sentenced to 30 years in prison. So when he gets released, he would already be in his 70s or 80s, plus there was a possibility he might not even be alive.

When this incident was over, Nie Zhen'er's happiness level suddenly increased to 90%. Luan Qing Xiao drew the lottery twice, but unfortunately she didn't gain any limited-time skills.

Once school started, time seemed to pass faster. The college entrance exams arrived in the blink of an eye.

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