The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 64: CH 63

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In fact, Luo Zi Lin's first choice for the scapegoat the blame was not Luan Qing Xiao, but Nie Zhen'er. However after thinking about it, her disgust towards Luan Qing Xiao gained the upper hand so she slipped the card into Luan Qing Xiao's pocket.

Rummaged through her entire body, she still couldn't find her contribution card and became anxious, "How can it be gone? I remember putting it in my pocket."

Zhang Yao said, "Let’s not panic first, carefully look for it again."

Luo Zi Lin searched again but still found nothing.

With a weeping face, she voiced for the four people, "Can you guys check if you took it by mistake?"

Naturally, Luan Qing Xiao wouldn’t comply with her due to her public persona. But the other three combed through their pockets with no results, while only Luan Qing Xiao hadn’t moved. Luo Zi Lin stared at Luan Qing Xiao, "Lieutenant, I know you don’t like me, but can you help me find it?"

Luan Qing Xiao coldly replied, "I'm pretty sure, your contribution card is not on me."

Luo Zi Lin retorted, "But if you don’t try, how can you know it’s not on you? Lieutenant, just check your pocket, alright?"

Luan Qing Xiao still refused.

The expression on Luo Zi Lin's face changed as she grievingly glanced at Luan Qing Xiao with suspicion, "Lieutenant, are you not looking for it because my contribution card is with you and you don't want to return it to me?"

"Luo Zi Lin, are you delusional?" Luan Qing Xiao peered at her contemptuously.

Luo Zi Lin gritted her teeth, "Anyhow I must check if it is on you. Although those 300 contribution points aren't much, it was still the result of a day's hard work for me." 

While she was speaking, tears collecTED in her eyes, making her appear extremely pitiful.

Both Zhang Yao Xue and Jiang Yue Bai looked at Luan Qing Xiao hesitantly. When the tears were about to fall from the corner of Luo Zi Lin's eyes, Zhang Yao Xue suggested, "Lieutenant, maybe you should see if you have it, even if it is just to prove your innocence. "

Luan Qing Xiao glanced at Zhang Yao Xue displeasedly, which caused Zhang Yao Xue to lower her head with some guilty conscience and looked at Jiang Yue Bai. Jiang Yue Bai also glanced away, not daring to look at her, "Fine, all of you suspect I did it."

Luan Qing Xiao grimly turned over all the places where she could hide the card in front of them.

Gradually, Luo Zi Lin's gaze changed from excitement and expectation to surprise. After confirming that Luan Qing Xiao really didn't have her contribution card, Luo Zi Lin proclaimed in disbelief, "How is that possible, why don't you have it? Then where did my contribution card go?"

"Ha, you’re the one who didn’t put your card away properly. Yet when you lose it, you suspect your peers of stealing your card. Luo Zi Lin, you have such a big face." Luan Qing Xiao said before turning around and headed upstairs with a cold snort.

"I'll be leaving first." Nie Zhen'er hurried after her.

The left behind Luo Zi Lin's face flickered from green and white, while Zhang Yao Xue and Jiang Yue Bai's expressions were also a bit ugly. They actually just doubted the benefactor who had saved them several times. Currently they felt very uncomfortable and blamed it on Luo Zi Lin, who randomly accused innocent people.

Zhang Yao Xue stated, "Luo Zi Lin, next time don't do this again next." Listening to Luo Zi Lin's tone just now, she clearly concluded Luan Qing Xiao had taken her contribution card.

Jiang Yue Bai also declared, disapprovingly, "Zi Lin, you weren't like this before."

Luo Zi Lin's face directly turned black.

She was wronged too, okay! She obviously put the card into Luan Qing Xiao's pocket, who knows why it would suddenly disappear!

Nie Zhen'er followed Luan Qing Xiao into their room and carefully sat down next to Luan Qing Xiao, "Qing Xiao, just now Luo Zi Lin was certainly in the wrong. Are you angry?"

Luan Qing Xiao pulled her little darling Nie Zhen'er into her arms, and smiled, "I won’t get angry over those morons. Zhen’er, let me hold you for a while longer, alright?"

Nie Zhen'er recalled Luan Qing Xiao had been wronged just now, so she shyly nodded, "You can hold me for another ten minutes."

Although a ten-minute time limit was set, neither of the two kept track of the time. Ultimately, after hugging for who knows how long, Luan Qing Xiao finally loosened her arms. "Zhen'er, it's nice to have you."

Nie Zhen'er's face had turned hot as she returned to sit on her bed to embarrassment, "I'll go take a shower first."

She needed to hide in the bathroom for a bit. If she stays with Luan Qing Xiao for any longer, she’ll burn herself up.

Nie Zhen'er took off her boots and felt something slip into the boots along her calf. She quickly picked up the boots to see what it was and poured out a contribution point card from it.

On the card, Luo Zi Lin's name was written on it along with some 300 points.

Nie Zhen'er froze. "I have Luo Zi Lin’s card with me." She didn't even know when it got into her boots.

Luan Qing Xiao reached out to take it and scoffed, "Believe it or not, if you return the contribution card to her, she’ll definitely say you stole her card."

Nie Zhen'er anxiously replied, "I didn't steal it, nor do I know how it got into my boots."

"Don't worry." Luan Qing Xiao calmly assured Nie Zhen'er, "Just leave it to me."

Nie Zhen'er trustingly nodded her head.

Luan Qing Xiao directly broke the contribution value card in half before walking into the restroom and flushing it down the toilet.

Nie Zhen'er was following right behind Luan Qing Xiao. Seeing her series of actions, her mouth opened slightly, "We can do that?"

Luan Qing Xiao smiled, "If you repay grievances with kindness, how will you repay kindness? With people like Luo Zi Lin, just treat them  like so."

Nie Zhen'er thought about it and nodded in agreement, "Qing Xiao is right."

After Nie Zhen'er finished her shower, she pushed the twin beds together and lay on the bed waiting for Luan Qing Xiao to come out of the bathroom.

However, when Luan Qing Xiao's fragrance from the blanket surrounded her, she actually fell asleep.

Coming out the shower, Luan Qing Xiao saw Nie Zhen'er's ruddy face, causing her to chuckle before walking over by her side and leaned over to kiss Nie Zhen'er on the forehead, whispering, "Good night, sweetie."

A good night's sleep.

The next day, as usual, their meeting was downstairs at seven.

Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er came down neither too soon nor late, only a little bit faster than Luo Zi Lin and Jiang Yue Bai.

Liang Yan had just returned from a mission from outside. When he saw Nie Zhen'er, he took out a contribution card from his pocket and handed it to Nie Zhen'er.  Nie Zhen'er's name was written on it with an indication that there were 500 points left.

When Nie Zhen'er accepted it, it happened to be seen by Luo Zi Lin who had just arrived.

Luo Zi Lin ran up to Liang Yan and hugged his arm. Then she said aggrievedly, "Captain, I lost my contribution card. What should I do?"

Liang Yan pulled his arm out, "Go redeem another one today. Take care of your things in the future, it’s not like I can help you get it back."

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Luo Zi Lin opened her mouth wide in astonishment and couldn't bear being treated discriminately by Liang Yan, "Captain, why are you so fierce to me when you act so gently towards Nie Zhen’er? It's so unfair."

Liang Yan replied coldly, "Because she isn’t like you, she wouldn't have lost the contribution card."

"You guys work hard today." Liang Yan turned around and left after speaking, ignoring Luo Zi Lin.

Zhang Yao Xue and them didn't have a good impression of Luo Zi Lin because of what happened yesterday. Therefore, they ignored her and each went to their own place to practice their abilities.

Since Luo Zi Lin was in a bad mood, she didn't practice hard during the day. At night, when Liang Yan found her contribution points were only slightly more than 50, his face became black.

"Luo Zi Lin, if you don't want to stay in X Squadron, you can withdraw as soon as possible. We can just recruit people again. X Squadron doesn't need any people who are lazy and don't complete their tasks seriously." This sentence was incredibly harsh and directly scared Luo Zi Lin into crying.

"Captain, I’ll definitely practice hard tomorrow. Please don’t replace me." If she gets kicked out of X Squadron and can’t see the male lead Liang Yan again, how else will she be able to seduce Liang Yan?

Seeing Luo Zi Lin cry, Liang Yan's expression remained unchanged, "I’m going to give you another chance. If that doesn't work, I’ll immediately recruit new people again. Although space-type abilities are rare, it’s not like there aren’t more. As far as I know, there are two Level Two and ten Level One space users. Luo Zi Lin, you have to understand, you are not irreplaceable."

After Luo Zi Lin’s huge incident, things stayed peacefully for a few days.

Ten days later, the power levels of several people had various improvements.

Liang Yan: Level 3 metal-type ability, which can simultaneously create twenty flying knives 
                       and individually control each one to attack different zombies. Level 2 fire ability

Luan Qing Xiao: Level 3 water-type ability, which can turn water into ice and using sharp ice 
        blades to attack zombies. Level 2 plant ability

Nie Zhen'er: (on the surface) Level 2 enhanced strength, which can easily lift a ton of 
    weight. Level One defense ability

Zhang Yao Xue: Level 2 Earth-type ability, which can produce thicker, taller and longer soil 

Jiang Yue Bai: Level 2 healing ability that can quickly heal the wounds slashed by a zombie's 

Luo Zi Lin: Level Two space-type ability, expanding the portable dimension to three square 

Liang Yan achieved his goal, so he planned to say goodbye to Yuan Ting and leave A Base.

While Luan Qing Xiao and the five of them waited outside, Liang Yan headed in to find Yuan Ting alone.

As one hour passed by and then another hour, Liang Yan still hadn't returned.

Luan Qing Xiao wanted to enter the bungalow to find someone, but was stopped by the two guards outside, "Without her orders, you can't get in."

Luan Qing Xiao frowned and constipated about whether she should just forcefully barge in.

The male lead is the support of the world and can’t die.

"What's the matter?" The bearded man who brought  Liang Yan over to say his farewells came over and asked.

"Brother Hu, why hasn't Captain come out yet?" Luan Qing Xiao questioned.

Nie Zhen'er and the others also came over.

Da Hu Zi wrinkled his brows, "Liang Yan said he’s not leaving and wants to stay at A Base. If you guys want to leave, you all can just leave."

"Impossible!" Zhang Yao Xue retorted, "No way Captain would leave us? Let our captain tell us in person."

"If I said so, then it is so. Stop asking so many questions, Liang Yan won't come to see you guys. I advise you to leave as soon as possible, before nightfall or else you won't even be able to find a resting place." Once Da Hu Zi finished speaking, he turned around to leave.

Among the  five people, Luo Zi Lin lowered her head and hid her expression of excitement, because only she knew why Liang Yan suddenly didn't want to leave.

Liang Yan came to Yuan Ting to bid farewell. However, Yuan Ting didn't want to let him go, so she tied up Liang Yan as an attempt to force him to submit.

Yuan Ting knew that she was running out of time and wanted to experience a romantic relationship at the end of her life. She had met so many people, yet Liang Yan was the only one that made her heart skip a beat, so she didn't want to let Liang Yan go.

Yuan Ting used A Base as a bargaining chip, and told Liang Yan that as long as he stayed with her for half a month, she’ll let him be the boss of A Base.

Liang Yan's endgame was to find out the truth about the death of his parents, and that truth lies in X Base. He didn’t need to be the boss of A Base, nor did he want to be the leader at all.

But Yuan Ting's psychic power was too strong and Liang Yan couldn't get rid of Yuan Ting's spiritual shackles, so he could only pretend to agree while seeking opportunities to escape.

Being forced to "like" a sickly woman, Liang Yan felt like he was going to vomit to death. Originally he could have waited for Yuan Ting to die before leaving, but he didn't want to stay with Yuan Ting for a single moment longer. He only wanted to quickly leave and get away from this mentally ill woman.

Luan Qing Xiao and the rest of them chose to stay at A Base to wait for Liang Yan to change his mind and leave with them.

Without Liang Yan, their lives will be extremely tiring even if they left A Base, so they might as well just stay at A Base. In case Liang Yan thought things through someday, it wouldn’t be too late for them to leave together.

On the fifth day of Liang Yan's "disappearance" with the exception of Luo Zi Lin's unexpectedly high mood, everyone else gradually became more and more worried.

Luan Qing Xiao was also very worried. Although 520 has repeatedly confirmed Liang Yan’s safety, without Liang Yan in front of her, she was still afraid Liang Yan might suddenly die and cause the world to collapse.

One evening, Luan Qing Xiao unexpectedly received a message from Liang Yan.

"Three o'clock A.M., leaving."

In order to prevent the news from leaking, Luan Qing Xiao only told Nie Zhen'er and then packed her belongings and prepared to leave A Base.

Luan Qing Xiao approached Zhang Yao Xue and Jiang Yue Bai and asked them if they wanted to leave together. The few people received Luan Qing Xiao's hint and immediately went back to pack their things. They were only waiting until late at night to depart.

Luo Zi Lin frowned as she was packing her things, because the plot had suddenly changed.

In the book, Liang Yan stayed at A Base and immediately took over A Base after Yuan Ting’s death. Then he left once he had completely subdued all the ability users in A Base.

bungalow (洋房): a western- style house

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