The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 7: CH 6

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Before Teacher Lin entered the classroom, she could already hear the clear and uniform reading from the students of the Rocket Class. She couldn’t help but reveal a satisfied expression. 

Teacher Lin had briefly interacted with these students last night during the self-studying session, she also understood the overall situation from the Rocket Class’s homeroom teacher. She had even specifically called over two students and chatted with them. Her overall impression of this class was not bad.   

Today is the first today she will be officially teaching this class. Her heart was full of expectations.  

She walked to the door but didn’t walk in. She stood by the door and looked in, the students’ youthful faces brimming with vitality as they focused on reading with a serious expression made the smile on her smile deepened even more.  

As Teacher Lin surveyed the class starting from the first row back, her gaze stopped on Nie Zhen’er for a few seconds longer. This young lady had scored a full mark on last month’s English exam. She had a clever appearance and was earnest in her studies, really a likable child.  

Her eyes moved on to the middle rows. She saw Liang Yan and her brows furrowed slightly. Liang Yan’s grade was not bad but compared to his other subjects, his English marks are lacking.  

Teacher Lin pursed her lips and thought if she should establish a mutual help and assistance group so those with good grades could help those with lower grades. Her vitality wasn’t the same as it used to be before her pregnancy, in the past, she was full of vigor and could provide feedback for each student and monitor their growths individually. But that was no longer feasible as her body condition would not allow that, otherwise, she wouldn’t have stepped down from Year Three which was already short on staff to teach Year One. A mutual help and assistance group may be a good solution.  

Thinking this, Teacher Lin continued to look back. When she saw the last row, she saw the ‘unique’ Luan QingXiao, and the crease of her furrowed brows grew even deeper.  

The tall and slender girl lazily leaned against the wall. Her long legs with nowhere to go were sprawled out on the walkway. Her thin red lips were pursed tight and her exquisite fingers like that of a piano player’s, mindlessly flipped through the English textbook, clearly not reading along with the other students.

Teacher Lin disliked students like this the most, a student’s main task at school is to study. No matter how smart you are, first, you must have a proper studying attitude!   

And this student’s attitude was terrible!  

In order to reference mecha research papers, Luan QingXiao had previously learned about ten different languages. Needless to say, the rudimentary English presented in a high school Year One textbook could only be uselessly easy to her. The sultry weather combined with the fact that this body couldn’t deal with the heat at all, she was unable to muster up the slightest will to read along.  

Luan QingXiao disinterestedly flipped through the English textbook before lifting her eyes. Looking ahead, she subconsciously searched for Nie Zhen’er, but inadvertently she saw a from the window’s reflection, a pair of black pupils staring right at her.  

“!” Luan QingXiao’s heart stopped for a moment from fright. She patted her chest after regaining her composure.  

Teacher Lin pushed open the door and walked in. When the students spotted her, they immediately began to read with even more passion.   

Luan QingXiao watched as Teacher Lin walked towards her. The latter snatched the English textbook away from her hands and flipped to the page that was currently being read aloud before placing it back down in front of her.   

Teacher Lin said a bit angrily: “The entire class is reading, so why aren’t you? Are you aware of your identity as a student?”  

She didn’t lower her voice as she said this, the sound of the class reading gradually stopped as she talked. Everyone simultaneously turned their heads around to watch the show.  

Worry emerged in Nie Zhen’er limpid eyes. Luan QingXiao smiled at her in reassurance.  

Teacher Lin felt that she was being ignored: “What are you smiling, who are you smiling at?” Teacher Lin turned around, her black pupils surveying the faces in the front row trying to find the person that made Luan QingXiao smiled.  

Nie Zhen’er was startled into shifting her gaze away. Her cheeks that usually carried a hint of pink became several shades paler.  

“There’s no one Teacher Lin, I was just smiling at the air.” Luan QingXiao pulled back Teacher Lin’s attention.  

She retracted her long legs from the walkway and pitifully crammed them underneath the desk. She feared that Teacher Lin might get too worked up and trip over her legs in a moment of inattention.  

Teacher Lin glared at Luan QingXiao, “What’s your name? After morning self-study class, come with me to the office.”  

Right after she said this, the dismissal bell rang.  

Luan QingXiao tactfully stood up. Teacher Lin had a small stature, she was shorter than Luan QingXiao by half a head. When she looked at Luan QingXiao, she had to look upward, causing her authoritative aura to suffer greatly. Thus, Teacher Lin didn’t look at her, instead, she rapped her hand against the desk and said: “Take the English textbook and follow me.” 

Luan QingXiao let out a sigh. She thought to herself, if it weren’t for the fact that both the male and female lead were here, she would have switched class. A terrible student like her, staying in the Rocket Class is just subjecting herself to misery.  

The two left the room, one following the other. Luan QingXiao didn’t miss the look of mockery on Liang Yan’s face.

Doubt couldn’t help but form in her heart: Will Nie Zhen’er really be happy by getting together with someone like this?  

With anger simmering in her heart, Teacher Lin walked in fast strides at the front.  

The English office was on the floor above. After walking through the corridor they climbed the stairs. Luan QingXiao followed behind Teacher Lin, she stared at the other’s chaotic footsteps as they climbed up the steps.

“Ah!” Teacher Lin suddenly stepped on air. She fell backward.  

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Luan QingXiao reached out her arm to stop the other’s fall. Her tall and slender body remained sturdy.  

Teacher Lin’s fingers tightly clutched onto Luan QingXiao’s uniform. Her face was white from fright and her heart thumped so rapidly it was like it would jump up from her throat.

“Teacher Lin, do you want to try stabilizing yourself?” Luan QingXiao’s voice was calm and carried a trace of amusement. Teacher Lin slowly released her hands. After she stood back up, she finally realized that Luan QingXiao’s uniform was now all wrinkled from her grabbing it. 

“Thank you.” said Teacher Lin who breathed in deeply.  

She was a step above Luan QingXiao. She only needed to slightly raise her head to meet Luan QingXiao’s face.  

Luan QingXiao’s phoenix eye’s curved slightly in a smile. She seemed so reliable; compared to the lazy appearance she had back in the classroom, it’s like she’s a completely different person.

Teacher Lin stroked her stomach that had a slight baby bump: “…let’s go ba, we’ll talk when we get to the office.” 

If it weren’t for Luan QingXiao catching just now, she definitely would’ve fell.  

Walking into the English office, Teacher Lin sat down on her seat. She pointed to the chair next to her and said to Luan QingXiao: “Have a seat.”  

Luan QingXiao did as she asked. It’s just that her legs were too long, it directly reached underneath Teacher Lin’s chair. 

Teacher Lin cleared her throat and did her best to make her expression gentle and kind but unfortunately after the fright just now, her facial muscles had stiffened. The ‘gentle and kind’ smile she was aiming for turned out a bit weird to look at.  

Luan QingXiao almost wanted to massage her face for her after seeing her smile.  

Teacher Lin painstakingly softened her voice and said: “What’s your name, you still haven’t told teacher ne.” 

“Luan QingXiao.”

“Student Luan QingXiao, Teacher’s tone wasn’t good when we spoke in the classroom, Teacher hopes you won’t take offense.”  

“No offense taken.”  

“But it’s also true your attitude needs to be improved, can you tell teacher why you didn’t read along with everyone else?”

Luan QingXiao had plainly: “It’s too easy.”  

Teacher Lin quickly searched through the transcripts that had been given to her by the homeroom teacher and finally found Luan QingXiao’s name at the end.  

“English——32 points, is it because you found the exam to be too easy, so you didn’t bother completing it?” said Teacher Lin with complicated feelings.  


Luan QingXiao didn’t think the original’s English grade would be this poor. Her memory was fuzzy, she only remembered that the host had received bilingual education since young and she had often even scored full marks in English during middle school.  

Teacher Lin took a deep breath. She reminded herself that this was a kind and good child, the other had even saved her and her baby just a moment ago. Not studying properly must be due to having no one to look after her. She must patiently guide the other.

Teacher Lin flipped open the book that Luan QingXiao had placed onto the office desk. She pointed to a line of text and said: “Read it to me.”  

Luan QingXiao’s expression remained unchanged as she read out the sentence eloquently.   

Teacher Lin looked at her in surprise. She took out a piece of paper and a pen, giving it to the other: “I’ll read out a few words, you write them down.”  

She purposefully found ten especially long words but Luan QingXiao still got them all right in the end.  

Teacher Lin randomly took out an exam paper from the cabinet and gave it to Luan QingXiao: “You only need to fill in the backside.”  

After five minutes, Teacher Lin held the exam paper and checked the answers.  

“…So you were really just too lazy to write anything during exams?” She recalled that this exam paper was created by the head of the English department. The difficulty was sky high but not only did Luan QingXiao finish the entire backside in five minutes, but she also got everything correct.  

What kind of demonic student is this???  

At this moment, Teacher Lin’s thoughts were in complete disarray.

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