The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 71: CH 70

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Because of Luan Qing Xiao's guidance, the few people managed to kill the zombies as easy as chopping vegetables. Although the energy reservoirs in their body were rapidly exhausted, they can pick up crystal cores from the ground at any time to replenish it. They slash their way through in good time.

After getting rid of the last of the zombies, all of them were more or less stained with zombie flesh or blood. Only Nie Zhen'er was always protected by Luan Qing Xiao's water film, so there wasn’t even a speck of dust on her body.

Curly Hair directly fell onto the ground, sweating all over, but with a contented smile on his face. He panted to Luan Qing Xiao, "I never would have expected to be killing zombies like this someday, you’re so amazing. "

Zhang Yao Xue boasted with pride, "We belong to the same squadron, and Qing Xiao is our Lieutenant!"

Scarface appeared very brawny, but unexpectedly turned out to be a sentimental one. He immediately started to wipe away his tears, "I, I wasn’t afraid of the zombies just now. Thank- thank you, Qing Xiao."

Luan Qing Xiao replied, "What are you guys being so polite for? We’re all from the same team."

Once the few people had enough rest, they used the crystal nuclei to refill all their energy.

Luan Qing Xiao cleaned up everyone with her water ability. Excluding the blood that had already soaked into their clothes, all the dirtiness was swept away with the running water and everyone didn't appear as much of a mess they previously were.

"Come on, let's continue heading inside."

Because Luan Qing Xiao was here, all of them were filled with confidence and weren’t afraid of encountering more zombies.

Surprisingly, after the roller coaster incident, they didn’t even encounter a single zombie.

Walking to the innermost fence, Luan Qing Xiao and her group met Liang Yan’s group.

Zhi He frowned and looked in the way they came from before asking Luan Qing Xiao,"Have you guys met a Level 2 zombie?"

Luan Qing Xiao shook her head, "We haven’t."

"Weird, that is really strange." Zhi He thought as she stroked her chin.

Liang Yan glanced at Nie Zhen'er, "Zhen'er, are you okay?"

Nie Zhen'er replied "Captain, I'm fine."

"Captain, were there many zombies on that side of the you guys chose?" Zhang Yao Xue out of curiosity.

"There were." So many that it was abnormal. This far exceeded  Zhi He's estimated number of zombies.

Speaking of this, Liang Yan's expression became grim.

Not long after, members of Team 5 arrived one after another. Zhi He did a headcount and found that You Yao wasn’t here. "Who was with You Yao, why hasn't she arrived yet?"

Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er glanced at each other. Then Nie Zhen'er walked over and said softly, "You Yao went off by herself, she didn't team up with anyone."

The remaining four female members also nodded, "She didn't team up with us and insisted on going in by herself. No one could stop her."

With so many zombies here and You Yao also being a Level 2 fire type ability user, if she hasn't reached here yet, they knew what the odds were.

Zhi He and You Yao’s brother had a great relationship. A few days ago, she only just lost her close friend. She didn’t expect that even the younger sister of her close friend would...

"Now that everyone is here, split up and search for You Yao. Whether we find her or not, we will gather at the theme park’s gate in an hour."  Out of respect for You Yao’s brother, Zhi He still had to attempt to look for her.

You Yao's personality wasn’t that good. If she didn’t have a capable brother, she wouldn't necessarily be able to enter Team 5.

The members of Team 5 didn't like her very much either. Hearing Zhi He's words, they were a little displeased. Who knows if they’ll run into a Level 2 zombie and lose their life when they split up?

However, Zhi He held a lot of authoritative power in Team 5. They were  used to obeying Zhi He's orders, so even though they are dissatisfied internally, they still scattered all over the theme park, searching for You Yao.

Zombies could hear, so they couldn't call out her name. They could only rely on their eyes.

Naturally, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er knew where You Yao was. In addition, Curly Hair and Scarface have tasted the benefits of following Luan Qing Xiao, so they insisted on teaming up with her again. Along with Zhang Yao, their group had a total of five people searching together. Therefore if they accidentally saw You Yao Corpse, they would have an alibi.

After You Yao died, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er transported her body to another place.

Luan Qing Xiao walked in the forefront and led them to where You Yao's body was.

Curly Hair was very sensitive to odors and managed to catch the whiff as soon as he approached, "There’s the smell of human blood."

"Where?" Luan Qing Xiao inquired.

Curly Hair followed the smell and finally discovered You Yao's body in a dark corner.

"Ah - -" Curly Hair saw You Yao's bloody face and was frightened into collapsing onto the ground, his face full of horror.

Zhang Yao Xue bravely came closely and carefully examined You Yao's body, "She’s dead. The wound on her body appears to be slashes by a zombie."

Scarface said, "Shall we bring the corpse to the gate of the theme park or call Captain over?"

All of them turned to look at Luan Qing Xiao.

"No one knows where Captain Zhi is now. It’ll be a waste of time to go find her. What if something dangerous happens on the way there? Just bring it to the gate."

The mini-group agreed.

Because Curly Hair was timid, Scarface and Zhang Yao Xue took the initiative to carry the body.

Luan Qing Xiao covered their hands with a water film, so that they could lift it without the fear of getting their hands dirty.

Devoid of the task of finding You Yao, they exited the eerie theme park and were the first to reach there.

The second wave was the four women, who had multiple conflicts with You Yao, so they didn't search for her seriously. They just came out after just a stroll around.

They didn't expect there to be someone faster than them. Just as they were about to ask if they hadn't even attempted at all, they saw the bloody corpse on the ground.

The four women backed away in horror, "What is this?!!!"

Curly Hair rolled his eyes, "You Yao's corpse, weren't you guys hoping for her to die every day? Now that she is really dead, you all should be laughing. Why are you so scared? Unless you guys did something unscrupulous?"

The more Curly Hair spoke, the more suspicious he got, "You Yao's death doesn’t have anything to do with you guys, does it?"

"How is that possible? We didn't see her inside at all, nor did we know she-she would die so miserably."

After waiting for another half an hour, everyone came out one after another and were all extremely surprised to see You Yao's horrible appearance.

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Zhi He and Liang Yan were the last ones to exit. Because You Yao's body was blocked by someone, she didn't see it and asked slightly tiredly, "Did you guys find anything?"

"Captain, You Yao's body was found by Curly Hair and his group!"

Everyone opened up a space and revealed You Yao's body.

Zhi He stared at the blood-red corpse for a while before sighing, "Let’s cremate her ."

Corpses can’t be buried, because the smell will attract the zombies. No matter how deep the corpse was buried, it can still be dug out and eaten by the zombies.

After handling You Yao's body, everyone got in the car and prepared to return to the base.

When they arrived at the base, the sky was already getting bright. Once off the car, Zhi He counted the number of crystal nuclei collected by each mini-group.

Luan Qing Xiao, Nie Zhen'er, Curly Hair, Scarface and Zhang Yao Xue combined up to more than 400 crystal nuclei. This is the amount subtracting the ones they consume to supplement their abilities.

Almost every other team has approximately one or two hundred crystal nuclei.

In the end, the sum of all the cores reached an unprecedented 1,200.

Mo Zhe, the leader of the B base, was shocked by Team 5’s  record. After a day’s of rest  first, Zhi He brought Liang Yan, Luan Qing Xiao, Curly Hair and them to the ultra-luxury garden villa in the middle of the villa area to visit Mo Zhe.

Everyday, the garden was taken care of by plant-type ability users, so it is colorful and full of vitality.

It was the first time for Curly Hair and Scarface to come here. The awe on their face didn't stop for a single second that the moment they entered the villa, they couldn't close their mouth. Looking at the magnificent decoration inside the villa, they almost drool.

In the previous world, Luan Qing Xiao’s family was the cream of the crop for even the elites. Therefore, she has seen everything. To her, the splendid in front of her was only the aesthetics of a nouveau riche and not something presentable for the higher elitists.

Among the few people, Luan Qing Xiao's expression was the dullest. Liang Yan also was in a daze for a while before he managed to regain control of himself to not keep staring at everything.

While Nie Zhen'er only had pure curiosity in her eyes without any greed in her clear eyes as she glanced around.

The eyes of a tall man standing on the second floor flashed before he took another deep look at the beautiful innocent Nie Zhen'er and walked back into the reception room.

【Host dada! 】

Luan Qing Xiao: What's wrong?

【Just now, someone on the second floor was observing the female lead. Through the system’s analysis, 520 found it was the way that men look at women. He’s interested in the female lead! Host dada, you have a love rival _(:з」∠)_】

Luan Qing Xiao: ......You can rest assured, no one will be able to take Zhen’er away from me.

The man on the second floor could only be Mo Zhe, the leader of B Base.

Luan Qing Xiao might have spoken lightly, but her heart was nervous.

If Mo Zhe went after Nie Zhen'er, they would have to flee the base again. Last time it was A Base, this time it was B Base.

Zhi He has been to the villa several times and was quite familiar with it. She knew her way around the place on her own without being led.

She brought the group behind her up to the second floor. Then she walked up to the door of the reception room and knocked. A low male voice came from inside, "Come in."

Zhi He opened the door. When everyone behind her filed in, she closed the door behind them.

Mo Zhe was staring out of the huge French windows in a standing position. His stalwart figure was very eye-catching.

Luan Qing Xiao noticed him as soon as she passed the doorway.

Mo Zhe has a bloody aura that shows he’s been killing for a while now.

When people approached him, their goosebumps couldn't help but stand upright, which was the most instinctive reaction of creatures when they encountered danger.

Mo Zhe turned around. His face was bright and he looked surprisingly young.

He nodded towards everyone, "Everyone's here."

Zhi He quickly responded, "Good evening, Chief Mo."

The other people followed Zhi He's example and greeted him.

"Sit." Mo Zhe pointed to the sofa.

Without waiting for them to sit down, he himself had already sat across from the group.

His hands supported his steely chin, while his eyes were gentle with occasional flashes of piercing light.

Curly Hair and Scarface felt like preys being stared at by a predator, trembling and didn’t dare to make any extra movements.

"I heard Zhi He report your mini-group performed extremely well in action last night, so I want to get to know more about all of you ."

"Zhi He. Introduce us."

Zhi He nodded, "Yes, Chief."

Zhi He’s introduction started with Liang Yan and ended with Nie Zhen'er.

Mo Zhe kept the same position through all of them. However when it was Nie Zhen’er turn, he sat upright and looked at Nie Zhen'er intensely.

Because Nie Zhen'er was sensitive to smells, she didn't like the bloody smell coming from Mo Zhe's body. Realizing Mo Zhe had been staring at her, her body gradually tensed up.

"Miss Nie Zhen'er, do you mind telling me what happened yesterday?"

Mo Zhe's behavior was so obvious that other people present all understood what Mo Zhe wanted to do, causing Liang Yan’s face to suddenly blacken.

Luan Qing Xiao's expression was also very ugly.

Nie Zhen'er lowered her head as her frail body trembled slightly.

Luan Qing Xiao cut in, "Chief Mo, killing the zombies on the roller coaster last night was under my full command, how about letting me recount the events?"

Mo Zhe moved his clenched fist to his lips and coughed slightly. Finally, he retracted his gaze on Nie Zhen'er and looked at Luan Qing Xiao, "Please do Miss Luan."

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