The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 76: CH 75

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After hurrying on the road for half a month and the car running out of its last drop of gasoline, the few people walked for another two hours before they finally saw X Base’s gate.

It can be seen from the gate that X Base was the most powerful base in Country C.

From the three bases they have visited so far, most of the gates were iron and had two or three people who registered, checked and guarded the gates.

However, X Base was different. Its gate was made of tempered glass. Standing outside, people can clearly see the lives of the people inside and outside the gate stood a row of ability users in uniforms.

The facilities in X Base were who knows how much higher in quality than the other bases. Moreover, X Base has built its own hydroelectric power station and sent users to guard it to prevent it from being destroyed by zombies.

This was an advantage that the other bases do not have.

X Base was extremely large and could accommodate all those who came to take shelter.

Of course, if people want to enter X Base and become a member, they also need to have their own talents.

X Base didn’t need people who only sit around doing nothing. Even ordinary people living in it have their own specialties, and are not just responsible for pregnancy and childbirth.

When Liang Yan and the three approached the gates of X Base, one of the guards walked out and came forward to interrogate them.

Liang Yan stated, "We are ability users who came to seek refuge."

That man squinted his eyes. He turned and said to the people behind him. "Bring the ability testing stone over."

Liang Yan was startled, "What is an ability testing stone?"

"The ability testing stone can test whether you have an ability as well as accurately testing the type of your ability. Recently, the level of the zombies are getting higher and higher. Moreover, they are even becoming more and more humanoid. To prevent humanized zombies from coming in, our base leader formed a special team of scientists. It took them three months to develop the ability testing stone."

Nie Zhen'er was a little scared. What if it could detect that she was not an ability user but a zombie?

Luan Qing Xiao patted her on the shoulder and signaled her not to worry.

Liang Yan went first. That man asked him to put his hand on the round stone which looked like an ordinary pebble. After a while, the ability test stone gradually changed its color.

The left was mostly golden while the right side was a fiery red.

"You turn out to be a metal and fire type ability user." That person announced happily. "Looking at the color depth, this brother's metal ability must be Level 3 or almost 4."

Liang Yan nodded, "Indeed, it's almost Level 4."

The next one was Luan Qing Xiao.

This time the testing stone turned blue and green, especially the blue color was particular deep. Seeing that, the Guard’s eyes shone with a surprise light. "Level 4 water type ability! You guys can really hide yourselves."

Luan Qing Xiao smiled modestly.

The Guard couldn't help but look forward to Nie Zhen'er in the final test.

Luan Qing Xiao said, "Our team member Nie Zhen'er is an enhanced strength and power ability user."

“Zhen’er, go ahead." Liang Yan nudged.

Nie Zhen'er nodded. Although she felt a little flustered, because of her trust in Luan Qing Xiao, she gradually calmed down when she saw she wasn’t flustered at all.

Nothing will go wrong. Nie Zhen'er cheered herself up.

Luan Qing Xiao: 520, use [Zhuang Zhou’s Butterfly Dream].

【Ding! [Zhuang Zhou’s Butterfly Dream] successfully used! 】

Nie Zhen'er placed her hand on the ability testing stone. After a few seconds, the gray power test stone turned into a rich black. Nie Zhen'er was about to withdraw her hand in a panic when Luan Qing Xiao stepped forward, "Don't move, let everyone take a closer look at your powers. After all, a Level 4 power user is not common."

Because Luan Qing Xiao had introduced Nie Zhen'er as an enhanced strength and power user in advance, in the eyes of the Guard and Liang Yan, the colors of the ability testing stones were pink and silver.

After Luan Qing Xiao added another sentence that Nie Zhen'er was a Level 4 user, the silver in the eyes of the Guard and Liang Yan directly deepened.

"Not bad not bad, you’re really a Level 4 power ability user. This silver is pretty beautiful. Come and register, and then you guys can join X Base."

The guard enthusiastically exclaimed to the group.

Nie Zhen'er withdrew her hand and did not understand how she passed the test.

She secretly glanced at Luan Qing Xiao since she thought that this must have something to do with her.

Qing Xiao is so powerful. She is simply omnipotent~

【Ding! The female lead's love value has risen to 50%! Host dada, 20% of the love value at once, you’re doing great! 】

Luan Qing Xiao smiled softly.

The three followed the Guard to register themselves. The guard did not transfer them to someone else, but opened the reinforced glass door and led them directly into X Base.

"From now on, I will be your guide for X Base. Once you are fully adapted to life in X Base, I will return to my position."

"My name is Liang Hui, you guys can directly call me by my name. If you are confused or don’t understand something within the base, you can ask me anything."

Liang Hui took the group to get their ID cards. The ID cards of the X Base were similar to those used by people before the end of the world, but had a few more usages.

Their ID cards indicate the name, gender, age, marriage status and ability type and level. It can even be used as bank cards for food or shopping.

The common currency of X Base is the crystal nuclei. One crystal nucleus can be exchanged for roughly 100 credits.

Liang Hui informed them, "The price level of the X Base is approximately like this; For renting a house, the price range is from 100 to 10000 credits a month according to the size of the surrounding environment. For food, a big pot of rice is worth 20 credits. The minimum price for a single dish is 50 credits. There is also a large hotel in the X Base. Inside, the food is sold at a starting cost of 1000 credits with no upper limit."

"X Base is the base with the largest facilities and the best facilities, so it costs quite a bit to live here. Of course, there will also be many opportunities here. The higher the ability level is, the higher the reward for the missions. Since the two of you are Level 4, you guys can live quite well in X Base by accepting a few missions every month."

"Liang Hui, I heard the medical team at X Base is developing a zombie virus vaccine. How is the development now?" Luan Qing Xiao asked suddenly.

Liang Hui shook his head, "There hasn't been much progress yet. So we still have to focus on improving our own strength. When the vaccine is produced, we may all be old."

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Luan Qing Xiao then continued to ask a few more about vaccine research. To which, Liang replied: "Why is Qing Xiao so interested in this?"

Luan Qing Xiao responded, "Frankly speaking, before the zombie virus broke out, my medical team was studying a virus vaccine. We had just made some discoveries when most of my colleagues suddenly became zombies overnight, causing the development to be shelved. I believe the virus vaccine I participated in previously may be the zombie virus vaccine."

Liang Hui peered at Luan Qing Xiao in surprise, "You, do you know Hospital Director Wang Chang Hua?"

Luan Qing Xiao's eyes flashed with excitement, "Teacher Wang is my mentor!"

After the three of them filled their cards with a credit of fifty crystal cores, Liang Yan and Nie Zhen'er were responsible for finding a suitable housing, while Luan Qing Xiao followed Liang back to No. 1 Hospital to find Wang Chang Hua.

Luan Qing Xiao didn’t lie. Before the outbreak of the zombie virus, Wang Chang Hua was indeed the mentor of the original owner and the leader in the development of virus vaccines.

Luan Qing Xiao followed Liang Yan and entered the elevator of No. 1 Hospital. Liang Yan swiped  his ID card and pressed the button for the top floor. Ten seconds later, the elevator reached the top floor and the two got off.

Liang Hui familiarly made his way towards the front of the director’s office. He knocked twice and waited for the "come in" from the inside.

Pushing open the door, Luan Qing Xiao followed in behind Liang Hui. Her body was blocked by Liang Hui.

"Xiao Hui? Why would you be free to see me at this time?" The old voice was familiar.

"Uncle, see who I brought here?" Liang Hui moved away to reveal Luan Qing Xiao who was behind him.

"Teacher Wang, long time no see." Luan Qing Xiao smiled.

"You," Wang Chang Hua was shocked, "Qing Xiao, you’re still alive?!"

Wang Chang Hua got up from the chair excitedly and walked up to Luan Qing Xiao. He examined her carefully, "You still look the same as before, no change, no change at all! Hahaha, Xiao Hui, you did a great job this time! You actually found my prized disciple for me, hahaha!"

Luan Qing Xiao was the one who discovered the new breakthrough of the virus vaccine at the time. Unfortunately, she has not had time to share it with others. Then because of the outbreak of the zombie virus, it caused them to be separated for many years.

Without Luan Qing Xiao's discovery, although Wang Chang Hua later formed a medical team to continue research on the zombie virus, they remained stagnant and couldn’t find a breakthrough point.

Wang Chang Hua replied to Liang who was standing aside stupidly. "Qing Xiao stays, we still have business to say. If you have something to do, you can go ahead and leave."

Liang Hui glanced at Luan Qing Xiao, and Luan Qing Xiao said. "I will have to trouble you with helping my captain and Zhen’er find a housing to rent."

"No trouble, no trouble at all." Liang Hui waved his hand quickly, "Then I'll be leaving, Uncle."

"Go ahead." With his beloved protégé, what need is there for his nephew?

Liang Hui turned glum.

Wang Chang Hua and Luan Qing Xiao continued to chat for an hour and realized that she had awakened her ability and had just arrived at X Base today.

Wang Chang Hua regretfully exclaimed, "You must be tired. Go back and take a good rest. From now on, you can just stay in X Base. With Teacher here, no one can bully you."

Luan Qing Xiao replied, "Thank you Teacher, then I will visit you again tomorrow. If you don't object against it, tomorrow I want to visit the project you are leading right now."

"Of course I don't mind, I can’t wait for you to join in." Wang Chang Hua sighed. "In recent years, the development of the zombie virus vaccine has stagnated, causing me to almost lose hope. Fortunately, fortunately, you are here, Qing Xiao."

After Luan Qing Xiao left the hospital, she went directly to the place agreed upon by the group.

When she got there, she only saw Nie Zhen'er but not Liang Yan. So Luan Qing Xiao asked, "Where is Captain?"

Nie Zhen'er replied, "A relative of the captain seems to be a high-ranking official here. Seeing the information he filled out, Liang Hui took him to meet them."

Luan Qing Xiao smiled, "That's perfect, then the two of us can safely enjoy our two-person world."

Nie Zhen'er pulled Luan Qing Xiao's hand and whispered, "Qing Xiao, why didn't they see through my identity?"

Luan Qing Xiao responded, "I have an ability that can only be used once, which can give them an illusion."

Nie Zhen'er nodded, "I knew you did something. Qing Xiao, you’re so amazing."

Luan Qing Xiao said, "How can you like me if I’m not amazing? In the future, I will become more and more powerful until I’m the only one in your eyes."

Nie Zhen'er blushed a little, "Right now, I already only have you in my eyes."

The two people sweetly strolled around the wide streets of the X Base. They bought some bedding, clothes along with some daily necessities and then returned to the house rented by Nie Zhen'er.

They live on the top floor of a 17-story building with elevators.

Liang Yan rented the house opposite of them.

The monthly rent was 1600 credits, while the utility bill was paid separately.

The furniture in the house appears quite new and has no dust visible on the surface.

Luan Qing Xiao still cleaned the room again with her abilities before organizing the bedding in the bedroom.

Since they were rushing on for half a month for X Base, Luan Qing Xiao and Nie Zhen'er haven't slept in bed for a long time.

To save time, they took a bath together (?).

After taking a shower, they changed into pajamas and fell asleep, cuddling.

When they woke up again, the sky was already dark. Luan Qing Xiao pecked Nie Zhen'er's ruddy red cheek and got up to freshen up.

The apartment they rented had three bedrooms and one living room, whilst one of the bedrooms was converted into a study.

Fortunately, Luan Qing Xiao found the pen and paper that she had forgotten to buy in the study. Then, she began to recall the breakthrough point in the development of the zombie virus vaccine.

Once Luan Qing Xiao started doing something seriously, she would become extremely focused. After she finished writing ten A4 papers, she looked up and found that Nie Zhen'er was awake. Who knows how long she had been waiting for her in the study?

Luan Qing Xiao organized the handwritten documents before standing up and asking Nie Zhen'er. "Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

Nie Zhen'er nodded and rubbed her stomach with one hand. "Originally, I was super hungry. But watching you work so hard, I suddenly became less hungry."

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