The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 78: CH 77

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When Luan Qing Xiao brought Nie Lin back, Nie Lin still had the same tube as in the hospital to help him eat and maintain nutrition.

Nie Zhen'er has been separated from her parents since she was a teenager, so she still had the appearance of her parents in her mind. However when she saw Nie Lin, she couldn't connect the person in front to her father.

Nie Zhen'er opened her pocket watch and compared the photo little by little with the person in front of her. "My father is chubby, pale skinned and dark headed. Look at him," Nie Zhen'er pointed to Nie Lin on the bed. "Scrawny to the point of only skin and bone, so many blood spots on the arms, gaunty skin and gray hair. He looks nothing like my dad."

Nie Zhen'er gently put her hand on Nie Lin's forehead. Feeling his slightly cool body temperature, a transparent liquid slipped from her eyes. "But somehow I know, he is my dad."

It took a long time for Nie Zhen'er to adjust her emotions. Luan Qing Xiao hugged her and kissed her tenderly on her red swollen eyes, "Don't be sad, Zhen'er, everything will get better and better. Look at your eyes, see how swollen they are. What if Uncle wakes up and sees this ugly you and doesn’t recognize you?”

Nie Zhen'er forcefully stopped her tears, "I, I won't cry anymore, I want to be pretty when my dad wakes up"

Nie Lin's current physical condition was not optimistic. He has experienced too much in the recent years. However, Luan Qing Xiao hoped he could wake up at least once to see Nie Zhen'er before he left so both would have no regrets.

And like that, Nie Lin moved in.

X Base doesn’t force ability users to perform missions, but the high cost of living in the base is not something ordinary people can afford without work. Some users still have to support their civilian wives and children, so many users end up participating in missions to support their family.

The No. 1 hospital requires a large amount of zombie virus to the vaccine, therefore X Base has one long-term mission: zombie fangs.

Ten fangs are worth one hundred credits. Generally, a zombie has two fangs in its mouth. Killing five zombies will not only get people five crystal nuclei, but also one hundred additional credits for the fangs.

Many ability users choose this task.

Wang Chang Hua led Luan Qing Xiao to visit the venom fang storage room in the No. 1 Hospital, which was divided into rectangular vertical barrels by glass. Half of which were teeth with the venom already extracted, while the other half were untouched teeth.

Wang Chang Hua took out a complete fang from the inside with gloved hands and showed Luan Qing Xiao the dark venom glands. "After the vaccine is developed, these venoms will be injected into the body of an ability user to test its effect. The No. 1 Hospital has already been secretly recruiting volunteers. Although there will be some risks, some sacrifices are necessary for the sake of humanity."

"All the volunteers are in good health and will receive a bonus of 10000 credits. If any accident happens to the volunteer, the base will compensate their relatives 200000 credits, which would be enough for them to live a good life at the base."

Wang Chang Hua seemed to see the compassion in Luan Qing Xiao’s eyes and smiled. “Those people who volunteered are all ability users who are incapable of giving their families a good life. They aren’t capable enough and the crystal nucleus they obtain is barely enough to maintain their basic life, meaning they are unable to improve their own power level. That makes it difficult for them to kill the increasingly powerful zombies. Instead of being bitten by a zombie someday, it is better to risk it for once. In case it succeeds, they can still depend on the 10000 credits to live in X Base for a year or two."

Luan Qing Xiao nodded, "Teacher, I understand."

Next, Wang Chang Hua showed her the refrigerating chamber again.

The refrigerating chamber was densely packed with venom that has been taken out of the fangs and stored into small glass bottles.

Someone called Wang Chang Hua and told him there was an urgent matter that needed his approval so he asked Luan Qing Xiao to take a look around by herself first.

Luan Qing Xiao picked up a little finger-sized glass bottle which seemed to contain only one or two drops of venom in it. Nevertheless, these two drops were enough to turn an ability user into a walking corpse.

【Ding! The sixth compulsory plot is about to arrive. Requesting Host to steal the zombie venom and inject it into the female lead's body. 】

Luan Qing Xiao: … … Will Zhen'er be fine?

【This current mission is the first one in the series of the last three missions. These are set up for the male and female leads to recognize the true face of Host’s role as the vicious female character. As the zombie king, the blood in her body is a hundred times more poisonous than the ordinary zombie venom. Thus, this bit of venom will not have any effect on the female lead~】

Luan Qing Xiao frowned. Although she knew this thing would not have any influence on Nie Zhen'er, she still was not very happy.

She placed the glass bottle in her hand into her pocket as well as a small syringe before turning around and exiting the refrigerator.

Heading out, Luan Qing Xiao met Wang Chang Hua. "Teacher, I suddenly remembered there’s something urgent at home that I need to head back for."

Wang Chang Hua was taken aback, "Go ahead, nothing important is going to happen today. If you don't have time, you can return to the hospital again tomorrow."

"Thank you, Teacher." Luan Qing Xiao left in a hurry.

Back home, Luan Qing Xiao found Nie Zhen'er in Nie Lin's room.

"Zhen’er, I have something to tell you." Luan Qing Xiao said.

Nie Zhen'er came over in surprise. "Qing Xiao, what business is this anxious? It's not time for you to get off work yet."

“Here, follow me." Luan Qing Xiao took Nie Zhen'er's hand and walked into the bedroom.

"Zhen’er, I don't want to lie to you. In a moment, I will inject the zombie virus into your body. I can't tell you the reason, but I promise it won't hurt you in any way. Will you trust me?"

Luan Qing Xiao peered at Nie Zhen'er nervously.

If Nie Zhen'er refused, she really won’t be able to follow it through.

Nie Zhen'er tilted her head, "Do I have to do it?"

"It must be done."

"Then alright, I believe you." Nie Zhen'er stretched out her arm. "I don't feel pain, so don't worry."

Luan Qing Xiao's throat tightened and suddenly couldn't speak.

Does her little baby just trust her that much?

Taking a deep breath, Luan Qing Xiao brought out the small syringe and the small glass bottle containing the venom from her pocket. After siphoning the venom into the syringe, Luan Qing Xiao carefully injected it into Nie Zhen'er's blood vessel.

Luan Qing Xiao's heartbeat sped up. She couldn't resist asking 520 again: Zhen'er really will be fine, right?

【Rest assure, Host dada, what accident could happen to the female lead~】

"Zhen’er, do you feel uncomfortable?" Luan Qing Xiao asked, concerned.

Nie Zhen'er closed her eyes to focus, "I’m alright, it isn’t as poisonous as my blood."

Only then did Luan Qing Xiao breathe a sigh of relief.

Because of the development of a zombie virus vaccine, the time Luan Qing Xiao spent in No. 1 Hospital became longer and longer.

Nie Zhen'er had already learned how to cook, so she planned to deliver lunch to Luan Qing Xiao at noon.

She made two dishes and one soup. Trying it out herself first, the taste is average, but it can be edible. Regardless, when she packed it in a thermos lunch box, she still felt a little sheepish.

What if Qing Xiao doesn't like it? Should she just go to the canteen and buy her food instead?

Nie Zhen'er wandered around in the canteen door for a while, and met Liang Yan who she hadn't seen for quite a long time. He was followed by a charming woman with big wavy hair and affectionate brows.

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"Zhen'er, why are you standing there and not going in?" Liang Yan was a little surprised when he saw Nie Zhen'er.

Recently, he has been trying to investigate the truth about his father's death while dealing with Han Xiao Tian at the same time. There was no time for him to think about anything else, even Nie Zhen'er's face was blurred a lot in his mind.

Seeing her again today, his previous affection seemed to penetrate from behind the mist and began to become obvious again.

"Captain, long time no see." Nie Zhen'er greeted, "Recently, Lieutenant been busy developing the zombie virus vaccine and don’t have the time to eat. Thinking about it, I decided to make lunch for Lieutenant. However, when I tasted it myself, the food didn’t taste very good. I feel bad about giving it to Lieutenant, so I was debating whether to buy something from the canteen."

Liang Yan furrowed his brows. "Does Zhen'er and Qing Xiao have a good relationship?"

Could it be that they...

The memories of their previous life flooded his heart, making Liang Yan's eyes filled with ice.

Nie Zhen'er smiled awkwardly, "Not really. I don't know why, but Lieutenant doesn't seem to like me very much. However, she still takes great care of me. I want to bring her a meal to thank her for taking care of me."

"Sigh, I don't know where I caused Lieutenant to dislike me. She always acts so cold towards me and wouldn’t take the initiative to speak to me unless necessary. Although we live together, we are almost like strangers." Nie Zhen’er was slightly disappointed. "I really don't know what to do anymore."

Liang Yan’s heart relaxed as his gaze eased up.

He knew Luan Qing Xiao would take care of Nie Zhen'er because of words. Although he didn't expect Luan Qing Xiao in this life to be this affectionate towards him, quite a pity.

"Captain, aren’t you going to introduce this sister?" Nie Zhen'er blinked, interrupting Liang Yan's conjecture.

This time it was Liang Yan's turn to be awkward. "Ah, her, her, her name is Deng Qi Mi, and she is, is my assistant."

In reality, Deng Qi Mi was the civilian fiancée arranged by Han Xiao Tian for Liang Yan. Liang Yan didn't want to tip him off, so he didn't refuse him. He even took Deng Qi Mi with him wherever he went to make Han Xiao Tian feel more at ease.

Meeting Nie Zhen'er outside the canteen like this made Liang Yan fully understand what an Asura battling field meant.

Liang Yan nudged Deng Qi Mi. Deng Qi Mi smiled and proactively stretched out her hand to Nie Zhen'er. "Hello, Zhen'er, I am Brother Liang's… … assistant, Deng Qi Mi."

Nie Zhen'er quickly shook hands with her.

"Nice to meet you."

Deng Qi Mi winked flirtatiously at Liang Yan and said softly. "Brother Liang, Chief Han is still waiting for us."

Liang Yan pursed his lips. He didn't want Nie Zhen'er to be seen by Han Xiao Tian, so he said to Nie Zhen'er. "Believe me, Qing Xiao will definitely not dislike the food you hand made. Hurry and go deliver it to her."

Nie Zhen'er nodded, "Then I will go now, Captain."

Liang Yan watched Nie Zhen'er's figure go further and further, which made his heart ache.

"Brother Liang, just now ren jia played the role of a domineering president’s coy assistant with you. Do I get any reward?" Deng Qi Mi teased with her red lips pouting.

Liang Yan smiled reluctantly. "Come on, let’s get going. We don't want to let Godfather wait too long."

Liang Yan entered the canteen first, while Deng Qi Mi suddenly changed her expression behind him. She glared sullenly in the direction where Nie Zhen'er was leaving.

Nie Zhen'er didn't pay much attention to this little episode. She  happily went to the No. 1 Hospital to bring Luan Qing Xiao lunch.

Entering the hospital, Nie Zhen’er saw hurried medical workers everywhere. She ignorantly walked to the front desk, "Hello, I want to find someone."

The little nurse at the front desk was an ordinary person. Hearing this, she raised her head and smiled, "Who are you looking for?"

"Her name is Luan Qing Xiao. I'm bringing her lunch."

The little nurse had a realization. "Dean Luan mentioned that her family member would come to deliver her meal at noon. I didn't expect it to be a little beauty. Come with me, I’ll lead you to Dean Luan."

"Thank you." Nie Zhen'er bit her lower lip and thought: Qing Xiao has only been here for a few days, and she has already become the dean. Sure enough, gold will shine no matter where it goes.

Qing Xiao was a diamond and is more dazzling than gold.

Nie Zhen'er followed behind the little nurse, and came to an area where they needed an ID card to enter. After entering inside, Nie Zhen'er saw there were many patrolling ability users. Feeling their sharp eyes swept over him, she couldn’t help but feel anxious.

The little nurse whispered in Nie Zhen'er's ear, "Don't be afraid. They’re only staring at you because you’re so attractive."

Nie Zhen'er blushed a little. "No way."

"Why not?" The little nurse continued. "To tell you the truth, I haven't seen a better-looking woman than you in my years in X Base."

As they were speaking, the two arrived at a tempered glass door. The little nurse announced, "Director Luan is inside. You can go in and find her, this is the far I can take you."

Inside the door were medical workers in white lab coats. Nie Zhen'er tried to find Luan Qing Xiao's figure, but she still didn’t see her even after a long time.

Nie Zhen'er tried to push open the door and the door easily swung open.

"Zhen’er, you’re finally here."

As soon as Nie Zhen'er walked in, she saw Luan Qing Xiao sitting on a chair next to the door.

It turned out she was sitting against the wall. No wonder Nie Zhen'er didn't see her.

Luan Qing Xiao stood up and grabbed Nie Zhen'er's hand to another place with a table. "Zhen'er, have you eaten yet?"

Nie Zhen'er shook her head and said embarrassedly. "I'm not familiar with cooking. It took a long time, so I had to hurry here after I finished it."

"Then come sit down, we can eat together."

Nie Zhen'er held her breath and watched Luan Qing Xiao open the lunch box. When the strangely colored dishes inside were revealed, her face turned red. She mumbled to Luan Qing Xiao, “It might not be very tasty."

Luan Qing Xiao grabbed a chopstick full and put it in her mouth. She chewed it carefully and smiled at Nie Zhen'er. "It suits my taste."

Nie Zhen'er glanced at her in disbelief. "Really?"

She quickly took a bite and swallowed with a grimace, "Bleh, it doesn’t taste good."

Luan Qing Xiao got up and poured her a glass of water. "Anyway, I think it's delicious. If you don't like it, I’ll finish it all by myself. You can go to the canteen to buy some more food and go home to eat it later."

Nie Zhen'er really couldn't eat the food she cooked. She obviously hadn't eaten anything extremely delicious in these apocalyptic days, so why did she have such a picky appetite?

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