The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 93: CH 89

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"... … Since Zhen’er has nothing to pay you back, can I not repay you back?"

Luan Qing Xiao: "... … "

"I am your Mistress, spoiling you is expected. I don't need you to repay me."

【Ding! The female lead has reached 20% favorability towards Host! Wow wow ⊙ω⊙~】

On the other side, Ying Yuan Yu waited in the back mountain until midnight, but still didn’t see Luan Qing Xiao. He could only leave with a dark face, feeling extremely livid.

Luan Qing Xiao, this woman, used to say that she loves herself and wants to become a Dao companion with him only because he can increase her cultivation base through dual cultivation. Now that he has been reborn into a body with a low cultivation base, she’s toying with him, which is simply too much!

Ying Yuan Yu returned to his residence in Righteous Peak and was up all night in anger.

The next day, Ying Yuan Yu came to Flowing Dream Hall, but was stopped by the outer disciples outside. Ying Yuan Yu questioned with a black face, "Why won't you let me in?"

The outer disciple awkwardly explained, "The palace lord is talking to people inside, and he specifically ordered not to let people in and disturb him. Senior Brother can wait outside for a little while."

Ying Yuan Yu should have controlled his temper, but he’s been suppressing his rage all night without letting it out. When he talked to the two outer disciples, he couldn't help showing a little displeasure. "No need." Then he turned and left.

The outer disciple on the left was taken back. "What happened to Senior Brother Ying?"

The outer disciple on the right snorted unhappily. "Even if he’s unhappy, he shouldn't vent the anger on us. Just because he’s the future palace lord of the Shang Qing Palace doesn’t make him any more superior."

After leaving Flowing Dream Hall, Ying Yuan Yu regretted his decision. He really shouldn't spread his anger towards Luan Qing Xiao on unrelated people. The positive image he had finally erected among his fellow disciples was destroyed just like that.

The longer Ying Yuan Yu thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He stopped his steps and planned to return to Flowing Dream Hal, at least to calm down the two outer disciples, so as to not let them spread negative rumors about him.

However when Ying Yuan Yu was about to turn around the corner, he heard the sentence from the outer disciple on the right, "Just because he’s the future palace lord of the Shang Qing Palace doesn’t make him any more superior," causing him to feel frustrated.

Before leaving Bai Ze Zong, Ying Yuan Yu secretly went to Bai Li Yuan Yu's cave and stole a few artifacts that no one knew about. One of them was called Spy Fly, which was the size of a fly and could enter all places without a trace to eavesdrop on information.

Ying Yuan Yu was not interested in knowing what Jing Meng Jun was discussing with the other person, but he was rather interested in spreading the news he heard. When the time comes, it would be unfavorable for the two outer disciples and definitely be punished.

Ying Yuan Yu released the Spy Fly. It flew into the Flowing Dream Hall along the crack of the door, and landed on the lampshade behind Jing Meng Jun.

"Qing Xiao, I heard that yesterday was your disciple's birthday. What plans do you have in the future?"

Ying Yuan Yu furrowed his brows: What does Jing Meng Jun mean? These two sentences have nothing in common.

"Palace Lord, yesterday I gave Zhen'er a Foundation Building Pill. This morning Zhen'er’s cultivation is already Foundation Building."

"You’re not using your disciple as a furnace?" Jing Meng Jun exclaimed in surprise.

Ying Yuan Yu: Using a disciple as a furnace? Was this disciple named "Zhen'er"?

"I never intended to treat Zhen'er as a furnace, Palace Lord should watch his words."

Jing Meng Jun laughed, "I thought you were still interested in that Bai Li Yuan Yu, so you insisted on finding a disciple with a Pure Yin Physique in order to improve his cultivation. It turns out that Senior Brother guessed wrong before. Haha, Senior Brother understands. Zhen'er is your disciple, not the furnace you raised for Bai Li Yuan Yu."

【Di D! Host dada, the male lead is currently eavesdropping on your conversation with Jing Meng Jun! 】

Luan Qing Xiao: … … How much did he listen to?

【He heard everything that he shouldn't have. 】

Jing Meng Jun, this blabbermouth, everything came from his mouth!

Luan Qing Xiao glared at Jing Meng Jun, causing Jing Meng Jun to puzzledly scratch his head. "Junior Sister?" A second ago, everything was fine. Why did Junior Sister glare at him for no reason?

"I have carefully observed Palace Lord’s face and discovered that Palace Lord is perfect everywhere..."

"I can’t help it, these are all natural." Receiving Luan Qing Xiao’s compliments, Jing Meng Jun’s eyes disappeared in a smile.

"There’s only one flaw." Luan Qing Xiao uttered quietly.

"Which is?" Jing Meng Jun questioned, touching his face.

"Your mouth is too big." Luan Qing Xiao turned and left Flowing Dream Hall after speaking.

Jing Meng Jun: "... …" Is my mouth really big? ? ?

Luan Qing Xiao returned to Luscious Spring Hall and found that there was an unexpected guest in Luscious Spring Hall.

"Ying Yuan Yu? How did you get in?" Luan Qing Xiao had placed a prohibition on Luscious Spring Hall, so only she and her three disciples could enter.

Ying Yuan Yu's expression was very strange. He fixedly gazed at Luan Qing Xiao for a while until Luan Qing Xiao frowned before saying. "Qing Xiao, you, why didn't you come to the back mountain yesterday?"

Luan Qing Xiao replied faintly, "It's nothing, I helped my disciple celebrate her birthday yesterday and forgot."

"Is it her eighteenth birthday?" Ying Yuan Yu asked in a hoarse voice.

"Why are you asking this?" Luan Qing Xiao appeared vigilant.

"I, I'm just, I'm just too excited. Junior Sister Qing Xiao, there is really only you in this world who would treat me sincerely. Starting today, I will wait at the back mountain every night for you." Until you gift me my furnace.

After Ying Yuan Yu finished speaking, he turned and strode away.

Luan Qing Xiao couldn’t understand what he meant: 520, what happened to the male lead?

【The male lead heard Jing Meng Jun’s words and thought when the female lead became of age, you would give her a furnace to him. Currently, he’s in a state of excitement~】

Luan Qing Xiao: … … He flatters himself too much.

Luan Qing Xiao didn't take Ying Yuan Yu seriously.

In the face of absolute strength, Ying Yuan Yu, who had seized that body, was nothing in front of her.

As a result, Luan Qing Xiao was personally slapped in the face by the system later that night.

【The second compulsory plot is coming soon. Requesting Host to feed aphrodisiac to the female lead after she comes to Luscious Spring Hall. 】

Luan Qing Xiao: Why should I do such a thing!

【Because the male and female leads will end up in a skin-to-skin relationship due to this. If you want to obtain the heart of a man, you must first get his body_(:з」∠)_】

【The normal plot should be that the female lead fled to the back mountain falling victim to the medicine and would coincidentally meet the male lead, thus...】

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Luan Qing Xiao: Stop, I don't want to listen.

After Luan Qing Xiao heard that the mission this time was to let her dose Nie Zhen'er with aphrodisiac, the anger in her heart couldn't be suppressed. She closed her eyes and breathed out, slowly calming herself down.

Luan Qing Xiao: The compulsory plot I'm going to do is just to drug her, right?

【Yes Yes. 】 520 stammered fearfully.

Soon after, Nie Zhen'er ran in from outside the hall, holding a long-necked wine flask in her hand.

"Mistress, see what this is? It’s the milk tea I begged someone to bring from the bottom of the mountain!" Nie Zhen'er explained to Luan Qing Xiao with excitement.

"Why is the milk tea in a wine flask?"

"That person brought back a big bucket, which I had to use my own container to take some. The only thing in my room that can hold the milk tea... … Mistress, how it’s contained is not important. Let’s try it together~"

Luan Qing Xiao took out two tea bowls from her storage. "Using this is the proper way to drink milk tea."

Luan Qing Xiao held the wine flask in her hand and seamlessly smeared the aphrodisiac on the edge of Nie Zhen'er's tea bowl, as she poured the milk tea into the two tea bowls.

The milk tea was still hot. As soon as it was poured out, a white mist mixed with a milky and tea fragrance rushed out of it.

Luan Qing Xiao picked it up and took a sip. Nie Zhen'er stared at her expectantly and asked, "Mistress, how does it taste?"

"Not bad." Luan Qing Xiao nodded, revealing a faint smile.

Nie Zhen'er immediately picked it up and also took a sip. After tasting the scent of tea and milk, Nie Zhen'er squinted her eyes happily, "Delicious!"

After the two of them finished the milk tea, Nie Zhen'er gradually became a little restless.

"What's the matter, Zhen’er?" Luan Qing Xiao caressed her forehead. "Your face is so red."

"Mistress, I don't know what's going on either. I feel so hot."

Nie Zhen'er's face was flushed, and there seemed to be pools of spring water in her eyes. Looking into her eyes, Luan Qing Xiao’s heart was about to melt.

Luan Qing Xiao stood up from her seat with her lips tightened. Next, she walked to Nie Zhen'er and carried her into the back hall.

There was only a Glacial Pond in the back hall, which was used by Luan Qing Xiao to train her mentality.

Carrying Nie Zhen'er, Luan Qing Xiao stepped directly into the Glacial Pond. When Nie Zhen'er's burning skin touched the cold and biting water, her feeling of comfortableness slowly eased.

"Mistress, I'm so uncomfortable." Nie Zhen'er closed her eyes tightly. Her teeth bit a blood stain on her lower lip.

"Mistress will be with you, don't be afraid."

"En, it's so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, uncomfortable!"

"Mistress, save Zhen'er."

"I feel so hot and cold. It’s so painful."

Luan Qing Xiao could only caress her long hair over and over again to comfort her. "It will be over soon. Don't be afraid, Zhen’er, don't be afraid."

(Attention! The two of them only soaked in the icy pond to cool down and did nothing.)

After a painful night, the medicinal effect in Nie Zhen’er’s body finally passed. She leaned weakly against Luan Qing Xiao's shoulder; her face pale, her thick black eyelashes soaked in sweat and her lower lips were filled with self-inflicted bite marks 

Luan Qing Xiao carried her out of the pond and changed her clothes with a wave of her sleeve. She placed her on the bed before leaning down and whispering. "Zhen'er, it's fine now. Go rest."

Nie Zhen'er nodded feebly and gently closed her eyes.

Later in the afternoon, when Chao Gan Yun and Hui Meng Tong came to Luscious Spring Hall and found the asleep Nie Zhen'er, Hui Meng Tong couldn't help asking. "Mistress, why is Senior Sister Zhen'er still sleeping?"

Luan Qing Xiao lightly responded, "Yesterday, she took the Foundation Building Pill. Her cultivation has reached Foundation Building, but her mentality couldn't keep up. I had her soak in the back hall’s Glacial Pond the entire night."

Hui Meng Tong didn't know what the Glacial Pond was, but Chao Gan Yun knew.

There was one time that she went to the back hall with Mistress once. Standing quite some distance from the Glacial Pond, she could still feel the bitter chill that far away and even shivered all over. Mistress was actually willing to let Nie Zhen'er soak that cold water all night?

"Is Junior Sister Zhen'er's body okay?" Chao Gan Yun worried.

"Don't worry, Mistress has been guarding by her side last night. She’s fine."

Nie Zhen'er was unconscious for three whole days before she woke up.

After opening her eyes, she only felt refreshed. Her movement getting up the bed was very agile. "Mistress?" The Luscious Spring Hall was pitch-black without even a single light candle lit.

Nie Zhen'er thought she had only slept for one day.

"Zhen'er, you’re awake." Luan Qing Xiao waved her hand to light up the candles, and a pale yellow light illuminated the whole hall.

"Mistress!" Nie Zhen'er pounced into Luan Qing Xiao's embrace.

"Be careful, still so reckless even when you’re already eighteen."

Nie Zhen'er tilted her head to look at her with a smile and remained silent.

Luan Qing Xiao sighed helplessly. She sat down on the ta with her arms around her, "You slept for three days, how do you feel now?"

Nie Zhen'er was shocked, "Three days? I thought I slept for one day."

"Right now, I feel great. Last night, no, it should have been three nights before, I was terribly uncomfortable. I thought I was going to die. Now I have recovered completely. I even think that if I do it again, I will definitely not be as flustered sitting in that cold pond."

"There you go." Luan Qing Xiao bopped the tip of her nose, "The Glacial Pond can not only train the body, but also train the mentality. Although you are still at the initial stage of Foundation Building, your body and mentality have already reached the same quality as someone at Golden Core."

"But Mistress, why did I suddenly feel so uncomfortable that night?"

Faced with Nie Zhen’er pure apricot eyes, Luan Qing Xiao said with a face full of righteousness. "Everyone will experience it once after their eighteenth birthday. Don't worry about it too much. Since it has already passed, no need to think about it again."

Nie Zhen'er nodded, "It turns out to be like this."

"Mistress, how did you overcome that time? Did Mistress's master also take you to the Glacial Pond?" Nie Zhen'er questioned curiously.

Luan Qing Xiao: "... … No, at that time your Grand-Master was in retreat, I made it through myself." Sure enough, if you tell a lie, you’ll need countless lies to make up for it.

"Zhen'er," In order to prevent Nie Zhen’er from asking any more difficult questions, Luan Qing Xiao butted in. "Ten days later, the Snowy Gale Secret Realm will open. You’ll be heading in with Mistress."

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