The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

Chapter 1: 0

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Kaiton rode fast, the black satin cape flying with him. It was early at night, but the village at the southern border was quiet. There were no people on the streets, and no light leaked out of their houses. The village was holding its breath. It was because yesterday was the “day” that everyone was afraid of.

Once every six years, a star of disaster appears in the kingdom. On that day, darkness swallows everything. The light in the world, the magic power, the blessing of God disappears, and only the castles were left excited. It was only one day, but people crouched down scared by the darkness. After holding his breath quietly, he waited for the energy of the horse to run out. It was a golden opportunity for Kaiton, who had to move secretly.

Only one house in the village was lightened up. It was a place where an unfortunate man who was born with great Pasio but could not show off his talent lived.

What was his name? I think it was something like…

Kaiton thought of the man’s name for a while and then quit. Because it doesn’t matter who he is.

Kaiton came to see this man to take his things back. If the man is lucky, he will die tonight, and if he is unlucky…

“He’ll become a demon.”

Knock, knock.

Who is it at this night?

The man whose name Kaiton was trying to think of stared outside in surprise at the unexpected knock. It wasn’t late, but it wasn’t a good time for a guest to visit. Liam carefully opened the old wooden door, wary.

“Who are you, here on a Night of Mourning?”

Liam, who opened the door without checking who the other person was, was surprised and his body hardened, falling into the thought of completing the magic work quickly.

I think the Devil has come to the front door of my house.

As the smooth glossy black mask moved toward his face, goosebumps sprang up from his spine.

“I came to get back the things that I lent you.”

All I could see through the black mask was black eyes.

I thought that those sad eyes were that of a Devil, but I could hear a human being. Again, the black cape fluttering in the wind proved he was human.

However, Liam needed a lot of time to accept that the cold eyes that did not feel warmth were human eyes like him.

“B…I can’t believe you lent me this. Who are you? I didn’t get anything from My Lord. Did you get the wrong person?”

Kaiton strode into the small house and stood in front of a small desk. On the desk, there was a magic sheet filled with numbers stretched out which Liam had been working on.

“That’s pretty good. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to complete it.”

There is no way that the three-stage complex magic, in which the four magic are intricately intertwined, could have been grasped in that short time. Liam thought the unidentified man came to steal his masterpiece.

“Oh… How can you say that? It’s about to be completed. I don’t know who you are, but I can’t invite someone I don’t know as a guest on a mourning night. So, please go back.”

Liam opened the door and waited for Kaiton to leave. Then he couldn’t stand it and secretly put his hand in the pocket of the old vest pocket. It was only when when the broken piece of bead stabbed his fingertip that he felt relieved.

It was all thanks to the sculpture of the bead that Liam was able to draw a three-stage complex magic picture that would be a masterpiece of his life. It was only a fragment of a small piece of bead, but its power was enormous.

The sculpture amplified his magic power explosively, allowing Liam to draw four superimposed three-stage magic. I had to pay a huge amount of Pasio, but it was not a waste. He considered it the luckiest thing to happen in life to have this sculpture in his hand.

“Aren’t you going out? Should I call the guard?”

“I’m sure I said I’m here to find mine what is mine.”

Black eyes flashed through the bizarre mask. It was darker and colder than the darkness of the night when the star of disaster rose.

“I can’t believe it’s yours…! What the hell do you mean borrowing…!”

Liam tried to deny the idea that came to mind while gasping.

That can’t be… I can’t have…

Kaiton, who noticed Liam’s realization, snorted and nodded.

“That’s right. I’m here to find the piece of Ur that you cherish in your pocket.”


Liam wriggled as if lightning had struck him.

‘’A Fragment of U-Ur! W-What are you talking about? I have n-never t-t-touched such a p-peculiar thing! I can s-s-swear by the light of devotion of S-Sharan and Three Deities who watch over the k-kingdom.’’

Liam moved his stiff tongue and stuttered. Although he struggled to pretend to be calm, his heart was already beating like crazy.

‘’ ‘I swear to Sharan… ‘ Why didn’t you swear to my name? If you had, I would have shown mercy in gratitude for taking my life.”

Kaiton smiled fishily as he saw the man turning white as if he was dying. I didn’t think it would be easy, but I felt bad after hearing the false oath that mentioned the names of the unpleasant.


As if representing Kaiton’s mood, a cold wind blew and scratched Liam’s arm. The sloppy windows of the old house did not stop the strong wind blowing on a quiet night.

“Really… Really… the lord is that person?’’

Liam struggled to pronounce the name of the disaster that came to him with his dry throat.

“Devil King Uru.”

“Yeah, I inherited that ugly name.”

* * *

Liam desperately ran along the windy southern border.

I couldn’t rest for a moment because the devil was closely following me.

From the moment I got my hands on Ur’s sculpture, I thought this day would come someday. Either caught in the eyes of Sharan and executed, exhaust Pasio to become a demon, or chased by the devil Ur.

However, I had never imagined that the devil was a human being.

No. Could a person with such eyes be called a human being? Did I hear a bad joke?

Liam quickly ran away and poured attack magic on the King following him.

He said he was the same person, so he thought it would be worth a try. In addition, don’t I have a sculpture of Ur? It was ironic that he tried to press the devil with the power of the devil, but when he amplified the mana and attacked, it seemed that even Ure could not easily overcome it.

However, this was only a delusion created for Liam.

Kaiton was only driving Liam slowly to exhaust everything all the way to the last Pasio. Attack moderately enough to avoid and chase moderately enough not to lose hope. The more magic Liam uses, the more Pasio will accumulate in the sculpture.

Eventually, Liam, who was running to the southern desert, grabbed his chest and collapsed. His face, shaking his teeth as if it were cold, turned white. It was evidence that his Pasio was running out.

‘’It’s time to end this.”

Kaiton, who was approaching slowly, bound Liam’s shadow at once. Liam resisted with a growl, but it was impossible to get out of Kaiton’s grasp, who had no intention of playing around.

“Don’t come! Don’t come!”

Liam poured magic into the approaching devil again, but just now, he didn’t get hurt even a little. Because Kaiton no longer allowed it. Liam realized that he had been completely played.

“What the hell are you…? Are you really a human being?’’

“Yes, that’s right. Human. Kalin Ur is like my grandfather’s grandfather’s-grandfather’s-grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather.’’

“Kalin Ur is…You were a human? Ha… The identity of the devil that confused the world is human… Don’t make me laugh. Then what the hell is this? What is this immense power if it’s not the power of the devil?.”

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Liam opened his bloody hands and looked down at Ur’s sculpture. There was a saying that the bead was the heart of the devil Kaylen Ur, and there was also a saying that it was the spirit of the devil. So, It said that if Pasio was offered to the marble, he would be able to lend the power of the devil.

Liam confirmed it himself. The power of King Ur, who sucks in his Pasio and lends tremendous power. But it was hard to believe that the devil was a human.

“The sculpture of Ur is Kalin Ur’s Pasio.”

“Ha… Are you teasing me? I can’t believe it.”

Pasio was a symbol of human beings.

Humans were the only beings in the world with Pasio.

It was Pasio which allowed God’s warmth to be breathed in so that weak humans could borrow and use Mana, the energy of God. Thanks to the breath of God that warms the heart, humans can use mana.

The devil, the king of the spirits is the devil. If Ur was really the devil, he could use Mana freely, so there could not have been Pasio in him.

“Believe it or not, It’s your choice.”

Kaiton shrugged and snorted, and took the piece of Ur out of Liam’s pocket which was bound to the shadow. It was easier than stealing candy from a child. The sculpture shone and Pasio flowed into Kaiton.


Kaiton satisfactorily relaxed his shoulder and back muscles at the infiltration. The amount of Pasio, which was collected by the fearless Liam in the sculpture, was enormous. With this amount, it seemed that sufficient Pasio would remain even if you waste away an amount equivalent to a Castle.

“You collected it so diligently. All right, I’ll give you a chance. Run away, far away. By now, Sharan’s tracking team must be chasing you, but if you’re lucky, you can survive.”

Liam, who was released from the shadow, grabbed Kaiton’s arm rather than running away.

“You think I’d just let the devil go? I’ll hand you over when Sharan’s Pursuit team come.”

“Ha… That’s amazing.”

“Hmph, you want me to run away? I don’t even have Pasio anymore. My life is over! If you catch the devil and hand him over, you will be recognized for the ball. Maybe I’ll be given a reward.”

“Very foolish.”

Kaiton frowned at the foolish wizard who did not notice who Sharan’s chase team was running towards. He hated noisy, incompetent, and stupid people.

“What about this? I’ll tell Sharan who I am.”

Kaiton slowly took off the mask he was wearing on his face.

Seeing Kaiton’s beautiful but crazy smile, Liam’s eyes opened with surprise.

“You’re… You’re definitely…! Cough…”

After recognizing Kaiton’s face, blood poured out of Liam’s mouth, who was shocked.

Without chanting a long spell, and without any magicians with him, Kaiton had pierced Liam’s chest so easily. It was certainly an incredible magic skill for a human. Blood poured out of the perforated chest.

“You should choose. Bleed to death or cast a recovery spell on yourself. Although, if Pasio runs out while casting the recovery spell, you’ll become a demon.”

“You’re definitely…Khak-khack-kack…Kai Crawford!’’

“Yeah, that’s right. Now I live under that name.”

Kaiton laughed. The Demon King Ur, who Sharan was having so much trouble looking for and was wandering everywhere to find, was a court wizard who saw him regularly. He’ll be surprised when he finds out.

“If you manage to live and tell Sharan who I am, that yellow-hair’s face will be worth seeing, right?”

Shiny greed crossed Liam’s eyes. He held Kaiton’s arm tightly and cast a healing spell on the hole in his blood-pouring chest. He knew there was not much left of the Pasio in him, but if he didn’t treat himself anyway, he would have become a Demon.

The white light created by healing magic created a deep shade on Kaiton’s face. The pale light shining under the chin closely shone on the delicate muscles of the face which had a gloomy smile.

“Oh, my. It wasn’t enough.”

Kaiton shook his hands and knocked out the demon hanging to them. Liam eventually lost all of his Pasio and became a demon. The monster with the unpleasant appearance of hardened white ash clumped together would be unpleasant to look at any time.

Kaiton picked up the mask while shedding a fishy smile and disappeared into the dark. Sharan’s pursuit team arrived immediately at that moment, but Kaiton had already disappeared.

* * *

Kaiton recovered another piece of Ur and only returned to the palace the next morning. The intense sunlight at dawn made it difficult to distinguish the identity of the person walking towards the main gate of the Royal Palace.

“Who’s there?”

The guard at the main gate asked.

When a huge man with a dangerous atmosphere approached without an answer, the guards pulled out their swords and formed a battle formation. The man’s indescribable sense of overwhelming power, even though he was just approaching, kept the guards on high alert.

“Mr. Crawford?”

When a security guard recognized Katon’s face hurriedly greeted him, other security guards who pulled out the sword also vaguely lowered the sword.


When Kaiton said hello in a relaxed manner, other guards also put down their swords. They belatedly recognized Kai Crawford, a genius wizard who uses all four-attribute magic for the first time in the history of the kingdom.

However, suspicious expressions were not easily erased from the faces of the guards. Even if they didn’t recognize the face, the fear they felt was real. But the identity of the man was a wizard who opened a portal and studied in the court. It was hard to understand why he felt so murderous that his spine stood still.

“You seem to have been military disciplined this morning.”

“I’m sorry. You were mistaken for someone else because the morning sun was strong.”

“Who did you think I was? Why did you make those expressions?”

Actually, He was so scared that he thought the devil, Ur, was coming towards him.

“Haha, it wasn’t to that extent.”

The guard scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

“Where are you going on the mourning day?”

“For a while…I was getting ready to greet the saint of the oracle. It’s the first time in 12 years that one appeared.”

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“Ah, the wizards must be busy without time to even mourn. Isn’t it amazing? Rovelia Dachini became a saint. Isn’t it the first time in history? A daughter of the Guardian family becoming a saint.”

“She’s still a candidate. Isn’t there one more person there?”

Kaiton’s face, with a fading smile, quickly grew cold when he recalled the blue hair.

“Muriel Storm.”

“Ah, there was also that young woman.”

He nodded half-heartedly as if he didn’t need to hear the security, but Kaiton’s eyes flashed with anticipation. It was all because of the Oracle that he hurriedly visited Ur’s sculpture.

The next saint will save the kingdom of Bulrion with the judgement of Sharan.

He was trying to destroy the kingdom, so the appearance of a saint could not have been welcomed, but Kaiton had some expectations.

What kind of expression will Muriel, who has a more sensitive and nervous face than anyone else and only makes an indifferent look, make when he gets his hand on Ur’s sculpture? The fact that Kaiton could see that pale face again gave him chills in his spine.

“I’m awaiting the young ladies’ entrance to the Palace. What kind of young girl will become a saint…I’m looking forward to it.”

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