The Villain Has Reincarnated To Commit One Last Sin

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 – The One Who Bears the World’s Hatred (1)

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〈Arc 1- The Moon Illuminates the Darkness〉

The One Who Bears the World’s Hatred (1)


[Congratulations! All the conditions to unlock the hidden path have been met...]

[The 'Essence of False Sin' System has been activated!]

A loud buzzing echoed in my brain, while a female voice reached my ears.

"Ugh!... I feel like my head is going to explode."

Due to the loud sounds I heard earlier, my consciousness regained and my eyelids started to slowly rise.

However, the sight that came to my eyes was not a ruined castle or a sky covered in blood.

"Well, at least I didn't come back in the middle of a conversation like last time..."

I was in a gloomy-looking room. Dilapidated looking furniture, a ceiling that looked like it might fall off at any moment, the hardwood floor had a few loose boards, and the book shelves were a bit dusty.

As my eyes explored every corner of the bedroom, I managed to notice the faint trail of light that illuminated a small part of the place.

"Seeing as the flame in the lantern is still burning brightly, I must have recently gone to bed."

There was not much to see in the room, at first glance it could be concluded that it was a room for rent in some inn. Why? That's because of the noise coming from downstairs and the smell of beer wafting through the door.

I honestly didn't much care what kind of place I was currently in, after all, my skills are more than enough to deal with troublesome people.


"I feel like my body is quite heavy, besides, everything around me seems to be bigger than usual..."

Pushing aside the annoyed thoughts that had begun to pop into my head, my attention focused on the floating window that covered my view.

"So this is what my ancestor was referring to in the writings he left behind..."

[Essence of False Sin]

[You, who despite being a descendant of the 'Original Hero', set the world on fire, turning it into darkness. You secretly bore the weight of countless evils upon yourself and witnessed the sacrifices of the people you loved the most.

You chose the path of evil to do good. Unfortunately you suffered a lot, but you have been given a new opportunity. Once again, become the worst scum and prevent the world from falling!]

Looking intently at the content that was written, the corners of my lips turn up slightly.

"Can this really be considered a new opportunity?"

I couldn't help but scoff at the words visible in the window. However, I didn't bother or anything like that.

The ancestor had already left some documents that contained information about the hidden path that he manages to unlock by going through the 'curse'...

"System, show me my status."

Before getting caught up in my thoughts, I decided to familiarize myself with this new 'skill'.


[Name: Naell Khaz Lightstorm]

[Age: 16]

[Level 1]

[Ability: Strength 201 (E) / Stamina: 180 (F) / Speed: 250 (E) / Mental Strength: ??? (???)/ Luck: 430 (D)/ Mana: 165 (F)]

[Mental State: Fatigue, Determined, Calm]

[Physical Ability: Weak]

The screen in front of me was replaced by another, but unlike the previous one, the current window didn't contain many words, rather, it was simpler, and there were numbers that seemed to classify some of the content.

"16!?... Shouldn't she be about to turn 19...?"

My eyes widened and confusion filled my mind. I didn't quite understand what was going on, I was also taken aback by how low my stats were.

As far as I knew, I should have come back a week before my birthday and my age should be 18 not 16. It was the first time something like this had happened to me, but no matter how hard I tried to think, I couldn't come up with an answer.

"This... System, did something go wrong with my regression?"

He was honestly quite confused. Although the forefather left various documents regarding the 'Essence of False Sin', he hadn't set a fixed return date, but I thought it would be the same as my other 'returns'.

<There was no problem host. You have returned months before the fulfillment of the first sin>

A female voice was present in my head. The tone with which she replied was soft and calm, if others could hear her, her hearts would beat fiercely at the satisfying feeling she gave you.

However, at this moment he was not focused on that voice, but on the answer he had heard.

"So the contract I signed... disappeared!?"

My heart was pounding and I couldn't stop my lips from forming a smile. A great hope filled my entire being, after all, I had always dreamed of being able to finish the cycle to which I was chained.

<It's something different, the contract you made is still in place, but since it's considered a condition for awakening the 'Essence of False Sin', so the System decided to seal it, you'd better take a look at it yourself, host>

Due to the not so clear answer I got, a gleam of confusion appeared in my eyes. However, in the midst of my uncertainty, a loud buzzing echoed in my head and a new information window appeared in front of me.

[Spiritual Quality]

[Soul Condition: Lord (Sealed*), Mortal]

[Blessing: Regress (Sealed*), Moon's Veil (???), Sacrificer (A), Shadow Ally (C)]

[Curses: Incarnation of the Seven Evils (Sealed*), Bringer of Misfortunes (S), Mortuss Vita (???), Arrival of Death (S), Hated by the World (S), Dreamless Only Nightmares (A) and 6 more]

I blinked due to my current confusion, but, that only lasted a few seconds, as I quickly started reading what was written on the screen that just appeared

As my eyes roamed over the content appearing on the floating window in front of me, a frown crept onto my face.

"Hmm... I didn't expect that except for my 'curse', the other curses would also be present... Even the few [Blessings] I got in my previous life are present."

[Regression] and [Incarnation of the Seven Evils], are the two stigmas I received upon completing the 'Test of Inheritance' that every child of the Lightstorm family must go through.

It could be considered a 'rite' that serves to differentiate the talented from the unskilled. This also varies depending on the person, taking into consideration the memory and the level of the soul in which they are.

However, there is only one phenomenon that occurs if you pass or fail the test. This is granted to all equally and is impossible to revoke once it is placed on the person who passed the rite.

The Chain Mark...

"...System, how is it possible to seal vestiges that were tied directly to the soul and not suffer the adverse reaction of the 'seal'?"

<Mainly due to the status given to you as the host of the 'Essence of False Sin'>

The trail of confusion again filled my mind, but, I decided to keep asking to see if I could get something that I could hold onto to draw some conclusions.

"Condition?... Is there a difference with my other regressions?"


The 'Original Hero' mentioned him in the documents he wrote. People with the ability to travel to a certain preset point in the past.

According to him, they were beings that due to Karma, both bad and good, that was accumulated over the years, were granted the ability to go back and try to change the 'misfortunes' that befell them.

Revenge, remorse, revolution, promises, etc.

The cases vary depending on the person who has gone through this. However, my situation is different from others.

<The difference centers on his 'curse'...>

That was the answer left by that lovely voice

What makes me different from the rest of the regressors? Well...

That would be my first stigma, Incarnation of the Seven Evils. It was supposed to be something I would live with for the rest of my life or at least until I fulfilled the mission that was given to me.

There are only two types of stigmas, blessings and curses, but the way they can be awakened is varied. However, this is only applicable in the first type of stigma.

The only two known ways to awaken a curse is by earning the hatred of some God... or through a Tainted Blood Pact.

The latter is mainly based on the use of the human body as a vessel for an evil being. Not only that, but it will also cause the mint to fall into a state of corruption that will engulf you in madness and despair.

Eventually, the soul will be covered in a grotesque darkness and will slowly be consumed by the cursed stigma it gained.

Sure, this was completely different for me. After all, the being you sign the Pact with is unlike any God or Devil you've ever met before.

"Right, there's no way 'he' didn't realize-"

Before he could finish muttering to myself, the sound of heavy banging could be heard coming from the heavily damaged door.

A state of confusion filled my mind, however, I didn't have much time to think about what was happening, as seconds later, a cold and hoarse voice could be heard outside the room.

"Is young lord Naell Khaz Lightstorm...?

Several doubts appeared in my head, but I decided to put them aside for the moment, since I was focused on what the words that came from the other side of the door.

"It's about the information he asked us, we're here to deliver it."

When I heard the voice mention 'information delivery', my chaotic thoughts stopped, while a small memory popped into my head.

"If it's before the first sin... Then there can only be one occasion where I stayed at an inn and 'bought' information."

Coming to a realization of what was happening, I slipped my hand through the floating window and let out a tired sigh.

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"Well, it looks like my talk with the System is going to have to be delayed until I get out of this place..."

With that said, I got up from the bed I was lying on and walked to the center of the room. This 'information delivery' was something completely different from what one would think.

Standing in the middle of the bedroom, I raise my eyes slightly and stare at the ceiling. Then, I pass my gaze through the window that was in the room, the door and the walls.

"Hmm... There should be about 20, no, there were also the people on the first floor, right?"

My memory wasn't completely accurate, so I could only make an approximation of the people outside the bedroom.

Why? Well, that's because of the special day that I was 'lucky' to come back to.

"If it were earlier, I could easily deal with all of them, but right now I'm in no condition to fight anyone."

While I was still thinking of some kind of strategy, the knocks were heard again from the door along with the hoarse voice I heard a few seconds ago.

"Young lord Naell!?"

I noticed the uncertain and doubtful tone that was in his words.

The door handle began to turn abruptly, but due to the lock that was on, the entrance could not be opened.

"Seeing that I don't answer, they're going to force their entry..."

Seeing that there wasn't much time before the people outside entered the room, I made my thoughts race.

"I'll be in terrible pain, but... It's the best option I have so far."

Having already obtained the solution and regained my resolve, I slowly closed my eyes, while beginning to sharpen each of my senses.

A loud cracking sound reached my ears, but I put it aside and continued to maintain my concentration. Soon, under my feet it could be seen how parts of my shadow were taking off from the ground.


Those were the last words that came out of my mouth, before being held by strange extensions that came out of my shadow and plunged into the depths of darkness...

The only thing I could hear before being completely swallowed by my shadow, was the deafening noise of the door being smashed and that voice I heard in the middle of my conversation with the system.

"Damn!... Quickly start searching the whole place!"


Inside the bedroom where Naell was previously, four figures could be seen who have their appearance hidden under hooded robes.

"We have already checked the entire place, there is not a single trace of their presence in this area."

"I couldn't get anything either, I tried to read his mana traces, but the faint trace that had disappeared completely."

Those responses came from two of the four presences in the room.

Their voices were distorted, so you couldn't tell if they were male or female.

However, the build of both were very different, the first being quite tall and corpulent, while the second was slim and his height was a little shorter than average.

"Hmm... there's no way he knew about the situation. Do you know if the information was leaked?"

This question was asked by the mysterious figure that was in front of the other three.

He seemed to be the leader of the group in the bedroom. The strong pressure he released from his body was capable enough to make one tremble in fear.

But, undeterred by this, the only figure in the bedroom that he hadn't spoken to until now stepped forward and said:

"About that sir, I already used magic on the villagers, but there was nothing more than a trace of being attacked by him the night before"

At the information revealed, the presence that seemed to be the leader pulls his hood and reveals his face that was hidden by the garment.

The face of a man in his mid-40's could be glimpsed. He had dark colored hair with some gray on the sides, his eyes were brown and there was a scar drawn from the top of his right eye to the bottom.

He also had a somewhat short beard that grew above his mouth, on his chin, and around both cheeks. However, on her nose you could see an extensive scar that began to cover both cheekbones of her face.

If anyone saw him, he would tremble at the sight of the terrible injuries he presented on her face, but the other three cloaked figures seemed to be indifferent to this.

"If that's the case, then I can only think that he managed to figure out that someone was after him."

Once he said this, the fierce-looking man took out a letter from her robe and calmly opened it.

"At least this won't be as boring as I expected..."

[Execution Call]

Target: Naell Khaz Lightstorm

Those who have a certain skill and are deemed capable are given the order to assassinate the target within a time limit of 48 hours. It does not matter what type of method is used, as long as they manage to fulfill the mandate.

There is no restriction on the person or group that gets it. Nor will it be considered a crime and they will be exempt from any action of offense towards the Lightstorm Family.

Rule: Only people who are at the limit of level 6 or at the beginning of this level are allowed to participate, while magicians must be in the final stage of the 5th circle.

[Regal Nate Von Lightstorm.]

When he finished reading the letter, the man's expressionless face darkened, while a flash of coldness consumed his gaze.

"I know the guy is rubbish, but to think that even his own father would increase the difficulty and leave aside the alternative of 'bringing him back alive', that guy really doesn't measure the consequences of his actions, does he?" .

The other three presences in the room seemed to be carefully watching the fierce-looking man's expression. None of them said anything, but they had the same thought as the person in front of them.

Noticing the sudden change in atmosphere, a tired sigh escapes from the man's mouth and he hides the letter in his robe again.

"Well, whatever the case may be, we can only accept our task"

As he said this, the bodies of the three cloaked men tensed and his posture became firm.

Seeing this, a small smile spread across the man's scarred face, but this lasted only a short time, failing to be visible to others.

"Tell the others to spread out and search around. He's only just entered 'Warrior' rank, so it won't be too hard to catch up with him if he's escaped."

"Also comment on the possibility of the brat possessing a 'Guardian', it's better if we're prepared for any situation."

At the man's orders, the cloaked figures simply lowered their heads and said in unison.

"How do you order, captain!"

And, as if they had never been there, they disappeared from the place, leaving only the fierce-looking man in the room.

The man's eyes close slowly and then, three seconds later, he begins to speak using a cold and threatening tone.

"I know you're still in this room..."


There was no response to his comment, however, this did not anger him.

"It seems you have a few tricks, but keep in mind something child"

The fierce-looking man began to walk toward the shattered entrance. Next to him, a strong sense of terror and death appeared around him.

"No matter what you do, nothing will stop my sword from reaching your heart..."

Leaving that last comment, he slowly leaves the room and heads towards the first floor of the inn.

But, once he fully exited the building, a strange phenomenon occurred in the room where he was previously.

From the wall that connected to the bedroom on the right, a strange black substance could be seen forming.

As time passed, its size grew, creating the silhouette of a person.

And, after a few seconds, a hand began to emerge from the mysterious figure created by the blackened substance...

(A/N: I'm so sorry I couldn't upload chapters the past two weeks, I had problems with the exam week, but I've already solved it, hehe~
Well, more than anything I wanted to say that I thank the few readers I have for sticking with me. I hope you continue to enjoy the chapters that I upload and we make this novel grow more!
Thank you once again for everything, from your dear author White Tusk)

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