The Villain Runs Wild

Chapter 9: CH 9

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Ch 9 - Second Generation Ancestor x Illegitimate Child: Embrace

Lin Sui hadn’t finished drinking that cup of snow-topped passion fruit, his taste buds were resisting it.

He didn’t take it back from Yan Qin’s hands, letting him take it along to school.

Yan Qin dazedly stared at that snow-topped cup all along the way, although Lin Sui had clearly long since gotten into another car and driven away, it seemed that he was still inside his mind.

The curl of a cream-coloured tongue, the smile that seemed to be absent, and the wantonly arrogant words seemed like cold light reflected on a snow-white sword without a scabbard. Anyone who tried to touch it would be injured, but it was hard to resist the lure of wanting to posses this exceptional treasure.

Yan Qin tried to retrieve the embarrassment he felt from that initial humiliation, but no matter how much he recalled, all he could think of was Lin Sui’s soft lips, his flexible tongue that was like a swimming fish, and the intertwining, deadly colours.

Those memory fragments were like floating light skimming over the golden surface of the water, like a fish with silver scales leaping out.

He was a gorgeously coloured poisonous butterfly, a beautiful snake that coiled around people, an existence that should clearly be hated and avoided, but people were unable to stop themselves from sinking into his alluring trap.

“A-Yan, why do you seem distracted? Why is there still cream on the tip of your nose?”

Tao Ting looked at the person that was absent-minded for the first time, waving in front of Yan Qin’s eyes.

Yan Qin was pulled away from his train of thought and suddenly came back to his senses, only now discovering he’d unconsciously taken his seat at class.

He used the back of his hand to wipe the cream from the tip of his nose, and the image of Lin Sui approaching appeared in front of his eyes again, his tongue brushing past him, his crow-feather eyelashes quivering under his eyelids.

Tao Ting helplessly asked: “Why are you getting distracted again, did something happen?”

Yan Qin controlled his expression and shook his head: “No.”

“That’s good, then. Oh, right, what about the little grandfather? Why didn’t he come?”

“It’s normal for the young master not to come,” Chu Feng pouted, and asked Yan Qin, “Do you have time today? Take a look at that code.”


Yan Qin originally wanted to go back home that afternoon and ask Lin Sui for instructions before leaving the villa again and finding a place to look at the code, but after school was dismissed, that car didn’t come to pick him up.

The light of the setting sun illuminated the tree leaves on both sides, and the street was desolate.

From his pocket, Yan Qin took out that bracelet of the same material as the chain on his neck, watching it flash, and put it back into his pocket.

Had he already gotten bored?

Perhaps being a too-obedient pet had worn down his sense of novelty.

Yan Qin narrowed his eyes, he wasn’t going to wait for a car that may or may not be coming anymore, so he turned around and went to Chu Feng’s house.

“Run it twice if there’s no problems and see the results, get in touch with me later if there’s something wrong.”

Yan Qin looked at the time on his wristwatch, grabbing his bookbag and heading outside.

“Hey, your homework, where are you going in such a hurry? A-Yan, you’re in a bad state today.”

Chu Feng called out to stop Yan Qin, taking his maths homework and stuffing it into his bookbag. Yan Qin had never been so reckless in the past.

Yan Qin said thanks and left without explaining.

It was almost the time when he usually bathed, and he didn’t feel like wiping himself dry after, so he would definitely get angry if he went to sleep completely wet.

When Yan Qin hurried back to the villa, the lights on the second floor were still not on.

“Has the young master not returned?”

Yan Qin saw the hands on the watch pointed to 10 o’clock, and frowned slightly.

The servants that stayed behind nodded. Yan Qin put his bookbag down on the living room, then grabbed a book and stared at it in a daze.

Inside a private room with flickering, dazzling lights, Lin Sui was in the middle of drinking.

He had returned to the Lin house in the afternoon, and again responded to his parents’ and grandparents’ inquiries that he was sure he wanted to take the college entrance exam, then spent the afternoon with a problem solving book.

He just had to recall his memories, so rather than staying at the school it was better for him to look at the question banks on his own. That evening, when he was preparing to go home, he was called by Yan Zhou to come out and have a drink, saying it was for Song Yunqing’s welcoming party.

Lin Sui came, but Song Yunqing had still not arrived by the time he got there.

“Yunqing is still on the road, A-Sui, we’ll drink first.”

A fresh and pure model and a pretty and flirtatious model squeezed against his sides, holding wine cups and wanting him to drink from them.

Although the original owner didn’t play with women, he also didn’t refuse a beautiful woman’s attention, but Lin Sui was not the same.

He fixed his attention on the wine inside his cup, and spat out two words: “Go away.”

There was no signs of anger on his expression, but the colours on his beautiful face took on a colder and more evil appearance under the lights inside the private room.

The women by his sides didn’t want to run into the little ancestor’s cross-hairs, so they very consciously ran into other people’s arms.

“A-Sui, this is an apology wine from those people, but they’re still resting at the hospital and didn’t come, and they’re afraid of bringing you bad luck by appearing in front of you. Those two are gifts, it’s fine if you don’t want them.”

Yan Zhou politely poured some wine for Lin Sui, watching his face as he spoke.

Lin Sui held the cup and slowly sampled it, the wine was certainly very good.

Seeing Lin Sui drinking the wine, Yan Zhou carefully asked his next question: “They said you were giving that bastard a chance to vent his anger and allowed him to beat them, was it like that?”

When Yan Zhou had just heard this, he felt it was ridiculous. How could Lin Sui give that lowly bastard his support? Obviously that bastard should get trampled into the mud. He knew Lin Sui’s nature, he didn’t refrain from making people be his dog, so how could he be protecting Yan Qin?

Yan Zhou dared to theorise that, if Lin Sui also had an illegitimate younger brother, his methods would absolutely be a hundred times more ruthless.

“Vent his anger?”

Lin Sui seemed like he had just heard something funny, and raised the sound on that final syllable.

“A dog has to be beaten by his master, they hit my face, and I still think I went too easy on them.”

Lin Sui shook the liquid inside his cup, his tone was cold.

When Yan Zhou heard these words, he felt there was something wrong. This was certainly in keeping with the young master’s style of doing things, Yan Qin became his dog, and other people touching him without permission would indeed provoke him, but when he sent Yan Qin over he wasn’t hoping for him to have an easy time, so why was it that now they weren’t allowed to touch him?

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But the young master had always been overbearing, Yan Zhou could only console himself by thinking that, in light of the young master’s temper, Yan Qin would surely be having a wretched time.

“Why is it that I hear about fighting just as I come in? Who made our young master unhappy?”

A clear and bright male voice was heard from the doorway, and a young man pushed the door open and entered. He was wearing casual clothes and his long, silver hair was tied behind him, he seemed to have a refined temperament.

“Yunqing! Come and sit here!”

Yan Zhou waved, pointing to the seat next to Lin Sui.

“Irrelevant people.”

Lin Sui responded lazily, leaning against the sofa and watching the man sitting near him.

Song Yunqing had a good appearance, out of their crowd of rich kids, he was the most outstanding person.

As far as the original owner was concerned, they were good brothers, but regarding Song Yunqing’s opinion, that may not necessarily be the case.

Song Yunqing’s disguise was not careful at all, and the moment he leaned over, he was able to detect the ice floe underneath his smiling expression, even though it had been fleeting.

In the plot given to him by the System, the original owner would frantically look for trouble with Yan Qin later, and in the end become cannon fodder for Yan Qin, and this good brother contributed much to it.

Of course, from Song Yunqing’s point of view, he was naturally just renouncing the darkness and seeking the light.

Lin Sui actually had no problems with his actions, after all, in the later stages the original owner had been a bad character, and Song Yunqing’s choice had been the right one, but now the one sitting here was Lin Sui, not the original owner.

Since he didn’t like the original owner’s behaviour, but was still able to patiently coax him, he really had been suffering in silence.

Song Yunqing looked at Lin Sui under the lights, cold indifference written all over his black eyes, and his heart leapt inexplicably.

“What’s wrong, A-Sui? You look depressed. I was gone for a little longer this time, but I didn’t forget to bring you gifts.”

Song Yunqing pulled out a box wrapped in black velvet from his bag, and inside there was a pair of diamond stud earrings.

This face was Lin Sui’s own, but his body retained the traits left behind by the original owner. The original owner had pierced ears, but never particularly wore anything, which was the same for Lin Sui.

If it had been Yan Qin who gifted these to him, Lin Sui most likely would accept, but not so from Song Yunqing.

He looked sideways at Song Yunqing and carelessly said: “Nipple piercings? Maybe I would have thought they were a gift if you had put them on yourself.”

The original owner had this kind of nasty behaviour, but he usually toned it down when it came to Song Yunqing. Lin Sui would not, if he was playing the character anyway, he might as well just go all out.

The surrounding people couldn’t help but cheer, and some even urged Song Yunqing one: “Young master Song, did you hear? Young master Lin suggested you should throw yourself at him.”

Song Yunqing laughed: “All right, young master Lin, lie down first, I’ll be there.”

Lin Sui raised his eyebrows: “Forget it, I’m afraid your words are a little hard to follow.”

His contempt was written all over his face, Song Yunqing controlled his smile and helplessly said: “Are you still joking with me?”

But Lin Sui didn’t feel like bickering with him: “To tell you the truth, you’re not my type.”

Yan Zhou saw the atmosphere was stiff, and was afraid those two would start fighting right then and there, so he immediately urged them to drink.

“Okay okay okay, Yunqing just came back, let’s drink everyone, let’s drink.”

Yan Zhou grabbed his cup and muttered to Song Yunqing: “You were away for so long this time, A-Sui is upset, and it’s also normal for him to be a little vulgar, don’t argue with him.”

Song Yunqing’s eyes were cold, and he smiled: “How could I be angry with him?”

He was actually thinking that tonight’s Lin Sui was particularly interesting.

Everyone drank and drank, and someone brought up the matter of Lin Sui skipping a grade.

“The Seniors are about to graduate, young master Lin, you skipped a grade, where are you going to study?”

Lin Sui casually answered: “Wherever the exam results take me.”

Once these words came out, everyone in the private room went quiet.

Everyone seemed to have heard a joke, but didn’t dare laugh, and no one dared mock him. The person who asked bit the bullet and said a few words of praise, and the atmosphere eased a little.

“You skipped a grade? You’re taking the exam?”

Song Yunqing was unable to conceal the amazement in his eyes, it seemed that something had really happened in the time he was gone to make the young master have such a change of heart.

Lin Sui propped up his head and looked at him: “Do you want to make a bet with me?”

“The same bet as before?”

Song Yunqing spoke in excitement. Their bets in the past had been that the loser would be the winner’s servant1 for a month, Lin Sui had never won, but he refused to admit defeat and loved making bets with him.

“Let’s make a new one. You can make a request to the other party, within limits.”

Lin Sui knew Song Yunqing would be interested in this wager.

Song Yunqing lit a cigarette with a smile on his face: “I’ll bet with you.”

At 11 o’clock, Lin Sui returned to the villa.

The alcohol made him stumble a bit, a servant went to help him, but Lin Sui waved him away and walked in on his own.

Yan Qin went downstairs when he heard the car, and supported Lin Sui’s unstable figure.

A servant opened his mouth, but seeing the young master didn’t reject the other, closed it again.

Yan Qin originally wanted to help Lin Sui go upstairs, but seeing Lin Sui’s fixed gaze on him, he didn’t move his feet.

Yan Qin pondered for a second, and an unbelievable idea emerged in his mind.

He tentatively embraced the young man’s flexible waist, then picked him up into his arms.

Only then did the young master withdraw his gaze in satisfaction, and tiredly closed his eyes.

端茶倒水 lit. serve tea and pour water. It means to help someone with their daily tasks (e.g. serving their tea and then pouring out whatever is left) but is can also be used to mean being an ‘errand person’ for someone. 

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