The Villain Will Become Stupid If He Doesn’t Pamper Me

Chapter 11: 11

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Ch11 - Mr. Gu does it still hurt?


When the scars heal, the essence of human beings is to forget the pain. Pei Xian cocked his tail in delight when he received the project’s final payment, completely oblivious to the project’s ongoing maintenance risks. 

(TN: if I am correct here it implies that Pei Xian who received money from boss Gu forget about boss Gu and neglected Mr Gu) 

Because of the various small animals in the courtyard of the old Gu family house, which opened the door to a new world for him, the memory of going to the zoo in his previous life still stays when he can only be hugged by his parents.



Yes, Pei Xian decided to go to the biggest safari park on the outskirts of the city to make up for the fucked up life in his previous life. 


Gu Han returned home and knelt for his mother’s live broadcast. Throughout the process, however, his mother never asked him about their hasty departure. Boss Gu’s face was blank, and he didn’t dare to inquire. He had the impression that his mother was putting off a big move. After all, how can there be no movement after two days of oppression?  



Boss Gu paid a lot of money to buy the old house’s bodyguards, fearing that his mother would build an atomic bomb behind closed doors, and his heart was at a loss as a result of the old lady’s recent preparations to go up to the mountain to worship the Buddha, but he happily plunged into the Land King project.



One is busy making money, the other is busy spending money, and they both leave early and return late. 


Going home and seeing an empty and unoccupied living room, Boss Gu broke down and quit first. 



“Since the little quail had received the money, he didn’t even bother to kiss and hug. Later, his quail would not bother to greet him” Gu Han said aloud to no one. 


Gu Han was contemplating his miserable situation when he noticed a commotion at the gate: a group of tour groups wearing sportswear, sun hats, and carrying backpacks walked into his house’s gate. Gu Han rubbed his temples as he watched this group of people get closer and closer, wondering if he was hallucinating.


The closed management of the Bolin Road villa area is a rich people’s paradise from the media because no media can enter here. This can’t be turned into a tourist attraction in broad daylight, can it?


Gu Han waited for this group of monsters and ghosts to enter the living room one after another, Gu Han opened his O-shaped mouth and still didn’t close it until the leader, Uncle Lin, called out respectfully, “Master!”


“You, you, you???” Gu Boss’s cu was smoking, and his aunt, cook, bodyguard, and housekeeper stood all over the room.



After playing wildly all day, Pei Xian with a tanned face flashed out from behind, “Mr. Gu, we went to the wildlife park to catch tigers.”


“What? Fishing tigers??!” Gu Han exploded on the spot!


Uncle Lin asked everyone to return to their respective rooms before he began to explain to the young master who was full of question marks, “Master Pei hired us to play together at the zoo. The zoo specially prepares tigers for wild training and predation, which is called fishing tigers.”


 “Oh…” Gu Han suddenly realised something. He turned around to look for Pei Xian, but to his disappointment, there was no one standing. The little quail had long since disappeared like a runaway ginseng doll.


Gu Han frowned and muttered, “Uncle Lin, it’s not what I said, you are still making trouble with little brats at such an age.”


“No, master, it was you who said let us play with Master Pei more, and not let him be alone. Don’t you remember master?” The old housekeeper was confused.


“Going out isn’t a problem, but why do you have to go out all the time? What should I do now? Who will accompany me?” As Gu Han stated, the lower his voice gets, and in the last two sentences, grievousness is discernible.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktf biv tberfxffqfg qgfafcvfv ab yf raeqlv. Lf qea tlr tjcvr ab tlr fjgr jcv jrxfv ibevis, “Zjrafg, ktja vlv sbe rjs? P kjrc’a jyif ab tfjg sbe!” 


“…” Xe Ljc aegcfv jgbecv lc fwyjggjrrwfca. “P rjlv P kjca ab ajxf j yjat!”


It’s been three days, three full days! The little quail didn’t even come over to say hello to him!

My whole life is about to perish! Gu Han thought for a while before changing into bright lake blue home clothes. As he stroked his hair in front of the mirror a few times. He looked to his left and right face before spraying on the perfume.



“P’w cba ublcu atfgf obg qfgrbcji gfjrbcr, P’w ublcu obg …… atf mbecags, Tfr la’r obg atf mbecags, jcv atf mbwwbc qfbqif’r kfiojgf!” Xe Ljc weaafgfv j ofk kbgvr, geyyfv tlr tjcvr jcv alqabfv jcv rcfjxfv abkjgvr Ufl Wljc’r gbbw. 


 “Xianxian…” Gu Han slowly opened the door. 


The sleeping light was turned on in the room, and the fluffy light grey carpet was dyed with an ambiguous gold edge. A comfortable big bed was empty in the dim room, and there was the sound of rustling water from the bathroom. 


Gu Han tiptoed to the bed and sat down, pressing the extremely elastic mattress with both hands, looking right at the bathroom door so that when the deliciously washed little quail emerged, it would be a sight to behold, ah! It will undoubtedly be an amazing sight! Gu Han feels like he could write a poem just thinking about that scene!


Pei Xian finally felt like a single body after a day of playing and taking a hot bath. All he wants to do now is lie down in his comfortable bed and sleep soundly. He began to nod off simply thinking about sleeping. He made the decision not to blow his hair. He staggered out of the bathroom after fumbling to turn off the bathroom light. 


After an eternity of waiting, the bathroom door finally opened, revealing the figure Gu Han had been waiting eagerly for. But… Why isn’t the scene exactly as he imagined it?


Pei Xian comes out of the bathroom with his head bowed. His slightly long hair was dripping wet and stuck to his face. Because his long hair almost completely obscured his face, he straightened his hands and took a step forward while shaking his entire hand. His entire figure resembled a zombie as he walked towards his bed. 


“…” Boss Gu’s boyish smile faded as he stared in horror at this scene. All of a sudden, the zombie’s feet stumbled, and a big zombie fell straight in front of him!


Pei Xian awoke startled the moment he lost control of his body. His two paws pushed forward, attempting to grab something to keep him from falling. 


“Ouch!!!!!—” A miserable howl pierced the night sky and echoed for a long time.



Gu Han’s eyes welled up with tears, and the man tried his hardest to keep them from falling with his last shred of dignity. 


Pei Xian tightly gripped Gu Han’s thigh with two claws, leaving four visible scratches on the fabric.


“Mr. Gu? What brings you here?” Pei Xian awoke completely, sitting on the carpet and staring at Gu Han with wide-eyed innocence. 


Boss Gu’s lips trembled for a movement, “Please… first… let go…”

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Pei Xian realised his hands were filled with human flesh. In fear, he immediately released the tender flesh and hid his hand behind his back. 


“Ah, hiss…” Gu Han rubbed his hands together and curled up on the bed, his voice trembling from the pain.


Looking at the trembling boss on the bed, Pei Xian was at a loss, and for the first time, he felt he was on the verge of being fired. “Mr. Gu, where are you experiencing pain? Show me, I’ll blow it off for you?” 


“Don’t touch me…” 


“You are a person sent by God to kill me!” Gu Han said as he lay on the bed, his head deeply buried in his arms. 


What should he do now that his boss appears to have given up on him? Pei Xian paused for a moment before climbing onto the bed and kneeling beside Gu Han. Pei Xian’s normally unconcerned face was filled with sadness, and he dared not move in any situation.



Boss Gu secretly opened his eyes to look at the little devil after the excruciating pain subsided and he noticed that the entire room was dead silent. Great! He was probably a few inches away from becoming a monk, and if that happened, he’d have to leave the beautiful widow kneeling beside him. Hey, looks like the little quail almost cried. 


Gu Han’s heart twitched, he gritted his teeth, endured the numbness and he sat up “I’m fine, I don’t blame you for it?”

Just as he finished talking, suddenly he was tightly hugged by Pei Xian. 


Pei Xian, on the other hand, was overjoyed. The large sum of money that appeared to have been lost was eventually recovered, “Mr. Gu is all my fault, You don’t want me now.”


Ah! You see, my home will last forever! Hee hee hee! Gu Han hugged Pei Xian back and patted his waistcoat and said matter-of-factly: “I would die without you, I would never dare to think about this.” 


Ah! My little house, car, and puppy have all been saved! Hee hee hee! Pei Xian reflected as he rubbed his wet face all over Gu Han. Finally, Pei Xian got out of bed and ran out to get the medicine box, saying, “Mr. Gu, let me apply medicine for you.”




Gu Han wore light, loose clothing. Pei Xian easily rolled the trouser to the thighs. He discovered four blue and purple claw marks after rolling up Gu Han’s pants. Pei Xian doubted he’d ever be able to get rid of the marks if it were for his fair-coloured skin.


Pei Xian was very guilty after seeing the marks. After all, he used to live like a fairy and never touched anyone. How could he have harmed people in this way?


“Be patient, Mr. Gu; I will use medicine sparingly.” Pei Xian rubbed the medicated oil on his palm slowly before applying it to Gu Han’s thighs with care.



Boss Gu’s face was solemn as if he would never be hurt even if he was scratched with poison but in his heart, he was “hissing” loudly. Looking at the warm palm, gentle movement, and lively atmosphere, he really wanted to grab the little quail’s slender little hand and kiss it badly! When a drop of cold water landed on Boss Gu’s hot skin, his racing heart instantly calmed.



Pei Xian’s hair was still wet, and the heat from the bath had long since dissipated.


Boss Gu quickly grabbed the bath towel beside the bed and wrapped it around Pei Xian’s head. “Sleeping without drying your hair, aren’t you afraid of getting water in your brain?” he said seriously as he began to wipe the little quail’s hair. 


Pei Xian lifted the towel with his hand and said “You’re blocking my eyes!”


“All right, you can apply ointment and I’ll carefully wipe it for you.” Gu Han said perfunctorily without pausing his movements. 


The charming atmosphere has vanished, and now one was busy rubbing the legs of the other while the other was busy drying the hair. Both of them were like cripples helping each other. Setting a positive image full of socialist core values. 


Before wiping his palms, Pei Xian made sure to generously rub the oil on the bruises. When he was finished, he laid his head down on Gu Han’s lap to take advantage of the automatic head-wiping service. After a while, as he was about to fall asleep, he asked, “Mr. Gu Is it still painful?” 


Gu Han noticed Pei Xian was dozing off. He said helplessly and softly, “It doesn’t hurt, go to sleep.”


The soothing voice was like a switch, indicating that the body and mind could be completely relaxed, and Pei Xian quickly pillowed Gu Han’s legs and fell asleep. 


Gu Han reluctantly placed Little Quail back under the quilt, smirked at the innocent sleeping face for a moment, then turned off the light and walked out of the room. His phone vibrated as soon as he walked into his room, and he picked it up… But, to his surprise, Xiao Yuhang sent him another message. The message was a screenshot of the guest list, which only framed the names of Gu Han and Xiao Yuhang. The screenshot only has the words “What a coincidence” underneath it. It doesn’t appear to be actively flattering, nor does it appear to be cold and unfeeling. Everything appears to be a fateful arrangement, and Xiao Yuhang, as usual, is well-versed in flattering skills.



Every September, famous foundations in China host a large-scale charity dinner to honour business, political, entertainment, and arts leaders who have made charitable contributions throughout the year. Both are well-known in the industry, so it’s natural for them to be invited. But it was no coincidence that Xiao Yuhang messaged him, Xiao Yuhang just wanted to ask him (Gu Han) if he would attend tomorrow. This was because Xiao Yuhang would cover up the embarrassment of overtures. After all, Xiao Yuhang is a white moonlight in Gu Han’s heart. How can Xiao Yuhang take the initiative to approach a mortal? 


Gu Han had become quite familiar with Xiao Yuhang’s little tricks and careful thinking after his rebirth. The initial excitement and admiration were long gone, leaving only disgust.


Xiao Yuhang’s return to China seems to be earlier than his last life. According to the development, he came for the second male lead role of the annual super production “Imperial City”. This drama provides an opportunity for Xiao Yuhang to return to China and grow. In his previous life, Xiao Yuhang returned to China to make a smooth domestic comeback and forcibly acquired one of the film and television company roles in which Gu Han invested. Thinking about the other has betrayed Gu Han over and over.  


Unpleasant memories surged up like waves, and Gu Han stared coldly at the phone, a contemptuous smile on his face, and moved his fingers to reply to the message. [See you soon. Smile jpg]



The next day, Gu Han had a packed schedule. The vice president and assistant drove to his home to pick him up because there was a company’s new product launch event in the morning and a charity dinner in the evening.

Pei Xian rarely woke up early, but after a quick breakfast, he packed everything he needed for the trip and took the entire staff with him.

Mr. Gu, who had tidied up decently, stood at the door with a heroic posture and watched the little quail run past him (Gu Han) with the camera in his arms, “Pei…” forget about looking in his direction, little quail didn’t pay any attention to him.

After a while, Pei Xian ran down the stairs again, and Boss Gu took advantage of the opportunity and waved his hands, “Pei Xian, I’m leaving.” 

The little quail turned around and ran into the kitchen, completely ignoring Gu Han like the wind. Gu Han drew his hand back, turned to his assistant, and asked, “Excuse me, am I still on Earth?”


“Mr. Gu, You are still on earth”


Gu Han, refusing to give up, asked the vice president next to him, “Uncle Wu, can you still see me?”

 “Boss, I can see it.” The vice president replied with integrity.


Gu Han nodded reluctantly and sighed, “It’s getting hard, I’m about to fall out of favour…” Boss Gu, who had never been out of favour, had finally had a taste of being out of favour and sadly walked out the door.

The assistant and vice president were left staring at each other in disbelief. Their boss appeared to be ill! 




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